Matthew Almond, BSc (Reading); DPhil (Oxford) Head of Department Senior Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry Tel: +44 (0)118 378-8454 Fax: +44 (0)118 378-8450 Email: My current research interests centre upon the application of physical methods in analytical chemistry, especially with regard to Environmental, Earth and Archaeological Science. The principal technique that I use in my research is infrared spectroscopy. This research is carried out in collaboration with colleagues from the School of Human and Environmental Sciences in particular Drs. Wendy Matthews and Stuart Black. Archaeological Science My work has focussed upon the identification and analysis of materials and objects from a number of important sites. These include mineralised seeds, fruit skins and maggots from the Roman town of Silchester where the mineral is identified as a carbonate-substituted hydroxyapatite. The work has allowed the mechanism of mineralisation to be explored. Organic residues from pottery from Silchester and the Bronze Age site of Gatas in Spain have been studied using the NERC mass spectroscopy facility at University of Bristol and the usage of pottery thereby determined. In these cases infrared spectroscopy is shown to be a very useful screening method. I am also working as part of the international team studying the Neolithic site of Catalhoyuk in Turkey. I am carrying out a detailed study of plaster samples from the buildings at this site, studying the origin and production of the plasters and am looking at samples from middens including coprolites and plant phytoliths. Micromorphological work is important here and several experiments have been carried out at the Daresbury laboratory. I am currently advising on the construction of the infrared beamline at Diamond to ensure its usefulness for archaeological research. In a very recent study I am investigating pottery and phytolith samples from one of the earliest known Lapita sites in Fiji in collaboration with University of South Pacific. Above: Mineralised maggot from cess-pit at Silchester site; Right: Infrared spectra recorded from a thin section of mineralised maggot using the infrared microscope at station 11.1 at the Daresbury Laboratory. PhD Student collecting samples at Catalhoyuk, Turkey. Earth and Environmental Science Recent work includes the monitoring of heavy metal pollution in the former mining areas of Devon Great Consoles, UK and Rio Tinto, Spain. The elemental and mineralogical content of a range of water, solid, sediment and mineral samples is determined by a range of methods. Infrared spectroscopy is used with other techniques to identify mineral samples. Two specific studies have been the transport of arsenic at Devon Great Consoles and the effect of mixing of low pH waters on metal concentrations at Rio Tinto. Iron-rich water at Rio Tinto mining area in Spain Forensic Science Recent work has focussed on two areas: (i) the identification and characterisation of gun shot residue by a combination of Pb isotope studies using ICP-MS and organic residue analysis using LC-MS-MS; (ii) a study of the etching of fingerprints into metal surfaces at high temperatures. This work is carried out in collaboration with the scientific unit of the Northamptonshire Police. Recent Publications 1. S.D.M. Allen, M.J. Almond, M.G. Bell, P.Hollins, S. Marks and J.L. Mortimore, Infrared Spectroscopy of the Mineralogy of Coprolites from Brean Down: Evidence of past Human activities and Animal Husbandry, Spectrochim Acta, Part A, 58, 2002, 959-965. 2. S.D.M. Atkinson, M.J. Almond, P. Hollins and S.L. Jenkins, The Photodimerisation of α- and β- forms of trans-Cinnamic Acid: a Study of Single Crystals by Vibrational Microspectroscopy, Spectrochim Acta, Part A, 59, 2003, 629-635. 3. N. Goldberg, J.S. Ogden, M.J. Almond, R. Walsh, J.P. Cannady, R. Becerra and J.A. Lee,Reactions of SiCl2 with N2O, NO and O2, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2003, 5371- 5377. 4. S.D.M. Atkinson, M.J. Almond, S.J. Hibble, P. Hollins, S.L. Jenkins, M.J. Tobin and K.S. Wiltshire, An in-situ time-dependent study of the photodimerisation of chloro-derivatives of trans-cinnmaic acid using infrared microspectroscopy with a synchrotron radiation source, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2004, 4-6. 5. K.S. Wiltshire, M.J. Almond and P.C.H. Mitchell, Reactions of hydroxyl radicals with trichloroethene in argon matrices at 12 K, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2004, 58-63. 6. J.L. Mortimore, L-J.R. Marshall, M.J. Almond, P. Hollins and W. Matthews, Analysis of red and yellow ochre samples from Clearwell Caves and Çatalhöyük by vibrational spectroscopy and other techniques, Spectrochim Acta, Part A, 60, 2004, 1179-1188. 7. R.Becerra, N. Goldberg, J.P. Cannady, M.J. Almond, J.S. Ogden and R. Walsh, Experimental and Theoretical Evidence for Homogeneous Catalysis in the Gas-Phase Reaction of SiH2 with H2O (and D2O): A Combined Kinetic and Quantum Chemical Study, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 126, 2004, 6816-6824. 8. N. Goldberg, M.J. Almond, J.P. Cannady, J.S. Ogden, R. Walsh and R. Becerra, The Gas-Phase Reactions Of SiCl4 and Si2Cl6 with CH3OH and C2H5OH: An Investigation by Mass Spectrometry and Matrix-Isolation Infrared Spectroscopy, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 6, 2004, 3264-3270. 9. L-J. R. Marshall, J.R. Williams, M.J. Almond, S.D.M. Atkinson, S.R. Cook, W. Matthews and J.L. Mortimore, Analysis of Ochres from Clearwell Caves: the Role of Particle Size in Determining Colour, Spectrochim Acta, Part A, 61, 2005, 233-241. 10. M.J. Almond, S.D.M. Atkinson and L.J-R. Marshall, Analytical Chemistry Makes the News, Educ. In Chem., 42, 2005, 39-41. 11. R. Becera, S-J. Bowes, J.S. Ogden, J.P. Cannady, M.J. Almond and R. Walsh, Time-Resolved Gas-Phase Kinetic and Quantum Chemical Studies of the Reaction of Silylene with Nitric Oxide, J. Phys. Chem. A, 109, 2005, 1071-1080. 12. R. Becerra, S-J. Bowes, J.S. Ogden, J.P. Cannady, I. Adamovic, M.S. Gordon, M.J. Almond and R. Walsh, Time-Resolved Gas-Phase Kinetic and Quantum Chemical Studies of the Reaction of Silylene with Oxygen, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 7, 2005, 2900-2908. 13. M.J. Almond, S. Eversfield and S.D.M. Atkinson, A Window on the Past, Chem. Ind., 2005, issue 14, pages 15-17. 14. S.L. Jenkins, M.J. Almond, S.D.M. Atkinson, J.P. Knowles, Gas-solid reactions of single crystals: A study of reactions of NH3 and NO2 with single crystalline organic substrates by infrared microspectroscopy, Spectrochim Acta, Part A, 62, 2005, 1131-1139. 15. S.L. Jenkins, M.J. Almond and P. Hollins, Gas-solid reactions of single crystals: A study of the reaction of bromine with single crystals of trans-cinnamic acid and a range of its derivatives by infrared and Raman microspectroscopy, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2005, 7, 1966-1970. 16. E. Subasi and M.J. Almond, Thermal Decomposition of Hexanitronickelate(II) hydrate, Thermochim. Acta, 2005, 429, 227-231. 17. S.L. Jenkins, M.J. Almond, S.D.M. Atkinson, M.G.B. Drew, P. Hollins, J.L. Mortimore and M.J. Tobin, The kinetics of the 2 pi; + 2 pi; photodimerisation reactions of single-crystalline derivatives of trans-cinnamic acid: A study by infrared microspectroscopy, J. Mol. Struct., 2006, 786, 220-226.