Food Safety & Sanitation In Food Safety and Sanitation you will learn about the importance of food safety and methods for maintaining food safety and sanitation. In this course you will learn best practices for preparing food safely and maintaining clean and sanitized equipment and facilities. Course Requirements 1. Course Pre-Requisite: none 2. Keep up with your daily lesson plan. If you fall a day behind, work hard to catch up the next day. 3. Use a notebook to take notes as you go through the lessons. Notes are not allowed on quizzes or tests. Grading Scale A+ 97.00-100% A 93.00-96.99% A90.00-92.99% B+ 87.00-89.99% B 83.00-86.99% B80.00-82.99% C+ 77.00-79.99% C 73.00-76.99% C70.00-72.99% D+ 67.00-69.99% D 63.00-66.99% D60.00-62.99% F 0-59.99% Assignment Weighting per Unit With Projects Lessons: 15% Quizzes: 25% Projects: 30% Tests: 30% Assignment Weighting per Unit Without Projects Lessons: 21% Quizzes: 36% Tests: 43% Resources Academy Support Glossary and Credits If you need help you may send a message to your teacher using the messaging system or call 888-399-4267 to speak with a teacher on the phone. Each unit contains a Glossary and Credits section with important formulas and definitions. This is a useful section to read and study. 1 Course Outline Unit 1: Facing Up to the Importance of Food Safety Assignments 1. Providing Safe Food 7. Caring for Customers with Allergies 2. Bacteria 8. Building an Effective Personal Hygiene System – The Safe Food Handler 3. Viruses, Parasites, and Fungi 9. Quiz 2 4. Project: Food-borne Illness Outbreaks 10. Test 5. Quiz 1 11. Course Project Part – 1: Introducing Your Program 6. Varieties of Contamination 12. Glossary and Credits Unit 2: Food Travel Path: The Flow of Food Through the Operation Assignments 1. Establishing the Foodservice Safety System 8. Keeping Food Safe After Prepping and Cooking 2. Avoiding Time/Temperature Abuse 9. Project: Conducting an Analysis and Writing a Report 3. Flow of Food: Purchasing and Receiving 10. Quiz 2 4. Project: Time/Temperature Abuse Training 11. Test 5. Quiz 1 12. Course Project Part – 2: Discussing the HACCP System 6. Storing Food Safely 13. Glossary and Credits 7. Preparing Food Safely Unit 3: Clean and Sanitary Facilities and Equipment Assignments 1. Facilities and Equipment Design 8. Project: Creating a Cleaning Procedure 2. Utilities and Safety 9. Controlling Pests 3. Cleaning and Sanitizing 10. Quiz 2 4. Quiz 1 11. Test 5. Facility Maintenance 12. Course Project Part – 3: Pest Control 6. Project: Creating a Sanitation Area 13. Glossary and Credits 7. Developing a Cleaning Program 2 Unit 4: Accident Prevention and Crisis Management Assignments 1. Preventing Accidents and Taking Action in an 8. Government Regulation and HACCP Emergency 2. Project: Read and Summarize an Article 9. Food Protection Industry Associations 3. First Aid, CPR, and Fire Hazards 10. Quiz 2 4. Crisis Management 11. Test 5. Project: Writing a Press Release 12. Course Project Part – 4: CPR 6. Quiz 1 13. Glossary and Credits 7. Food-borne Illness Outbreak Unit 5: Sanitation Management Assignments 1. The Importance of Employee Training 8. Preparing for Certification 2. Project: Personal Hygiene Guidelines 9. Project: Read Study Guide and Create a Quiz 3. Methods for Training and Motivating Employees 10. Quiz 2 4. Careers in Food Safety and Sanitation 11. Test 5. Quiz 1 12. Glossary and Credits 6. Nutrition and Organic Foods 13. Review 7. Sustainability and the Local Food Movement Unit 6: Course Exam Assignments 1. Exam 3