GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY COMPLIANCE REPORTS For the Year Ended June 30, 2015 And Independent Auditor’s Reports GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TABLE OF CONTENTS INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ON COMPLIANCE AND OTHER MATTERS BASED ON AN AUDIT OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS .............................................................. 1-2 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT ON COMPLIANCE FOR EACH MAJOR PROGRAM AND ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER COMPLIANCE WITH OMB CIRCULAR A‐133 ........................................................................................................................... 3-5 Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards .................................................................................................... 6-27 Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards ................................................................................... 28-30 Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs ................................................................................................... 31-32 Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of the Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards The Board of Trustees of Georgia Tech Research Corporation and Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation: We have audited, in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, the financial statements of the business-type activities and each major fund of Georgia Tech Research Corporation and Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation (collectively, “GTRC”) as of and for the year ended June 30, 2015, and the related notes to the financial statements which collectively comprise GTRC’s basic financial statements, and have issued our report thereon dated September 18, 2015. Internal Control over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit of the financial statements, we considered GTRC’s internal control over financial reporting (“internal control”) to determine the audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances for the purpose of expressing our opinions on the financial statements but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of GTRC’s internal control. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of GTRC’s internal control. A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent or detect and correct misstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a deficiency or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of GTRC’s financial statements will not be prevented or detected and corrected on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a deficiency or a combination of deficiencies in internal control that is less severe than a material weakness yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance. Our consideration of internal control was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be material weaknesses or significant deficiencies. Given these limitations, during our audit we did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses may exist that have not been identified. Compliance and Other Matters As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether GTRC’s financial statements are free from material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit, and accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control and compliance and the results of that testing and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control or on compliance. This report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the entity’s internal control and compliance. Accordingly, this communication is not suitable for any other purpose. Atlanta, Georgia September 18, 2015 2 Independent Auditor’s Report on Compliance for Each Major Program and on Internal Control over Compliance with OMB Circular A‐133 The Board of Trustees of Georgia Tech Research Corporation Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation Georgia Institute of Technology: Report on Compliance for Each Major Federal Program We have audited the compliance of Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation, and the Georgia Institute of Technology (collectively hereinafter referred to as the “Organization”) with the types of compliance requirements described in the OMB Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement that could have a direct and material effect on each of the Organization's major federal programs for the year ended June 30, 2015. As part of the coordinated audit, we did not audit compliance requirements as described in OMB Circular A-133 related to equipment and real property management, procurement and suspension and debarment, and real property acquisition and relocation assistance for the Research and Development Cluster, Education and Human Resources, and the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund major federal programs. Those compliance requirements were audited by State of Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts whose report thereon has been furnished to us, and our opinion, insofar as it relates to those requirements, is based solely on the reports of the State of Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts dated December 18, 2015, which reports no findings in relation to internal control over compliance in accordance with OMB Circular A-133. The Organization's major federal programs are identified in the summary of auditor's results section of the accompanying schedule of findings and questioned costs. Management’s Responsibility Management is responsible for compliance with the requirements of laws, regulations, contracts, and grants applicable to its federal programs. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Organization’s compliance for each of the Organization’s major federal programs based on our audit of the types of compliance requirements referred to above and the report of other auditors. We conducted our audit of compliance in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America; the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; and OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. Those standards and OMB Circular A-133 require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether noncompliance with the types of compliance requirements referred to above that could have a direct and material effect on a major federal program occurred. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence about the Organization's compliance with those requirements and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion on compliance for each major federal program. However, our audit does not provide a legal determination of the Organization’s compliance. 3 Opinion on Each Major Federal Programs In our opinion, the Organization complied, in all material respects, with the compliance requirements referred to above that could have a direct and material effect on each of its major federal programs for the year ended June 30, 2015. Report on Internal Control over Compliance Management of the Organization is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over compliance with the types of compliance requirements referred to above. In planning and performing our audit of compliance, we considered the Organization’s internal control over compliance with the types of requirements that could have a direct and material effect on each major federal program to determine the auditing procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances for the purpose of expressing an opinion on compliance for each major federal program and to test and report on internal control over compliance in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of internal control over compliance. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the Organization’s internal control over compliance. A deficiency in internal control over compliance exists when the design or operation of a control over compliance does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent or detect and correct noncompliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program on a timely basis. A material weakness in internal control over compliance is a deficiency or combination of deficiencies in internal control over compliance, such that there is a reasonable possibility that material noncompliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program will not be prevented or detected and corrected on a timely basis. A significant deficiency in internal control over compliance is a deficiency or a combination of deficiencies in internal control over compliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program that is less severe than a material weakness in internal control over compliance yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance. Our consideration of internal control over compliance was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control over compliance that might be material weaknesses or significant deficiencies. We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over compliance that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses may exist that have not been identified. Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards We have audited the financial statements of the business-type activities and each major fund of Georgia Tech Research Corporation and Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation (collectively, “GTRC”) as of and for the year June 30, 2015, which collectively comprise GTRC’s basic financial statements, and have issued our report thereon dated September 18, 2015 which contained an unmodified opinion on those financial statements. Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively comprise GTRC’s basic financial statements. The accompanying Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards for Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation, and Georgia Institute of Technology is presented for purposes of additional analysis as required by OMB Circular A-133 and is not a required part of the financial statements. Such information is the responsibility of management and was derived from and relates directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements. The State of Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts has audited the basic financial statements of the Georgia Institute of Technology as of and for the year ended June 30, 2015 and has issued its report thereon based on the audit of the basic financial statements performed in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America dated December 18, 2015. We did not audit the financial statements of Georgia Institute of Technology which represent 34.1% of the expenditures in the accompanying Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards. Such information related to GTRC has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in our audit of GTRC’s basic financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records 4 used to prepare the basic financial statements or to the basic financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion the schedule of expenditures of federal awards is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements of GTRC taken as a whole. The purpose of this report on internal control over compliance is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over compliance and the results of that testing based on the requirements of OMB Circular A-133. Accordingly, this report is not suitable for any other purpose. Atlanta, Georgia January 15, 2016 except for the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, as to which the date is September 18, 2015. 5 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number Federal Expenditures Research and Development-Cluster: Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research_Basic and Applied Research Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Forestry Research Agricultural Research_Basic and Applied Research Passed through from: TOYOTA TECHNICAL CENTER/ANN ARBOR, MI Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill Passed through from: GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE/ATLANTA, GA GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE/ATLANTA, GA GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE/ATLANTA, GA Grants for Agricultural Research, Special Research Grants Passed through from: GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE/ATLANTA, GA Small Business Innovation Research Passed through from: PUERTO RICO TRADE AND EXPORT COMPANY/SAN JUAN, P.R. Forestry Research Passed through from: U.S ENDOWMENT FOR FORESTRY AND COMMUNITIES/ GREENVILLE, SC Total Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Education Quality Award Ambassadorship Economic Development-Technical Assistance Climate and Atmospheric Research Measurement and Engineering Research and Standards Manufacturing Extension Partnership Science, Technology, Business and/or Education Outreach Ocean Exploration Passed through from: DEWBERRY & DAVIS LLC/FAIRFAX, VA GA DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES/ Ocean Exploration Passed through from: ENTERPRIZE EVENTS INC/HATO REY, PR Geodetic Surveys and Services (Geodesy and Applications of the National Geodetic Reference System) Passed through from: GA DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES/ Measurement and Engineering Research and Standards Passed through from: NATL CTR FOR DEFENSE MANUFACTURING AND MACHINING/BLAIRSVILLE, PA Technology Innovation Program (TIP) Passed through from: EDISON WELDING INSTITUTE/COLUMBUS, OH Total Department of Commerce Department of the Army Basic and Applied Scientific Research Military Medical Research and Development Basic Scientific Research Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineering Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program Research and Technology Development Basic and Applied Scientific Research Passed through from: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA/BERKLEY, CA Military Medical Research and Development Passed through from: 10.001 10.310 10.652 $ 29,899 522,068 64,513 10.001 TASK ORDER DTD DEC. 22, 2014 62,731 10.170 10.170 10.170 AGR DTD 10/2/14 AGR DTD 10/23/13 AGR DTD 10/28/14 3,772 10,700 25,650 10.200 AGR DTD 11/14/13 10,000 10.212 AGR DTD 3/30/15 47,894 10.652 P3-2 11.013 11.303 11.431 11.609 11.611 11.620 71,809 849,036 15,000 158,587 95,403 1,812,173 53,964 39,774 100,326 5,426 11.011 11.011 S/C-NOAA-EA133C-14-CQ-0008-GTA AGR DTD 1/9/15 11.303 129016 32,000 11.400 AGR DTD 9/13/13 33,221 11.609 #20140221 15,000 11.616 AGMT EFFECTIVE 11/26/13 12.300 12.420 12.431 12.630 12.800 12.910 12.300 98,845 2,459,719 414,257 410,040 29,394,775 274,563 (1,287) 219,818 00006214 16,738 6 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA E'OIR INCORPORATED/SPOTSLYVANIA, VA KARAGOZIAN AND CASE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS/ GLENDALE, CA LEIDOS INC/MCLEAN, VA MILLENNITEK LLC./KNOXVILLE, TN PARTECH/ROME, NY PRICE SYSTEMS LLC SAMUELI INSTITUTE/ALEXANDRIA, VA VERTICAL LIFT CONSORTIUM INC VERTICAL LIFT CONSORTIUM INC (CRI)/GLEN MILL, PA WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY/WINSTON SALEM, NC Basic Scientific Research Passed through from: A I SIGNAL RESEARCH/HUNTSVILLE, AL ALQIMI ANALYTICS AND INTELLIGENCE LLC/ROCKYVILLE, MD BAE SYSTEMS/NASHUA, NH BAE SYSTEMS/NASHUA, NH CACI CACI/EATONTOWN, NJ CERADYNE THERMO MATERIALS/ DOG STAR TECHNOLOGIES/ROSWELL, GA DREXEL UNIVERSITY/PITTSBURG, PA DUKE UNIVERSITY/DURHAM, NC DUKE UNIVERSITY/DURHAM, NC EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA ENGENIUSMICRO/MABLETON, GA FIVE STONES RESEARCH CORPORATION/BROWNSBORO, AL GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY/FAIRFAX, VA KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE (KUMC)/ KANSAS CITY, KS LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SERVICES/MARLTON, NJ LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SERVICES/MARLTON, NJ MICROWAVE PACKAGING TECHNOLOGIES INC (MPT)/BREA,CA MICROWAVE PACKAGING TECHNOLOGIES INC (MPT)/BREA,CA NANO TERRA INC/BRIGHTON, MA NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY/EVANSTON, IL PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV/UNIV PARK, PA PRIMORDIAL INC / SAINT PAUL, MN SAIC SAIC SAIC SAIC SHARED SPECTRUM COMPANY/VIENNA, VA SOUTH CAROLINA RES AUTH/CHARLESTON, SC STEVENS INST OF TECHNOLOGY/ STEVENS INST OF TECHNOLOGY/ STEVENS INST OF TECHNOLOGY/ TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE STATION, TX UCLA/LOS ANGELES, CA UNIV OF ILLINOIS/URBANA, ILLINOIS UNIV OF MICHIGAN/ UNIV OF WASHINGTON/SEATTLE, WA UNIVERSAL SOLUTIONS INTERNATIONAL INC/ NEWPORT NEWS, VA UNIVERSAL SOLUTIONS INTERNATIONAL INC/ NEWPORT NEWS, VA UNIVERSAL TECHNICAL RESOURCE SERVICES (UTRS) INC./CHERRY HILL, NJ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA/SANTA BARBARA, CA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA/LOS ANGELES, CA UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON VELOXITI INC/ALPHARETTA, GA Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number Federal Expenditures 12.420 12.420 T149279 LTR AGMT, DTD 01/08/2015 25,790 34,558 12.420 12.420 12.420 12.420 12.420 12.420 12.420 12.420 12.420 AGR DTD 6/18/14 P010161400 AGMT DTD 09/15/2014 AGMT DTD 25 MAR 2015 PRICE-13-693527-18-01 / 01 #129218 2014-B-11-03.1-A01 NRTC-FY15-W-01 WFUHS 441052 ER-02 79,506 294,470 60,000 80,039 25,491 3,817 120,440 68,353 170,173 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 M14 115 AAI-SC-2014-GTARC-001 329420 899091 7/1/14 EMAIL P000007090 4500059703, REV 1 AGR DTD 11/14/14 202282 11-IARPA-1012 12-IARPA-1030 S894022 AGMT DTD 8/11/14 W31P4Q-13-C-0022 E2027851 6,160 49,863 269,588 68,827 10,481 106,736 1,500 58,867 1,570 218,680 1,068,991 385,714 29,937 40,248 91,565 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 QH862880 4100477781 PO 7200008412 AGR DTD 4/16/13 W911W-14-C-0014 AGR DTD 8/17/2013 SP0028098-PROJ0007336 SP0012711-PROJ0005452 5184-GTRC-ARO-0566 AGMT DTD 6/28/2012 4400167345, TO 25 4600005751/1 4600005751/3 P010154753 2013-01 2015-312 TASK ORDER 0020-RES TOPIC 120 TO 0012 - RT 112 TO 005 - RES TOPIC 105 B7731 1000GSA785 2010-04989-03 3002805832 UWSC7915 P.O. # BPO 3109 47,673 (79) 42,556 91,708 11,882 7,770 42,217 152,506 44,998 21,674 280,269 351,201 3,102,993 60,718 20 14,467 758,323 67,819 5,755 43,702 58,971 272,331 377,547 71,769 12.431 AGREEMENT DTD 04/21/2014 1,986 12.431 AGREEMENT SIGNED 06/27/2013 1,950 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 12.431 001470 KK1024 560102 43941439 P.O. #10127130 #723609 SBIR: AGMT DTD 13 FEB 2015 87,224 35,280 (6,505) 128,203 204,590 12,754 7 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title VERTICAL LIFT CONSORTIUM INC (CRI)/GLEN MILL, PA VERTICAL LIFT CONSORTIUM INC (CRI)/GLEN MILL, PA Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineering Passed through from: RF MICRO DEVICES INC/GREENSBORO,NC Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program Passed through from: EWA WARRIOR SERVICES LLC./HERNDON, VA Research and Technology Development Passed through from: STANFORD UNIVERSITY/STANFORD, CA Total Department of the Army Department of the Navy Basic and Applied Scientific Research Information Security Grant Program Basic and Applied Scientific Research Passed through from: ALLIANT DEFENSE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS/CLEARWATER, FL AMEWAS/LEXINGTON PARK, MD AMEWAS/LEXINGTON PARK, MD CERADYNE THERMO MATERIALS/ CREARE INC/HANOVER, NH DEEP SPRINGS TECHNOLOGY/TOLEDO, OH EXELIS/CLIFTON, NJ GEORGIA AQUARIUM INC GUERCI CONSULTING LLC/ARLINGTON, VA HARMONIA/BLACKSBURG,VA IMAGING SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY/TOLEDO, OH INTEGRATED SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS INC/CALIFORNIA, MD INTEGRATED SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS INC/CALIFORNIA, MD INTEGRATED SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS INC/CALIFORNIA, MD ITT EXCELIS/CLIFTON,NJ JOHNS HOPKINS APPLIED PHYSICS LAB/LAUREL, MD JOHNS HOPKINS APPLIED PHYSICS LAB/LAUREL, MD JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY LEIDOS INC LUNA INNOVATIONS/BLACKBURG, VA METROLASER MODELING MULTIAXIAL MSC GROWTH IN FATIGUE OF AL POLYCRYSTALS NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY/RALEIGH, NC NORTHROP GRUMMAN/REDONDO BEACH, CA OPTOMEC INC/ALBUQUERQUE, NM PACIFIC SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING/SAN DIEGO, CA PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV/UNIV PARK, PA PRINCETON UNIVERSITY/PLAINSBORO, NJ RAYTHEON/BBN SYSTEM AND TECHNOLOGIES/CAMBRIDGE, MA RELIANT LAB SYSTEMS INC./PLACENTIA, CA ROI DEFENSE ASSOCIATES/WASHINGTON, DC ROI DEFENSE ASSOCIATES/WASHINGTON, DC TECHNICAL DATA ANALYSIS INC/FALL CHURCH, VA TYBRIN CORPORATION/FT. WALTON BEACH, FL UNIV OF CALIFORNIA/SAN DIEGO/LAJOLLA, CA UNIV OF MICHIGAN UNIV OF MICHIGAN/ UNIV OF MICHIGAN/ UNIV OF MICHIGAN/ UNIV OF MICHIGAN/ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA/PHILADELPHIA, PA UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA/LOS ANGELES, CA UTRON KINETICS LLC/MANASSAS, VA WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY/SAINT LOUIS, MO Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number 12.431 12.431 2013-B-11-03.1-A01 2013-B-13-T3.1-A01 12.630 RFMD-12-C-0004 12.800 PO P190000021 12.910 60382691-49341-B 12.300 12.902 Federal Expenditures 1,689 3,379 (93) 251,998 34,313 40,785,829 30,102,604 455,098 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 MP00069511 PO14-00085 PO14-01477 4500050876 AGMT DTD 1/17/14 AGR DTD 2/5/13 391297 #124831 AGMT DTD 11/1/13 AGR DTD 8/4/14 AGR DTD 8/14/2013 PO100590 PO100621 PO100682 375967 124354 BPS/STP-14-170 ONRBAA13-001 P01067131 3277-NVY-1T/GTARC GT05NP09 143 9,911 587 1,858 6 92,703 166,367 (10) 33,348 23,349 6,104 1,323 94,220 33,756 (2,741) 50,748 43,409 16,300 47,512 23,785 85,577 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 100683 2010-1710-01 7600012344 STTR: AGRMT DTD 03-OCT-2014 PSE 13-P-1192 S15-08 SUB0000041 67,677 113,329 12,516 25,000 18,017 140,061 84,867 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 12.300 LTR AGMT, DATED 1/14/2010 AGR DTD 9/24/13 GA#150302 TA NO. GA140401 SBIR: DATED 19 DEC 2014 CES-III-13-043 43019109 3003285017 3002912449 3003285016 3003285017 3003285018 3003285018 550740 51110592 AGMT DTD 23-OCT-2014 WU-12-247 24,816 100,120 4,143 7,914 41,566 4,226,899 162,226 123,840 16,107 108,945 27,295 53,225 123,573 168,495 49,851 24,946 9,716 8 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title WESTLAND TECHNOLOGIES INC/MODESTO, CA Basic Scientific Research Passed through from: CERADYNE THERMO MATERIALS/ EXELIS/CLIFTON, NJ GENERAL DYNAMICS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INC/FAIRFAX, VA LOCKHEED MARTIN/FORTWORTH, TEXAS LOCKHEED MARTIN/FORTWORTH, TEXAS Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineering Passed through from: DREXEL UNIVERSITY/PITTSBURG, PA PRINCETON UNIVERSITY/PLAINSBORO, NJ Total Department of the Navy Department of the Air Force Basic and Applied Scientific Research Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program Basic and Applied Scientific Research Passed through from: STANFORD UNIVERSITY/STANFORD, CA Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program Passed through from: AEROJET ROCKETDYNE/CANOGA PARK, CA ALION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY/ROME, NEW YORK ALLIANT TECHSYSTEMS INC/BROOKLYN PARK, MN AMERICAN SYSTEMS CORPORATION/CHANTILLY, VA ANALATOM INC/SUNNYVALE,CA APPLIED RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PANAMA CITY, FL ATK ALLIANT TECHSYSTEMS INC/PLYMOUTH, MN AURORA FLIGHT SCIENCES/MANASSAS, VA BERRIEHILL RESEARCH CORP/DAYTON, OH BOOZ, ALLEN AND HAMILTON INC BOOZ, ALLEN AND HAMILTON INC CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECH/PASEDENA, CA CARNEGIE MELLON INSTITUTE/PITTSBURGH, PA CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY/CLEVELAND, OH CG2 INC/ORLANDO, FL CLARKSON AEROSPACE/HOUSTON, TX COBHAM TRACSTAR SYSTEMS INC/LANSDALE,PA COMBUSTION RESEARCH AND FLOW TECHNOLOGY INC / HUNTSVILLE, AL COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LTD CORNERSTONE RESEARCH GROUP/DAYTON, OH CREARE INC/HANOVER, NH ERC INC EXELIS/COLORADO SPRINGS,CO EXELIS/COLORADO SPRINGS,CO FLORIDA A&M UNIV/TALLAHASSEE, FL FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY/TALLAHASSEE, FLA GRAMMATECH INC HARVARD UNIVERSITY/BOSTON, MA HENRY M JACKSON FDN FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF MILITARY MEDICINE IERUS TECHNOLOGIES/HUNTSVILLE,AL INFOSCITEX CORPORATION/ DAYTON, OH ITT/ JT3 LLC JT3 LLC KITWARE INC/CLIFTON PARK, NY L3 COMMUNICATIONS/ROCKWALL, TEXAS L3 COMMUNICATIONS/ROCKWALL, TEXAS L3 DISPLAY SYSTEMS/ALPHARETTA,GA LEIDOS INC LEIDOS, INC Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number Federal Expenditures 12.300 PO33060 12.431 12.431 4500057954 111355 2,644 56,189 12.431 12.431 12.431 LTR SUB DSD-SC-14-186 1307131 7226687 63,537 41,968 44,548 12.630 12.630 204111GT 00001689 12.300 12.800 427 (92,940) (1,318) 37,136,153 560,282 200,796,855 12.300 60013638-104772-A 272,794 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 AGREEMENT DTD 07 JAN 2015 SUB1120172-001 MP00072770 ATP LTR, DATED 3.17.2014 GTRC-12-C-0001 LTR AGMT, DATED 10/05/2011 MP00088468 AFS15-0097 2204 96116DBS18/TASK ORDER 3 TASK ORDER 001 68E-1092671 1150119-299956 RES506638 S-5012-13 13-S7700-02-C2 416714 5,745 28,861 99 430,164 7,169 353,543 14,015 6,387 64,360 374,275 185 116,572 152,744 121,478 11,195 234,468 55,845 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 11-C-2190/C488 AGMT DTD 1/24/14 AGMT, DATED 10 SEP 2014 3 DEC 2012 RS141182 400798 404261 SUB C-4106 R01535 GT S11-02 123572 40,831 37,236 95,662 4,778 3,006 65,715 54,561 8,733 180,815 250,287 99,170 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 #2480 FA8650-14-M-5037 FA86501CD6354/0001 392061 4M12000052 4M13000016 K000886-00-S01 45007688098 4501272210 A119893 10170252-1 PO10138714 90,000 45,241 25,301 87,731 (15,841) 38,730 128,779 54,508 10,026 954,120 9,456 11,340 9 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title LI CREATIVE TECHNOLOGIES LOGOS TECHNOLOGIES/FAIRFAX,VA MICHIGAN AEROSPACE CORPORATION NORTHROP CORPORATION/ NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY/EVANSTON, IL OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY/COLUMBUS, OH PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV/UNIV PARK, PA RAYTHEON/BBN SYSTEM AND TECHNOLOGIES/CAMBRIDGE, MA RESERVOIR LABS INC/NEW YORK,NY RIVERSIDE RESEARCH INST/ SARNOFF CORPORATION/ PRINCETON,NJ SINOORA INC/SUWANEE,GA SPECTRAL ENERGIES LLC SPECTRAL ENERGIES LLC / DAYTON, OH STATE UNIV OF NEW YORK SURVICE ENGINEERING CO/BELCAMP, MD TEXAS ENGINEERING STATION-TAMU/COLLEGE STATION, TX TEXAS ENGINEERING STATION-TAMU/COLLEGE STATION, TX TEXAS ENGINEERING STATION-TAMU/COLLEGE STATION, TX UES INC UES INC/DAYTON, OH UNIV OF CENTRAL FL/ UNIV OF ILLINOIS/URBANA, ILLINOIS UNIV OF ILLINOIS/URBANA, ILLINOIS UNIV OF ILLINOIS/URBANA, ILLINOIS UNIV OF MICHIGAN/ UNIV OF MICHIGAN/ UNIV OF MISSOURI/COLUMBIA, MO UNIV TECH COR/FA8650-11-D-5703 UNIVERSAL TECHNOLOGY CORP/ DAYTON, OH UNIVERSAL TECHNOLOGY CORP/ DAYTON, OH UNIVERSAL TECHNOLOGY CORP/ DAYTON, OH UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA/IRVINE, CA UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO/BOULDER, CO UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA URS FEDERAL SERVICES INC/SHREWSBURY,NJ WYLE LABORATORIES/ Total Department of the Air Force Department of Defense Basic Scientific Research - Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineering Mathematical Sciences Grants Program Research and Technology Development ROTC Language and Culture Training Grants Passed through from: INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION/WASHINGTON, DC Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineering Passed through from: ACQUISITION, RESEARCH, & LOGISTICS INC / NATIONAL HARBOR, MD AEGIS TECHNOLOGIES GROUP INC ALLOY SURFACES CO INC/CHESTER,PA BAE SYSTEMS/NASHUA, NH BIT SYSTEMS/ STERLING, VA BODKIN DESIGN/WELLESLEY,MA CHARLES RIVER ANALYTICS INC / CAMBRIDGE, MA DECISIVE ANALYTICS CORPORATION/ARLINGTON, VA DECISIVE ANALYTICS CORPORATION/ARLINGTON, VA DECISIVE ANALYTICS CORPORATION/ARLINGTON, VA DESIGN INTERACTIVE INC/OVIEDO,FL DRAPER LABORATORY DYNETICS INCORPORATED/ DYNETICS INCORPORATED/ Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 AGREEMENT EFF 9/27/13 352-02-GTARC SBIR: AGRMNT DTD 22-OCT-2014 7500119051 SP0024930-PROJ0006374 RF01175649 4791-GIT-AFOSR-0004 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 LTR AGMT, DTD 2/22/2011 AGR DTD 5/29/13 AGMT DTD 5/4/15 206-000078 AGR DTD 10/04/2013 AGR DTD 5/21/2013 R775325 LTR SUBCONTRACT DTD 6/25/14 C1442 C2611 C4191 S-875-001-009 S-926-005-002 287381 2010-04904-04 2012-00305-01 2012-02532-01 3002447199 3002629732 C00043299-5 15-S7506-07-C2 12-S7114-01-C1 13S7404-02-C2 14-A7506-08-C4 #2012-2754 1552069/PO# 1000394545 UFDSP00010759 LV00002523 WC0019FY14 12.351 12.630 12.901 12.910 Federal Expenditures 55,445 144 32,000 1,069,667 188,102 26,196 251,601 92,387 213,729 2,332 44,014 108,355 108,678 98,754 (53) 187,599 22,805 84,428 70,925 53,364 8,031 496,362 115,767 74,994 100,000 165,134 133,591 5,142 4,836 117,807 12,499 30,000 176,441 113,502 13,947 101,656 52,784 210,320,184 212,111 65,072,751 12,605 5,560,167 12.357 #2603-GT-16 105,230 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 DHS.GTARC.2012-A-1.0 105-STTR-GTRI-7160 HC1047-05-D-4000-0255 853128 884086 BITS-11875 AGR DTD 4/7/14 C1300602 000000027 4223001014 4224001004 AGR DTD 6/24/13 SC001-791 DI-SC-09-20 / 12 4,583 117,742 2,827 20,007 7,903 93,448 22,680 929,697 43,150 40,436 4,193 (2,806) 329 40,220 10 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title DYNETICS INCORPORATED/ DYNETICS INCORPORATED/ DYNETICS INCORPORATED/ EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA ENGENIUSMICRO/MABLETON, GA FRONTLINE FOUNDATION LTD/ATLANTA, GA GENERAL DYNAMICS C4 SYSTEMS INC GENERAL DYNAMICS/ GEORGIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY/STATESBORO, GA GILAT NORTH AMERICA/MCLEAN, VA GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY CONNECTIONS/ATLANTA, GA HONEYWELL INC/ HONEYWELL INC/ HONEYWELL INC/ HONEYWELL INC/ HONEYWELL INC/ HONEYWELL INC/ HONEYWELL INC/ HONEYWELL INC/ IJIS INSTITUTE/ASHBURN, VA INSTITUTE FOR DEFENSE ANALYSIS/ALEXANDRIA, VA JOHNS HOPKINS APPLIED PHYSICS LAB/LAUREL, MD JT3 LLC LOCKHEED - FORT WORTH/FORT WORTH, TX LOCKHEED - FORT WORTH/FORT WORTH, TX LOCKHEED - MARTIN/MARIETTA, GA LOCKHEED MARTIN ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY LAB/CHERRY HILL,NJ MAGNOLIA OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES INC/WOBURN, MA MODERNA THERAPEUTICS/CAMBRIDGE,MA NORTHROP CORPORATION/ NORTHROP CORPORATION/ NORTHROP GRUMMAN SYSTEMS CORP/EL SEGUNDO, CA NORTHROP GRUMMAN/BALTIMORE, MD OPEN SOURCE ROBOTICS FOUNDATION/MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA OPEN SOURCE ROBOTICS FOUNDATION/MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA ORBITAL SCIENCES CORPORATION/CHANDLER, AZ PERFORMANCE POLYMER SOLUTIONS INC./MORAINE, OH PRATT & WHITNEY AIRCRAFT/ RAYTHEON RICARDO INC SAIC SAIC SAIC SAIC SAIC SANDIA NATIONAL LABS SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANOFI PASTEUR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CORP/ATLANTA, GA STEVENS INST OF TECHNOLOGY/ STEVENS INST OF TECHNOLOGY/ STEVENS INST OF TECHNOLOGY/ STEVENS INST OF TECHNOLOGY/ STEVENS INST OF TECHNOLOGY/ STEVENS INST OF TECHNOLOGY/ STEVENS INST OF TECHNOLOGY/ STEVENS INST OF TECHNOLOGY/ STEVENS INST OF TECHNOLOGY/ STEVENS INST OF TECHNOLOGY/ STEVENS INST OF TECHNOLOGY/ SYSTEM HIGH/ ARLINGTON,VA SYSTEM HIGH/ ARLINGTON,VA Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number Federal Expenditures 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 DI-SC-09-20 / 14 DI-SC-09-20 / 15 DI-SC-09-20 /13 DI-SC-09-20/16 S911734 AGT DTD MAY 13, 2014 #128524 LTR SUBCONTRACT, DTD 6/11/2012 10204267_14-SC-0102 LS 39G3413 AGRMT DTD 4/27/15 AGR DTD 9/26/12 3500388075E 3500835360E 3501085955E 3501196815E LTR SUBK, DATED 5/5/2013 PO 3500905926E PO 3500909253E T.O.#4 A62451 125083 4M13000065 7238817 7253165 3564820 57,355 556,035 510,973 48,897 34,570 69,727 44,179 470,601 416,083 1,475 13,339 62,700 104,024 294,370 594,698 15,631 2,287,935 49,360 109,924 53,639 826 449,496 177,679 (4,166) 40,873 229,000 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 4101794768 AGMT DTD 1/10/12 RESEARCH AGREEMENT DTD 7/30/13 39230820 8200185838 2837865 8140000831 OSRF 12-007 SA15-001 1011522703 AGREEMENT DTD 10/03/13 24109 / 22 4200836837 ADV AGREE DTD 5 JUNE 2012 4600005751/2 A11755 P010149813 LTR SUB PO10082959 PO10105875 977060 1126237 1195414 1200260 70040-GATECH SR20130873 RT 136 TASK ORDER 0011- RES TOPIC111 TASK ORDER 0015-RES TOPIC 115 TASK ORDER 0017; RT 117 TASK ORDER 0025 RT 125 TASK ORDER 0031, RT-131 TASK ORDER 013-RES TOPIC 113 TASK ORDER 037 RT 137 TASK ORDER 038, RT-138 TASK ORDER NO. 0023 RT 123 TO 0010 - RES TOPIC110 DAR 350 DAR328 2,381 46,289 148,416 (382) 9,630 136,274 11,897 44,847 310 94,284 362 166,303 119,381 24,804 1,096,624 78,126 1,054 12 1,983,811 (2,136) 54,105 1,633 51,610 224,988 661 2,988 173,064 312,322 627,081 98,743 7,001 54,117 40,913 32,900 95,634 29,308 545,510 (328) 11 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title SYSTEM HIGH/ ARLINGTON,VA TASC INC/CHANTILLY,VA TDA RESEARCH INC TNO DEFENSE, SECURITY AND SAFETY/RIJSWIJK, NETHERLANDS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA/BERKLEY, CA UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN/CHAMPAIGN, IL UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY ZETA ASSOCIATES INC//FAIRFAX, VA Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program Passed through from: OAK RIDGE NAT'L LAB/MARTIN MARIETTA Research and Technology Development Passed through from: CHARLES RIVER ASSOCIATES/BOSTON, MA US DEPT OF INTERIOR/INTERIOR BUSINESS CENTER/FORT HUACHUCA, AZ US DEPT OF INTERIOR/NATIONAL BUSINESS CENTER US DEPT OF INTERIOR/NATIONAL BUSINESS CENTER/FORT HUACHUCA, AZ Total Department of Defense Department of the Interior Research Grants (Generic) Assistance to State Water Resources Research Institutes Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program U.S. Geological Survey_ Research and Data Collection Hurricane Sandy Program Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation (AMLR) Program Passed through from: UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING/LARAMIE, WYOMING Total Department of the Interior Department of Justice Law Enforcement Assistance_FBI Crime Laboratory Support Law Enforcement Assistance_National Crime Information Center National Institute of Justice Research, Evaluation, and Development Project Grants Regional Information Sharing Systems Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Regional Information Sharing Systems Passed through from: CRIMINAL INFORMATION SHARING ALLIANCE/FOLSOM, CA Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program Passed through from: UNIV OF ALABAMA/TUSCALOOSA, AL Total Department of Justice Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health-Susan Harwood Training Grants Consultation Agreements Disability Employment Policy Development Passed through from: VISCARDI CENTER/ALBERTSON, NY Total Department of Labor Department of State Environmental and Scientific Partnerships and Programs Passed through from: SOUTHERN POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY/MARIETTA, GA SOUTHERN POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY/MARIETTA, GA Energy Governance and Reform Programs Passed through from: Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number Federal Expenditures 12.630 12.630 12.630 DAR329 PO-0003770 1917.GA.GTRC.2013-01 12.630 12.630 AGMT DTD 6/17/13 00006195 12.630 12.630 12.630 12.630 2014-00121-01 3002565188 1723-S1 LTR AGMT 100064-GTARC-01 12.800 4000023786 67,292 12.910 LTR K, DTED 5/30/12 14,861 12.910 12.910 D13AP00047 D11AP00280 21,077 (112) 12.910 D13AP00001 (16,453) 86,536,133 15.650 15.805 15.807 15.808 15.979 15.252 245,917 (1,826) 294,161 16,496 64,568 224,216 186,433 2,327 126,141 177,103 71,001 70,595 17,000 108,609 1001541A-GIT 19,898 464,207 16.301 16.304 16.560 370,244 1,008,204 94,719 16.610 16.738 404,999 1,150,072 16.610 001-98-07SA 16.751 UA15-034 17.502 17.504 34,956 21,310 3,084,503 159,740 1,383,662 17.720 #128255 19.017 19.017 SPARC2014-GTRC-002 SPARC2014-GTRI-001 45,809 1,589,210 28,537 113,994 12 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title LAWRENCE BERKELEY NATIONAL LAB Academic Exchange Programs - Scholars Passed through from: INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION/WASHINGTON, DC Total Department of State Department of Transportation Aviation Research Grants Air Transportation Centers of Excellence Highway Planning and Construction Highway Training and Education University Transportation Centers Program Highway Research and Development Program Passed through from: ATMOSPHERIC TECHNOLOGY SERVICES COMPANY/NORMAN, OK FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY/TALLAHASSEE, FLA HDR ENGINEERING INC/PITTSBURGH, PA NATL INST OF BUILDING SCIENCE/WASHINGTON, DC THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES UNIV OF FLORIDA/ Public Transportation Research Passed through from: THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES Research Grants Passed through from: GA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION/ THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES UNIV OF FLORIDA/ UNIV OF MARYLAND UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA/DAVIS, CA Total Department of Transportation General Services Administration Sale of Federal Surplus Personal Property Total General Services Administration National Aeronautics and Space Administration Science Aeronautics Exploration Space Operations Education Cross Agency Support Science Passed through from: AURORA FLIGHT SCIENCES/CAMBRIDGE, MA DREXEL UNIVERSITY/PITTSBURG, PA JET PROPULSION LAB/CALIFORNIA INST. OF TECH JET PROPULSION LAB/CALIFORNIA INST. OF TECH JET PROPULSION LAB/CALIFORNIA INST. OF TECH JOHNS HOPKINS APPLIED PHYSICS LAB/LAUREL, MD MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH (MIT)/CAMBRIDGE, MA MILLENNIUM ENGINEERING AND INTEGRATION COMPANY/ARLINGTON, VA PURDUE UNIVERSITY/WEST LAFAYETTE, IN ROLLS-ROYCE SAN JOSE UNIVERSITY/SAN JOSE, CA SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE/WASHINGTON, DC SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE/ UCLA/LOS ANGELES, CA UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN/AUSTIN, TX HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number Federal Expenditures 19.207 7236430 13,300 19.401 S-13-05 82,164 237,995 20.108 20.109 20.205 20.215 20.701 656,249 1,686,475 159,055 5,921 1,812,208 20.200 20.200 20.200 20.200 20.200 20.200 20.200 20.200 TASK ORDER 0001/BOA 953 R01583 0000013677 2014-090-EASTMAN-001 HR 20-07(355) HR 24-37/ SUB0000130 NCHRP-163 UF-EIES-1200024-GAT 20.514 TCRP B-43 20.762 20.762 20.762 20.762 20.762 2014-19, RES PROJ 14-15 HR 20-59(034) UF-EIES-1200024-GAT 11909-Z9825001 201302432-04 87,786 533,768 64,114 50,974 73,897 98,976 7,047 66,020 62,603 1,132 (1,649) 89,723 101,813 430,041 5,986,153 39.007 159,362 159,362 43.001 43.002 43.003 43.007 43.008 43.009 6,336,340 4,155,200 563,309 208,976 464,894 619,901 43.001 43.001 43.001 43.001 43.001 43.001 43.001 AFSA4-2379 230097-3629 1501881 1513677 1527442 106571 5710002951 39,108 52,792 45,640 7,961 1,516 1,685 172,786 43.001 43.001 43.001 43.001 43.001 43.001 43.001 43.001 43.001 2014-0138 4103-61335 5100002593 21-1614-4877-GATECH 13-SUBC-440-0000279842 699054X/15.12029 2090-S-RB151 UTA14-001157 LTR SUBK EFFECTIVE 9 JAN 2013 294,426 8,730 71,276 16,511 1,377 112,570 25,345 763 82,799 13 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title Aeronautics Passed through from: ADVANCED SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGIES INC./IRVINE, CA BOEING AEROSPACE COMPANY/ CRAFT TECH CROWN CONSULTING INC CROWN CONSULTING INC CROWN CONSULTING INC/ARLINGTON,VA CROWN CONSULTING INC/ARLINGTON,VA CROWN CONSULTING INC/ARLINGTON,VA CROWN CONSULTING INC/ARLINGTON,VA JACOBS SVERDRUP ADVANCED SYSTEMS GROUP/FORT WALTON BEACH, FL JACOBS SVERDRUP ADVANCED SYSTEMS GROUP/FORT WALTON BEACH, FL JET PROPULSION LAB/CALIFORNIA INST. OF TECH JET PROPULSION LAB/CALIFORNIA INST. OF TECH JET PROPULSION LAB/CALIFORNIA INST. OF TECH JET PROPULSION LAB/CALIFORNIA INST. OF TECH JET PROPULSION LAB/CALIFORNIA INST. OF TECH JET PROPULSION LAB/CALIFORNIA INST. OF TECH JET PROPULSION LAB/CALIFORNIA INST. OF TECH JET PROPULSION LAB/CALIFORNIA INST. OF TECH JET PROPULSION LAB/CALIFORNIA INST. OF TECH JOHNS HOPKINS APPLIED PHYSICS LAB/LAUREL, MD JOHNS HOPKINS APPLIED PHYSICS LAB/LAUREL, MD LMI/MCLEAN,VA NASA/JET PROPL LAB / PASADENA, CA NATIONAL SPACE BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE/HOUSTON,TX PRATT & WHITNEY AIRCRAFT/ PRATT & WHITNEY AIRCRAFT/ ROLLS-ROYCE SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH FOUNDATION SETI INSTITUTE/MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE TDA RESEARCH INC./WHEAT RIDGE, CO UNITED TECHNOLOGIES/EAST HARTFORD, CT UNIV OF MICHIGAN/ Exploration Passed through from: CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE IN SPACE (CASIS)/EXPLORATION PARK, FL Total National Aeronautics and Space Administration The National Endowment for Arts Promotion of the Arts_Grants to Organizations and Individuals National Leadership Grants Passed through from: OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY/CORVALLIS, OR Total The National Endowment for Arts National Science Foundation Engineering Grants Mathematical and Physical Sciences Geosciences Computer and Information Science and Engineering Biological Sciences Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Education and Human Resources Polar Programs International Science and Engineering (OISE) Office of Cyberinfrastructure Trans-NSF Recovery Act Research Support Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number Federal Expenditures 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 AGT DTD JULY 28, 2014 455281; LTR DTD 3/22/2011 AGT DTD JULY 29, 2014 ADVANCE PROJECT # LETTER CONTR DTD SEP-10-2013 G024-SUB-0001-02 G024-SUB-0001-03 TASK ORDER 01 TASK ORDER 02 43.002 ESSA-GATECH-003 160,557 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 GA TECH-004 1345180 1371491 1492031 1492033 1492037 1509102 1513680 1514346 1517118 117822 MSA # 115841 NS341.01 1492249 838,332 202,417 14,231 50,918 25,673 6,880 42,860 25,000 10,000 30,424 6,713 33,710 288,331 1,052 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 43.002 PF04102 24102 / 21 24102 / 23 5100002475 #21-1614-4877-GATECH2015 SC-3017 #HST-AR-13895.001-A HST-GO-13503.001-A SBIR: AGRMNT DTD 22 OCT 201 PO 2602355 3003177064 30,667 72,012 50,000 58,790 8,939 4,329 22,303 33,960 33,975 223,730 20,236 43.003 #GA-2013-116 45.024 45.312 47.041 47.049 47.050 47.070 47.074 47.075 47.076 47.078 47.079 47.080 47.082 29,103 1,704 35,530 33,994 (341) 89,646 4,924 74,550 33,509 (125) 15,882,438 23,488 X0159A-B 6,313 29,802 15,207,042 14,976,003 4,398,307 16,581,601 1,927,422 955,779 5,398,798 247,016 62,711 1,237,696 179,768 14 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title Engineering Grants Passed through from: ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY/TEMPE, AZ CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK/NEW YORK, NY CLEMSON UNIVERSITY CLEMSON UNIVERSITY CORNELL UNIVERSITY EMORY UNIVERSITY EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY/TALLAHASSEE, FLA GEORGIA DEPT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH/ATLANTA,GA GEORGIA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ATLANTA, GA IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY/AMES, IA MA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY/EAST LANSING, MI MOREHOUSE COLLEGE/ATLANTA, GA OPENCELL TECHNOLOGIES INC/ATLANTA,GA PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV/UNIV PARK, PA PRINCETON UNIVERSITY/PLAINSBORO, NJ STATE UNIV OF NY AT STONY BROOK/STONY BROOK,NY TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE STATION, TX UCLA/LOS ANGELES, CA UNIV OF WASHINGTON/SEATTLE, WA UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA/DAVIS, CA UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA/MINNEAPOLIS, MN UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA/MINNEAPOLIS, MN UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA/MINNEAPOLIS, MN UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA/LOS ANGELES, CA UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA/LOS ANGELES, CA UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN/AUSTIN,TX Mathematical and Physical Sciences Passed through from: EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA OHIO UNIVERSITY/ATHENS, OH PURDUE UNIVERSITY/WEST LAFAYETTE.IN UNIV OF NORTH CAROLINA/CHAPEL HILL, NC UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA/MINNEAPOLIS, MN Geosciences Passed through from: DUKE UNIVERSITY/DURHAM, NC EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA UNIV OF CALIFORNIA/SAN DIEGO/LAJOLLA, CA UNIV OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA/MARINA DEL RAY, CA UNIV OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA/MARINA DEL RAY, CA UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA/ST. PAUL, MN UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE/DURHAM, NH UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA/LOS ANGELES, CA Computer and Information Science and Engineering Passed through from: CARNEGIE MELLON INSTITUTE/PITTSBURGH, PA CARNEGIE MELLON INSTITUTE/PITTSBURGH, PA COMPUTING RESEARCH ASSOCIATION/WASHINGTON, DC PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV/UNIV PARK, PA RAYTHEON/BBN SYSTEM AND TECHNOLOGIES/CAMBRIDGE, MA UNIV OF CALIFORNIA/SAN DIEGO/LAJOLLA, CA WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY/DETROIT, MI Biological Sciences Passed through from: ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY/TEMPE, AZ DUKE UNIVERSITY/DURHAM, NC IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY/AMES, IA IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY/AMES, IA MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY/BOZEMAN, MONTANA Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number Federal Expenditures 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 47.041 09-167 40B88-B 1605-206-2008905 1678-206-2009494 44771-7471 T191962 T330605 R01706 12036G-ARRA DO 43 DTD 7/12/10 420-21-54A 5710002868 RC104008GTRC PO# P0044575 AGRMNT. DATED 07.31.13 TO# 14 - 3168M-GIT-TPSU-0000 00001972 51585 B5241 1000 G QB248 758363 201402315-01 T5306692101 A003927901 T5306692101 (OLD #T5306755102) T5306692101-INDUSTRY 43415275 48754920 UTA13-000573 74,866 185,660 14,597 718 1,683,840 262,664 29,112 49,031 51,164 220,061 106,232 1,234,635 1,326 485 22,136 39,551 173,693 115,329 52,917 55,598 39,376 83,885 485,945 25,307 2,999 632 41,967 46,213 29,946 47.049 47.049 47.409 47.049 47.049 T261312 (YR3) UT17727 4101-38946 S-37055 A000060251 423,367 157,704 681 9,262 9,136 47.050 47.050 47.050 47.050 47.050 47.050 47.050 47.050 #14-NSF-1074 T235481 PO# 10313411 38516937 49859529 H00294503 #14-059 Y83150 158,404 63,070 2,066 4,865 20,042 27,297 75,532 50,000 47.070 47.070 47.070 47.070 1121659-317227 1121824-332319 CCC-GT-072014 T.O. #13 -3168M-GIT-TPSU-0000 47.070 47.070 47.070 1947 32988721/S9000045 WSU14116 136,019 111,804 12,336 47.074 47.074 47.074 47.074 47.074 T.O. 1 14-NSF-1112 420-61-87A 420-62-61A G124-14-W4596 360,733 53,645 89,963 28,346 109,430 59,789 28,308 53,019 27,726 15 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title PURDUE UNIVERSITY/WEST LAFAYETTE, IN SILA NANOTECHOLOGIES INC/ ATLANTA, GA UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA/ATHENS, GA Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Passed through from: ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY/TEMPE, AZ ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY/TEMPE, AZ CLARK ATLANTA UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA NEW MEXICO HIGHLANDS UNIVERSITY/LAS VEGAS, NM UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS/FT. WORTH, TX Education and Human Resources Passed through from: BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY/MARIETTA, GA SEARCH TECHNOLOGY INC/ UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA/ATHENS, GA UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA/ATHENS, GA UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN/MADISON WISCONSIN Polar Programs Passed through from: UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN/MADISON WISCONSIN International Science and Engineering (OISE) Passed through from: CIVILIAN RES & DEVL FOUN (CRDF)/ARLINGTON, VA UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA/MINNEAPOLIS, MN TRANS-NSF RECOVERY ACT RESEARCH SUPPORT Passed through from: UNIV OF TENNESSEE/ Total National Science Foundation Small Business Adminstration Prime Technical Assistance Passed through from: GREENFIELD ADVISORS/ATLANTA, GA Total Small Business Administration Department of Veteran Affairs Vocational Rehabilitation for Disabled Veterans Total Department of Veteran Affairs Environmental Protection Agency Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Research Program Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowship Program Pollution Prevention Grants Program Source Reduction Assistance Ozone Transport Commission Passed through from: HEALTH EFFECTS INSTITUTE/CAMBRIDGE, MA Surveys, Stdies, Rsch, Invstigtns, Demos, & SpecPurp Activ Rel to Clean Air Act Passed through from: HEALTH EFFECTS INSTITUTE/CAMBRIDGE, MA SOUTHEASTERN STATES AIR RESOURCE MANAGERS INC/FOREST PARK,GA Congressionally Mandated Projects Passed through from: THE CONSORTIUM FOR PLANT BIOTECH RES INC/ST SIMONS ISLAND, GA Regional Wetland Program Development Grants Passed through from: GA DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES/ Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Research Program Passed through from: EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number Federal Expenditures 47.074 47.074 47.074 P.O. #30515609 120358 RR182-436/4945196 (14,100) 21,127 61,179 47.075 47.075 47.075 47.075 47.075 11-483 / PO # SC 19111M00171 14-364 RSP-09-09-215035-002 PO #: P0130865 (P0121252-OLD) GF1687-1 166,468 52,668 14,231 17,879 17,955 47.076 47.076 47.076 47.076 47.076 47.076 4412-A 431317-14-01 STI-GTRC-14-1 RR740-010/8644627 RR740-011/4942696 419K893 37,755 16,779 44,372 37,319 6,938 320 47.078 430K905 21,691 47.079 47.079 47.079 OISE-15-61220-0 NSF PRIME: IIA-1355438 A003418201 47.082 A10-0064-S007 59.05 AGMT, DATED 11/08/2011 121 26,233 201,681 (16,988) 69,088,204 61,515 61,515 64.116 26,192 26,192 66.509 66.514 66.708 66.717 399,288 4,845 18,558 13,643 66.033 4943-RFA13-2/14-4 103,505 66.034 #4912-RFA11-1/12-6 222,709 66.034 S-2010-04-01 66.202 EPA8348801-339 15,617 66.461 AGR DTD 10/9/14 15,853 66.509 PO# T058862 8,985 173,711 16 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA UNIV OF ALABAMA/TUSCALOOSA, AL UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN/MADISON WISCONSIN Total Environmental Protection Agency Nuclear Regulatory Commission U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Education Grant Program U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Scholarship and Fellowship Program U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Education Grant Program Passed through from: M. TUTTLE AND ASSOCIATES/GEORGETOWN,ME Total Nuclear Regulatory Commission Department of Energy Office of Science Financial Assistance Program Conservation Research and Development Renewable Energy Research and Development Fossil Energy Research and Development Stewardship Science Grant Program Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research Nuclear Energy Research, Development and Demonstration Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, Research, Development and Analysis Advanced Research and Projects Agency – Energy Financial Assistance Program Office of Science Financial Assistance Program Passed through from: APPLIED NOVEL DEVICES/AUSTIN, TX ARGONNE NATL LAB/UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC/ARGONNE, IL ARGONNE NATL LAB/UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC/ARGONNE, IL ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY/TEMPE, AZ ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY/TEMPE, AZ BANDGAP ENGINEERING INC/WOBURN, MA BATTELLE/ BINERGY SCIENTIFIC INC/SALT LAKE CITY,UT CFD RESEARCH CORPORATION/HUNTSVILLE, AL CLEMSON UNIVERSITY/CLEMSON, SC CONTINUUM DYNAMICS INC/EWING, NJ CONTINUUM DYNAMICS INC/EWING, NJ FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY/TALLAHASSEE, FLA HIFUNDA LLC/SALT LAKE CITY,UT IDAHO NATIONAL LAB/BEA/IDAHO FALLS IDAHO NATIONAL LAB/BEA/IDAHO FALLS IDAHO NATIONAL LAB/BEA/IDAHO FALLS IDAHO NATIONAL LAB/BEA/IDAHO FALLS IDAHO NATIONAL LAB/BEA/IDAHO FALLS IDAHO NATIONAL LAB/BEA/IDAHO FALLS KENT STATE UNIVERSITY LAWRENCE BERKELEY NATIONAL LAB/UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LAWRENCE BERKELEY NATIONAL LAB/UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LLNL/LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATL SEC LLC/LIVERMORE,CA LLNL/LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATL SEC LLC/LIVERMORE,CA LLNL/LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATL SEC LLC/LIVERMORE,CA LLNL/LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATL SEC LLC/LIVERMORE,CA LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LAB/LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL SECURITY (LANS) LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LAB/LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL SECURITY (LANS) Federal CFDA Number 66.509 66.509 66.509 66.509 66.509 66.509 66.509 Pass-through Entity ID Number S553708 S553709 S553711 S553712 S553713 UA15-045 345K015 77.006 77.008 77.006 Federal Expenditures 245,074 108,666 11,001 32,429 7,636 7,805 28,692 1,418,017 4,734 82,139 MTA-SC2011-GT-1 2,343 89,216 81.049 81.086 81.087 81.089 81.112 81.113 81.121 81.122 5,162,480 686,771 2,202,213 1,415,511 25,419 149,646 719,334 20,929 81.135 4,500,316 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 AND100113-01 1J-30161-0004A 4F-30541 12-727 DE-AR0000470 AGMT, DTD 3/25/2013 US001-601190-4 AGMT DTD 20-JAN-2015 AGMT DTD 7/8/14 1518-219-2098126 PO 11-683 STTR: AGRMT DTD 01 APR 2015 R01436 STTR: AGMT DTD 02 MARCH 2015 00123590 00126913 00126931 00128483 00131206 00132015 400001-GATECH 15,000 50,000 46,719 143,584 292,492 (1) 16,514 26,400 32,000 50,709 4 3,640 46,676 26,208 38,227 226,149 263,834 304,267 81,235 1,732,495 200,051 81.049 7080598 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 SUBCONTRACT NO 7052309 B606031 B608314 B611705 B611708 81.049 120484 26,519 81.049 280217 79,375 69,656 573,798 18,152 49,265 24,713 6,677 17 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LAB/LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL SECURITY (LANS) LSU/BATON ROUGE, LA MATERIALS & ELECTROCHEMICAL RESEARCH (MER) CORP./TUCSON, AZ NATL RENEWABLE ENERGY LAB/ALLNC FOR SUSTAIN ENGY NATL RENEWABLE ENERGY LAB/ALLNC FOR SUSTAIN ENGY NATL RENEWABLE ENERGY LAB/ALLNC FOR SUSTAIN ENGY NATL RENEWABLE ENERGY LAB/ALLNC FOR SUSTAIN ENGY NORTHROP GRUMMAN/REDONDO BEACH, CA NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY/EVANSTON, IL OAK RIDGE NATL LAB/OAK RIDGE, TN OAK RIDGE NATL LAB/UT BATTELLE LLC OAK RIDGE NATL LAB/UT BATTELLE LLC OG TECHNOLOGIES/ANN ARBOR, MI PACIFIC NW NATL LAB/BATTELLE MEMORIAL INST PACIFIC NW NATL LAB/BATTELLE MEMORIAL INST PACIFIC NW NATL LAB/BATTELLE MEMORIAL INST PICASOLAR INC./FAYETTEVILLE, AR PROJECT PERFORMANCE COMPANY LLC/MCLEAN, VA PROJECT PERFORMANCE COMPANY LLC/MCLEAN, VA PROJECT PERFORMANCE CORP/MCLEAN, VA QUES TEK INNOVATIONS LLC QUES TEK INNOVATIONS LLC/EVANSTON, IL SANDIA NATIONAL LABS SANDIA NATIONAL LABS SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SIEMENS POWER GENERATION/ALAFAYA TRAIL ORLANDO, FL SIEMENS POWER GENERATION/ALAFAYA TRAIL ORLANDO, FL SILA NANOTECHOLOGIES INC/ ATLANTA, GA SILA NANOTECHOLOGIES INC/ ATLANTA, GA SILICON SOLAR SOLUTIONS LLC /FAYETTEVILLE, AR STATE UNIV OF NY AT STONY BROOK SUNEDISON, INC SUNIVA/ ATLANTA, GA SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY/SYRACUSE, NY TECHNICAL DATA ANALYSIS INC/FALL CHURCH, VA THIRD WAVE SYSTEMS/MINNEAPOLIS, MN THIRD WAVE SYSTEMS/MINNEAPOLIS, MN UNIV OF NORTH CAROLINA/CHAPEL HILL, NC UNIV OF NOTRE DAME/SOUTH BEND, IN UNIV OF SOUTH CAROLINA/COLUMBIA, SC UNIV OF TENNESSEE/ UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA/TUCSON, AZ UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA/TUCSON, AZ UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA/TUCSON, AZ UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE/NEWARK, DE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA/MINNEAPOLIS, MN UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number 81.049 81.049 299526 41920 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 AGMT DTD NOV-19-2012 AFC-4-42041-01 XEJ-4-42219-01 XFA-3-23009-01 XGJ-4-42233-01 AGR DTD 12/08/14 SP0018030-PROJ0004606 4000084578 4000100062 4000104541 AGT DTD SEPT. 9, 2014 233164 240628 256711 AGREEMENT DTD 07-NOV-2014 1510-GTRC-S / 002 1510-GTRC-S /GTRC-TO-001 GTRC-0013 1122 1194 1208307 997951 1155042 1188989 1399026 1399405 1400963 1440770 1451161 1451165 1451582 1461174 1471553 1522694 1524140 1524777 1531595 1531610 6500040360 6500059520 AGMT DTD 10/1/12 AGR DTD 5/11/15 AGREEMENT EFF 09/27/13 68856-TASK 3, PROJ. 1119493 AGREE EFF 14 DEC 2012 AGMT,DATED 7/7/14 24958-02972-S02 AGMT DTD 6/23/14 P.O. TDM769 TDM773 5035981 202092-GT 10-1720 #A12-0152-S003 74571 PO# 109150 Y551858 37792 32600 A003127003 2014-14 Federal Expenditures 26,485 55,810 133,916 1,196 70,092 97,166 95,000 14,061 67,598 7,852 42,351 69,128 21,849 41,497 303,600 3,147 122,453 26,226 34,623 30,713 102,859 39,680 109,685 (453) 1,639 6,366 166,983 58,342 95,375 14,994 20,008 21,965 27,450 262,265 73,040 28,062 175,360 46,576 8,495 67,657 114,974 259,401 105,741 27,026 83,091 85,605 29,756 379,874 85,773 36,660 220,984 6,034 82,100 100,307 110,514 61,669 95,375 69,992 28,215 80,522 477 131,361 85,413 18 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN/MADISON WISCONSIN UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN/MADISON WISCONSIN US DEPT OF ENERGY/ARGONNE, IL UT BATTELLE LLC UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY/NASHVILLE, TN VARENTEC, INC / SAN JOSE, CA VERAPHOTONICS/SAN JOSE,CA XG SCIENCES/LANSING,MI Conservation Research and Development Passed through from: SOUTHFACE ENERGY INSTITUTE/ Renewable Energy Research and Development Passed through from: ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY/TEMPE, AZ ELECTRIC POWER RES INST/ STANFORD UNIVERSITY/STANFORD, CA Fossil Energy Research and Development Passed through from: CLEMSON UNIVERSITY/CLEMSON, SC COMBUSTION RSCH & FLOW TECH CRYSTAL SOLAR/SANTA CLARA,CA TEXAS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION-TAMU/COLLEGE STATION, TX UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research Passed through from: NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY/RALEIGH, NC Nuclear Energy Research, Development and Demonstration Passed through from: SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY/SYRACUSE, NY UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS/FAYETTEVILLE, AR Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy Passed through from: PRINCETON UNIVERSITY/PLAINSBORO, NJ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA/MINNEAPOLIS, MN Total Department of Energy Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number Federal Expenditures 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 11-1847 524K086 562K284 DE-FG02-07ER46394 4000136005 4000116095 4000120089 4000121932 4000122658 4000122911 4000125663 4000125802 4000126657 4000126984 4000127240 4000127446 4000128095 4000129251 4000130657 4000130866 4000134437 4000134683 4000134863 4000135557 4000135739 4000136004 4000136025 4000136270 4000136542 4000138490 4000138727 #19067-S12 AGMT, DTD 1/26/2012 AGMT DTD 12/20/13 AGR DTD 2/18/2014 2,917 66,621 16,660 296,126 28,537 187,276 1,133 148,133 (391) 71,083 86,555 10,248 8,318 86,000 211,564 24,249 46,808 47,024 1,383 60,157 87,257 37,138 33,071 42,381 36,324 27,767 26,036 8,707 11,194 154,728 8,290 171,621 476,147 29,498 74,544 81.086 #127006 81.087 81.087 81.087 13-184 #10001646 60212339-51077-G 81.089 81.089 81.089 1751-219-2020335 DE-SC0004465/C503 AGMT, DTD 7/13/2011 81.089 81.089 81.089 81.089 M1400537 #4000111432 4000105765 4000109871 108,570 71,811 105,736 83,592 (2,342) 81.113 2014-0501-05 179,410 81.121 81.121 27383-03825-S02 SA1510069 81.135 81.135 00002161 A002605103 14,573 212,897 323,701 227,152 58,736 3,242 45,672 1,273 106,582 121,311 28,485,972 19 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title Department of Education Overseas Programs - Group Projects Abroad Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need Centers for International Business Education Education Research, Development and Dissemination Rehabilitation Training - Continuing Education Passed through from: CINCINNATI CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER/CINCINNATI, OH SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY/SYRACUSE, NY Mathematics and Science Partnerships Passed through from: OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY/COLUMBUS, OH Improving Teacher Quality State Grants Passed through from: UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA/ATHENS, GA UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA/ATHENS, GA Education Technology State Grants, Recovery Act Passed through from: ST OF GA GOVERNOR'S OFFICE/ATLANTA, GA College Access Challenge Grant Program Passed through from: BARROW COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM CF FOUNDATION INC./ATLANTA, GEORGIA DREW CHARTER SCHOOL/ATLANTA,GA ST OF GA GOVERNOR'S OFFICE/ATLANTA, GA Total Department of Education U.S. Election Assistance Commission U.S. Election Assistance Commission Research Grants Passed through from: INFORMATION TECH & INNOVATION/WASHINGTON,DC Total U.S. Election Assistance Commission Department of Health and Human Services Innovations in Applied Public Health Research Laboratory Leadership, Workforce Training and Management Development, Improving Public Health Laboratory Infrastructure Public Health Emergency Preparedness Food and Drug Administration_Research Environmental Health Oral Diseases and Disorders Research Health Program for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders Human Health Studies_Applied Research and Development Mental Health Research Grants Occupational Safety and Health Program Alcohol Research Programs Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health Trans-NIH Research Support Research Infrastructure Programs National Center for Research Resources Cancer Cause and Prevention Research Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research Cancer Treatment Research Cancer Biology Research ACL National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research A Comprehensive Approach to Good Health and Wellness in Indian County – financed solely by Prevention and Public Health Cardiovascular Diseases Research Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number 84.021 84.116 84.133 84.200 84.220 84.305 Federal Expenditures (1,151) 321,305 2,351,260 83,062 12,047 244,393 84.264 84.264 SUBAWARD # 132303 23482-02063 SO1 58,361 19,319 84.366 60036997 37,387 84.367 84.367 RH216-331/4945766 RH216-331/4945776 55,762 38,659 84.386 66IF321 84.395 84.395 84.395 84.395 AGR DTD 11/9/11 #122699 AGMT DTD 2/24/12 66IF004 90.403 2012004 132,460 23,146 72,015 7,342 1,959,462 5,414,830 (1,467) (1,467) 93.061 93.065 598,741 66,090 93.069 93.103 93.113 93.121 93.161 93.173 93.206 93.242 93.262 93.273 93.286 141,343 699,295 29,938 771,196 18,444 6,675 97,207 361,638 2,517 2,892 3,016,264 93.310 93.351 93.389 93.393 93.394 93.395 93.396 93.433 965,594 594,950 54,541 275,400 217,659 442,884 70,193 107,550 93.762 396,884 93.837 4,488,083 20 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number Federal Expenditures Lung Diseases Research Blood Diseases and Resources Research Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 93.838 93.839 93.846 93.847 93.853 110,339 19,890 1,836,214 235,340 1,699,273 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research Biomedical Research and Research Training Aging Research Vision Research Special Projects of National Significance International Research and Research Training Passed through from: EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA Innovations in Applied Public Health Research Passed through from: EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA Global AIDS Passed through from: ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH LABS/SILVER SPRINGS, MD Environmental Health Passed through from: EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI MEDICAL SCHOOL/MIAMI, FL Oral Diseases and Disorders Research Passed through from: UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA Injury Prevention and Control Research and State and Community Based Programs Passed through from: EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA Health Program for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Passed through from: LSU/BATON ROUGE, LA PREMITEC INC Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders Passed through from: EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA Human Health Studies-Applied Research and Development Passed through from: ALLEN INSTITUTE FOR BRAIN SCIENCE/SEATTLE, WA ARTIFICIAL CELL TECHNOLOGIES/NEW HAVEN,CT GEORGIA DEPT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH/ATLANTA,GA INTAN TECHNOLOGIES/LOS ANGELES, CA MIRNA THERAPEUTICS INC./AUSTIN. TX NEW ENGLAND RESEARCH INSTITUTE/WATERTOWN, MA ORISE FELLOWSHIP FOR JAYA ARYA QAPSULE TECHNOLOGIES INC/ SAN DIEGO, CA SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE/ LA JOLLA,CA ST. JOHN GROUP / ATLANTA, GA Research on Healthcare Costs, Quality and Outcomes Passed through from: EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA GEORGIA STATE UNIV/ATLANTA, GA Mental Health Research Grants Passed through from: EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 93.855 93.859 93.866 93.867 93.928 93.989 1,780,641 3,467,019 853,249 2,324,295 13,567 657,883 93.019 T079505 571,929 93.061 S289096 (38,942) 93.067 #56400-400-502-99-01 93.113 93.113 93.113 93.113 93.113 93.113 P.O. T382324 T133127 T198219 T286202 T354782 663768 221,978 6,071 32,499 8,709 6,000 135,546 93.121 000412838-022 113,305 93.136 T141944 93.161 93.161 10-90-010 (PO# 00365863) CONTRACT DATE 08/15/2011 38,786 6,526 93.173 93.173 93.173 S803949 S872546 (MAIN GRANT) S915497 37,681 14,908 977 93.206 93.206 93.206 93.206 93.206 93.206 93.206 93.206 93.206 93.206 2014-0518 AGMT DTD 5/29/14 15005G AGT DTD JULY 31, 2014 AGMT DTD 12/16/13 AGMT DTD 2/4/14 LETTER FROM ORAU AGMT DTD 04/25/2013 5-50991 AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE 08/12/2011 93.226 93.226 S906061 SP00011579-03 11,870 48,864 93.242 93.242 T076357 T261757 93,382 82,301 15,879 9,999 4,330 24,264 342,155 7,537 30,152 174,409 17,297 55 2,453 1 21 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title Passed through from: EMORY UNIVERSITY UNIV OF CALIFORNIA/SAN DIEGO/LAJOLLA, CA UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA/ATHENS, GA Centers for Disease Control and Prevention_Investigations and Technical Assistance Passed through from: UNIV OF SOUTH CAROLINA/COLUMBIA, SC Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health Passed through from: CORNELL UNIVERSITY/ITHACA, NY DREXEL UNIVERSITY/PITTSBURG, PA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY/EAST LANSING, MI UNIV OF LOUISVILLE/LOUISVILLE, KY UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS/MEMPHIS, TN National Public Health Improvement Initiative Passed through from: FULTON COUNTY/ Trans-NIH Research Support Passed through from: EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT SAN FRANCISCO/SAN FRANCISCO, CA UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN/AUSTIN,TX Public Health Preparedness and Response Science, Research, and Practice Passed through from: OAK RIDGE INSTI OF SCI & EDU/OAK RIDGE, TN National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Passed through from: EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research Passed through from: EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA RICE UNIVERSITY/HOUSTON, TEXAS Cancer Treatment Research Passed through from: MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY/EAST LANSING, MI Cancer Control Passed through from: EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA Heart and Vascular Diseases Research Passed through from: EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA OREGON HEALTH & SCIENCE UNIVERSITY/PORTLAND, OR ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY/ROCHESTER, NY UNIV OF MAINE/ORONO, ME UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA/ATHENS, GA UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number Federal Expenditures 93.279 93.279 93.279 S567675 39059372 RR274-403/4895516 2,026 431,523 33,586 93.283 14-2633 11520 FB35 7,469 93.286 93.286 93.286 93.286 93.286 93.286 93.286 14111644-02 232479-5826 T288334 T087778 RC104170GT ULRF 14-1431 5-40312 93.292 AGR DTD 5/6/15 93.310 93.310 S699823 T165062 260,334 44,738 93.310 93.310 7475SC UTA10-001155 12,467 233,406 93.316 LTR DATED AUGUST 30, 2013 93.350 93.350 93.350 S871416 (RENEWAL OF S656756) T408720 T103356 302,261 10,674 (252) 93.394 93.394 PO#T342893 R22089 175,712 54,915 93.395 RC100173GT 232,396 93.399 S919178 93.837 93.837 93.837 93.837 93.837 93.837 93.837 93.837 93.837 93.837 93.837 93.837 93.837 93.837 93.837 93.837 93.837 5-31277-GIDDENS T087014 S289208 S392800 (FORMER 5-42486-G1) S402756 S480564 T037975 T167998 T360406. T425464 ABMEN0092-GTRC 31406-02/ PO# 159761 UM-S755 CONTRACT 561713 UTA13-000981 4000128353 73,073 13,382 122,057 21,359 98,292 3,198 233,063 59,615 (108) 2,321 19 201,168 (7,971) 30,252 (922) 1 (169) 36,131 120,316 55,309 (108) 49,277 272,744 25,000 209,564 343,324 43,088 22 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research Passed through from: EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV/BALTIMORE, MD VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY/RICHMOND, VA Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research Passed through from: COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY/NEW YORK, NY EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA UNIV OF CALIFORNIA/SAN DIEGO/LAJOLLA, CA Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders Passed through from: ARUNA BIOMEDICAL INC/ATHENS, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA UCLA/LOS ANGELES, CA Allergy, Immunology and Transplantation Research Passed through from: BOSTON UNIVERSITY/BOSTON, MA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA GEORGIA STATE UNIV/ATLANTA, GA Biomedical Research and Research Training Passed through from: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECH/PASEDENA, CA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA HARVARD UNIVERSITY/BOSTON, MA UNIV OF ILLINOIS/URBANA, ILLINOIS UNIV OF IOWA/IOWA CITY, IA UNIV OF WASHINGTON/SEATTLE, WA UNIV OF WASHINGTON/SEATTLE, WA UNIV OF WASHINGTON/SEATTLE, WA Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research Passed through from: EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA EMORY UNIVERSITY/ATLANTA, GA Vision Research Passed through from: MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH (MIT)/CAMBRIDGE, MA UNIV OF PITTSBURG/PITTSBURG, PA UNIV OF PITTSBURG/PITTSBURG, PA UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA/BERKLEY, CA UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO Total Department of Health and Human Services Corporation for National Public Community AmeriCorps Passed through from: GA DEPT COMMUNITY AFFAIRS/ JUMPSTART FOR YOUNG CHILDREN/ATLANTA, GA Program Development and Innovation Grants Passed through from: POINTS OF LIGHT/ATLANTA, GA Total Corporation for National Public Community Department of Homeland Security Port Security Grant Program Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number Federal Expenditures 93.846 93.846 93.846 T389456 2002246223 PT109260-SC105046 10,079 29,123 168,564 93.847 93.847 93.847 93.847 93.847 1 (GG006278) PO #G03591 S499752 S726752 T165361 PO 10290489 46,633 (23,518) 4,093 4,382 27,387 93.853 93.853 93.853 93.853 93.853 AGR DTD 9/30/12 #S859517 T011604 T223812 0130GQA251 93.855 93.855 93.855 93.855 93.855 93.855 93.855 93.855 4500001690 S879843 S611376 T253685 T265493 T270793 T373210 SP00011121-02 17,844 127,564 18,347 108,916 120,142 112,471 58,562 1,683 93.859 93.859 93.859 93.859 93.859 93.859 93.859 93.859 21B-1094031 T059854 133233-5068506 2011-02349-01 W000613112/ PO # 1001332609 752574 UWSC6607 UWSC7439 20,283 46,984 36,513 133,480 77,894 (502) 346,044 104,812 93.865 93.865 93.865 S826047 S471027 S826075 303,429 74,988 211,525 93.867 93.867 93.867 93.867 93.867 #5710003266 0013954(122303-5) 0038320 (124919-1) 00006807 FY14.558.001 94.006 94.006 11AFHGA0010003 #450200 170,371 373 94.007 #128050 1,841 172,585 97.056 (448) 13 (84) 14,191 20,346 152,457 3,927 74,943 17,011 326,353 35,045,566 761,579 23 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency Competitive Training Grant Homeland Security Testing, Evaluation, & Demonstration of Technologies State and Local Homeland Security National Training Program Passed through from: GEORGIA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ATLANTA, GA GEORGIA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ATLANTA, GA GEORGIA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ATLANTA, GA GEORGIA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ATLANTA, GA Centers for Homeland Security Passed through from: GEORGIA STATE UNIV/ATLANTA, GA PURDUE UNIVERSITY/WEST LAFAYETTE, IN UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA/MINNEAPOLIS, MN Homeland Security, Research, Testing, Evaluation, and Demonstration of Technologies Passed through from: GEMA Total Department of Homeland Security Agency for International Development USAID Foreign Assistance for Programs Overseas Passed through from: UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO/TOLEDO, OHIO Total Agency for International Development Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number 94.065 97.068 97.077 Federal Expenditures 677,993 134,522 595,239 97.005 97.005 97.005 97.005 47 57 59 DO 44 16,617 99,072 790,860 (566) 97.061 97.061 97.061 SP00011250-01 4112-31802 P001955401 30,000 76,414 143,592 97.108 DELIVERY ORDER 42 98.001 F-2014-29 (15,857) 3,309,464 6,554 6,554 548,637,372 Total Research and Development-Cluster Student Financial Assistance-Cluster: Department of Education Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants Federal Work-Study Program Federal Pell Grant Program Federal Direct Student Loans Total Department of Education 84.007 84.033 84.063 84.268 559,630 606,506 10,913,328 84,734,328 96,813,792 Total Student Financial Assistance-Cluster: 96,813,792 Other Programs: Department of Commerce Education Quality Award Ambassadorship Cluster Grants Economic Development_Technical Assistance Economic Adjustment Assistance Trade Adjustment Assistance Manufacturing Extension Partnership Science, Technology, Business and/or Education Outreach MBDA Business Center Total Department of Commerce Department of the Navy Basic and Applied Scientific Research Basic and Applied Scientific Research Passed through from: AMEWAS/LEXINGTON PARK, MD BRANDES ASSOCIATES INC/LONE TREE, CO Total Department of the Navy Department of the Air Force Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program Total Department of the Air Force 11.013 11.020 11.303 11.307 11.313 11.611 11.620 11.805 580 4,961 2,618,642 52,812 1,345,454 286,733 9,100 446,232 4,764,513 12.300 7,368 12.300 12.300 12.800 PO13-01310 10264 53,550 76,463 137,380 183,092 183,092 24 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title Department of Defense Basic Scientific Research - Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction ROTC Language and Culture Training Grants Passed through from: INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION/WASHINGTON, DC INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION/WASHINGTON, DC The Language Flagship Grants to Institutions of Higher Education Passed through from: INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION/WASHINGTON, DC Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineering Passed through from: ICES CORP Total Department of Defense Department of Labor H-1B Job Training Grants Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Grants Total Department of Labor Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number 12.351 Federal Expenditures 472,850 12.357 12.357 #2603-GT-16 2013-GO-GTECH 12.550 NSEP-U631063-GT-CHN-ROTC 12.630 AGREEMENT DTD 4/27/2012 17.268 17.282 157,683 25,473 13,492 158,960 828,458 326,808 457,444 784,253 Department of Transportation Highway Training and Education Research Grants Total Department of Transportation 20.215 20.762 100,200 60,135 160,335 Library of Congress Total Books for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Total Library of Congress Total 42.001 444,319 444,319 43.001 43.002 43.008 43.009 17,452 105,524 28,165 45,949 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Science Aeronautics Education Cross Agency Support Aeronautics Passed through from: VALADOR, INC/HERNDON, VA Total National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Science Foundation Engineering Grants Mathematical and Physical Sciences Geosciences Computer and Information Science and Engineering Biological Sciences Education and Human Resources Office of International Science and Engineering Trans-NSF Recovery Act Research Support Engineering Grants Passed through from: UNIV OF WASHINGTON/SEATTLE, WA Mathematical and Physical Sciences Passed through from: UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA/MINNEAPOLIS, MN Education and Human Resources Passed through from: KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY/MARIETTA, GA UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA/ATHENS, GA UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA/ATHENS, GA UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA/ATHENS, GA UNIVERSITY OF WEST GEORGIA/CARROLLTON, GA UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING/LARAMIE, WYOMING TRANS-NSF RECOVERY ACT RESEARCH SUPPORT Passed through from: 43.002 GTRC11110071 47.041 47.049 47.050 47.070 47.074 47.076 47.079 47.082 79,258 276,347 332,104 51,268 7,666 206,059 4,500 5,040,940 20,193 467,377 47.041 758363 (1,666) 47.049 00002006262 26,000 47.076 47.076 47.076 47.076 47.076 47.076 431204-12-01 RR740-010/4942066 RR740-010/8644627 RR740-011/4942696 197_54GT NSF40243 27,752 5,000 54,839 9,600 14,365 10,336 25 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY/MARIETTA, GA Total National Science Foundation Federal CFDA Number 47.082 Pass-through Entity ID Number 1157-FY10-01 Federal Expenditures 6,843 6,283,175 Small Business Administration 7(j) Technical Assistance Total Small Business Administration 59.007 13,624 13,624 Department of Environmental Protection Agency Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowship Program Total Department of Environmental Protection Agency 66.514 53,905 53,905 77.008 183,884 81.121 400,623 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 81.049 26,202 72,227 45,230 3,255 33,644 2,639 583,820 Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Scholarship and Fellowship Program Department of Energy Nuclear Energy Research, Development and Demonstration Office of Science Financial Assistance Program Passed through from: JET PROPULSION LAB/CALIFORNIA INST. OF TECH KRELL INSTITUTE SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP SANDIA NATL LABS/SANDIA CORP UT BATTELLE LLC/OAK RIDGE NATL LAB - TN Total Department of Energy Department of Education Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need Centers for International Business Education Assistive Technology Fund for Assistive Technology Passed through from: REHABILITIVE ENGR & ASSISTIVE TECH SOCIETY OF NA/ARLINGTON, VA REHABILITIVE ENGR & ASSISTIVE TECH SOCIETY OF NA/ARLINGTON, VA Rehabilitation Training_Continuing Education Passed through from: THE MUSEUM SCHOOL/AVONDALE,GA Improving Teacher Quality State Grants Passed through from: UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA/ATHENS, GA UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA/ATHENS, GA UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA/ATHENS, GA Fund for Assistive Technology Passed through from: BOR OF THE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF GEORGIA BOR OF THE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF GEORGIA State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Race-to-the-Top Incentive Grants, Recovery Act Passed through from: GA DEOT OF EDUCATION THE MUSEUM SCHOOL/AVONDALE,GA Total Department of Education Department of Health and Human Services Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders Alcohol Research Programs Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health Cardiovascular Diseases Research 126560 1155042 AGMT DTD OCT 10, 2014 SUBCONTRACT 4000120653 84.116 84.133 84.200 84.220 84.224 25,577 173,413 500,353 136,050 544,343 84.224 #1284046 5,820 84.224 AGMT DTD 3/25/14 1,974 84.264 #125257 19,984 84.367 84.367 84.367 RH216-343 / 5054416 RH216-343 / 5054426 RH216-343 / 5054436 7,418 3,045 25,120 84.378 84.378 P378A120009 P378A13009 1,300,108 3,016,456 84.395 84.395 11-335-15711 AGR DTD 2/27/15 280,749 28 6,040,437 93.173 93.273 93.286 43,389 37,911 220,163 93.837 93.853 53,265 88,822 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 26 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Federal Grantor/Pass-Though Grantor/Cluster or Program Title Biomedical Research and Research Training Aging Research Special Projects of National Significance Human Health Studies_Applied Research and Development Passed through from: GEORGIA COUNCIL ON DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES/ATLANTA,GA Discovery and Applied Research for Tech Innovations to Improve Human Health Passed through from: BME-Emory NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Passed through from: AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION (APHA)/WASHINGTON, DC Health Information Technology Regional Extension Centers Program Passed through from: MOREHOUSE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE COLLEGE/ ATLANA, GA Total Department of Health and Human Services Federal CFDA Number Pass-through Entity ID Number Federal Expenditures 93.859 93.866 93.928 453,066 244,968 114,123 93.206 AGR DTD 2/27/15 21,029 93.286 1T90DA032466-01 117,715 93.331 AGMT ENTERED INTO ON 1/6/14 93.718 172910GT 94.006 GEORGIA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ATLANTA, GA 17,189 286,321 1,697,960 Homeland Security Homeland Security Grant Program Passed through from: GEORGIA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ATLANTA, GA Total Homeland Security 4,967 4,967 22,440,469 Total Other Programs Total Expenditures of Federal Awards $ 667,891,633 27 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NOTES TO SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Note 1 – Basis of presentation The accompanying Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards includes the federal grant activity of Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation, and Georgia Institute of Technology (“GIT”) and is presented on the accrual basis of accounting. The information in this schedule is presented in accordance with the requirements of OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. Therefore, some amounts presented in this schedule may differ from amounts presented in or used in the preparation of the basic financial statements. Because the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards presents only a selected portion of the activities of GIT, it is not intended to and does not present either the financial position, changes in fund balances, or cash flows of GIT. Note 2 – Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (“CFDA”) numbers CFDA numbers that are available for each federal award program are indicated on the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards. Note 3 – Student financial aid expenditures Expenditures for student financial aid programs include the Federal Pell grants to students, the federal share of students’ Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (“FSEOG”) program grants, the Federal Work Study (“FWS”) program earnings, certain other federal financial aid for students, and administrative cost allowances, where applicable. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2015, GIT disbursed $84,734,328 in new loans under the Federal Direct Student Loan Programs which included Federal Stafford Loans and Federal PLUS loans. The Federal Perkins Loan Program is administered directly by GIT and balances and transactions relating to the program are included in GIT’s financial statements. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2015, GIT disbursed $991,837 in new loans under the Federal Perkins Loan Program. The balance of loans outstanding under the Federal Perkins Loan program was $6,803,015 as of June 30, 2015. Note 4 – Contingencies These award programs are subject to financial and compliance audits by grantor agencies. The amount, if any, of expenditures that may be disallowed by the grantor agencies cannot be determined at this time, although Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation, and Georgia Institute of Technology expect such amounts, if any, to be immaterial. Note 5 – Subrecipients Of the federal expenditures presented in the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation, and GIT provided federal awards to subrecipients as follows: 28 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NOTES TO SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Program Title Research and Development-Cluster: Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Measurement and Engineering Research and Standards Basic and Applied Scientific Research Military Medical Research and Development Basic Scientific Research Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineering Basic Scientific Research Information Security Grants Research and Technology Development Research Grants (Generic) Assistance to State Water Resources Research Institutes Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Air Transportation Centers of Excellence Highway Research and Development Program Highway Planning and Construction Public Transportation Research, Technical Assistance, and Training University Transportation Centers Program Research Grants Science Aeronautics Exploration Education Cross Agency Support Engineering Grants Mathematical and Physical Sciences Geosciences Computer and Information Science and Engineering Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Education and Human Resources Office of Cyberinfrastructure Surveys, Studies, Research, Investigations, Demonstrations, and Special Purpose Activities Relating to the Clean Air Act Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Research Program Office of Science Financial Assistance Program Conservation Research and Development Renewable Energy Research and Development Fossil Energy Research and Development Nuclear Energy Research, Development and Demonstration Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research Amount Provided to Subrecipients Federal CFDA Number 10.310 11.609 12.300 12.420 12.431 12.630 12.800 12.902 12.910 15.650 15.805 16.738 20.109 20.200 20.205 20.514 20.701 20.762 43.001 43.002 43.003 43.008 43.009 47.041 47.049 47.050 47.070 47.075 47.076 47.080 66.034 66.509 81.049 81.086 81.087 81.089 81.121 81.135 84.133 $ 28,482 14,900 5,678,874 251,246 5,692,157 5,011,641 35,939,144 528,362 128,291 (54,257) 40,587 8,382 72,992 19,460 32,234 52,604 1,025,867 17,031 2,167,520 817,196 216,796 6,835 130,079 1,693,172 2,270,650 62,177 232,176 86,836 221,374 202,440 88,711 10,548 2,096,872 59,483 969,349 148,862 6,832 1,211,273 520,455 29 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NOTES TO SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Education Research, Development and Dissemination Education Technology State Grants, Recovery Act State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Race-to-the-Top Incentive Grants, Recovery Act Innovations in Applied Public Health Research Food and Drug Administration_Research Oral Diseases and Disorders Research Health Program for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health Trans-NIH Research Support Cancer Cause and Prevention Research Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research Cancer Treatment Research A Comprehensive Approach to Good Health and Wellness in Indian County – financed solely by Prevention and Public Health Cardiovascular Diseases Research Blood Diseases and Resources Research Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research Biomedical Research and Research Training Aging Research Vision Research International Research and Research Training Port Security Grant Program 84.305 84.386 82,017 35,292 84.395 93.061 93.103 93.121 93.161 756,394 49,302 388,000 206,896 17,640 93.286 93.310 93.393 93.394 93.395 1,352,090 18,460 84,943 5,487 94,321 93.762 93.837 93.839 93.846 93.847 80,435 2,275,313 14,242 197,310 29,882 93.853 93.855 93.859 93.866 93.867 93.989 97.056 102,511 474,027 470,151 153,013 1,614,004 240,539 748,403 77,198,305 Subtotal Amount Provided to Subrecipients (R & D Cluster) Other Programs: Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms Manufacturing Extension Partnership H-1B Job Training Grants National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research Assistive Technology College Access Challenge Grant Program 11.313 11.611 17.268 84.133 84.224 84.378 355,645 61,981 180,493 (19,907) 209,928 1,421,479 2,209,619 Subtotal Amount Provided to Subrecipients (Other Programs) Total Amount Provided to Subrecipients $ 79,407,924 30 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS AND QUESTIONED COSTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 I. Summary of the Auditor’s Results Financial Statements – Georgia Tech Research Corporation and Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation The auditor’s report expresses an unmodified opinion on the financial statements of the Georgia Tech Research Corporation and the Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation. No significant deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting which would be required to be reported in the Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards were reported as a result of the audit. No instances of noncompliance material to the financial statements of the Georgia Tech Research Corporation and the Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation, which would be required to be reported in accordance with Government Auditing Standards, were reported as a result of those audits. Financial Statements – Georgia Institute of Technology The State of Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts’ audit report expresses an unqualified opinion on the financial statements of the Georgia Institute of Technology for the year ended June 30, 2015, and has issued reports thereon and reports on internal control structure and compliance with laws and regulations based on its audit of the financial statements dated December 18, 2015. No significant deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting which would be required to be reported in the Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards were reported by the State of Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts. No instances of noncompliance material to the financial statements of Georgia Institute of Technology, which would be required to be reported in accordance with Government Auditing Standards, were reported as a result of the audit. Federal Awards The auditor’s report on compliance for the major federal award programs for Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation, and Georgia Institute of Technology expresses an unqualified opinion on all major programs. No significant deficiencies in internal control over compliance applicable to major federal award programs which would be required to be reported in the Report on Compliance with Requirements Applicable to Each Major Program and on Internal Control over Compliance in Accordance with OMB Circular A-133 were reported as a result of the audit. The audit disclosed no findings required to be reported in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, Section 520(a). 31 GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION GEORGIA TECH APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION AND GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS AND QUESTIONED COSTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 I. Summary of the Auditor’s Results ‐ Continued Identification of Major Programs The programs tested as major program were: CFDA # Various 11.303 84.378 Name of Federal Program Research and Development Cluster Economic Development Technical Assistance College Access Challenge Grant Program The dollar threshold for Type A programs was $3,000,000. The auditee did qualify as a low-risk auditee. II. Financial Statement Findings Financial Statement Finding – Georgia Research Corporation, Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation None Financial Statement Finding – Georgia Institute of Technology None Prior Year Financial Statement Finding – Georgia Institute of Technology The following is an update of a prior year financial statement finding for Georgia Institute of Technology, which is audited by the State of Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts, that was included in their financial statement report dated December 18, 2015: FS-503-14-01 Inadequate Internal Controls over Research Labs Control Category: Accounting Controls (Overall) Internal Control Impact: Significant Deficiency Primary Contact: Dr. Jeffrey F. Scott, Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance Telephone: 404-385-3868; E-Mail: Status : Previously reported corrective action implemented. III. Federal Award Findings and Questioned Costs None 32