ENGL 151-104

2010-11: Winter Term 2
Readings in Short Fiction and the Novel
ENGL 151-104
Instructor: Dr. Jon Vickery
Class: FIP121, Tuesday, Friday, 2pm-3:30pm
Office: PBL-001
Office Hours: Tuesday, Friday 3:30 -4:30 pm
Phone: (250) 807-9394
Email: jon.vickery@ubc.ca
Course Description:
This course examines the intellectual and artistic merits of the novel and short fiction within
the domain of English Literature. Special attention will be given to understanding these
respective genres as vehicles of social commentary and philosophical discussion. In
particular, we will investigate the manner in which the novel and short fiction contribute to
the ongoing discussion of the nature of human virtue. In the course of our study we will
explore the contributions of three of the most important novelists of the twentieth century, as
well as an array of shorter fiction
Assignments and Assessment:
Bi-weekly quizzes: 30%. These short quizzes, given every two weeks, test the student’s
reading comprehension. Students are responsible for knowledge and understanding of plot,
subplot, major characters and themes. See below for quiz dates.
Short Assignment: 10% With your research paper in mind, prepare a clear and workable
thesis statement and a short annotated bibliography with no less than three secondary sources.
Each bibliographic entry should summarize and evaluate the source in light of its relevance to
your essay topic. Due March 1.
Research Paper: 30%. A 2000 word research paper which exhibits a careful reading and
interpretation of primary sources and an ability to find, use, and enter into dialogue with
secondary sources. The paper should have a clearly identified and logically developed thesis.
Attention should be paid to content, structure, grammar and style. Students may choose their
own topics with the approval of the instructor or select a topic from the included list of essay
topics. Due March 29.
Final Exam: 30%. This covers all three novels and the short fiction material discussed in
class. Exam Date: TBA.
Course Reading:
Students should complete the assigned readings before each class, and be prepared to
contribute to class discussion. Each class will also incorporate time for group discussion
surrounding the required reading.
Required Texts:
J.R.R. Tolkien. The Hobbit.
J.R.R. Tolkien. Tales From the Perilous Realm.
P.D. James. Children of Men.
Cormac McCarthy. No Country for Old Men.
Reading Pack.
Essay Topics:
1. Explore the theme of justice in The Hobbit.
2. Explore Tolkien’s views upon power and weakness in The Hobbit.
3. Explore James’ views upon the nature of humanity in Children of Men. With respect
to the human race, is James an optimist or a pessimist?
4. Explore the theme of hope in No Country for Old Men.
5. Explore the theme of fate in No Country for Old Men.
6. With respect to their treatments of the nature of evil, compare and contrast the
Children of Men with No Country for Old Men.
7. In light of Humphrey Carpenter’s biography of J.R.R. Tolkien, how does “Leaf by
Niggle” function as a form of autobiography?
8. Compare and contrast The Hobbit with “Roverandom.”
9. Compare and Contrast No Country for Old Men with “Good Country People.”
10. Explore the theme of grace in “Revelation,” “Good Country People,” and “A Good
Man is Hard to Find.”
A Note on the Assignments:
Written work will be graded on the basis of content, structure, grammar and style.
A good paper will pay attention, among other resources, to scholarly journal articles.
In connection with this, please make sure that all primary and secondary sources for your
assignments are properly cited. Written assignments for this course should follow the MLA
Style Manual or the Chicago Manual of Style.
Please save the drafts of your essays. I may request to view them after your essay is
A deduction of two percentage points per day will be taken from all late assignments. An
extension will not be granted (apart from medically documented illness or family emergencies
such as death).
A Note on the Quizzes
Rewrites for missed quizzes will not be permitted (apart from medically documented illness
or family emergencies such as death).
Quiz Dates:
Quiz 1 – Friday, January 14
Quiz 2 – Friday, January 28
Quiz 3 – Friday, February 11
Quiz 4 – Friday, March 04
Quiz 5 – Friday, March 18
Quiz 6 – Friday, April 1
Academic Integrity:
The academic enterprise is founded on honesty, civility, and integrity. As members of this
enterprise, all students are expected to know, understand, and follow the codes of conduct
regarding academic integrity. At the most basic level, this means submitting only original
work done by you and acknowledging all sources of information or ideas and attributing them
to others as required. This also means you should not cheat, copy, or mislead others about
what is your work. A more detailed description of academic integrity, including the policies
and procedures, may be found at:
Academic Misconduct:
Disability Services:
If you require disability-related accommodations to meet the course objectives, please contact
the Coordinator of Disability Resources located in the Student Development and Advising
area of the student services building. For more information about Disability Resources or
academic accommodations, please visit the website at:
Additional Statements:
1. On the Use of Electronic Devices During Classroom Sessions and in Tests and Exams
It is not appropriate to use technology (such as, but not limited to, laptops, PDAs, cell
phones) in the classroom for non-classroom activities. Such activity is disruptive and is
distracting to other students and to the instructor, and can inhibit learning. Students are
expected to respect the classroom environment and to refrain from inappropriate use of
technology and other electronic devices in class. It is also expected that students will turn off
all electronic devices during tests and quizzes.