Little Foxes Children's

The Aurora Fox/Cultural Services Division
9900 E. Colfax Ave. • Aurora 80010
Mon.-Fri. 9-4 p.m.
303-739-1970 •
Partially funded by the
SCFD Scientific & Cultural
Facilities District.
Cultural Services
Classes require commitment
& consistent attendance.
Dress for movement.
Outreach Programming
Storybook Alive!
Ages 4-6
Act out a different story every
week. Select a favorite story
to perform for family & friends
on the last day.
157392 Mar. 6-Apr. 17
■ Tue., 4:30-5:15 p.m.
■ $40 ($31 Resident)
■ No class Mar. 27
All the World’s
A Stage
Ages 6-9
Explore different cultures
by creating plays based on
stories from around the world.
Each session focuses on a
different country. Spring 2012
Theme: China.
157394 Mar. 6-Apr. 17
■ Tue., 5:15-6:30 p.m.
■ $60 ($46 Resident)
■ No class Mar. 27.
Audition Intensive
Ages 7-12
Prepare for the Little Foxes
Children’s Theatre auditions
on Apr. 14 & 15 or for
school or camp auditions!
Select, memorize & perform
monologues. Compile a
157399 Mar. 3-Apr. 7
■ Sat., 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
■ Tallyn’s ReachLibrary
■ $90 ($70 Resident)
Aurora Fox
Ages 7-15
Write & star in your own play.
Learn to tell a story, create
characters & dialogue. Present
your play as a staged reading
in the Aurora Fox Studio
Theatre. Some writing projects
must be completed outside of
class time.
157401 Apr. 14-May 5
■ Sat., 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
■ MLK Jr. Library
■ $85 ($65 Resident)
Ages 9-14
Create sketch comedy &
improvisations for the camera.
Students receive DVD of
program. $15 DVD fee
included in price & is nonrefundable.
157402 Apr. 7-May 12
■ Sat., 12-2 p.m.
157403 Apr. 7-May 12
■ Sat., 2-4 p.m.
■ Central Library
■ $105 ($85 Resident)
Teen Auditions
Ages 11-17
Ages 8-12
Learn comic timing, character,
movement & story structure by
creating your own comic play.
Create costumes & masks.
Perform on the last day.
157432 Apr. 14-May 12
■ Sat., 2-4 p.m.
■ MLK Jr. Library
■ $75 ($58 Resident)
Prepare for the Little Foxes
Children’s Theatre auditions on
Apr. 14 & 15. Select & perform
a memorized audition piece
or ‘Monologue’ while learning
other tricks of the trade from a
professional actor/director.
157400 Mar. 3-Apr. 7
■ Sat., 10 a.m.-12N
■ Aurora Fox Arts Center
■ $75 ($58 Resident)
■ No class Mar. 24.
Little Foxes Children’s
Summer Theatre Auditions
Children must be at least 7 years
old & need to prepare a one minute
memorized monologue from a
published play, appropriate for
children. The Aurora Fox offers year
round classes that help students
prepare for the auditions & the
rehearsal process. The Little Foxes
program casts children & youth to
perform two professional children’s
theatre productions each summer.
Auditions & performances are open
to the public. Call 303 739-1970 to
schedule an appointment or listen to
additional audition information.
■ Sat., Apr. 14, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
■ Sun., Apr. 15, 9 a.m.-12N • 303-326-8650