KARA A - School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences

Niki Munk PhD, LMT
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information
IU - SHRS Address:
Coleman Hall 120
1140 West Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Office Address:
Fesler Hall 115D
1120 South Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46202
AKA: Sonya Nichol Munk
Phone: (317) 278-8658
Email: nmunk@iu.edu
Doctor of Philosophy in Gerontology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. 2011
Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. 2009
600 Hour Certificate in Massage Therapy, Lexington Healing Arts Academy, Lexington, KY. 2002
Bachelor of Arts in Theatre, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL. 1998
Positions and Honors
8/2013-current Assistant Professor, Department of Health Sciences, School of Health and Rehabilitation
Sciences, Indiana University – IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN
1/2014-current Director of Research, Department of Health Sciences, School of Health and Rehabilitation
Sciences, Indiana University – IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN
6/2013-current Practice Section Editor, International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
2/2014-current Advisory Board Member, Indiana College of Sports & Medical Massage, Carmel, IN.
1/2013-6/2013 Research Protocol Manager, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of
Kentucky, Lexington, KY. Supervisor: Kevin Pearce, MD
Project Manager and Principal Research Associate, Department of Family and Community
Medicine, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. Supervisor: Dr. William Elder
Contractor - Pain Management Specialist and Trigger Point Massage Therapist, Schneider
Electric, Lexington, KY. Supervisor: Jon Meyers
2006- 2011
Research Challenge Trust Fellow, Gerontology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
President, In Touch, LLC., Private Massage Therapy Practice for Elders, Lexington, Kentucky
Instructor & Student Advisor, Lexington Healing Arts Academy, Lexington, Kentucky
Administrative/Program Director, Lexington Healing Arts Academy, Lexington, Kentucky
Professional Memberships:
Current (2005) Licensed Massage Therapist, Kentucky
Current (2013) Professional Member, Gerontological Society of America
Professional Member, American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)
Student Member, Gamma Mu, National Gerontology Academic Honor
and Professional Society of Sigma Phi Omega
2006- 2010
Student Member, Gerontological Society of America
Licensed Massage Therapist, West Virginia
Selected Honors:
Key Note Address at the Medicine Beyond Medication Conference, Universal Health Solutions
Third Place Recipient of the Ann and Everett Lee Scholar Award, 21st Annual Student Mentoring
Conference for Gerontology and Geriatrics
Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O.) Merit Scholar Award nominee
Student Key Note Address at the 19th Annual Student Mentoring Conference for Gerontology and
First Place Recipient of the Ann and Everett Lee Scholar Award, 18th Annual Student Mentoring
Conference for Gerontology and Geriatrics
Research Challenge Trust Recipient awarded from the Graduate Center for Gerontology
Cum Laude Graduate, University of Alabama
Golden Key National Honor Society
Research Focus:
Massage therapy efficacy and effectiveness for pain, depression, and functional outcomes across the
life course. Barriers to and implications of massage therapy integration into primary care and
primary care settings for pain, mental health, and geriatric populations. Theory development and
testing for massage therapy application.
Research Support:
“Massage therapy for phantom limb pain: Feasibility and pilot study” Indiana University School
of Health and Rehabilitation Science’s Promoting External Applications for Research. Role: PI.
$10,000. 5/1/2014 – 4/30/2015.
“CAM referral and outcomes: Chronic Low Back Pain in urban and rural primary care” National
Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) grant #R21AT004544. PI: Elder.
Role: Investigator in Year 3 and no-cost extension Years 4-5. $450,000. 7/1/2009 – 6/30/2013.
Donovan Scholar Award recipient
UK Woman’s Club Fellowship Award recipient
Donovan Support Award recipient
Donovan Scholar Award recipient
Practice Section Editor for the International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
2013- Current Grant & Proposal Reviewer with the Massage Therapy Foundation Research Committee
2010 - Current Review Board for International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
Massage Therapy Effects on Experienced and Physiological Fatigue in Healthy Older Adults
A study in two stages: first utilizing a two-armed, randomized parallel trial design, and second utilizing a
repeated, pre/post measures deign to examine acute and cumulative massage therapy effects on experienced and
physiological fatigue in healthy older adults. First research study to specifically examine massage therapy effects
from a single and multiple sessions on fatigue and fatigability in the older adult population.
Committee Members: Drs. John Watkins & Faika Zanjani as Co-chairs, Dr. Anne Harrison, Dr. William Elder,
Dr. Brock Symons, and Dr. Heather Bush as outside examiner.
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
Munk, N., Steward, K., Love, M.M., Carter, E., Elder, W.G. (In Press). Intersection of massage practice and
research: Community massage therapists as research personnel on an NIH-funded effectiveness study. .
International Jounal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork, 7(2).
Lowe, W., Munk, N., & Porcino, A. (In Press). Introducing IJTMB’s Tigger Points: Topical dialogue amongst
therapeutic massage & bodtywork practitioners and educators. Editorial. International Jounal of
Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork.
Munk, N. (2013). Case Reports: A Meaningful Way for Massage Practice to Inform Research and Education.
Editorial. International Jounal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork, 6(3), 3.
Munk, N., Symons, S., Shang, Y., Cheng, R., & Yu, G. (2012). Noninvasively Measuring the Hemodynamic
Effects of Massage on Skeletal Muscle: A Novel Hybrid Near-Infrared Diffuse Optical Instrument.
Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 16(1), 22-28.
Munk, N., Kruger, T, & Zanjani, F. (2011). Massage therapy usage and health outcomes in older adults reporting
persistent pain. Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 17(7), 609-616.
Munk, N. & Zanjani, F. (2011). Relationship between massage therapy usage and health outcomes in older
adults. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 15, 177-185.
Munk, N. & Harrison, A. (2010). Integrating the International Classification of Function (ICF) model in massage
therapy research, education, and practice. The International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and
Bodywork, 3(4), 29-36.
Munk, S.N. (2009). Aging successfully as a gerontology student: Stress management lessons from massage
school. Student Mentoring Conference for Gerontology and Geriatrics Monograph.
Cardi, M., Munk, N., Zanjani, F., Schaie, K.W., & Willis, S.L. (2009). Health behavior risk factors of
cardiovascular disease. Journal of Aging and Health, 21, 759-775.
Published Abstracts:
Munk, N., Elder, W.G., Love, M. (2014). Massage effectiveness for primary care patients with chronic low back
pain and below naormal SF-36v2 mental health scores: Secondary analysis. P02.29. The Journal of
Alternatifve and Complementary Medicine. May 2014:A49.
Elder, W.G. & Munk, N. (2014). A pragmatic-explanatory continuum indicator summary (PRECIS) examination
of a recent study of massage and relaxation therapy effecitveness. The Journal of Alternatifve and
Complementary Medicine. May 2014:A23.
Symons, S., Munk, N., Shang, Y., Cheng, R., & Yu, G. (2010). Lower limb massage increases skeletal muscle
blood flow in young women. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, J Supplement,43(5), 295.
Cardi, M., Munk, S.N., Zanjani, F.Z., Willis, S.L., & Schaie, K.W. (2007). Risky Health Behaviors and Heart
Disease Outcomes. Gerontologist, 47, 67.
Munk, S.N., Cardi, M., Zanjani, F.Z., Willis, S.L., Schaie, K.W. (2007). Smoking Assessment and Heart Disease
Outcomes. Gerontologist, 47, 476.
Submitted Manuscripts:
Bennett, K., McElroy, J., Johnson, A., Munk, N., Everett, K. (in-review). A Persistent Disparity: Smoking in
Rural Sexual and Gender Minorities.
Elder, W.G., Munk, N., Love, M.M., Bruckner, G.G., Stewart, K.E., Pearce, K. (in review). Clinical massage
therapy is effective for chronic low back pain in primary care: A practice-based outcomes study of
clinical massage and progressive muscle relaxation therapies.
Elder, W.G. & Munk, N. (in review). Identifying pragmatic characteristics: Application of PRECIS criteria to an
innovative PBRN study of health-related outcomes for chronic low back pain patients receiving
alternative therapies. For submission to the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine.
Munk, N., Elder, W.G., Ledford, L., Booker, B. (in review). Massage research in clinical settings: Methodology
introduction & participant descriptors. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork.
Zanjani, F., Davis, T., Newsham, T., Newsham, P., Munk, N., Schoenberg, N., & Martin, C. (in review).
Psychiatric appointment management intervention effects. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical
Manuscripts in Preparation:
Munk, N. & Boulanger, K. Adapting CARE guidelines for case reports in the massage therapy field. For
submission to The International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork in June, 2014.
Munk, N., Symons, T.B., Watkins, J., Harrison, A., Elder, W.G., & Zanjani, F. Acute massage therapy effects on
physiological fatigue in healthy older adults: Feasibility study. For submission to Journal of American
Geriatrics Society.
Blogs, Podcasts, Other
Munk, N., Reynolds, M., Werner, R. (Narrators). (2014, April 17). Research Perch 1: The effects of
self-massage on Osteoarthritis of the knee. [Audio & Video podcast]. Retrieved from
Munk, N., Reynolds, M., Werner, R. (Narrators). (2014, May 7). Research Perch 2: Positive effect of
massage therapy on a patient with narcolepsy. [Audio & Video podcast]. Retrieved from
Invited Panels, Keynotes, & Expert Addresses
Munk, N. Massage Effectiveness: Interests for Primary Care. Keynote address at the Medicine Beyond
Medication Conference, Harbor Springs, MI. September 26-28, 2013.
Cambrin, J., Munk, N., & Stewart, K. (2012). Mission Possible: Become a Massage Therapist Researcher.
Pannelist for the Massage Therapy Foundation research track offering at the annual meeting of the
American Massage Therapy Association, Raleigh, NC.
Munk, N., Ewen, H.H., Beech, C., Fitzgerald, K., and Dassel, K.B. (2009). ESPO Presidential Symposium "Early
Career Challenges: Issues and Perspectives on Professional Careers and Family Planning". Chair &
Discussant for the ESPO Presidential Symposium at the annual meeting of The Gerontological Society of
America, Atlanta, GA.
Munk, N. (2008). Aging successfully as a gerontology student: Stress management lessons from massage school.
Student Keynote address at the 19th Annual Student Mentoring Conference for Gerontology and
Geriatrics Monograph. Tybee Island, GA. March 26-28, 2009.
Forthcoming/Accepted Presentations:
Elder, W.G., Munk, N., Cardarelli, R. Roper, K. Application of the PRECIS criteria to characterize and
refine a PBRN study. PBRN 2014 - North American Primary Research Group Practicebased Research Network Conference. Bethesda, MD, June 30-July 1, 2014.
Submitted Abstracts:
None Currently
Munk, N. & Symons, T.B. Effects of lower limb massage on torque production and neuromuscular response in
older adults. Poster session for annual meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans,
LA, November 20-24, 2013.
Bennett, K., McElroy, J., Munk, N., Johnson, A. Sexual and Gender Minorities and Tobacco: Urban Vs. NonUrban Patterns in Use and Perspectives on Public Health: Policies. North American Primary Care
Research Group. Ottawa, Candida, November 9-13, 2013.
Munk, N. & Elder, W.G. (2013). Older clients receiving massage therapy report larger reductions in perceived
pain. Poster session for the 2013 International Massage Therapy Research Conference, Boston, MA.
Munk, N., Symons, T.B., Watkins, J., Harrison, A., Elder, W.G., & Zanjani, F. (2013). Massage therapy has
acute effects on fatigability in healthy older adults. Paper presentation for the 2013 International Massage
Therapy Research Conference, Boston, MA.
Munk, N., Symons, T.B., Watkins, J., Harrison, A., Elder, W.G., & Zanjani, F. (2013). The evolution of
methodology for a pilot study examining massage effects on physiological fatigue in healthy older adults.
Poster session for the 2013 International Massage Therapy Research Conference, Boston, MA.
Stewart, K., Munk, N., Carter, E., Love, M., Bruckner, G., Elder, WG. (2013). Novel clinical massage therapy
protocol allows for exploration of real world massage therapy practice. Poster presentation for the
2013 International Massage Therapy Research Conference, Boston, MA.
Stewart, K., Munk, N., Carter, E., Love, M., Bruckner, G., Elder, WG. (2013). Initial steps to inform primary
care provider referral criteria to clinical massage therapy for chronic low back. Poster session for the
2013 International Massage Therapy Research Conference, Boston, MA.
Symons, T.B. & Munk, N. (2013). Effects of lower limb massage on torque production in older adults. Poster
session for Annual American College of Sports Medicine Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
Bennett, K., Collins, T., Moser, D., Munk, N., Ricks, J., Schoenberg, N. (2013). LGBT Appalachians and
tobacco use: The role of social connectedness. Poster session for the 2013 National Clinical Translational
Sciences Conference, Washington D.C.
Stewart, K., Munk, N., Love, M., Bruckner, G., Pearce, K., Elder, W.G. (2013). Recent KAN study demonstrates
the success of translational science team building. Poster session presented at UK Center for Clinical and
Translational Science’s 8th Annual CCTS Spring Conference, Lexington, KY.
Munk, N., Stewart, K., Love, M., Bruckner, G., & Elder, W.G. (2012). Community massage therapists as
research personnel on an NIH funded effectiveness study. Poster for the 2012, Annual Meeting of the
American Massage Therapy Association in Raleigh, NC.
Davis, T., Munk, N., & Zanjani, F. (2010). HIV medication adherence in older adults. Poster presentation at the
annual meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Munk, N., Kruger, T., & Zanjani, F. (2010). Differences in self reported health among older adults with
persistent pain based on massage usage. Poster presentation at the Highlighting Massage Therapy in CIM
Research Conference, Seattle, WA.
Munk, N., Symons, B., Shang, Y., Cheng, R., & Yu, G. (2010). Measuring the Effects of Massage on Skeletal
Muscle Blood Flow: A Novel Hybrid Near-Infrared Diffuse Optical Instrument. Poster presentation at the
Highlighting Massage Therapy in CIM Research Conference, Seattle, WA.
Munk, N. & Harrison, A. (2010). Integrating the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and
Health (ICF) model to massage therapy research, education, and practice. Oral presentation at the
Highlighting Massage Therapy in CIM Research Conference, Seattle, WA.
Munk, N., Symons, T.B., & Zanjani, F. (2010). Conceptual framework for examining massage efficacy on fatigue
in older adults. Poster session presented at the 21st Annual Southern Gerontological Society Student
Mentoring Conference, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Munk, S.N. & Zanjani, F. (2008). Health Outcomes of Older Adults Receiving Massage in the Past Year. Poster
session presented at the annual meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, New Harbor, MD.
Kruger, T.M., Zanjani, F., Munk, S.N., Schoenberg, N., Martin C., Schaie, K.W., & Willis, S.L. (2008). Genderbased disparity in mental health outcomes: A health behavior approach. Poster session presented at the
annual meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, New Harbor, MD.
Munk, S.N., Cardi, M., Zanjani, F.Z., Willis, S.L., Schaie, K.W. (2007). Assessing Diagnosis Risk by Smoking
Classification Across the Lifespan: Where do Former Smokers Belong? Poster session presented at the
annual meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.
Munk, S.N., Zanjani, F., Schaie, K.W., & Willis, S.L. (2007). Distributions of Healthy Exercise Across Age,
Gender, and Indicators of Disability. Southern Gerontological Society Student Mentoring Conference,
Atlanta, GA.
Zanjani, F. Munk, S.N., Willis, S.L., & Schaie, K.W. (2007). Mental Health/Substance Abuse & Cognitive
Change Relationships with Behavioral and Medical Health. Poster session presented at the annual
meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.
Research Activities:
Principle Investigator: Massage Therapy for Phantom Limb Pain: Feasibility and Pilot
Study. PEAR funds awarded by IU’s SHRS. Develop and test a novel approach to phantom limb
pain applying massage therapy combined with mirror therapy to the intact limb of an amputee
whose corresponding phantom limb experiences persistent pain.
Co-Investigator: CAM Referral: Chronic Low-Back Pain in Primary Care. NCCAM
supported R-21 awarded to the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the
University of Kentucky. Manage all IRB and NIH reporting, budgetary management and
reconciliation, and day-to-day grant activity including physician and participant recruitment,
community study personnel (licensed massage therapists) recruitment, training, and management,
all data collection, management, and analysis, report development, short and long term objective
identification and strategic development, and future study design/grant development.
Principle Investigator: Pain Characteristics of People Seeking Massage Therapy and
Perceived Treatment Effects. Research collaboration with the Lexington Healing Arts Academy
and Family and Community Medicine at UK. Study development, IRB development and
management, off-site collection training, data management and analysis, and results preparation
and dissemination. Presentation and manuscripts in preparation.
Principle Investigator: Massage Efficacy for Fatigue and Fatigability in Older Adults. Study
development, IRB development and management, recruitment, participant scheduling and
management, data collection, management, and analysis, results preparation, and dissertation
development. Presentations and manuscripts in preparation.
Research Assistant & MT Consultant: The Effect of Massage on Skeletal Muscle Blood Flow
with Dr. Brock Symons (UK Graduate Center for Gerontology) & Dr. Guoqiang Yu (UK Center
for Biomedical Engineering). Protocol development, massage application, data analysis, poster
and paper presentations.
Research Assistant & MT Consultant: Massage Efficacy for Fatigue and Fatigability in Older
Adults with Dr. Faika Zanjani, Dr. Brock Symons, Dr. Rodney Guttmann (UK Graduate Center
for Gerontology). Study development, research design, development and testing of massage
protocol, pilot study developed and executed, data analyzed, preparation and submission of NIH,
R-21 grant proposal. Later managed and completed the revise and re-submit for NCCAM.
Research Assistant: Health behavior status over time independent of known interventions for
adults diagnosed with diabetes with Dr. Faika Zanjani (UK Graduate Center for Gerontology).
Data analysis and paper development.
Research Assistant: Whitehouse clinic survey with Dr. Faika Zanjani (UK Graduate Center for
Gerontology). Survey editing, IRB development and maintenance, survey distribution
management, data management and analysis.
Research Assistant: Referral management for mental health with Dr. Faika Zanjani (UK
Graduate Center for Gerontology). Data collection through phone interviews and assessments.
Principle Investigator under the supervision of Dr. Faika Zanjani (UK Graduate Center for
Gerontology): Health outcomes for older adults receiving massage in the past year. Survey
development, IRB development and management, survey distribution, data cleaning, data
management, data analysis, and result dissemination.
Research Assistant: Assessing diagnosis risky by smoking classification across the lifespan:
Where do former smokers belong? with Dr. Faika Zanjani (UK Graduate Center for
Gerontology). Data analysis and presentation development.
Research Assistant: Distributions of healthy exercise across age, gender, and indicators of
disability with Dr. Faika Zanjani (UK Graduate Center for Gerontology). Secondary data
analysis and presentation development.
Research Assistant and lab training for Dr. Rodney Guttmann (UK Department of Physiology &
Graduate Center for Gerontology). Conducted multiple experiments using radioimmunoassay,
western blots, and electrophoresis in order to find a specific calpain inhibitor using calpain
interacting peptides.
Heather Mullins-Owens
Ms. Mullins-Owens is a 1st year graduate student in IU’s SHRS doctoral
program interested in CAM research and yoga integration in health care. I
serve on her Program Advisory Board which is responsible for
developing, approving, and supporting Ms. Mullins-Owen’s Plan of Study.
Kyra Noerr Ms. Noerr is a 3rd year graduate student in IU’s SHRS doctoral program interested in
video administered exercise/physical health interventions for special needs populations
particularly autistic and those with Down’s Syndrome. I serve as a member of her
Dissertation Research Committee representing the Health Sciences Department and
Sarah Nester Ms. Nester is a 2nd year medical student at the University of Kentucky and award
recipient for UK’s Professional Summer Mentored Research Fellowship (PSMRF).
Under the PSMRF, I am serving as an advisor for Ms. Nester and her project Utilization
of the Oswestry Disability Index in primary care: A part of the Kentucky Pain Referral
and Outcomes Studies which is a secondary analysis of data from a research study on
which I am a co-investigator.
2014 (S)
2014 (S)
2014 (S)
2013 (Fall)
2013 (Fall)
“Trigger Point Identification, Assessment, and Treatment for Patient & Self Care”. Invited
guest lecturer for Dr. Keith Avin’s course: Introduction to Therapeutic Interventions – P646. Indiana
University - IUPUI
Rehabilitation Theories and Applications - W660. IU – Department of Health Sciences, course
Psychosocial Aspects of Aging – W370. IU – Department of Health Sciences, On-line course
“Utilization of CAM Through a Rehab Lens”. Invited guest lecturer for Dr. Brent Arnold’s course:
W210 - Introduction in Rehabilitation Science, Indiana University – IUPUI.
Aging and the Older Adult - W310. IU – Health Sciences On-line course instructor.
“CAM Contributions to Healthy Aging”. Invited guest lecturer for Dr. Amanda Sokan’s Health and
Aging course, Kentucky State University.
“The Experience of Pain and Treatment Options for Older Adults”. Invited guest lecturer for Dr.
Rodney Guttmann & Dr. Pam Teasters’ Introduction to the Older Person course in Gerontology,
University of Kentucky.
“CAM usage and Older Adults”. Invited guest lecturer for Dr. Zanjani’s Health Promotion and
Aging course in Gerontology, University of Kentucky.
“Pain Doesn’t Have to Hurt: An Exploration of the Anatomy, History, and Management of
Pain”. Principle Instructor for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at University of Kentucky,
Invited guest lecturer for exercise intervention study control group, University of Kentucky.
Presentation: Utilization of Massage Therapy for Older Adults: Information, Research, and
Invited guest lecturer for the Department of Physical Therapy, University of Kentucky (including
Distance Learning – Hazard, KY). Presentation: “Trigger Point Therapy in Massage”.
Guest lab instructor for the Division of Physical Therapy, University of Kentucky. Presentation: “Self
Palpation and Isolation of Trigger Points”.
Instructor for Lexington Healing Arts Academy, Lexington, Kentucky. Classes include: Foundation
Principles of Massage Therapy, Communication/Ethics, Massage with Older Adults, Specific
Treatments, Anatomy and Physiology, Movement Re-Education, Postural Analysis, Trigger Point
Therapy, CranioSacral Therapy, and Science Integration.
Invited Seminars:
The Changing Face of Age: Gerontological Considerations for the PA. Presentation for Indiana
University, Department of Health Sciences Physician’s Assistant Program. Gerontology Module I
May 23, 2014.
Massage Therapy and Patient Care. Presentation for Indiana University, Department of Health
Sciences Physician’s Assistant Program Grand Rounds, April 4, 2014.
KYPROS: Analysis of Pragmatism & Next Steps. Presentation for University of Kentucky,
Department of Family and Community Medicine WIP & Research Series, January 9, 2014.
Massage and Older Adults: The State of Research and Opportunities. Presentation for Indian
University, Center on Aging Research WIP, November 5, 2013.
Massage Efficacy and Effectiveness Research: Status and Opportunities. Presentation for Indian
University, Department of Occupational Therapy WIP, October 23, 2013.
Can Massage Therapy Make you Stronger? UK Women’s Club - Fall Luncheon Principal Speaker,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Massage Therapy Benefits for Fatigue in Older Adults, Center for Creative Living at the
Lexington Senior Citizen Center, Lexington, Kentucky.
Integrating the ICF Model into Massage Therapy Research, Practice, and Education, Lexington
Healing Arts Academy; Lexington, KY.
Research Participant Recruitment Strategies for Graduate Center for Gerontology Students,
Graduate Center for Gerontology Brown Bag Series; Lexington, KY.
Does Massage Attenuate the Negative Effects of Persistent Pain in Older Adults? Graduate
Center for Gerontology Brown Bag Series; Lexington, KY.
Massage Therapy Application for Older Adults: Research and Clinical Basis, Geriatrics Grand
Rounds, University of Kentucky; Lexington, KY.
Effective Alternative Therapies for Pain Relief and Management for Older Adults, Temple
Adath Israel; Lexington, KY.
Studying the Efficacy of Massage Therapy on Fatigue in Healthy Older Adults: the Beginnings,
UK Graduate Center for Gerontology Student Seminar Series; Lexington, KY
Addressing Trigger Points with Manual Soft-Tissue Therapy, University of Kentucky-Physical
Therapy Department; Lexington, KY.
Addressing the Needs of Older Adults with Massage Therapy, Lexington Healing Arts Academy;
Lexington, KY.
Continuing Education (selected):
Ohio Valley Appalachia Regional Geriatric Education Center – Essentials of Dementia Care (2010)
Question, Persuade Refer (QPR) for Suicide Prevention – QPR for Senior Adults (2010)
American Massage Therapy Association – 2007, 2008, & 2012 National Conventions (Research Track)
Reppore Leadership International – Leadership Training I (2005)
Upledger Institute – CranioSacral Therapy I & II (2002-3), Healing from the Core (2003), Somatic Emotional
Release I (2004), Lymph Drainage I (2006)
Indiana University - IUPUI
April 2014 – Current
May 2014 - Current
Ongoing since 2006
Search Committee: Academic Advisor – Department of Health Sciences
Search Committee: Academic Specialty/Director of Career Services –
Department of Health Sciences
Invited volunteer lecturer and educator for churches, civic organizations, and
educators on topics pertenint to the intersection of age with health, function,
complementary and alternative medicine, and massage therapy.
Ongoing since 2006
Jan. 2009-Jan. 2011
Fall 2007-Jan. 2009
Fall 2007-Spring 2008
Summer 2007 & 2008
Spring-Summer 2007
Mentor to community complementary and alternative medicine practitioners
regarding 1) working with older adults and in elder communities and 2) conducting and/or participating in clinical or observational research.
Curriculum Committee Senior Representative. Graduate Center for
Administrative Council Representative. Graduate Center for Gerontology
10th Anniversary Celebration Planning Committee
Volunteer and participation at the Summer Series on Aging
Resources and Fiscal Affairs Committee Junior Representative. Graduate
Center for Gerontology
Dr. Bill Elder. Director of Behavioral Medicine. Professor, Department of Family and Community
Medicine. 740 S. Limestone St. K-302, Lexington, KY 40536. Phone: (859) 257-9569. Email:
Dr. Anne Harrison. Division Director, Physical Therapy Division, Associate Professor - Department of
Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Kentucky. 204J Charles T. Wethington Building. 900 S. Limestone
St. Lexington, KY 40536-0200. Phone: (859) 323-1100 ext. 80596. Email: alharr01@pop.uky.edu
Dr. Faika Zanjani. Associate Professor, SPHL-Behavioral and Community Health, University of
Maryland. 1242 School of Public Health Building, College Park, MD 20742-2611. Phone: (301) 4053466. E-mail: fzanjani@umd.edu
Dr. Rodney Guttmann. Professor and Director of Center on Aging. University of Western Florida. 1100
University Parkway, Bldg. 41 Rm. 106, Pensacola, Florida 32514. Phone: (850) 474-3298. E-mail:
Dr. Tina Kruger. Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Health Sciences. Arena B-76, Indiana State
University, Terre Haute, IN 47807. Phone: (812) 237-8483. E-mail: tina.kruger@indstate.edu