Diversity and Ecology of Autotrophic and Mixotrophic Microbes in the Ocean Summary Bach et al., 2006, EOS, Feb 14th 1 Revised view of processes occurring in the open ocean •Oxygenic photosynthesis by cyanobacteria and phyotoplankton by far dominant process •Tends to be limited by nutrients, not energy •However, ocean contains light dependent metabolic types not expected before •Microbes in the ocean are more flexible than previously thought, blurring the distinction between autotrophs and heterotrophs Karl et al., 2002 Nature 415:590-591 •Chemolithoheterotrophs? Chemolithoheterotrophy • Organisms that can use OC as C-source and inorganic chemicals as energy source • Silicibacter pomeroyi as an example • Belongs to Roseobacter clade within α-Proteobacteria • Very versatile metabolism – Can supplement energy need by oxidizing CO and/or reduced inorganic S and organic sulfur • Strategy is probably widespread in open ocean, as comparison w/ Sargasso Sea shot gun library shows Moran et al., 2004 Nature 432:910-913 2 Role of Autotrophic Crenarchaeota in Deep Ocean ? • Uncultured crenarchaeota dominate biomass in deep ocean • Indications that at least some might be autotrophs 3 • First isolated mesophilic Crenarchaeon • First report of archaeal nitrification • Carbon Fixation Pathway? Francis et al., PNAS 2005 Is archaeal autotrophy based on NH4+oxidation widespread in Ocean? • Widespread occurrence of archaeal amoA in different oceanic provinces: quantification and expression? • Evidence for autotrophic DIC-fixation in different regions: Atlantic, Pacific • Biomass potentially produced by autotrophic Archaea appears to be significant: – Larger than carbon buried in marine sediments – Same magnitude as methane production • Also evidence for uptake of OC – However, in situ analyses indicate that 71% of produced carbon derives from autotrophy • Mixotrophy or metabolic diversity among different crenarchaeaota? – NH4+-oxidizers confined to redox-cline? Ingalls et al., PNAS 2006 • Other energy sources for chemolithoautotrophy? 4 Initial water Candidatus Cenarchaeum symbosium Incubation at 27˚C Arabian Sea 1000 m water column Arabian Sea surface Incubation sediment at 13˚C Damste et al., 2002 Ingalls et al., 2002 Wuchter et al., 2004 • Interesting GDGT distribution: • In surface water crenarchaeol (peak 2) is by far dominant GDGT • In deep water GDGT-O (peak 1) is dominant • Temperature effect? • Ratio between GDGT-0 and crenarchaeol seems to correlate with temperature • Would have been nice to complement lipid data with 16S rRNA and amoA data 5 •Processes in deep-marine sediments mainly driven by degradation of photsynthetically dervide organic matter •Autotrophs recycle material – Methanogens – Acetogens •Oxidants delivered from basement? – Indicating low metabolic activity in basement? •Novel metabolism by archaea – Using OM as carbon source – Methane oxidation for generating energy DeLong, Nature 2005 • Multiple lines of evidence used to assess “active” component of microbial community – rRNA – FISH – FISH-SIMS – Intact-Phospholipids plus CSIA • Archaea dominate active fraction • No sign that methane is incorporated into biomass • Hypothesis: Used for energy generation alone Methane DIC FISH-SIMS IPL’s TOC • C comes form refractory OM -> fermentation? • Indicates extremely low maintenance energy requirements (magnitudes lower to what is known from lab cultures) • Very slow turnover (100 - 2,000 a) Biddle, Lipp et al., PNAS 2006 6 Subsurface biosphere in oceanic crust is potentially extensive: •Diagram of mid-ocean ridge, ridge flank and ocean basin •Zones that differ in their relative exchange between ocean water column and basement can be differentiated: •Active exchange: Ridge Axis (I), unsedimented ridge flank (II), exposed rocky outcrops (IV) •Isolated: sedimented ridge flanks with sediment thickness >160 m 7 Ridge Flanks are important • 70-80% of heat flux occurs on ridge flanks • Important for chemical fluxes: mobilization and precipitation • Ridge flanks 1-65 Ma make up 70% of ocean basins • Potentially enormous habitable volume on a global scale • Significant potential for chemolithoautotrophic production in crust (<20Ma): same magnitude as heterotrophic processes in deep marine sediments – Basalt weathering through iron- and sulfur oxidizers (aerobically and anaerobically) – H2-oxidation driven by hydrolysis of basalt • Subsurface biosphere off-axis might be more extensive and active than that on-axis! • Weathering of crust exposed at ocean floor potentially also supports chemolithoautotrophic processes -> Iron oxidizers! • Role of mixotrophs or chemolithoheterotrophs? 8 What is driving deep-sea hydrothermal vents: Hydrogen, sulfur, iron? Chemolithoautotrophic systems tend to be energy limited Always true? What about macro- and micronutrients? Can full potential always be utilized? Need for experimental data Autotrophic Carbon Fixation at Vents: There is more than the Calvin cycle! Chimneys + Sub-Surface: •rTCA, reductive acetyl-CoA pathway, Calvin Cycle, hydroxypropionate pathway? Surface: •Symbionts: Calvin Cycle, rTCA •Free-living autotrophs: rTCA, Calvin Cycle Needed are studies that couple identity with function and rate measurements! 9 Are Hydrothermal vents net autotrophic or heterotrophic? Karl, 1995 Where to go from here? • Chemoautotrophic carbon production in the Ocean is currently poorly constrained –How much is produced and by which pathway? –Role of mixotrophy and lithoheterotrophy? • How do mass and energy transfer between pelagic ocean, the benthos, and the ocean crust affect the distribution and activity of oceanic prokaryotes? • Thermodynamic calculations and models provide guidance, but ultimately measurements are needed! • Multidisciplinary approaches needed to obtain further insights –careful coordination between theory, experiment, and observation –isotopic distributions, mixed and pure cultures, genotypes, patterns of gene expression, inorganic and organic geochemical data, and distributions of biomarker lipids • Incorporate new findings into models 10 Future Challenges • Inability to culture: • Limited scope of metabolic potential • What is minimum maintenance energy? • Cultivation remains ultimate goal! • Linking identity with function and rates! • Measure activities in situ • Low biomass <-> Contamination • Inaccessibility • Sensitivity and availability of sensors and analytical tools • Interdisciplinary education 11