Limnol. Oceanogr., 33(4, part 2), 1988, 946-962 Q 1988, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. Comparative ecology of the macrofauna of freshwater and marine muds’ Glenn R. Lopez Marine Sciences Research Center, State University of New York, Stony Brook, 11794 Abstract There are many striking similarities between the benthic macrofauna inhabiting marine and lacustrine sediments. Most of the same trophic/functional groups are well represented in both habitats. There is no obvious difference between the tylpes of particulate food sources available for microphagous animals. Temperate lakes and neritic environments support a similar standing stock of macrofauna, which is a function of similar detrital input to the benthos. There is no characteristic difference in P : B ratios between marine and freshwater macrobenthos. Predation and competition have similar important efrects on community structure. Likewise, community succession appears to follow the same pattern. There are certain differences between marine and freshwater macrobenthos, however, that appear to relate to fundamental habitat differences. The major #difference is that low salinity and the closed, ephemeral nature or most lakes have resulted in little taxonomic similarity between the two faunas. Tentaculate deposit feeders are found only in marine sediments, and interstitial suspension feeders are common only in fi-cshwatcr muds. The ability to use dissolved organic matter is well developed only in marine animals, which is a consequence of the osmotic problems faced by freshwater animals. The ability of many limnetic species to survive prolonged anoxia relates to the lack of tidal mixing in lak&. This review is focused on how certain fundamental differences between lacustrine and neritic habitats control the behavior of benthic organisms and the organization of benthic communities. The most obvious differences are the discrete or closed nature of lakes compared to the ocean, the eurytopic condition of lakes, the ionic concentration and composition of the waters, tidal currents, and the habitat lifespan. It is the purpose of this review to determine whether these fundamental habitat differences manifest themselves in differences in the distribution of particular taxonomic, trophic, or functional groups, reproductive and dispersal mechanisms, biomass and production, and response of individuals and communities to perturbations. I restrict this comparison to the macrofauna inhabiting muds of lakes and coastal marine environments. Most examples are taken from relatively well-studied North American and European lacustrine and shelf habitats, although examples from estuaries, rivers, saline lakes, ancient lakes, and brackish bays provide interesting perspectives on some of the problems examined. -’ Contribution No. 606 from the Marine Sciences Research Center, State University of New York, Stony Brook. 946 IBecause muds are soft, most animals live buried in the sediment. Animals living in muds face the problems of initial recruitment into the appropriate substrate, limited access to dissolved oxygen, and the difficulty of maintaining a stable living position to collect food. The granulometric and mass properties of lake and marine muds are similar, although lacustrine sediments at a given depth are typically finer grained than miarine sediments because of the lack of tidal currents and higher sedimentation rates (McCall and Tevesz 1982). Discussions with D. Capone, L. Duguay, R. Elmgren, I. Holopainen, L. Kofoed, and J. Levinton were helpful in the development of this manuscript. Reviews by D. Boesch, J. Kelly, and J. Frithsen resulted in substantial improvements. The fauna Taxonomic groups-The faunas of mari:ne and freshwater sediments are similar at thie level of phyla, both being characteristically dominated by annelids, arthropods, and molluscs. However, each phylum is represented by different classes in marine and lacustrine habitats. In lacustrine muds annelids are represented by tubificid and naidid oligochaetes and by leeches, arthropods by insect larvae Benlhic macrofauna and a few crustaceans, and molluscs by sphaericean and unionid bivalves. Chironomids and oligochaetes dominate the biomass of most freshwater muds. Oligochaetes are mostly small deposit feeders that can dominate organically rich sediments and are very resistant to anoxia. Their densities can surpass 200,000 mm2. Leeches are predacious and less tolerant of anoxia. Insects are well represented in lacustrine sediments, but mostly as larvae (Hutchinson 198 1). The dipteran family of chironomids is the most important family; the adults are never aquatic, and the larval stage can last several weeks to >2 yr. This very diverse group includes deposit feeders, suspension feeders, browsers, and carnivores, and they often dominate the biomass, production, and diversity in lake muds. Another dipteran family is represented by the phantom midge Chaoborus, which is a dominant predator on zooplankton and zoobenthos in many lakes. Amphipods are the most important crustacean order in lake muds. Most of them, except for Pontoporeia, are epibenthic omnivores that require aerobic conditions. Pontoporeia is exceptional among amphipods in its nightly vertical migrations into the water column: it is a burrowing deposit feeder. Freshwater species of Pontoporeia are glacial relicts of marine species and are restricted to cold lakes. Another glacial relict is the mysid Lysis relicta, which is an important nocturnal zooplankton predator in cold lakes. Crayfish are among the largest animals found in freshwater benthos; they can dominate the benthic biomass in many lakes. Corbiculacean bivalves are cosmopolitan, ubiquitous, and typically prominent in freshwater benthos. They are usually small, and Pisidium spp. are strikingly so, with most species attaining a maximum size of < 1 cm. They are active burrowers and generally rather slow growing. The larger corbiculaceans, including Corbicula and Sphaerium, are burrowing suspension feeders. The unionid bivalves are much larger and are among the most conspicuous members of benthic macrofauna. Due to their large size, they can dominate macrobenthic 947 biomass, but due to their longevity, their production is generally low. These suspension feeders have an unusual pattern involving the production of larvae that are parasitic on fish. The fauna of marine sediments is more difficult to describe in general terms because more phyla are well represented, and there is more diversity within each phylum. The polychaetes are very diverse and are often the single most important group in marine muds. Many species are deposit feeders, but all trophic types are represented. Pericarid and decapod crustaceans are important arthropods in marine sediments. Insects are rare and restricted to the intertidal zone. Marine bivalves are also highly diverse and often dominant members of marine muds. Most are suspension or deposit feeders. Salinity is the major environmental factor restricting the distribution of marine and lacustrine taxa, resulting in the well-known poverty of species in brackish (3-S%O) water (Remane and Schlieper 197 1). Most marine animals are restricted to the narrow range of high salinity, but freshwater animals occur in a wide range of dilute salinities. Therefore, freshwater animals are relatively euryhaline, a reflection of the lack of “average” chemistry in lakes, in contrast to the chemical uniformity of the marine habitat (Pennak 1985). For some taxa, such as echinoderms and protobranch bivalves, the salinity barrier appears to be obligate, but most groups characteristic of one habitat have representatives in the other habitat. Oligochaetes are a distinctly freshwater and terrestrial group, yet there are marine tubificids from the intertidal region down to the abyssal plain in deep-sea benthos. Chironomids, characteristically dominant in lake benthos, have intertidal marine species and can also dominatc the macrobenthos of saline lakes, existing in waters with salinities as high as 100% (Timms 1983). Some purely marine chironomid genera have secondarily reinvaded freshwater habitats (Remane and Schlieper 197 1). There are no known unionid bivalves in the marine realm; requirements of their glochidea larvae for specific fish hosts may restrict them to freshwater habitats. Sphaeriacean bivalves have in- Lopez 948 Table 1. Comparison of trophic/functional groups in marine and freshwater muds. (Choice of functional groups based on Parsons et al. 1984; Jumars and Fauchald 1977; Cummins and Klug 1979.) Representative Trophic/functional group - marine taxa in - -- freshwater Suspension feeders Mobile infaunal Sessilc infaunal Mobile epifaunal Sessile cpifaunal “Interstitial” Mercenaria Sabellarids Argopecten Crassostrea ?? Corbicula Chironomus Trichopterids Spongilla Pisidium Deposit feeders Surface mobile infaunal Surface scssile infaunal Surface mobile epifaunal Subsurface mobile infaunal Subsurface conveyor belt Browsers/shredders Epifaunal predators Infaunal predators Nonparticle feeders (DOM or sulfide) Tellinids Terebellids H olothurians Protobranchs Maldanids Sea urchins Busycon Nemcrteans Pogonophorans Chironomids ?? Amphipods Naidids Tubificids Chironomids Chaoborus Leeches ?? vaded marine intertidal habitats (Morton 1983). Although pisidiids are considered to be intolerant of brackish conditions (Remane and Schlieper 197 l), a Pisidium species has been found in salt pools in northern Africa (Beadle 1943). Several genera of amphipods are well represented in both fresh- and marine waters. Pontoporeia qfinis, a glacial freshwater relict that probably evolved from landlocked populations of the marine species Pontoporeia femorata, has now reinvaded the brackish Baltic. The converse occurrence of typically marine groups in freshwater is well established; this is particularly true for marine relicts in the Pontocaspian region (Remane and Schlieper 197 1). Polychaetes are represented in freshwater by nereids (Nereis limnicola), ampharetids (Hypania spp.), sabellids (Manyunkia spp.), and spionids (Boccardia spp.) (Remane and Schlieper 197 1; Blake and Woodwick 1976). Several bivalve families (e.g. mytilids, solenaceans, and arcs) also have freshwater representatives. Trophic/functional groups- Benthic animals can also be classified into functional groups in terms of food source, mode of feeding, and position in the sediment (Jumars and Fauchald 1977; Parsons et al. 1984). Woodin (1983) discussed grouping marine animals by their effect on the physical stability of the sediment. In their review of stream invertebrates, Cummins and Klug (1979) categorized animals as shredders, collectors, scrapers, piercers, and predators. Table 1 contains a composite list of important functional groups in sediments. There are representatives of most trophic/functional group categories in both freshwater and marine muds, although there is little taxonomic similarity; different taxonomic groups are doing rather similar things in the sediment. The importance of tentacles- Marine and freshwater muds are both dominated by deposit feeders. In marine benthos, tentaculate deposit feeding may be the single most imlportant mechanism for both surface and subsurface deposit feeding, including many polychaete families, protobranch bivalves, and many holothurians. Particle collecting by tentacles is widespread and may have important consequences for particle selection (e.g. Jumars et al. 1982). Tentaculate feeding may be inherently more selective than other deposit-feeding mechanisms (Whitlatch 1980). In contrast, tentaculate deposit feeders are essentially absent in freshwater muds, except for occasional polychaetes such as Benthic macrofauna Manyunkia and Boccardia (Blake and Woodwick 1976). Why are tentaculate animals so rare in lacustrine environments? One possibility is that groups capable of making tentacles are restricted to marine environments. Such taxonomic restriction infers that only certain phyletic groups are capable of evolving tentacles, and those groups have not penetrated freshwater. This is the likely explanation for protobranchs and echinoderms, which are restricted to the marine realm. A few tentaculate polychaetes have invaded freshwater, indicating that tentacles are not necessarily incompatible with life there. A tentacle is simply an elongated, flexible, and movable process of tissue, usually ciliated and having mucus cells. At the risk of tautological reasoning, it is worth asking why no freshwater groups, such as oligochaetes, have evolved tentacles. Tentaculate deposit feeders, at least nonmobile surface feeders, need steady advection of new particles, which is well provided by tidal motion in marine environments (Nowell et al. 1984). Freshwater tentaculate polychaetes, such as the sabellid Manyunkia, appear to be common mostly in rivers (Remane and Schlieper 1971). If there are freshwater animals that have evolved tentacles for deposit feeding, they might be expected in old river systems like the Amazon or the Mekong, where particle advection has been an evolutionary factor. Interstitial suspension feeding- Suspension feeders on phytoplankton and suspended organic detritus are well represented in both marine and lacustrine environments. Bivalves dominate this tropic/functional group, and freshwater and marine species are morphologically very similar with respect to particle-collecting mechanisms. There is evidence that interstital suspension feeding, that is, collecting and feeding on particle suspended in the interstitial water, is well represented only in freshwater habitats. Radiotracer experiments with natural interstitial bacteria showed that Pisidiurn casertanum and Pisidium conventus, two small pisidiid bivalves dwelling in soft muds of lakes, filter, ingest, and absorb interstitial bacteria (Lopez and Holopainen 1987). Microscopic counts indicated that bacterial abundance in the pore water of lake muds 949 is as high as lo9 cells ml-‘, while preliminary counts in marine muds have been lo2 lower (Lopez and Holopainen 1987; McDaniel unpubl.). Whether interstitial bacterial abundance is typically higher in lake muds (total bacterial counts are similar) is unknown. The marine corbiculid Polymesoda erosa, which is found in intertidal mangrove muds, filters particles from “subterranean” water, especially from crab burrows at low tide (Morton 1976). Tnterstitial suspension feeding may be important only for small animals supplied with a concentrated food source (Lopez and Holopainen 1987; Mallatt 1982). There may be marine animals that are interstitial suspension feeders, but it is doubtful that they are as important as Pisidium spp. are in lake muds. Food sources Major categories of food-Potential food sources for nonpredatory animals in both lacustrine and marine muds include phytoplankton, benthic algae, vascular plant litter, particle-associated microorganisms, especially bacteria and fungi, a wide range of detrital organics, and dissolved organic matter. Some coastal marine environments are dominated by the input of seaweeds and streams and smaller lakes by leaf fall of vascular plants. Organic deposition in larger lakes and in marine areas not dominated by proximate seaweed or marsh areas is characterized by sedimenting phytoplankton or phytodetritus, including zooplankton fecal pellets. For most deposit-feeding animals dominant in muds, both microbial and detrital foods appear necessary for meeting nutritional demands (Lopez and Levinton 1987). Extracellular polymers released by sedimentary microbes may be an important link between microbial and detrital pools (Baird and Thistle 1986). Deposit feeders appear to be very capable of digesting sedimentary microbes (Fenchel 1970; Hargrave 1970; Kofoed 1975; Baker and Bradnam 1976; Cammen 1980a; Harper et al. 198 l), and many may be limited by microbial abundance (Bianchi and Levinton 1984; Ward and Cummins 1979; Barlocher and Kendrick 1973). Except for surface sediments in very shallow water, which harbor high 950 Lopez densities of benthic microalgae, microbial abundance in sediments appears to be far too low to meet energy demands, given measured ingestion rates and organic absorption efficiencies (Baker and Bradnam 1976; Moore 1979; Cammen 1980a; Bowen 1980; Butler 1982; Findlay and Meyer 1984). Bacteria typically account for < 1% of the organic carbon in sediments (i.e. Rublee 1982) yet absorption of ingested sedimcntary organic matter by deposit feeders is usually in the range of 2-20% (Brinkhurst and Austin 1979; Cammen 1980b; Johannsson 1980; Johnson 1985). Fungal carbon does not meet carbon demands of the freshwater isopod Lirceus sp.; fungi appear to be more important as modifiers of leaf substrate than as a food source (Findlay et al. 1986; Barlocher et al. 1978). In general, there appears to be no systematic difference between marine and lacustrine animals in the range of absorption efficiencies of scdimentary microbes or detritus. There is evidence that digestion of partially humilied organic matter is better developed in certain freshwater insect larvae than in any group of marine animals. The alkaline midgut (pH > 11) of the stream diptcran Tipula abdominalis serves to dissociate the tannin-protein complexes of decomposing organics (Martin et al. 1980). This is undoubtedly important for a nitrogen-limited animal, as perhaps, for many deposit and detritus feeders (Tenore and Rice 1980). Alkaline digestion should make available certain protenoids associated with humified organic matter (Rice 1982). A similar strategy is well developed among phytophagous lepidopteran larvae- species feeding on high-tannin plants having higher midgut pH (Berenbaum 1980). A highly alkaline midgut (> 10) is also characteristic of mosquito larvae that feed on organic detritus and microbes (Dadd 197 5). Based on studies of freshwater animals, Lamberti and Moore (1984) suggested that the midgut pH of invertebrate consumers was, in general, either neutral or alkaline and that these nonacidic conditions promote the dissociation of ingested protein, such as in protein-tannin complexes. This dots not seem to be the case for marine invertebrates. Typical values of pH optima of digestive enzymes in marine invertebrates range from 5.5 to 8.5 (Reid and Rauchert 1972; Michel and Devilliz 1978). I am not aware of highly alkaline values in marine detritivores. This difference might be Idue to the local importance of vascular plant debris in freshwaters. If the primary value of alkaline proteases is digestion of humic- or tannin-bound protein, their presence might bc expected in animals that ingest deeply buried, anoxic sediment. The role of dissolved organic matter-One of the most intriguing differences between marine and freshwater benthic fauna is in the ability to take up and use dissolved organic matter (DOM). Virtually all soft-bodied marine invertebrates exhibit excellent active transport mechanisms for transepidcrmal uptake of small molecules such as amino acids (Stephens 1982). It has been demonstrated that molecules are taken up actively and used metabolically, but their nutritional or metabolic importance has yet to be elucidated. The idea that “normal” marine invertebrates possessing typical alimentary ‘tracts require DOM to meet respiratory demands has been subjected to repeated debate (first between Putter and Kr’ogh, see Jorgensen 1976), and there have been several recent reviews (i.e. Jorgensen 19’76; Sepers 1977; Siebcrs 1982; Stephens 1982). In contrast to marine animals, freshwater invertebrates exhibit very poor uptake abilities (e.g. Efford and Tsumura 1973). Sepers (1977) noted that it is remarkable that uptake in freshwater invertebrates proceeds at a much lower rate or is completely absent. A comparison between Nereis succinea and Nereis limnicola demonstrated that the uptake rate greatly declined when salinity was reduced to 13?&- the salinity at which osmoregulation begins (Stewart 1979). Osmoregulation and DOM uptake may be mutually incompatible (Stephens 1967); many of the specific uptake mechanisms are Na-’ dependent and the ionic and osmotic nature of freshwater may constrain DOM uptake by soft-bodied invertebrates. If DOM uptake does in fact meet a high percentage of the respiratory demands of marine animals (Stephens 1975) then one would expect secondary production of ma- Benthic macrofauna rine benthos to be higher for a given organic input to the bottom. Although a rigorous comparison is difficult, there does not appear to bc a systematic difference in secondary production between marine and lacustrine benthos. This would be consistent with Siebers’ (1982) suggestion that epiderma1 transport of small organic molecules plays a minor role as a source of energy in aquatic organisms, but that it rather reflects a general property of the membrane cella conclusion that is also consistent with the vestigial nature of the transport systemsand that the real benefit of the uptake mechanisms may be to prevent loss of the pool ‘of body amino acids. One of the few examples of substantial uptake ofdissolved organics in lower salinity water was demonstrated for the nematode Adoncholaimus thalassophygas, which was able to take up dissolved glucose from brackish water (5%) (Lopez et al. 1979). Unlike uptake by marine organisms, uptake by oncholaimids is not transepidermal, but occurs via the intestinal wall (Chia and Warwick 1969). DOM may be collected by adsorption as pharyngeal mucus, and the mucus bolus is then swallowed (Riemann and Schrage 1978). This mechanism of DOM uptake may proceed simultaneously with osmoregulation, but its existence in freshwater animals has not been studied. A recent study demonstrated that the Tubifex tubifex freshwater oligochaete takes up acetate and propionate as well as marine invertebrates (Hipp et al. 1986). The uptake mechanisms are Na+-dependent. Chemoautotropy in marine animals- Most marine animals that exhibit substantial uptake of dissolved substrates have typical alimentary morphologies, but there are several examples of free-living marine animals that are mouthless and gutless, including all pogonophorans, some bivalves (Reid and Bernard 1980; Fisher and Hand 1984) and even a tubificid oligochaete (Giere 198 1). To my knowledge, there have been no descriptions of free-living freshwater animals lacking a typical digestive tract. Endosymbiotic, sulfide-oxidizing bacteria appear to provide the primary energy source for these animals (Felbeck 1983; Cavanaugh 1983; Felbeck et al. 1983). Be- 951 cause of the high sulfate concentration of seawater, there is significant bacterial sulfate reduction in marine sediments, resulting in a high sulfide flux. Sulfide flux due to putrefaction can be high in freshwater muds, but it is not a characteristic feature of lacustrine waters (Laanbroek and Veldcamp 1982; Capone and Kiene 1988). The evolution of this particular endosymbiosis is apparently favored only in marine waters. Gut symbionts are certainly present in freshwater animals. Cummins and Klug (1979) observed bacteria attached in the hindguts of many stream invertebrates, especially in animals ingesting the most refractory diets. Given that lake sediments are characterized by methane rather than by sulfide flux (Capone and Kiene 1988) it is interesting to speculate that methane-oxidizing bacteria are more likely to be found as endosymbionts in freshwater animals. Physiological adaptations Osmotic regulation -The most obvious physiological difference between marine and freshwater fauna is the presence of efficient mechanisms for osmotic control and adjustment characteristic of freshwater animals; they are remarkably euryhaline over a wide range of low salinity (Pennak 1985). The hypotonic nature of freshwater relative to body fluids makes such osmotic regulation a necessity. Pennak (1985) suggested that this osmotic work results in higher oxygen demand, since freshwater invertebrates use more oxygen than do their marine counterparts. Anaerobiosis - The water overlying organic-rich muds is susceptible to oxygen depletion, particularly during periods when a stratified water column reduces mixing. This problem is compounded in summer with enhanced microbial respiration. Therefore, many poorly mixed bodies of water experience sustained periods of hypoxia or anoxia. This is particularly the case in all but very shallow lakes, due to the lack of tidal mixing. Many invertebrate species in freshwater and marine sediments can live for a few hours to a few months without oxygen, but freshwater animals have more frequently developed the physiological mechanisms 952 Lopez needed to withstand anaerobic conditions for long periods than is the case for marine animals (Pennak 1985). In Lake Tiberias (Sea of Galilee), the hypolimnion is anoxic for 8 months of the year, but the sediments are inhabited throughout by several species, including the tubificid oligochaete Euilyodrilus heuscheri (Por and Masry 1968). It reproduces at peak anoxia, and animals maintained in anoxic bottles were “visibly active” .for 4 months. Similarly, Lindemann (1942) kept tubificids for > 120 d under anoxia. Another oligochaete, Tubijkx tub@x, can survive, reproduce, and grow under continuous anoxia lasting 10 months (Famme and Knudsen 1985). In Lake Esrom, Chironomus anthracinus stops growing during summer stagnation, but starts again immediately after the overturn (Jonasson 1972). Hemoglobin certainly helps chironomids and other animals to survive such conditions (perhaps with the subsequent evolution of impalatability: Hutchinson 198 1). It is remarkable that much of the benthos survives these prolonged anoxic periods, which are rather unpredictable in duration and frequency. In contrast, marine benthic animals (particularly in the intertidal) appear to be adapted to relatively short periods of anoxia, but they do not survive prolonged anoxic stress. Summer stagnation does occur in estuaries and coastal regions and may cause catastrophic mortality of the macrofauna. However, during subsequent aerobic periods, the benthos is rapidly colonized by typical postdisturbance species (Officer et al. 1984). The opportunistic clam Mulinia lateralis is unusual in maintaining high feeding and locomotor rates under anoxia (Shumway et al. 1983). It maintains the same rate of meta bolic heat dissipation under anoxic and oxic conditions, which reflects its adaptation to short-term instead of chronic oxygen deficiency and may explain its brief anoxic survival times (< 10 d). Some marine meiofauna, such as the Gnathostomulida and some turbellarian familes, are almost completely restricted to reduced sediments (Powell et al. 1979). These animals may not be obligate anaerobes; many of them may be microaero- philic, and they exhibit adaptations with long-term exposure to H2S. to deal Animal biomass and secondary production Macrofaunal production of lakes and oceans is compared here both in terms of community production (total production of all component species) and production to biomass ratios (P : B) of individual species. The biomass of macrofauna is controlled by the amount of organic matter deposited each year and is a function of primary production and depth. In shallower reaches, benthic primary production can be the most important carbon source for the benthos (Strayer and Likens 1986). Deep lakes never have high benthic biomass, while shallow lakes have a wide range of values (Deevey 1941). Similarly, the high temperatures of tropical lakes reduce the amount of detritus that reaches the bottom and the ratio of benthic to primary production compared to temperate lakes (Morgan et al. 1980). There is a general logarithmic decrease of animal biomass with depth in the ocean (Rowe 19’71). In coastal sediments, macrofaunal biomass generally falls within l-l 6 g dry wt m-‘2 (Mann 1982). Faunal biomass in lake sediments is in the same range. Deep, oligotrophic lakes may be as low as 0.1, and temperate, shallow lakes may support a biomass of 15 g m-2 (Morgan et al. 1980; Wetzel 1983; Likens 1985). Very old lakes aplpear to have higher profundal biomass at a given depth, compared to young lakes; Lake Ohrid has 10 g me2 at 200-m depth, and Baikal has 0.5 g me2 at 500 m (Morgan et al. 1980). Thus, there is a basic similarity in the relation of primary production and depth to secondary macrofaunal production in lakes and seas. Mann (1980) noted that from an input of 2,000 kcal m-2 yr-l (200 g), benthic secondary production in shelf, rivers, and lakes is generally between 200 and 400 kcal. For most shelf and lacustrine environments, secondary benthic production falls within the range of l-10 g dry wt m-2 yr-’ . In St. Georges Bay, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the lowest rates of organic supply to the benthos occurred during summer strat- Benthic macrofauna ification (Hargrave and Phillips 1986). During this period, organic sedimentation to 22-m depth amounted to 20% of the primary production, although about 60% sedimented when the water column was mixed. The estimated macrobenthic production at 22 m in St. Georges Bay changed from 20 to 45% of the particulate organic carbon sedimentation for stratified and unstratified periods, although production may have been overestimated by use of a P: B ratio of 2. Decomposition of the sedimented organics was very rapid. Although the focus of this review is on macrofauna, it is worth commenting on the importance of meiofauna in secondary bcnthic production. Nematodes and microcrustaceans dominate both marine and freshwater meiofauna. In marine sediments, meiofaunal biomass is 10-l to lO-2 that of macrofauna, but because of high weight-specific metabolism, the meiofauna can account for a substantial fraction of benthic secondary production (Gerlach 197 1). There is much less information on meiofaunal species in lakes where their role has received relatively little attention (Strayer and Likens 1986). In Mirror Lake, meiobenthos accounts for approximately 30% of macrobenthic biomass (Likens 1985). The relative importance of meiofauna may be highest in brackish water, where there has been minimum success by either freshwater or marine macrofaunal species (Gerlach 1971; Elmgren 1984). The meiobenthos also accounts for a high proportion of biomass under food-poor conditions, such as in oligotrophic lakes (Morgan et al. 1980) and in deep-sea sediments (Thiel 1975). The standing stock of benthic animals often appears insufficient to meet the metabolic demands of predators. This apparent problem, sometimes called the Allen paradox, lays proper stress on the importance of the turnover of benthic biomass. Calculation of production to biomass ratios (P: B), which is sometimes referred to as turnover ratio (TR), allows comparison of production of populations differing in biomass. Based on studies of freshwater animals, Waters (1969) suggested that, within the lifespan of a cohort, the P: B ratio is 2.5- 953 6, with a modal value of 3.5. This agrees well with the average value in a comparison of studies on 55 marine benthic species (Parsons et al. 1984). Because cohort P : B normally falls within a relatively narrow range, annual P : B is mainly a function of generation time. Species having a very short generation time will obviously have higher annual P : B values. There is a general inverse relationship between body size and generation time; small animals tend to have higher P : B values (Banse and Mosher 1980). Annual P: B is sensitive to environmental factors controlling generation time, including food input and temperature (Johnson and Brinkhurst 197 1). The quality of the diet is also an important factor. Morgan et al. (1980) noted that, for freshwater animals, the long generation times of species feeding below the mud surface (Tubificidae, Pisidium) compared with surface feeders (Chironomidae) may result from the different quality of food. The same trend is clear for marine species. Basic life history parameters and environmcnts factors thus control annual P : B, and there is no characteristic difference between marine and freshwater species. Measurement of annual P : B is dependent on clear identification of cohorts. In lacustrine environments, chironomids are relatively well studied, partly because they are often the dominant group, but also because discrete cohorts are usually easy to define (Benke 1984). In contrast, there are fewer P: B estimates for tubificids because their reproduction and growth make cohorts difficult to identify (Wetzel 1983). In a study of the tubificid Potamothrix hammoniensis, Jonasson and Thorhauge (1976a) were able to separate four year-classes and thus could estimate annual population production. Annual P : B values ranged from 0.58 to 1.35. Jonasson and Thorhauge (1976a) suggested that low turnover may be common for tubificids in the profundal area of stratified lakes, where low water temperatures and perhaps anoxic conditions prevail for long periods. Hargrave and Phillips (1986) suggested that similarities in production estimates result from applying equivalent annual turnover ratios to similar values of biomass. For example, macro- 954 Lopez benthic organisms in Long Island Sound and St. Georges Bay have a similar standing crop (m 10 g C m-2) and similar annual turnover ratios [2.4 derived from the calculated production rates of Sanders (1956) and 2 assumed in the study of Hargraves and Phillips (1986)]. Population dynamics and community structure Reproduction and dispersal-The general rule among marine benthic macroinvertebrates is a life history of sexual reproduction resulting in larvae that may be dispersed considerable distances before settlement and metamorphosis. Sexes are generally separate. Timing of reproduction usually correlates with seasonal changes in temperature and with lunar cycles, and success of the next generation frequently depends on the availability of food for planktonic larvae (Barnes 19 56). In temperature waters, about 70% of the benthic invertebrates have planktonic (planktotrophic or lecithotrophic) larvae (Thorson 1950). Larvae of some species are able to survive in the plankton for long periods (> 100 d) and can be dispersed across ocean basins (Scheltema 197 1). lf a larva survives the hazards of planktonic life, it must prepare for metamorphosis and choose a proper substrate for settlement. Predation and competition are probably significant problems for newly settled juveniles. Considerable literature exists concerning the hazards and rewards of having planktonic larvae, the effects of dispersal on gene flow, larval settlement, and mortality of recently settled animals (e.g. Strathmann 1980; Jablonski and Lutz 1983). Even though some animals may spend months in the plankton, the larval period is typically a small fraction of the lifespan of the animal, so most of their life is spent in the benthos. Asexual reproduction appears to be more important for freshwater benthic animals, primarily due to the importance of oligochaetes. As in many freshwater zooplankton, sexual reproduction is timed to declining habitat quality and is often used to produce resting stages (Pennak 1985). The chironomids, the most important insect group in freshwater muds, spend most of their life as benthic larvae. The larval period of a few weeks to 2 yr is followed by a short, nonfeeding, breeding and dispersal adult stage. Reproduction is sexual. Planktonic larvae are rare in freshwater environments. In Lake Baikal, the sabellid polychaete Manyunkia baikalensis does not form a free-swimming trochophore, unlike its marine congeners (Kohzov 1963). The mytilid bivalve Dreissena poiymorpha, a recent of freshwaters, however, does produce planktonic larvae. In contrast, the marine gastropods Melampus bidentatus and Amphibola crenata are unusual among pulmonates in having planktonic larvae. Freshwater invertebrates appear to produce fewer, larger eggs that are held until hatching and release of young (Pcnnak 1985). This may related to the need for young animals to hatch with fully developed osrnoregulatory capabilities. Lakes are discrete and relatively ephemeral features of the landscape, yet even rcmote lakes are rapidly colonized by benthic animals. Flight by winged adults results in considerable dispersal of insects, but for noninsect species, resistant eggs and cysts appear to be important for overland transpo:rt. Pennak ( 1985) noted that this ease of colonization greatly surpasses any such mechanisms among their marine relatives. The small size of many freshwater benthic species allows aerial dispersal by wind, or more likely, by winged organisms. Fryer (noted by Davis 1982) found that 20% of the corixids examined had at least one Pisidium clamped to a leg. The unionid bivalves exhibit an exotic means of dispersal, having larvae that are parasitic on fish. Initial distribution of larval chironomids is controlled by egg-laying behavior; most species oviposition near the shoreline (Davies 1976). Accumulations of floating eggs along wind-exposed reaches can result in very high densities of newly hatched larvae. The first instar of many species of chironomids is planktonic, having morphological and behavioral characteristics that differ from the more sedentary later instars. This planktonic period results in secondary dispersal and redistribution of larvae within a basin. Similar movement of marine postlarval animals is also widely documented (Dewitt 1985). Benthic macrofauna Biotic eflects on community structureCompetition and predation are fundamental in controlling benthic community structure, although the nature of the sedimentary environment has made it very difficult to conduct manipulative experiments. Woodin (1983) noted that indirect interactions involving density-dependent modification of the substrate or pre-emption of resources are well known, important phenomena in infaunal systems (see also Woodin and Jackson 1979). The effects of resident infauna on colonizing larvae have been well documented in interacmarine sediments; “adult-larval” tions can be the result of ingestion or burial of the larvae by the adults (Woodin 1976). A recent experimental study (Elmgren et al. 19 8 6) corroborated Segarstrale’s ( 1962) theory that dense populations of the depositfeeding amphipods P. afinis and P. femorata increase mortality of postlarval Macoma balthica by incidental predation, and thereby control its distribution in the Baltic Sea. High mortality of juveniles may depress community biomass below carrying capacity, as suggested by Peterson (1979), but this does not seem to be the case in the Baltic (see also Evans 1983). Elmgren et al. (1986) pointed out that where such interference is strong, species with brood protection likely become dominant, as are Pontoporeia spp. over large areas of the Baltic Sea. Similar processes have been described for lake muds, but with an interesting twist. The profundal zone of Lake Esrom, Denmark, is dominated by C. anthracinus (Jonasson 1972). It takes 2 yr for this species to mature in this zone. During spring, it suspension feeds on phytoplankton, but during summer stagnation, surface deposit feeding becomes important, and larval density is so high that the entire mud surface is scraped and ingested by chironomids. This presumably results in high egg mortality, so there is no recruitment of another generation. Also, this nonspecific predation appears to control the life cycle of the tubificid oligochaete, P. hammoniensis, probably by ingestion of cocoons and also by competition for food. Some chironomids pupate and emerge after 1 yr, especially in shallower water, but in 955 the profundal zone, high densities (>2,000 mm2) of larvae remain. In the second year the remaining larvae pupate and then literally fly away, leaving an empty benthic habitat behind. Subsequent recruitment of chironomids and oligochaetes is very strong. Thus there is a 2-yr cycle in abundance of benthic organisms in the profundal zone of Lake Esrom, which is driven by the growth rate of the dominant chironomid. Littoral populations of P. hammoniensis appear to be controlled mainly by predation by fish and invertebrates, while profundal populations are controlled by competition with C. anthracinus (Jonasson and Thorhauge 1976b). Such periodic emptying of the benthos seems to be a peculiar aspect of lacustrine systems and is a consequence of the life cycle of insects having an aquatic larval stage and a terrestrial adult stage (Hutchinson 198 1). Marine benthic habitats are similarly emptied only by disturbance. Marine species are typically benthic as adults, and reproductive propagules are sent off. The adult corpus remains. Macan (1970) noted the paucity of insect larvae in sediments affected by sewage pollution, although flatworms, isopods, amphipods, gastropods, and leeches were abundant. When sewage enrichment increases the main food supply, predation pressure on insects and other animals with unprotected eggs is high. Flatworms and leeches enclose their eggs in a tough cocoon, snails enclose their eggs in a mass of jelly, and pcricarids carry their eggs. The suggestion is that under productive conditionswhere these carnivorous and detritus-feeding animals abound- certain insects are absent because they are not adapted to meet the resulting predation. Predation by leeches can be the main source of mortality to chironomid populations; the reduced density that results produces increased chironomid growth (Rasmussen 198 5). Thus growth rate and number of seasonal generations are partly determined by density effects. A similar process has been suggested for a tubificid (Jonasson and Thorhauge 1976b). Peterson ( 1979) concluded that predation lowers biomass and diversity of marine sed- 956 Lopez imentary fauna. Similar effects on freshwater benthic communities have been observed after the addition of predatory fish to lakes (Post and Cucin 1984). Exploitative and interference competition appears to have a major effect on growth and survival of benthic animals. The growth of younger instars of Chironomus plumosus is lowered both by high densities of older instars and by periodic stirring of the mud, suggesting that mechanical disturbance of tube-building activity can limit growth (Kajak and Warda 1968). In marine muds, the burrowing activity of the highly mobile bivalve Yoldia limatula disturbs the burrowbuilding activity of Solemya veium (Levinton 1977). The importance of competition for food is a function of the seasonal food input and the functional/trophic groups involved. In a eutrophic pond, the deposit-feeding C. anthracinus exhibited lower seasonal variation in carbon and nitrogen absorption than did the suspension-feeding C. plumosus; there was lower absorption during summer when the plankton was dominated by flagellates (Johnson 198 5). Surface depositfeeding Chironomus riperius grew rapidly after experimental addition of freshly sedimented microdetritus, but suspensionfeeding Glyptotendipes paripes showed no response (Rasmussen 1985). There were strong intraspecific density effects that reduced growth rates for both species, but there were only weak interspecific effects between the suspension feeder and the deposit feeder. Strong density effects within the suspension-feeding chironomid were similar to effects of density manipulations of marine suspension-feeding bivalves (Peterson 1977). Macoma balthica, a marine bivalve capable of both suspension and deposit feeding, exhibits density-dependent growth when deposit feeding, but not when suspension feeding (Olafsson 1986). In a study of the Lake Esrom benthos, C. anthracinus grew to full size and emerged when it was fed enriched surface sediments, but starved when fed subsurface sediment; the subsurface deposit-feeding oligochaete Potamothrix sp. could grow on the deeper sediment (Jonasson 197 8). In Narragansett Bay, the late springtime increase in the deposit-feeding benthos appeared to be in response to warmer temperatures which allowed the benthos to feed on the deposition of the early-spring diatom bloom (Rudnick et al. 1985). Lowered growth and survival in the summer occurred when respiratory demands exceeded fresh organic input to the benthos (Grassle et ,al. 1985). Succession-Community succession is an important topic in both marine and freshwater benthic research, and this review will provide evidence of functional similarity. Benthic colonization and subsequent processes in lakes have frequently been examined in terms of island biogeography, which is well suited for discrete habitats (Barnes 1983). Because of the open, continuous nature of the marine realm, there has been greater emphasis on processes following some physical disturbance. Classic work on the succession of vegetation (e.g. fire climax) provides a more relevant context for such study. Connell and Slatyer (1977) distinguis hed between facilitation, tolerance, and inhibition as possible successional mechanisms, but pointed out that direct evidence on mechanisms is available only for the earliest stages, during which many species are short-lived and amenable to experimentation. IBenthic succession in marine sediments after disturbances such as storms, oil spills, organic pollution, or periodic anoxia may be controlled by geochemical conditioning of the sediment by bioturbating animals (Pearson and Rosenberg 1978; Rhoads and Boyer 1982; Larson and Rhoads 1983). Following a physical disturbance which removes the ambient fauna or creates a new habitat, species that arrive early are typically tolerant of the harsh geochemical conditions of anoxic mud; Capitella larvae even use sulfide diffusing from the sediment as a settlement cue (Cuomo 1985). Typically, the ea:rly colonizers are small, rapidly growing tube-dwellers, feeding either on surface sediment or on suspended seston. Important groups include capitellid and spionid poly: chaetes and ampeliscid amphipods. Feeding and respiratory currents of these small animals serve to oxidize the surface layer of 957 Benthic macrofauna sediment. Later successional stages are characterized by larger, deeper dwelling animals that feed on deeper layers of sediment. Representative animals during this later successional stage include maldanid polychaetes and protobranch bivalves. These animals may require that the sediment is conditioned to maintain proper microbial activities. Similar processes seem to occur in the colonization of lakes (Table 2). This process has typically been studied by following the colonization of a new habitat, such as a reservoir. Chironomid larvae are typically the first colonizers of new benthic habitats (Cantrell and McLachlan 1977; Street and Titmus 1979). This must be due in part to the great dispersal abilities and high fecundity of the winged adults, but they are functionally equivalent to the early marine colonizers: relatively small, tubicolous, surface deposit feeders or suspension feeders with the capacity for rapid growth. The genus Chironomus appears especially tolerant of anoxic conditions typical of newly flooded reservoirs (Street and Titmus 1979). In new habitats that are not organically enriched, the genus Tanytarsus is also an important colonizer (Cantrell and McLachlan 19 7 7). The amphipod Hyalella azteca, another small tube-dweller, is also a common early colonist in new or disturbed habitats (Voshell and Simmons 1984; Fuller and Cowell 1985). Naidid oligochaetes are also typically early colonists; they are also found primarily in the near-surface layer of sediment (Pfannekuche 198 1.) In contrast, tubificids are almost always deeper dwelling, head-down feeders and exhibit more stable populations over time. In a comparison of ponds ranging in age from 0.5 to 15 yr, Barnes (1983) showed that naidids accounted for 100% of the oligochaetes in lakes younger than 3 yr, and tubificids made up 70% of the worms in older lakes. In one study of benthic development in a reservoir, the “most striking change” in the second year was the “sudden appearance of large numbers of oligochaetes,” suggesting that conditioning of sediment organic quality is important for oligochaetes (Voshell and Simmons 1984). Therefore, the temporal succession of func- Table 2. Comparison of successional groups in marine and freshwater muds. (Successional sequence of benthic macrofauna based on Rhoads et al. 1978. Freshwater examples taken from various sources.) Marine Freshwater Early stages Small surface deposit or suspension feeders, high growth rate Streblospio Chironomus Mature stages Subsurface deposit feeders, longer lived Yoldia Tubificids Successional stalus (functional traits) tional groups in both marine and freshwater muds seems to be driven by the effects of bioturbating animals on the geochemical properties of the sediment, even though the specific taxonomic groups and mechanisms of colonization differ substantially. There is a venerable tradition in limnology to use the presence of particular benthic animals, especially chironomids, to categorize the trophic conditions of lakes (see Brinkhurst 1974). This approach has also been used to investigate the responses of freshwater benthos to environmental pollution. Organic pollution results in the presence of species characteristic of eutrophic lakes; many of these species, like C. anthracinus, are relatively large, sessile tubedwellers that feed by filtration or browsing around the tube. They are especially tolerant of anoxia (Wiederholm 1984). Disturbance that does not organically enrich the benthos, such as enhanced inorganic sedimentation, can have a very different effect. Addition of inorganic sediment dilutes the organic concentration of the sediment, which is essentially oligotrophication. Chironomids that inhabit transportable cases appear to be favored under conditions of high sedimentation, because they are able to exploit foods at the sediment-water interface, while more sedentary tube-dwellers would be covered (Wiederholm 1984). Many oligotrophic chironomid species are small and free-living. A similar pattern in body size and motility is evident in a comparison of polychaetes along a depth gradient in the Pacific Ocean (Jumars and Fauchald 19 7 7). 958 Table 3. Characteristic vironmental variables. Lopez differences between marine and freshwater Interstitial suspension feeding only in freshwater (?) High midgut pH of some freshwater detritivores DOM uptake trivial by freshwater animals Mouthless animals with sulfide-oxidizing symbionts only in the sea Better tolerance to anoxia in freshwater animals Aerial dispersal and resting stages better developed in lakes _. macrofauna, with suggested causal en- Salinity (?) Vascular plant input Salinity, Na+ High sulfate Mixing by tidal currents Lakes are “islands” -- Conclusl’ons Re,ferences Table 3 summarizes the differences between the fauna inhabiting freshwater and marine muds and the suggested environmental factors causing these differences. We can be reasonably certain about some of the relationships. It is well established that the inability of freshwater animals to take up dissolved organics is due to salinity. The differences in dispersal ability are obviously a consequence of the discrete or closed nature of a lake compared to the ocean. Other relationships are more speculative, but the evidence is reasonable. The presence of sulfate, and therefore of high sulfide flux in marine sediments, is a likely prerequisite for the evolution of the mouthless, gutless condition. Finally, some of the connections must bc treated with great suspicion. There may in fact be important interstitial suspension feeders in marine sediments. 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