Proposed future policy and course of action

Item No. 13
Change Ringing for the Future – 2013
The Council is invited to endorse the following policy and course of action and
to remit the Administrative Committee to support and activate the proposals:
Mission statement
It is the Council's vision that there should be:
A demand from suitable people wanting to learn to ring
Appreciation and expectation of quality ringing
Strong local bands created and sustained
An organisational structure which will fit future needs
Targets for achievement
That there should be by 2016:
● The launch of a campaign to improve the public image of ringing
● Ringers throughout the Exercise should feel part of the “body” of ringers
● Quality of teaching and leadership should motivate new and existing ringers
● An adequate supporting structure for towers and ringers across the Exercise
Proposed actions
Regional Conferences ­ In autumn 2013 at least 5 conferences to be arranged
nationally to create a closer dialogue with local ringers and Societies and to
pursue the following objectives:
a. Understanding and support for the use ITTS
b. Develop local leadership, training and ringing centres
c. Promote ways to improved public image of ringing
d. Share best practice and current innovations
e. Establish and support co­operation between societies
f. Continue dialogue regarding the future of the Exercise
Council Administrative Committee – to oversee and assist with resources for
a Forward Project initially under Chair of Vice President which will set up and run
an on­going programme of development and support for local towers.
Review and improve communications – undertaking a review of internal and
external communications throughout the exercise.
Review Council operation – in the second phase of this programme, conduct
a review of the effectiveness of the Council drawing on experience of local
ringing organisations and conference exchanges. The review to include the
spheres of activity affecting structure, committee grouping potential, finance,
membership, branding, meeting processes and funding.
Following the November 2011 consultative conference at Wellesbourne the Council
received at its meeting in June 2012 a paper entitled “2020 Vision­ Change Ringing for
the Future” which sought to address issues of recruitment, training and retention of
Subsequently a Recruitment and Training Forum was set up as a temporary body to
review the issues and the responses to the June 2012 Questionnaire sent to the
Affiliated Societies, comprising the following members, invited for their experience:
Chris Mew – Council Vice president (Chair)
Elva Ainsworth – Ringing Trends Committee
Mike Chester – ICT Committee
John Couperthwaite – Publications Committee
Roger Booth – Ringing Foundation
Peter Dale – Education Committee
John Harrison – Public Relations Committee
Norman Mattingley – Ringing Centres Committee
Pip Penney – Education Committee /ART
The following is a brief summary of the main points and concerns reviewed. It does not
purport to be comprehensive neither do the views expressed necessarily represent the
Committees in totality:
Recommended use of ITTS/ART – as a benchmark standard for teaching and
development of recruits adoption by local societies was recommended but availability
in less prescriptive form, with provision for call­change ringers and local “ownership”,
remain questions.
Marketing and branding – there was a need to clarify the benefits which might be
derived from marketing ringing both in terms of public image and ringers feeling part of
a recognisable identity. High cost of any formal exercise should await the outcome of
and be initiated through regional forums.
Improving communications – accepted that there was a gulf between the Council, its
Affiliates and ringers throughout the Exercise. Major improvements essential using
modern information media but recognising universal outreach necessary. Development
of communications in any form would require programme and budget provision.
Sustainable funding – most work undertaken by societies and the Council relies
heavily on volunteer input, any major initiatives to improve public image and recruit new
ringers will need new funding. Additional local funding might be achieved by justification
of local benefits. Adequate funding for Council work is more difficult to “sell” without
improving understanding of its central role. All ringers need to take ownership of needs
for future of the Exercise and the means of achieving this are critical.
Functions of the Council – the perception of Council as remote and ineffective needs
to be remedied through better communications. Its current structure and operation need
to be reviewed to determine the most effective use of available resources, and to
ensure that it is fit for the purpose of supporting the Exercise. The good work of the
Council needs to be retained, recognised and publicised, but duplication and
bureaucracy needs to be eliminated. Above all the work of the Council and its
Committees should be tailored to the needs of the wider ringing fraternity and
programmes set out to achieve this.
A more complete report of the work of the Forum, including the activities and options
discussed, and questions addressed, and a summary of the information received from
affiliated Societies in response to the June, 2012 questionnaire on recruitment and
training are available on the Council website at:
April 2013 report of Recruitment and Training Forum
Responses of Societies to June 2012 Questionnaire
Chris Mew for Recruitment and Training Forum ­ April 2013