The Giver Vocabulary List

7-3 Core
The Giver Vocabulary List
Put these words into your vocabulary chart, app or cards. Be sure to include the
word, part of speech, the definition, other forms of the word and a sentence.
Vocab Quiz Thursday 10/17
Solemn- (adj) serious, sober
Fragile (adj) easily broken
Treatment (noun) action or behavior towards another
Interdependence (noun) the quality of being mutually reliant on each other
Exuberant (adj) extremely joyful
Aptitude (noun) ability or talent
Benign (adj) harmless, kind, gentle
Piecemeal (adj/adv) one piece at a time, gradually
meticulous (adj) showing extreme care about small details
chastisement (noun) severe criticism
frigid (noun) cold in temperature or feeling
obsolete (adj) no longer in use
upholstered (verb) to provide (chairs, sofas) with coverings, cushions, stuffing, springs, etc.
admonition (verb) to caution, advise, or counsel
relinquished (verb) to give up or let go
grotesquely (adj) odd or unnatural in shape, appearance, or character; fantastically ugly or
absurd; bizarre.
pervaded (verb) to become spread throughout all parts of
serene (adj) cal, peaceful
anguish (noun) severe suffering or pain
luminous (adj) radiating or reflecting light
lethargy (noun) lack of energy or interest
frazzled (verb) to make someone nervous or upset
hypnotically- (adv) readily holding attention
unburdened (adj) having no weight, load, or expectation