Digital Pen and Paper Adopting Innovation to Differentiate the Indian Banking Customer Experience Point of View Digital pen and paper provides a cost-effective way for traditional paper processes to enter the digital world. Making it’s mark Digital pen and paper technology combines the portability and social acceptance of traditional pen and paper with a computer’s ability to store, share, and act upon the information collected. This technology innovation, while harnessing process efficiencies, empowers banks to manage the key business imperative – Customer Experience. In India banks still rely heavily on pen and paper. This is driven by regulations and also by related issues on cost of automation, varying level of technology infrastructure across the country, and the associated training and change management. In the current pen and paper process therefore, handling forms, data capture and ensuring data validity often slows down essential processes and generates costly bottlenecks. And at a minimum, data is captured twice – on paper and then re-entered into the backend system, leading to additional processing time and possibility of manual errors. The Digital Pen & Paper solution provides banks an opportunity to adopt a simple technology enabler and streamline their existing pen and paper processes. The inherent advantages of this solution lies in the fact that it is simple to implement, has minimal operating costs, leverages the large mobile infrastructure in the country, uses common tools and is simple for users to be acquainted with the technology as no training is required. At present times banks in India are highly focused on innovative and differentiated customer experience for achieving High Performance. Findings from Accenture’s Indian Banking Customer Experience Survey 2010 reveal that quality of service (no errors made) and speed of service (no or less waiting time) are top priorities for Indian banking customers. Digital pen and paper which is increasingly being adopted globally, directly influences these two levers of customer experience. One of the key areas impacted is the foremost relationship building activity, i.e. account opening. The solution can play a key role in streamlining the current sourcing process – either in or away from the branch – thereby ensuring differentiated customer experience. The solution has a digital scanner with mobile phone integration to effectively fulfill the customer sourcing operations in the field by relationship managers, i.e. by feet on street. In case of customers walking into the branch for account opening, the digital pen and paper can substantially reduce serving time while improving the quality of service. This technology can also be leveraged for teller operations, such as cash deposit slip, and service request forms. Harnessing process efficiencies through technology innovation can thus enable banks to attain significant competitive advantage in serving the customer. The solution provides a cost-effective way for traditional paper processes to enter the digital world by fusing the traditional means of information-gathering with electronic communications. Accenture Technology Labs, the technology research and development organization within Accenture, has developed in-depth experience of this technology and believes that it can make a radical difference at the bank. The digital pen and paper is a key component of Accenture’s Next Generation Branch offering. Digital pens are used like ordinary pens – only they are embedded with processor, infrared camera, memory etc. capable of storing time-stamped content. Users write on paper printed with a faint irregular pattern of dots similar to map coordinates, enabling the pen to know which form is being used, what is being written, where on the form and when. For increased security, each pen has a unique identifier allowing all information recorded by it to be traced back to the source. The data stored in the pen is transmitted through a computer or a Bluetooth mobile phone to a central server for storage, further processing and analysis, or transmission to colleagues. This technology is especially relevant in situations requiring significant amount of forms processing, and when information such as signatures and figures needs to be collected (such as account opening and service request forms) or a paper-based item (such as a receipt) is provided – either in or away from the branch. Digital pen and paper technology can be easily introduced to users who are unfamiliar with or wary of new technologies. Making ‘Customer-centricity’ cost efficient Banks today are operating in a world that is vastly different from just a few years ago. Customer expectations too have changed dramatically, with increasingly high service levels and speed being the stakes that could make or break a bank’s relationship with the customer. Since access to customers is limited within the branch and outside, banks must view all interactions as being high ‘relationship’ value. The relationship manager of the bank is usually the initial touch point for the customer. Customer on-boarding is the first and most critical step in ensuring a satisfied and valuable client relationship. However the concept of once-only data capture at product origination is still elusive for many banks as revisits to complete/ validate data are commonplace. Today banks need to maximize their interaction with the customer and arrive at faster decisions based on customer data and internal metrics. The customer who has many options today is looking for instant feedback on his/her request. Benefits of using the Digital Pen and Paper – Account Opening Illustration Frequently Asked Questions Pen and Paper How does the solution work? Digital Pen and Paper Process Flow using the Digital Pen and Paper Solution Customer Experience Long processing and end-to-end turnaround time on account opening Bank agent re-visits customer for Knowyour-customer (KYC) documentation due to incomplete data or error on forms 80% + reduction in account opening time Real-time data validation and processing drastically reduces customer revisits Eliminates data losses as data transmission is always kept under control Company location 1 USB 2a http Customer Experience 3 Digital pen and paper server Bluetooth Digital Pen and paper Efficiency Re-entry of data in CPCs (inhouse/outsourced) into backend systems Lost sales opportunities and reduced employee attention to revenue-generating activities 25 – 30% of back-office staff optimized by eliminating data re-entry in CPCs Increases productivity, brings to high speed of execution and refocuses revenue-generating sales activites Cost Cost Excess human capital performing non-value added tasks which could otherwise be digitized 70-80% of data entry and archiving costs saved Bluetooth connection between pen and phone 2b 3 Bluetooth 3 Digital scanner 2c Bluethooth connection between Pen and PC XML file 5 PDF file CRM system GSM http Efficiency 4 Accenture Mobility Operated Services Digital archive on document managemant system GSM Backend System 1 The digitized paper form is filled by the relationship manager/ customer using digital pen KYC documents/photographs can be scanned through digital scanner or captured using mobile camera 2 Data captured on digital pen is transferred through an intermediate mobile or laptop device– through A case in point is a relationship manager visiting an existing customer for mortgage/credit related offerings. The customer can fill the form with digital pen and the data is instantly transferred to a backend system. Based on automated and integrated core systems the initial qualification can be done to generate credit score (or through integrated automated solutions) and share this information through mobile channel with the relationship manager. Based on this important feedback, the relationship manager can work with the customer for an optimal solution and also enable faster on boarding. This can later also be leveraged for cross-sell when it is integrated with the backend Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Similarly, many banks face the challenge of translating physical information into system information. Rather, the problem arises when backend data entry operators do not capture all content from the customer’s physical form, or capture it incorrectly, into the system. Through digital pen usage, such a scenario will not arise as all physical form data is instantly converted and stored in the backend system. Using the digital pen and paper solution, the typical dissatisfaction factors for the customer of long waiting times and revisits for data validation are addressed, and the relationship manager is able to better focus efforts on revenue-generating activities. Making the ‘Paper-ridden’ process efficient There are doubts as to whether a bank can truly be paperless. Processes are paper-ridden, and the branch channel continues to be plagued by inefficiencies leading to higher turnaround time, increased overheads and customer satisfaction challenges. Today banks have centralized many core operations in Centralised Processing Centres (CPC) from branches. Still parts of the processes remain manual and dependent on multiple handoffs. Expensive human resources are spending an exorbitant amount of time on manual tasks like routing account opening paperwork on the field, revisiting customers for error rectifications in account opening forms and then there is large scale duplicate data entry in CPCs leading to further cost overheads. Using the digital pen and paper solution, the data entry tasks are eliminated and back-office staff time is optimized. The solution can be adapted to banks existing flow seamlessly, and is not a difficult proposition to manage. While the benefits of electronic processes may not alleviate all of the pains, the time and cost efficiencies realized can help banks maximize returns from each customer interaction. The solution works on advanced Hand Writing Recognition (HWR) that has high conversion accuracy. Key points that differentiate the digital pen and paper technology include – ? Complete solution for simultaneous capture of customer data/ signature and KYC documents including photographs ? Data transmission is encrypted ? Data can be electronically signed by the relationship manager if required by the bank’s internal policies ? The form is automatically scanned for archival needs ? The form traceability is enforced (each pen is identified, each activity is timed) ? Solution supports any storage type: xls, csv, relational DB, etc. ? The solution supports different data sending methods (Bluetooth, USB,GPRS/UMTS connection) ? The solution has multiple validations built-in and is integrated for SMS/Fax/FTP/Web services delivery. USB/bluetooth onto a laptop if at a branch, or sent to phone via Bluetooth, if in the field, by checking the “pidget” on the paper 4 Validation of digitized data is done on the backend platform and an XML and/or PDF file version of the form is created 3 Digital Pen Router runs in background on the mobile phone and transmits all the data received from the pen/scanner to backend web platform via secured https 5 Post acceptance, the XML and/or PDF file is sent to the bank`s core systems/archival system How secure and reliable is it? pre-set time). Once the remaining data is filled in, the solution will directly integrate the new data with previously-stored data. The digital pen is secure and is securely coupled with a specific mobile phone. Once the data has moved to the mobile, the pen memory is automatically erased. Data transmission is encrypted and happens over https for which a complete audit trail is maintained. In terms of data conversion accuracy, the Hand Writing Recognition analyses each pen stroke and identifies patterns, then places the character. Results from a pilot project show that HWR can reach more than 90% conversion accuracy. Since HWR is based on pen strokes instead of the entire object, it is far more accurate than Optical Character Recognition. Moreover, the solution ensures that customer’s signature is the actual image captured and cannot be altered. Can it support data entry in draft stage? Yes, the user can part-fill a form and store the data under draft stage (for a What are its running overheads? The digital pen is rechargeable and its ink is refillable. The paper used with the digital pen is normal paper, printed with a specific pattern. Which phones/platforms does it run on? Accenture Digital Pen Router is a simple J2ME based application running on Nokia Smart Phones. A wide range of mobile platforms are supported: Symbian, Android and Blackberry. Starting with a comprehensive blueprint of existing processes, the Accenture approach can help reveal duplication and align strategy, business processes and IT infrastructure on a wide scale. Authors Sanjay Tugnait, Managing Partner, Financial Services, Accenture India, Tel: +91 9920166700, Mudeita Patrao, Lead Banking and Capital Markets, Financial Services, Accenture India, Tel: +91 98 2030 5179, Rajdeep Saha, Manager Financial Services, Accenture India, Tel: +91 9769053527, Madhu Vazirani, Research Lead AsiaPacific Financial Services, Growth & Strategy, Accenture, Tel: +91 9845817917, How can Accenture help? Today banks must achieve the dual objective of customer centricity and process efficiency. Digitization holds the key to simultaneously improving customer experience and efficiencies. However managing the interdependencies between the business processes, the customer touch points and back-end systems can be deterring for the bank. Accenture is helping banks to understand these dependencies and make smart decisions in automating their processes. Accenture’s Next Generation Branch offering has many other innovations which provide significant competitive edge for the bank which chooses to differentiate customer experience for achieving High Performance. The Digital Pen and Paper can be demonstrated at the Accenture Technology Labs center in Bangalore or offsite at a location of your choice Disclaimer This Report has been published for information and illustrative purposes only and is not intended to serve as advice of any nature whatsoever. The information contained and the references made in this Report is in good faith, neither Accenture nor any of its directors, agents or employees give any warranty of accuracy nor accepts any liability as a result of reliance upon the information, advice, statement or opinion contained in this Report. This Report also contains certain information available in public domain, created and maintained by private and public organizations. Accenture does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timelines or completeness of such information. The reader bears responsibility for his/her own research and decisions and should seek appropriate advice. This report is not intended to provide specific advice on any given circumstances. While care and attention has been exercised in the preparation of this document, all warranties and liability, whether express or implied by statute, law or otherwise in whatsoever it name it may be called are hereby disclaimed and excluded. This Report constitutes a view as on the date of publication and is subject to change. Accenture does not warrant or solicit any kind of act or omission based on this Report. Accenture’s role is to integrate the respective components of the digital pen and paper solution, implement, customize, support and manage this offering as a service and any reference to the product coincidental. About Accenture Technology Labs Accenture Technology Labs, the technology research and development (R&D) organization within Accenture, has turned technology innovation into business results for over 20 years. The Labs create a vision of how technology will shape the future and invent the next wave of cutting-edge business solutions. Working closely with Accenture's global network of specialists, Accenture Technology Labs helps clients innovate for competitive advantage. Labs are located in the heart of Silicon Valley in San Jose, CA, with additional offices in Chicago, Illinois; Washington, D.C.; Sophia Antipolis, France; Beijing, China and Bangalore, India. For more information, please visit our website at Copyright © 2011 Accenture All rights reserved. Accenture, its logo, and High Performance Delivered are trademarks of Accenture. About Accenture Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with more than 215,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. The company generated net revenues of US$21.6 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2010. Its home page is