AP Psychology Outline Chapter 11: Intelligence I. What is Intelligence? A. What does the "intelligence war" refer to? B. What does intelligence mean? i. What does it mean to 'reify' intelligence? C. Intelligence one ability or several? i. What did Charles Spearman develop using factor analysis? Explain. ii. Discuss Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences (how many, define) and savant syndrome iii. Sternberg had a 'triarchic theory.' What was involved in this? Explain the parts D. Emotional Intelligence i. What is meant by emotional intelligence? ii. What type of characteristics exemplify those that are strong in this intelligence? iii. What are some arguments in favor and against this idea of intelligence? E. Intelligence and Creativity i. What are the five components of creativity? Describe each ii. How does Amabile believe the idea of creative intelligence should be applied in the workplace? F. Neurologically Measuring Intelligence i. How do Brain anatomy and function demonstrate intelligence? ii. What do we know regarding perceptual speed and neurological speed and intelligence? II. Assessing Intelligence A. Origins of Intelligence Testing i. How did Alfred Binet and Lewis Terman contribute to intelligence testing? ii. What is the intelligence quotient? How is it tabulated? B. Modern Tests i. What are aptitude and achievement tests? Their difference? ii. What is the WAIS? How is it used today? C. Principles of Test Construction i. Why is it so important for tests to be standardized? What problems can occur if they are not? ii. How do reliability and validity factor into intelligence tests? What is the difference between the two? iii. What is the difference between content validity and predictive validity? How does criterion fit in? III. Dynamics of Intelligence A. Are intelligence scores stable over time or do they change? What has research shown? B. What are two examples of groups who score in the low extreme of intelligence tests? C. Regarding the 'high extreme' what are some criticisms of gifted programs? IV. Genetic and Environmental Influences on Intelligence A. What evidence is there regarding people sharing the same genes and mental capabilities? Is there a link between genetics and intelligence or not? B. How does our environment affect our intelligence? Theories regarding early interventions? How does school affect our intelligence? C. Group Differences in Intelligence Test Scores i. What has been found regarding ethnic similarities and differences in test scores? Are there genetic and environmental factors involved here? ii. What differences have been found regarding gender and intelligence? Be sure to discuss spelling, verbal abilities, nonverbal memory, sensation, underachievement, math and emotiondetecting abilities in regards to the different genders. iii. What has been said about exposure to hormones in utero? D. Question of Bias i. What are the two meanings of bias? ii. How does the stereotype threat factor into performance on intelligence tests?