August 2013 - Harry Meyering Center

August 2013
Harry Meyering Center, Inc.
Employee Newsletter
We make a
difference in
people’s lives.
Harry Meyering Center ~ Celebrating 40 Years
We will be celebrating once again by having a dance and ice-cream social on Tuesday, Tuesday August 20
from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the Homestead Backyard (Centenary United Methodist if weather doesn’t allow for
an outdoor celebration). RSVP to Katie Shabrack ( by August 14th so
we know how much ice-cream to order from CULVERS
We will also be extending our ECHO Food Shelf and BackPack Food Project Collection. Bring it to the
event or if you are not able to make it to the event, but still want to donate, you can drop it off at the Business
Office with Connie.
Currently ECHO has high requests for:
Cereal, Pasta & Pasta Sauce, Macaroni & Cheese, Boxed Main Dishes, Condiments, Juice, Personal Care
and Diapers & Wipes (Larger sizes and pull ups) - But they will take any and all non-perishable food
Or check out the link below for the Backpack Food Program on their high demand needs.
We will also have several of prizes to give away, for those of you who are working on your de-cluttering/
summer cleaning project with our Pass It On! Your name will be put in the drawing each time you drop off a
box or bag of stuff (entered two times for larger boxes/ bags). We will be collecting items during the week of
August 12 through 15 for our “Pass it On”! Drop off your items at the office. The drawing will be at the event
on August 20th!
How many times have you looked at the Harry Meyering Center logo and just thought, that looks nice or I like
the colors and not given it much more thought than that? This is probably something we have probably all
done at one time or another, but there is actually some symbolism behind the logo and it represents the work
we have done over the last 40 years and will continue to do well into the future. Now you are probably wondering what it is all about; well let me tell you. The block letters in the background symbolize all of the rules
and regulations and structure that we must follow; whereas the cursive flowing letters represent the creativity
that we use to provide the best quality services as we make a difference in people lives and support them in
their individual pursuits for a meaningful life. So the next time you look at the logo, look beyond the nice colors and look and think about what it really means and the direction that logo gives you in doing your job.
What’s Happening at Harry’s
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40 Anniversary Photo…
some wondered if it could be
Under Jim’s watchful eye from the rooftop
above, the 150+ people all came together
decked out in red to form a giant 40 to honor
our 40th Anniversary!
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Harry Meyering Center, Inc.
1975 HMC was full at 45 people with a staff of 24, counting Walt and Carol. Amazingly, of that 24, 3 are
still at HMC: John Ganey, Assistant Director-SLS; Pauline Rose, Administration/Bookkeeper; and Carol Lee,
Executive Director.
1975 The Semi-independent living skills program (SILS) was launched with two men moving from the ICF.
Mary Bloodgood has been the Program Director since 1984.
1983 HMC began serving people with deaf/blindness, which opened the door to our acceptance of people
with increasingly challenging behavioral and medical needs at the ICF, beginning a trend that has continued
so that today most individuals at the ICF require significant medical care.
1985 HMC SILS clients began to move into subsidized housing complexes. Previous to this, people lived
with roommates in the Devonshire and Eagles complex (Cluster project).
1991 HMC responded to a request from MRCI to provide the residential component of their month long
summer program. The work and residential partnership resulted in students receiving assessment information on their vocational and independent living skills, helping them to shape their post high school plans.
Judi Leibbrand coordinated this program, in addition to her position as Staff Development Director. The
MRCI/HMC partnership went on for 10 years.
Summer of 1999: Donna, a SLS resident of HMC, enjoys a trip to Florida. Her experience was made
financially possible through fundraising done by HMC staff in addition to contributions from generous donors.
August 2000 HMC experiences a downsizing venture at the ICF. 13 residents are to be moved from ICF
apartments into SLS settings. This transition of ICF clients will open up one ICF apartment to be used for
meetings and recreation space. The downsize will decrease remaining apartment occupancy from 4 to 3
residents and increase the staff to consumer ratio.
August 2006 Permit to begin construction acquired mid-August.
August 2006 Up With People visits Mankato and partners with HMC for two days, performing service projects at several SLS houses and at Homestead.
August 2008 The Miracle League Field is dedicated. Many HMC consumers are involved in or observe the
games and tournaments held there. HMC had 34 players respond for the 1st Fallenstein Open Play.
August 27, 2008 A Candidate Coffee is held for staff wishing to find out more information about individuals running for state offices.
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What’s Happening at Harry’s
Harry Meyering Center is excited to
announce that we have teamed up
with University of Phoenix to encourage employees to enhance their educational, professional and personal
lives through higher education.
University of Phoenix offers a learning environment that’s designed to support working adults so
you can pursue the higher education you’ve always dreamed of—on a schedule that fits your lifestyle. This opportunity provides you the real-world skills needed to advance your personal and
professional career goals.
What does this means for you?
University of Phoenix delivers rigorous coursework in a flexible format to allow students to balance work and home life while earning their degrees. Employees will receive the following benefits:
 5% savings on the cost of tuition
Access to the Credit Recommendation Guide to help students transition completed training and
development courses into elective credit through the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) process
 Access to innovative education technologies including electronic textbooks and course materials, a comprehensive online library, and intuitive writing and math tools
A personalized Graduation Team comprised of dedicated advisors to support you from enrollment to graduation.
Are you currently enrolled at University of Phoenix?
If you are a Harry Meyering Center employee already enrolled with University of Phoenix, and
need to have the tuition savings applied, please follow the steps below:
First, access your University of Phoenix eCampus site.
Once logged in, select the Account tab at the top, and then select the Employer/Tribal Academic Partnership Program.
Select Harry Meyering Center, Incorporated from the drop-down menu.
Once the required fields have been completed, click submit.
Visit, a dedicated resource for Harry Meyering Center Employees, to:
 Explore degree programs
 Learn more about PLA
 Chat with a University representative
For additional information, contact Judi Leibbrand at
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Harry Meyering Center, Inc.
TIME SENSITVE OFFER - Through this grant you
can receive an additional 12% to 19% off of tuition if
you act before September 30, 2013.
What’s Happening at Harry’s
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HMC Painting Club Art Exhibit in Faribault
On June 17 a group of artists from HMC Painting Club attended a reception at Faribault District
One Hospital where their artwork is on display in the Emergency Room waiting area. They were
able to view their artwork and the work of other artists from around the state. The group had a
great time getting a tour of the newly remodeled hospital, enjoying refreshments, and visiting with
the other artists and hospital staff. It was a great evening and everyone was very proud that their
work was chosen to be on display!
LEFT - Myron and John check out the artwork on display.
A venturous day traveling
to Como Zoo, in St Paul
was had for a small
group of animal fans who
went to Como Zoo late
last month. Lots of animals were seen & photographed and it was also a perfect day for a picnic!
When asked which animal was your favorite most
people replied “All of them”!
Irene, Delbert and Robert pause by the giraffes for a photo
RIGHT: Everyone enjoys the appetizers at the reception.
Summer Vacation
Who doesn’t enjoy a dip in the pool on a hot summer day? Perian certainly enjoyed herself on her
day trip to the Waseca Water Park!
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Harry Meyering Center, Inc.
Take Me Out To The Ballgame
Steve, Richard and Rick along with Sarah and Beth
enjoy an evening at the ballpark watching the
Mankato Moondogs. The Moondogs also won big
time, with a final score of 12-2!
10-0!!! Win for the Minnesota Twins! Perfect
Weather! Perfect seats! Perfect Score! All made
for a fun filled day!!!
ABOVE: Wayne, Juel and Holly
and LEFT: Adam, James and
Brian all take a pause for a
photo during the 7th inning
stretch at the Twins game.
A beautiful day was spent in West Bend, Iowa
admiring what Iowa calls, the 8th Wonder of the
World ~ The Grotto!
In the photo Rosemary, Myron, Clarence, Lon
and Judy are checking out the view from the top
of the Grotto. For those of you who aren’t familiar
with what a Grotto is, this Grotto is a man made
castle type building, displaying and reflecting the
life of Jesus, from birth in a manager to dying on
the cross. It’s a beautiful place to visit; we also
enjoyed a nice picnic lunch in the park next door,
which also has a small lake that had a family of
swans, including several babies. It was a very
nice relaxing day!
What’s Happening at Harry’s
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Cooking Class
Twelve individuals who receive service through our SILS/SLS In Home Program and four staff are participating in a six week class sponsored by The Blue Earth County Extension Service and coordinated by
Becky Kunst. Each class is taught by a local Chef and a different healthy recipe is prepared and tasted.
The class is experiential with everyone having the opportunity to assist with part of the meal preparation.
Each participant is also given the ingredients to take home with them in order to make the recipe again at a later date.
Participants have been very enthusiastic and complimentary about the experience.
Upper Left: It all starts with good hand washing as
Deb is doing
Below: Randy and Pam knead the dough and let it
rest before forming the crust
Lower Left: Vance learns some knife skills as he
finely chops the garlic for the sauce
Far Bottom: Pam displays the end result - delicious
pizza with the Chef
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Harry Meyering Center, Inc.
HMC Policy News and Notes
Smoking and E-Cigarettes
With the introduction of E-Cigarettes, Personal Vaporizers and Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, you are
seeing more people “smoking” in public places that do not allow smoking in the building. Recently a question
was asked about whether HMC will be changing its policy on where staff can smoke if they are using one of
these alternative methods rather than actual cigarettes… the answer is HMC will NOT be changing its policy
at this time. Staff are still expected to smoke only during designated break times and the smoking must occur
outside of the building; even if using one of these smoke free alternatives.
What’s Happening at Harry’s
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40th Anniversary Picnic and Party - July 27, 2013
The first of the two celebrations honoring HMC’s 40th year of existence
was a great success! It couldn’t have gone better.
Jay all smiles as he comes out of the photo
booth with his photos
We owe a lot of thanks to the committee for making this all roll off so
smoothly. Katie Shabrack, Committee Chair, Pauline Rose, Karin
Ambos-Ward, Becky Utz, Judi Leibbrand, Brittany Renando and
Brenda Jaros. Another round of applause goes to the entire Dietary
Staff who made sure the food was excellent. John Terhurne, Rick
Bernary, DeAnn Weaver and David McCullough worked both behind
the scenes and on the day of the event.
The band was perfect for our guests. Elvis wowed the crowd as did
the clown. The photo booth was a real hit too! This was a great time to
hang out with family and friends and just have some good fun!
What’s a picnic without lots of good food thanks to our amazing
dietary department
Kim and his family enjoying the picnic
together on a beautiful summer day
Heather, Randy and Kim pause to show off
the balloon dog Kim had made for her by
the clown.
BELOW: Have to have cake when you
have a party
A party is always a great time to connect
with old friends, just as Suzanne and
Myra were able to do
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Harry Meyering Center, Inc.
John, Barb and Judy join the band for a song or two
The smile on Andy’s face says it all - he
approves of the party is having fun; even
showing a few dance moves
Once again the dietary staff have outdone themselves - thanks to
Julie, Becky, Alyssa, Emily and Lisa
Doug and the clown take a moment to give
a thumbs up of approval for the party
Elvis even caught up with Pauline and gave her
one of his famous red scarves… lucky lady
A great day to hang out with your family,
which is exactly what Dan got to do with his
sister and brother-in-law
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What’s Happening at Harry’s
Brittany Loosbrock and Amanda Nagel Thank you both for always thinking creatively about fun outings the individuals at Prairies Edge would enjoy. You
both go above and beyond your job responsibilities!
Maintenance Staff Everyone at Prairies Edge cannot thank you enough for setting up our Canopy. The individuals we serve have been
loving it. Thank you!
Brittany Renando Thank you covering New Employee Orientation for me! You did an awesome job and I will probably let you do it
again :)
Steph Menke and Liz Cannaday Thank you for all you work in helping cover the overnight shift and doing the AM Apartment Assignments while I
was gone. I truly appreciate all of the help.
Lisa Popp and Dallas Kavitz Thank you for helping take care of the “night to night business” on the night shift while I was gone. I knew it was all
in capable hands and you did great!
Katie Kroon Thanks for taking care of the routine business (TST tracking, inservice tracking, sorting my mail, etc…). The help was
To Everyone Who Has Picked Up Overnight Shifts I would have mentioned everyone by name, but my fear is that I would forget someone… There are so many staff
from the units who have picked up extra hours, worked longer shifts or double shifts and/or switched their schedules
around to help cover the overnight shift. Your willingness to be flexible and your commitment to ensuring what is best
for the people we serve is admirable and appreciated beyond words! Thank You!!
Caden Matthew Martin-Leibbrand
July 8, 2013
6 pounds ~ 19 1/4 inches long
Proud Nana and Papa
Judi and Al Leibbrand
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Harry Meyering Center, Inc.
The Red Cross will be hosting a site for Salvation Army Mobile Outreach
Program this summer (June 10th – Aug. 30th). They will be in the located
in the Red Cross end of the parking lot Monday through Friday from
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. There will be many kids attending the program.
please be careful when driving through the parking lot.
Thanks For your Cooperation!
Share a Story: “A Day in the Life of a DSP”
ARRM is busy developing a full scale COLA Campaign to secure a significant rate increase in 2014. A major component is
to illustrate to legislators the difficult - and often very complex - work that direct support professionals do every
day, for very little pay. To do this ARRM is launching “A Day in the Life of a DSP” story of the week starting the
week of July 8th and running through the end of February when the legislative session begins.
To accomplish this we need your help. ARRM is looking to our members to provide real stories about direct service
professionals in Minnesota. This campaign we will help legislators understand more about DSPs and the value of disability
services as a whole. ‘A Day in the Life of a DSP’ will also keep disability services visible to legislators as we approach the
2014 session.
Illustrate the day-to-day work of a direct support professional:
 Describe what DSPs do to support people with disabilities. It would be especially helpful to read about supporting
people with challenging behaviors and/or complex health issues.
 Share the financial challenges of working as a DSP - do not be afraid to talk about hardships or challenges of the
 Highlight a recent success or a challenge overcome by a DSP or a person served
 Include who, where, when, how and why as possible.
 Talk about what it meant to not receive a COLA in 2013
 Share your worries or fears for the future if legislators do not pass a COLA in 2014
 Direct quotes help make stories come to life!
 Include a photo to pair with a story to make it more powerful.
Submit stories to Judi Leibbrand so that we can ensure that we have necessary release of information before sending the
stories to ARRM.
HMC Employees Qualify for a Discount with Verizon Wireless
The discount is 22% off the monthly access fee and 25% off accessories.
To take advantage of this discount use this link:
If you have an "" email address that is the easiest way to set up the discount. If
you do not you can click on "Don't have a work email address" and follow the instructions on their website.
You can also go to a Verizon corporate store with a paystub to set up your discount. The store on 1851
Madison Avenue in front of Wal-Mart is a corporate store. The other Verizon locations in Mankato are franchise stores and may not be able to help you.
What’s Happening at Harry’s
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This month we recognize and appreciation the contributions of
Lisa Kreuzer
Rachel Hanson
Dallas Kavitz
Cody Lensing
Deborah Schoener
Brittani Robinson
Alissa Hoffmann
Kathy VanOtterloo
DeMaris Dittrich
Kristen Fah
SLS 10
Rochelle Emmers
Karla Van Rossum
SLS 11
Pamela Janak
Caitlin Meyer
SLS 12
Benjamin Fyvie
Matthew Triche
SLS 18
Deanne Fritchman
Carly Odegard
SLS 21
Rebecca Meger
Dimitri Rain
SLS 22
Laura Danials
Rebecca Lange
SLS 23
Seth Johnson
Ivan Lopez
SLS 24
Jordan Myhre
Pamela Soma
SLS 25
Jessica Petersen
Michael Wickman
SLS 26
Alissia Humphreys
Emily Rajewsky
SLS 27
Lexy Becker
Darci Kies
Tyler Jones
Peter Krause
Fatuma Nur
Lisa Popp
Prairie’s Edge
Megan Demoney
Thank you for all you do to
make a difference in the lives of people we serve!
HMC 40th Anniversary T-Shirts for Sale. They are the red and white jerseys and have the 40th logo on it. A limited number are available, so they
are first come/first serve. The cost is $12.50 or $14.50 for XXL – checks
to HMC or cash.
If interested in purchasing a t-shirt, contact Judi Leibbrand at 625-1329
ext 254 or
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Harry Meyering Center,
HMC Employee
23 Years
Lorraine Anderson
August 30, 1990
3 Years
Charles Hunt
August 5, 2010
9 Years
Jill Huemoeller
August 23, 2004
Kristin Wilson
August 31, 2004
2 Years
Anita Clark
August 18, 2011
7 Years
Martha Hartman
August 17, 2006
6 Years
JoAnn Doyscher
August 31, 2007
Andrea Zenk
August 9, 2007
5 Years
Jessica Petersen
August 21, 2008
1 Year
Colin Anderson
August 21, 2012
Kaci Dolen
August 7, 2012
Ashley Erichsen
August 23, 2012
Britni Mueller
August 20, 2012
Brittany Renando
August 20, 2012
Michael Wickman
August 21, 2012
Welcome New
Samuel Phiri
Vanessa King
Chasity Pautzke
Brittani Robinson
SLS 21
Sarah Draeger
SLS 23
Danielle Harpestad
SLS 25
Kathryn Theige
SLS 26
Samia Lokenye
Sara Beyer
Amanda Bingen
Ashley Jordan
Darian Engel
Lisa Murphy
Michael William
4 Years
Kristal Miller
August 6, 2009
Lisa Popp
August 6, 2009
Employee Birthdays
Kathryn Theige
Rebecca Meger
Tiffani Kuebler
Darci Kies
Alyssa Melin
John Ganey
Jim Kline
Connor Murphy
Brittani Robinson
Marilyn Rachuy
August 2
August 3
August 4
August 6
August 7
August 9
August 9
August 11
August 13
August 14
Breagan Shoquist
Amanda Lerew
Alexis Brech
Dimitri Rain
Elizabeth Draeger
Mackenzie Pronk
Abby Higginbotham
Adam Fowler
Dallas Kavitz
August 17
August 17
August 19
August 20
August 24
August 24
August 25
August 25
August 31
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Harry Meyering Center,
Upcoming Inservices at HMC
Please note this schedule is subject to change.
To register for an inservice
Contact the Staff Development Director at
Call: 625-1329, ext. 254 or
Please leave your full name, date and title of the inservice(s) you wish to attend.
Once signed up for an inservice, staff are expected to attend the inservice. Failure to
attend will be treated as a no show for a scheduled shift.
If you are unable to attend, call the above phone number prior to the inservice to cancel your registration, a minimum of 24 hours notice is required except in the event of
an emergency.
August Inservices
September Inservices
August 7 from 11:00am to 12:00pm
August 29 from 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Alternatives to Physical Intervention
(also available during orientation)
August 15 from 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Rule 40
(also available during orientation)
August 20 from 1:00pm to 2:30pm
CPR and First Aid – Full Course
August 6 from 1:00pm to 4:30pm
August 29 from 11:00am to 2:30pm
CPR and First Aid – Recertification
August 13 from 10:00am to 11:30am
August 26 from 11:30am to 1:00pm
SLS Medication and Signs and Symptoms of illness
August 6 from 9:30am to 12:30pm
August 16 from 12:00pm to 3:00pm
August 29 from 10:00am to 1:00pm
Quarterly Emergency Procedures (Homestead ONLY)
August 13 from 9:00am to 10:00am
August 14 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm
August 14 from 11:00am to 12:00pm
September 12 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm
September 24 from 9:00am to 10:00am
Alternatives to Physical Intervention
(also available during orientation)
September 11 from 11:00am to 1:00pm
Rule 40
(also available during orientation)
September 10 from 9:00am to 10:30am
CPR and First Aid – Full Course
September 11 from 11:00am to 2:#0pm
September 26 from 9:00am to 12:30pm
CPR and First Aid – Recertification
September 4 from 3:00pm to 4:30pm
September 24 from 9:00am to 10:30am
SLS Medication and Signs and Symptoms of illness
September 4 from 11:00am to 2:00pm
September 13 from 9:30am to 12:30pm
September 24 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm
What’s Happening at Harry’s
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A great day of Fun in the Sun is waiting for you and your family and friends;
so why not enjoy it at a Discounted rate!!
Ticket Type
As an HMC employee you are eligible to
purchase discount tickets for Valleyfair.
Log on to and when asked
for the discount promo code enter
hmeyer13 (it is not case sensitive).
We will not be selling tickets at the office
this year as we have in the past.
Opening Day at the park is May 11, 2013.
Regular Admission
E-Ticket with
Gate Price
48” or taller in shoes
(includes Dinosaurs Alive! Admission)
Ages 3-61, under 48” tall in shoes
(does not include
Dinosaurs Alive!
Dinosaurs Alive!
Valid for parking of one regular vehicle
during the 2013 season
Renaissance Festival
tickets have arrived!
The festival is weekends and Labor Day
August 17 – September 29
(Also opened Labor Day, Sept. 2nd & Friday, Sept. 27)
Rain or shine! Free Parking!
Ticket Type
Discount Rate
Children Under
4 are Free
Food Books
Gate Rate
$21.95 for adults
$18.95 for seniors
If interested in attending the Feast of
Fantasy, Pub Crawl, Bawdy Beer
Show, Mead Social, or Wine Tasting;
reservations must be made in advance. Contact Renaissance Festival at or
call (952) 445-7361 or (800) 966-8215.
Tickets are available from Lori, Shirley, or Connie. Limited number of tickets are available on a
first come first served basis.
Make checks payable to HMC or must have exact cash
amount – NO change will be given.
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Harry Meyering Center,
What’s Going on Around the Town
Mankato Farmers Market - Madison East Mall Parking lot
Tuesday & Thursday from 3:30pm – 6:00pm
Saturdays from 8:00am – 12:00pm
Sometimes they have different themes. Check them out online.
Mankato Humane Society - 1250 North River Drive, Mankato (behind Kwik Trip on HWY 169)
Dog Walking Hours: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 3:30pm – 6:00pm
Mankato Area Trails - North Minnesota River Trail, Red Jacket Trail, Sakatah State Trail, South Route Trail
Trails abound in the Mankato area. Trail enthusiasts will enjoy the safe and convenient routes as well as the
connectivity between each of the trail offerings. Take in scenic views of plants, trees, wildlife and more on any
of the following Mankato area trails.
For Printable maps go to their website:
City Art is an exciting exhibit of outdoor sculptures displayed year-round in the City Centers of Mankato and
North Mankato, Minnesota.
For maps or pictures of sculptures check out their website:
Day in New Ulm!
We will see Herman the German, the Glockenspiel, Downtown New Ulm, make a stop at Harkins Store and
possibly Schell's Brewery
Wednesday August 14 - Departing Mankato at 8:30am and arriving back around 3:30pm
Chanhassen Dinner Theater - "Fiddler on the Roof"
I know its only June, but I am putting this out there to get your thoughts rolling. There is a great group deal
if we confirm by August 9th. We have 24 tickets reserved, Contact me for details but this event will be one
you won't want to miss!!!! The trip will take place Wednesday October 9 as a lunch matinee – specific details to follow later
Como or MN Zoo??
Our trip filled but several have still showed interest in going, a 2nd trip to the zoo possibly in the works. If
you'd be interested in going on Monday September 9, please contact me ASAP.
Katie Shabrack
Phone: 625- 1329 ext. 259
Reminder if you have individuals interested but costs could be a factor in attending, please contact me and we
will work it out so everyone can attend!!!!!!!
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What’s Happening at Harry’s
For the Health of It...
The Resolution - Getting Fit
Katie Kroon, Community Health Intern
One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to lose some weight. Let’s be honest, that resolution
that you may have started time and time again has more than likely fizzled out and is no longer in place. In
fact, studies show only about 5% of people who go on diets are successful. Losing weight has always been a
topic of concern among many people in our society. However, it is easier said than done.
So what is the big trick to being successful? It’s not about going on a “diet”; it’s all about a lifestyle
change. The kinds of food we eat, and also the portion sizes are two big contributing factors towards weight
gain. In reality, losing weight is about 70% nutrition, and 30% exercise. Since nutrition is so important, it
would be beneficial to take a closer look at what exactly we are putting into our bodies.
A very effective way of knowing what foods are being consumed on a daily basis is to keep a food log
or journal. Keeping track of the foods allows us to consciously think about what foods, and how much we are
actually eating. Our world of technology makes logging food even easier. One weight loss aide that has
proven to work is an online program called MyFitnessPal.
MyFitnessPal can be accessed from anywhere as long as there is internet, and it is completely free to
use. There is even an app that can be downloaded straight to any Smartphone. This program is primarily used
to track the amount of calories being consumed on a daily basis. Some of the other things that MyFitnessPal
tracks are nutritional values, exercise, and weight.
To get started, the first thing to do is sign up by logging into, or by downloading the
app on your Smartphone. There is then a short personal profile to set up. After personal profiles are filled out,
the program asks how much weight, and when you want to lose it by. MyFitnessPal then automatically calculates the suggested amount of calories people should consume in order to reach their goals. The rest is up to
This program is fairly simple to use, and it gets easier the more you use it. It is a great tool to aide in
weight loss. There are many different foods that are in the program’s food database that can be easily added to
your daily food log. The food database contains almost any type of food you can think of, including foods
from restaurant chains.
The great thing about MyFitnessPal is that it holds you accountable of what you eat. It really helps to
make you think before you eat something because you know you know it will have to be logged. This program
can teach you healthy, lifelong eating habits that will last. So what do you say, let’s start a resolution today!
Remember, it is all about a lifestyle change, not about a “diet”.
HMC Staff were asked to participate in a short survey about their diet and eating habits. Overall HMC
staff is seems to be considerably healthier than many other people throughout the United States. One factor
that could influence these results is that our HMC staff may be more health conscious than the general population because we work in the healthcare field.
Results of HMC Staff:
65% reported having healthy eating habits
40% currently count calories
60% have been on a diet at some point in his or her life - of these people, 33% reported to be very successful
67% eat three meals a day
73% eat out less than 2 times per week