We first meet Aaron in the Bible when he is: 1. a baby being hidden

7645 Winton Road, Cincinnati, OH
Sunday School 10 am Worship Service 11 am
ed. Debbie Wright spally4@yahoo.com 9/07/14
Think Outside The Box
What is it?
Jessica Holland– Sept. 7
Bob Cook– Sept. 8
Colt Lane– Sept. 8
Horace Hovis– Sept. 10
Cole Miller– Sept. 10
Stephen Knox– Sept. 11
Crystina Stevens– Sept. 11
Sam & Annie Varughese
Sept. 11
We first meet Aaron in the
Bible when he is:
1. a baby being hidden from
2. speaking to Pharaoh’s
daughter about a Hebrew
nurse for Moses.
3. writing down the Ten Commandments
4. appointed by God to help
Therefore if any man be in
Christ, he is a new creature:
old things are passed away;
behold, all things are become
new. 2 Corinthians 5:17
Paradox - Two physicians.
Parasites - What you see from
the top of the EiffelTower.
Pedestrian - An endagered species.
Period - A comma that curled
up and went to sleep.
Pharmacist - A helper on the
Piggyback - A lost pig is back
Pigment - A mint plant grown
to feed hogs.
Pineapple - An apple that grew
on a pine tree.
Polarize - What penguins see
Polite - A light on a pole.
Polygon - A parrot that got
Primate - Removing your
spouse from in front of the TV.
Put-down - To hot to handle.
He should have fed them also
with the finest of the wheat:
and with honey out of the rock
should I have satisfied thee.
Psalm 81:16
When I think of a rock I think
of a hard object. Rocks can be
dangerous. But rocks can also
be positive. Some people collect rocks. We talk of something being “rock solid” when
we mean something is good or
strong. Here God is promising
to provide for us not just with
a mediocre amount, but with
the finest wheat He has. He
says He can bring honey from
a rock – mirroring the truth of
Him bringing water to the
parched Israelities from a rock
in the desert. We have all
tasted honey. It’s sweet. Here
God is saying that from the
difficult times in our lives He is
making something sweet.
When we go through trials it
may feel like nothing good will
ever come out of it. It may
feel like the rock overpowers
our lives, but God is using the
rocks in our lives to not just
produce honey for us, but for
many others as well. When
life seems hopeless and desperate we have only to cling to
Him and His promises.
One day my mother was out
and my dad was in charge of
me and my brother, who is
four years older than I am. I
was maybe one and a half
years old and had just recovered from an accident in which
my arm had been broken,
among other injuries. Someone had given me a little tea
set as a get-well gift, and it
was one of my favorite toys.
Daddy was in the living room
engrossed in the evening news
and my brother was playing
nearby in the living room when
I brought Daddy a little cup of
"tea," which was just water.
After several cups of tea and
lots of praise for such yummy
tea, my mom came home. My
dad made her wait in the living
room to watch me bring him a
cup of tea, because it was
"just the cutest thing!" My
mom waited, and sure
enough, here I came down the
hall with a cup of tea for
Daddy and she watched him
drink it up. She then asked,
"Did it ever occur to you that
the only place that baby can
reach to get water is the toilet?"
Answers: # 4 – Exodus 4:14,
and knight mare.
If you could kick the person in
the pants responsible for most
of your trouble, you wouldn't
sit for a month.
Theodore Roosevelt
Let's find out just how clever
you really are. Ready?
First Question:
You are participating in a race.
You overtake the second person. What position are you in?
Answer: If you answered that
you are first, then you are absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second person and
you take his place, you are
second! Try not to mess up in
the next question. To answer
the second question, don't
take as much time as you took
on the first question.
Second Question:
If you overtake the last person, then you are...? Answer:
If you answered that you are
second to last, then you
are wrong again. Tell me, how
can you overtake the LAST
person?! You're not very good
at this are you?
Third Question:
Very tricky math! Note: This
must be done in your head
only. Do NOT use paper and
pencil or a calculator. Try it.
Take 1000 and add 40 to it.
Now add another 1000. Now
add 30. add another 1000.
Now add 20. Now add another
1000. Now add 10. What is the
total? Did you get 5000? The
correct answer is actually
4100. Don't believe it? Check
your calculator! Today is definitely not your day. Maybe you
will get the last question right?
Fourth Question:
Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2 Nene, 3. Nini,
4. Nono. What is the name of
the fifth daughter? Answer:
Nunu? NO! Of course not. Her
name is Mary.
Organize jewelry on a corkboard for easy viewing when
deciding how to accessorize an
Repurpose an old picture
frame as a serving tray.
Fill an old box with skewers to
make an all-purpose knife
Hang onions in cut-up tights or
old stockings to make them
last for months.
When a recipe calls for frozen
raspberries to be drained, save
the juice. It makes a refreshing drink when mixed with a
quart of orange juice.
Store cupcake and
cases in a mason jar.
Remove pet hair from furniture
and carpets with a squeegee.
Cover paint trays with aluminum foil to make cleaning up
afterwards a breeze.
Place a layer of waxed paper
on top of kitchen cupboards to
prevent grease and dust from
settling. Switch out every few
months to keep them clean.
Flip a toaster on its side to
make grill cheese.
Easily draw out a splinter for
easy removal by applying a
paste of baking soda and water.