LH\ INST.-.CUM. MANU. 490 CHAP. An Act in addition to an VIII, act, entitled a Literary Institution in Maine, within this Commonwealth. tablish paiiicuiar lo- June 15, 1816, ^' An tlie act to es- District of jjE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled^ and by the authority of the same, That the Maine Literary and Theological Institution be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to locate and establish their buildings in any town within the countjes of Kennebec or Somerset ; any thing contained in the first section of the act, entitled <* An act to establish a Literary Institution in the District of Maine, within this Commonwealth, to the contrary notwithstanding. [Approved by the Governor, June 15, 1816.] CHAP. IX. An Act incorporating the Cummington Woollen Manufactory. J^at'cd Sec. 1. JjE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That Asa Gurney, jun. James Claghorn, Robert Dawes, Darius Ford, and Robert Dawes, jun. together with such others as have associated, or may hereafter associate with them, their ""^*' successors and assigns, be, and hereby are made a Corporation, by the name of The Cummington Woollen Manufacturing Company, for the purposes of manufacturing woollen cloth and yarn in the town of Cummington, in the county of Hampshire ; and for those purposes shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties and requirements contained in an act defining the general powers and duties of Manufacturing Corporations, passed the third day of FEES OF OFFICE, June id, 1816, March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine. 8ec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said Corporation may lawfully hold and possess sucli real May 191 hold r??! exceeding the value of thirty-thousand dol-'^'*^*^' lars, and personal estate, not exceeding the value of seventy thodsand dollars, as may be convenient and necessary for carrying on the manufacture of woollen estate, not cloth and yarn, in said [Approved by town of Cummington. the Governor, June 15, 1818.] CHAP. X. An Act to enforce the rendition of an account of Feea of Office. I3E it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and hy the authority of the same, That, from and after the passing of this act, all persons who are or shall be entiiled by any law or resolve, to an annual salary, and who also leceive fees of office, for which they Rendition of are required to be accountable, shall render to the^*^^*" Treasurer a quarterly account under oath of all Fees of Office by them received, which oath the Treasurer And no person is hereby authorized to administer. shall be permitted to receive his quarterly salary from the Treasury, until such account of the Fees of Office has been rendered Provided hoivever, that this act Proviso. shall not be considered as extending to the Justices of : the Supreme Judicial Court. [Approved by the Governor; June S5 i5, I8I6.]