International Office - University of Sheffield

International Office:
Welcome to the Visa Advice web chat
International Office:
Type your questions here:
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Javed
International Office:
Hello - we are starting the chat now....
International Office:
type your questions here....
What are basic requirements for the visa?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Javed, please see the following link
Azadeh - International Adviser:
You should have a CAS before you can
apply for visa
International Office:
hello Javed... do you have a question?
I mean the University of Sheffield will
send an acceptance letter for visa
processing or directly we can apply in the
embassy for the visa?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
You should have a CAS before you can
apply for visa
hi! What are the procedures for one to
obtain a visa?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Erick, please see the following link
Ishita Agarwal:
Hi, I need ATAS clearance for my course
I’ve applied for it around a month ago, but
have received no replies. I have even tried
emailing them regarding it, but still got no
replies. Can u please let me know is there
any other way I can contact them? And is
it normal to not hear back from them for
a month?
International Office:
hello Ishita - Yes, ATAS can often take
some time and a month is not unusual.
Students sometimes do not hear back
from emails when it is very busy..... I will
make a note of your details (please email
me your app number to
Landon Peck:
hello and thank you for hosting a chat
concerning visas. I have a few questions
and will ask them one by one, if that
works best. 1: I'm from the US, a 'low-risk'
country for entry, and saw that I have to
apply as such under 'differentiation
arrangements' on my visa application to
ensure I don't have to submit as much
paperwork. I did no see this as an option
and was wondering if that is something
that will be taken care of their end and
not mine.
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Landon, you must apply for Tier 4 visa,
based on nationality, it will ask for the
relevant documentation to submit
I have some questions regarding the
proof of funds documents. Is a line of
credit acceptable proof and can I use my
parents' line of credit?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Sara, no credit line is not acceptable;
please see the following link
When & how can I get my CAS?
International Office 2:
Your CAS will be sent to you only when
you have an unconditional firm offer with
Sheffield, and if you are a master’s
applicant you must have paid your £1000
deposit first. Then an email is sent out
with instructions for you to get CAS.
Ladan Amiri:
I understand that you should have the full
sum of tuition and accommodation fee
prior to applying to the visa, a portion of
my money is coming from the
government of Canada and won’t be
imbursed until September. Does that
mean that I have to wait in order to apply
or am I eligible to apply now?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Ladan, as long as you have an official
letter from government that confirms you
are awarded the funds then you can use
that letter with bank statements to cover
the funds. You must make sure the funds
are in your bank account for 29
consecutive days
hello - I was wondering what the
'evidence to obtain offer' section of the
CAS was about?
International Office:
Anuradha - these are the docs you have
uploaded online to show you have met
your entry requirements
Landon Peck:
re: 'low-riskright, I understand but there
is a discrepancy between what is asks
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Based on your nationality the form will
ask for the relevant documents.
Landon Peck:
^ in multiple places
What should I do then, if I can't use a
student line of credit? How is that
different from a loan (which is acceptable)
I do not have proof of funds for 28
consecutive days.
Azadeh - International Adviser:
If you will get the funds from Gov. (from
line of credit) into your account then you
can use a bank statement that shows you
have maintained the funds for 29 days. As
I mentioned, if they will provide you an
official letter then you can use the letter.
Since I did my IB, in my 'evidence to
obtain offer' section in the CAS it has
been mentioned: International
Baccalaureate Total Points (TOT) (IE) in
Total Score, grade 35, awarded by
International Baccalaureate; Result
confirmed by The University of Sheffield
via either the UCAS website or the
International Baccalaureate Organisation
on-line checking service, as
appropriate==== I was wondering
whether this meant that the university
already has evidence for my offer?
International Office:
Anuradha - sorry for the delay, yes we do
receive your results directly. When you
apply for your visa they will need to see
evidence of your results also though...
Do I have to pay all my tuition fee and
accommodation fee in advance to get a
visa or I can pay in instalment?
International Office 2:
No, if you are a master’s student you will
need to pay a £1000 deposit, but you can
arrange payments at a later date or in
instalments. However you must be able to
show you have sufficient funds in your
bank as per the visa requirements
Ishita Agarwal:
Thanx I will send in my details
International Office:
no problems Ishita
Ladan Amiri:
I want to pay off my accommodation fee
and half of my tuition fee now. Would my
CAS document show these changes and
would they be evident when I apply for a
visa? Furthermore, would I then only have
to show that the rest of the funding is
available and in my bank account for 29
consecutive days?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
If your accommodation is University
owned accommodation then your CAS
will show the payment, whatever fees you
pay towards your tuition fees will also
appear on your CAS - more information is
available from the following link
Landon Peck:
thanks. Do the supplied photo(s) have to
be cut to size--45mm x 35mm, or can they
be larger?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Please check the webpage
When I go for my visa is better to take a
copy of my 12thh grade marks with me? I mean the marks with which then
university has given me a place
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Anuradha, if your CAS shows that
qualification then you do need to submit
it with your visa application
Do I have time to do that and still obtain a
Azadeh - International Adviser:
You should check with the UK embassy in
your area regarding this
My Company is bearing all my study
expenses and accommodation fee. In this
case which documents I have to produce?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
What company is that? If it is private
company then you should show minimum
total of £7380 plus first year's tuition fees
in your bank account for 28 consecutive
days, please see the following link
Ladan Amiri:
oh that's perfect. Thank you. One last
question, how long does the visa process
take since I already have my cas
International Office 2:
This will depend upon your local visa
office as the process of getting a visa
varies country-to-country, and even
office-to-office. Make your visa
appointment as soon as possible now you
have your CAS so you can ensure plenty
of time
Ishita Agarwal:
Will a letter from bank approving my
student loan be a good enough proof of
funding for visa?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
If you do have an official letter from the
bank that clarifies the available funds to
you and your details then this should be
fine, please see the following link
How long it takes in visa processing?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Please check with UK embassy in your
Also, if I am using my parents' funds as
proof and my birth certificate doesn't
state their names (they don't in Canada),
can I use my baptismal certificate instead
(this states their names).
Azadeh - International Adviser:
As long as it is an official document then
yes you can, please see the following link
Do the photos have to be the same as the
ones that they use for your medical (TB
clearance) certificate?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Pleases see the following link
Landon Peck:
thanks. It does not say anywhere that we
need to submit a copy of the CAS--is that
something the visa office just looks up or
is a hard copy needed?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
You don't need to submit a hard copy,
when you enter your CAS number on
your visa application, UK embassy are
able to find your details and see the CAS
thhank you Azadeh:)
Hi, I was told to get Student Visitor Visa,
but I don't know what I should do now.
Could you tell me?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Chika, please see the following link
You would need a visa letter from
University which you can send an email to
the to request
Is there any deadline for applying visa?
International Office:
javed - there is no official visa deadline
but there are deadlines to consider here
at the university like your start date etc so you need to be sure you have enough
time to get your visa, come to the UK, sort
your accommodation etc.
I still need some clarification with loan
documents vs. bank statements - I am
getting basically all of my tuition covered
by loans. Do I still need to provide my
bank statements as well when I go to my
loan application?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Camille, please see the following link
If loan only covers the fees then you still
required to show £7380 for your
maintenance in your bank account for 28
consecutive days before applying for visa
Sam Tse:
Hello, what kind of documents should I
bring along before I arrive to the airport
in the UK? I know that someone was
rejected and being expelled.
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Sam, are you applying for Tier 4
(general) student visa or Student Visitor
hullo is the chart going on
Anitah Azairwe:
International Office:
Helllo anitah - yes welcome
The City School (Pvt) Ltd is my company
name and I am working as a senior master
in its international school, The City School
International, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Azadeh - International Adviser:
This is not an international company so,
you still need to show the required funds,
please check the link to see if your
company is named or classed an
international company
Anitah Azairwe:
Am in Uganda can I use British council
offices for visa application
International Office:
hi anitah - you will need to check if they
offer this service
Anitah Azairwe:
which other office in Uganda can I go to
because I have not heard about the UK
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Anitah, have you checked UK embassy's
webpages, there should be some
information available on it.
I want to defer my admission because do
not have IELTS do know when next
session starts?
International Office:
Hi Hassan - you can defer your place by
emailing - the
next start will be sept 2015
Ishita Agarwal:
Thank you Azadeh. Also, I applied for
ATAS clearance with course details of Phd
with integrated masters in advanced
computer science (duration 60 months)
as per the details provided to me by
university in ATAS information sheet. But
in the CAS statement I received my
course written in MSC in Advanced
Computer Science (duration one year).
Can that be an issue?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Ishita, you should send an email to the
ATAS team to explain this to them and
seek advice. Or you can apply for fresh
ATAS providing information of your MSc
Landon Peck:
thanks, Azadeh. 'Biometric residence
permit' is that the paperwork I received
at my biometrics appointment? It was just
a stamped page stating my fingerprints
and photo has been catalogued
Azadeh - International Adviser:
BRP or Biometric Residence Permit is an
ID card which will be issued to you when
you applied for Tier 4 visa inside the UK. If
applying for Tier 4 visa outside the UK,
you will be issue visa inside your passport
CAS has mentioned that I need to show
my IB transcripts, my IB transcripts (hard
copy) might not reach me until midAugust - therefore can I get my school to
attest a copy of my IB transcripts on the
school letter head by the principal and
send it to me as proof?
International Office:
Anuradha - yes you can do this but it can
sometimes be a little more risky. Do you
have your visa appointment booked?
International Office:
Hope your question was answered
Thank you, Azadeh!
Anuradha: CAS has mentioned that I need
to show my IB transcripts, my IB
transcripts (hard copy) might not reach
me until mid-August - therefore can I get
my school to attest a copy of my IB
transcripts on the school letter head by
the principal and send it to me as proof ?
This is easier and hence I would be able to
apply for a visa faster
International Office:
anuradha - has this answered your
A person whose overall grade is 6 in IELTS
can still eligible for admission in the
Sheffield University while the
requirement mentioned is 6.5?
International Office:
Javed, which course will you be studying?
You will need to meet the conditions of
your offer so reach a 6.5. Have you got a 6?
By fees do you mean just tuition? Because
I have been approved for a loan to cover
all of my expenses - room, board, tuition,
books, etc. I do not have 7380 pounds in
my bank account, nor have I ever had that
much. I'm a US student and with the
exchange rate that's around 13,000 USD
Azadeh - International Adviser:
As long as your monthly payment (from
loan) is more than £820 per calendar
month and your tuition fees is covered
then you do not to submit bank
hi there
not yet
hi I am Farida
I'm a year 3 online master’s student and I
will need to visit Sheffield in September
for dissertation induction
Azadeh - International Adviser:
You should apply for Student Visitor visa see this link -
You can request a visa letter from
admissions closer to the time you are
applying for visa
Sae Sugai:
Hello. Now I'm preparing online
application and I don't know how should I
answer this question, “Have any of your
accommodation fees been paid to your
sponsor?". Should I choose “Yes, paid to
UK Education provider”?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Did you apply for Univ. accommodation?
Or a private one?
If it is Univ. accommodation and you
already paid any fees to the Univ. then you
can say "yes" otherwise the answer is "No"
Yes I got 7.5 in speaking, 6 in listening, 5.5
in reading and 5.5 in writing. Overall grade
is 6
International Office:
Hi Javed, you will need to retake this ielts
Landon Peck:
thanks. Do I need to submit my original
diploma for evidence of qualifications or
will a cop suffice?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
You must always submit original
documents, copies, scans etc are not
My class of Mphil is starting on 1st sep and
still not received CAS so will it delay
towards issuing of visa or university will
manage it in time?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi farida, you must contact the PBS Apply
Team to ask about your CAS. If you don't
have enough time to start in time then
you should speak to your department to
postpone your start date.
but I am very much confused it’s too late
to get admitted n 2015
International Office:
hassan, you can defer this year’s place to
2015 if you wish
so do you suggest I wait for the official
International Office:
do you expect them early or mid-august?
I will study MA-Education Full time 1 year
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Landon Peck:
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Not acceptable
I want to get admitted in 2014
International Office:
do you have an offer with us Hassan? Is
there anything you need advice on?
oh yes - sorry - I unknowingly copied it
twice - sorry!
International Office:
that’s okay! If you do not mind I want to
check with our cas team after this chat so
we can do what is best for you - can you
email me your app number and details so
I can look into it for you?
hi this is nitin kamble from India
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Nitin, welcome to the webchat
is there any session starting n February
International Office:
no hassan just september
can get visit visa on basics of conditional
International Office:
no, you will need to have an unconditional
International Office:
Hi Raj, how can we help?
I'm a year 3 online master’s student and I
will be visiting Sheffield in September for
dissertation induction programme which
is just for 2 days. Will I need to do the TB
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Please check the link
I’m raj, will be joining PHD with the
mechanical engineering dept. this sept.
Could you please me with the updated
info on visa?
International Office:
what information do you require please?
How to apply? This website is very helpful
International Office:
hello - welcome!
I planned to stay for just a week.
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Still you need to apply for Student Visitor
Carol Wanjohi:
When applying for a Tier 4 (General)
Student VISA do I need to fill the for
Student Visitor
Azadeh - International Adviser:
No, if you are coming to study full-time
course and have a CAS then you must
apply for Tier 4 (general) student visa
Ishita Agarwal:
Fresh ATAS will take up a lot of time, my
course starts in September. If I reapply
now, I don’t think I will have enough time
to get a visa. I informed the university
regarding this while confirming my details
for CAS but was told the CAS is given only
for MSC as PhD is conditional. And as
mentioned above students often do not
hear back from ATAS team. Please help
me. What will be the best way out of this
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Please check with ATAS team as this is
something they will need to confirm to
you, ATAS is not issued by us, is issued by
hiii This is Nitin
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Sae Sugai:
I paid accommodation fees by credit card
last week. Will this statement be added to
CAS statement automatically?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Sae, please check with PBS Apply team
which they can advise you and update
your CAS to show how much fees is paid
Carol Wanjohi:
International Office:
hello - how can we help?
Landon Peck:
I have the "Notification of Student Loan
for Academic Year 2014/15" paper
stamped and signed by uni. Will this
suffice as evidence of funds? Also it's only
a copy I’ve never received the original --is
that a problem for submission?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
You should ask for the original, yes, the
original of that document will suffice
I'm being sponsored by my organisation
and the money that will be paid into the
account will just be enough for the trip,
will that be a problem or I will need to
have excess
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Please check with the UK embassy, what I
know is that you still need to show that
you have enough funds to manage
yourself in the UK.
I have contacted PBS apply but reply given
is that they are making progress on my
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Please wait until you receive your CAS as
my colleagues are doing their best to
issue CASs
I am a sponsored student, my sponsor
letter was issued as a group, I can only get
a copy of it and not the original, hope this
will not affect my visa application
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Taiwo, please ask for original letter as
copies are not acceptable
I uploaded My masters certificate on PBS
CAS portal, but it was deleted as it was in
Latin, but it also has English version of
description which was detailed in small
font. I believe that was unnoticed and
have been requested for transcript
International Office:
okay raj I would upload it again with the
English section clearly marked
I’m applying for Phd In school of clinical
dentistry, starting on Oct01,2014,i yet have
not received CAS
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Please contact
regarding your CAS
Once you received your CAS then you can
start visa process, please see the
following link -
can I re-upload my certificate ?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
You mean required certificate for your
CAS? Please check with
Hiren Patel:
can I speak with someone regarding the
accommodations in Sheffield
International Office:
hello hiren.... hope you are fine we have
Azadeh our visa specialist here now, so
we are talking all about visas! I can try and
help..... Or I can direct you to our
accommodation team if it is something
more complex
deeksha gautam:
Hi. This is Deeksha Gautam from India
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hello Deeksha
What will be your advice in this regard
keeping in view the normal time taken by
visa department in our country because
its 30 July today.
Azadeh - International Adviser:
The quickest way would be to contact
ATAS (their email is on their website) and
ask to amend your pending ATAS
hello, my wife and I plan to attend
Sheffield in September, what is the latest
we should apply for the visa. Also, my wife
is from Ethiopia and I am from America,
she has yet to get her green card for
America. Should I be concerned about
here and I obtaining a visa for England?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Will, it really depends on how long it'll
take to receive the visa which is vary from
one country to another. I don't think not
having green card will have any impact on
her visa application as long as she is in the
US legally and has a valid passport
The next IELTS test will be on 9th August
and I will get my result on 22 August. Do I
have enough time to upload my IELTS
result then? As the session will start in
end of September?
International Office:
You will need to find out how long visas
are taking to process. Some courses have
a short grace period and try to be flexible
with international students who arrive a
few days late - you will need to keep us
I have sent in my details :)
International Office:
Thank you!!!! I will get back to you ASAP
Abel M'kulama:
This Abel M'kulama from Zambia
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Abel, how can we help?
Carol Wanjohi:
Thank you.
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Most welcome
I expect my transcripts on mid-august
International Office:
Okay - let me get back to you
Could you help me How I mark the English
section on the certificate? Do you meant
to mention it on the available notes space
International Office:
yes in the notes space would be fine. It is
just to draw attention to it for the
reviewer. If you pm me your app no I can
make a note on your application
thank you
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Most welcome
Hi. I have not received the CAS number
which I need to submit my Visa
application. Second, I leave the U.S. for
Europe August 14th and will be travelling
on my passport until arrival in Sheffield in
mid-September. It seems too late to apply
from here. Can I apply once I have arrived
in Sheffield?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Hayley, you can either apply and obtain
your Tier 4 visa from US or apply for Tier
4 from Europe. If you apply for visitor visa
to enter the UK then you cannot register
with us nor can you switch to Tier 4 visa
from inside the UK.
Hiren Patel:
how many are going from INDIA
International Office:
We hope lots!!!!
Hiren Patel:
raj where are you from???
I know the reputation of the university
and thank you but kindly may I know the
reason for this delay as I am little anxious :)
Azadeh - International Adviser:
You must send an email to if it is related to
your CAS
Abel M'kulama:
I am to be sponsored by the CSC and am
currently waiting confirmation for me to
apply for VISA what is advice on this
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Please see the following link for more
information -
deeksha gautam:
Hey. I have not given any English
proficiency exam. I received 94% in
English in 10th and 12th grade and this
was accepted by the university. Do I need
to give an English proficiency exam for my
International Office:
did you receive 94% in your 12th Standard
English? Which board please?
International Office:
We usually accept standard 12th English
Sam Tse:
I am not asking for the visa. I am curious
to the documents that I should bring and
show to the airport authority when I
arrive in the UK.
International Office:
Some suggestions....
All original documentation and letters
from the University
Accommodation confirmation letter (if
you have one)
Medical certificates / visa documents
All your original transcripts and
University Welcome pack
Bank statements, a sponsor’s letter or
bank draft
Cash and/or travellers cheques for first
few days
Your passport
Valuables, medicines
deeksha gautam:
Yes. CBSE (Central Board of secondary
International Office:
perfect - this is proof of English!
Hiren Patel:
sorry........... I don’t have a CAS copy yet so
when shall I expect that
International Office:
hiren - do you mean your cas link by email?
Is your offer now unconditional?
Abel M'kulama:
I am to be sponsored by Commonwealth
and am told that they processing details
with Sheffield, I would like to know how
that would affect my VISA application
Azadeh - International Adviser:
If the sponsorship and funds are clearly
mentioned on your CAS and you are in
receipt of full fees plus £820 per month
(for maintenance) then you do not need
to show bank statements but it would be
helpful to submit original sponsor letter
from Commonwealth with your visa
application. If it is not mentioned on your
CAS then you MUST submit original
sponsor letter from Commonwealth with
your visa application
thank you.
what is the best visa for my wife and I to
apply for, I assume tier 4 as I will be in the
MPH program for 1 year. My wife however
is not enrolled though she would like to
enroll after she takes the English
proficiency exam.
Azadeh - International Adviser:
You must apply for Tier 4 (general) for
yourself and for your wife, must apply for
PBS dependant visa, see this link
How long is Visa processing from Europe?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Check the UK embassy in the country that
you will be applying from
Thank you very much
International Office:
no worries
Carol Wanjohi:
Under which conditions is one allowed to
tick "Your sponsor is a Higher Education
Institution, and has made its own
assessment of your English language
ability" when filling out the section of
English Language Ability of the Tier 4
(General) Student Self-Assessment forms?
International Office:
Carol, if you have successfully completed
a first degree or postgraduate diploma
taught in English in a majority native
English speaking country, you will not
normally need to provide other evidence
of English language ability. Otherwise, in
most cases you will need to complete an
acceptable English language qualification.
The sponsor letter was sent to my
employer detailing the list of those who
will be sponsored. A copy was provided
for the awardees, I uploaded a copy of the
sponsor letter for my CAS application and
It was accepted. It will not be possible to
get the original copy for myself alone.
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Taiwo, could you send an email to the
following email address with your details
and your application number and I will
reply to you
furthermore I am planning to bring my
son with me, any advice in this regard
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Pleases see the following link
Thank you Katy, I will e-mail today with
the details.
International Office:
deeksha gautam:
So, I do not need to give any addition
exam for English proficiency?
International Office:
Deeksha, if you have met the standard
12th requirement for English then you will
not need an additional English test
to your e-mail address
Thank you.
Website says that the service for
processing times in currently unavailable.
I have already sent an email to and will need
my passport on CAS and will need my
passport on my person through Sept. 9. Is
there anything else that can be done? I
fear that it will not be possible to apply
here nor in Europe.
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi hayley, could you send another email to
the PBS team, I am afraid the visa
processing time is out of our hand and
you must talk to the UK embassy directly
Hi, this is first time to me here---- Could I
get Visa for UK from Iraq now?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Basheer, yes, you can, please see the
following link
sorry for typos....I will try for rush
processing but unless I get my CAS today,
that leaves be less than 2 weeks from the
United States
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Please do try the PBS apply team again
Hello, I am scheduled to study as an
exchange student from this autumn and I
am patiently waiting for my CAS. I
received an email asking to confirm
information about my previous studies in
the UK and I replied to the email 11 days
ago, however, I have not received any
further emails since. I would really
appreciate it if you could tell me how far
the CAS has been processed so that I can
cope with other processes that I must do
at the same time.
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Yuko, please do email - again, they are
extremely busy and they will reply to you
in due course
Carol Wanjohi:
Which are the acceptable English
language qualifications?
International Office:
there is a useful list here:
Abel M'kulama:
I also applied for the CAS number but I
did not get the number, any help?
International Office:
hi abel - do you have an unconditional
offer, received the cas link and uploaded
your information?
CAN I ask directly ATAS to amend my
application and moreover does my
application fall in their criteria?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi farida, I am not sure what you are
asking here? In order for your ATAS to be
amended then you must email them
directly, we do not deal with ATAS
Carol Wanjohi:
Thank you.
Hi Azadeh, sorry if this question has
already been asked, I am having trouble
going back through the chat. Just wanting
to double check that my entry date will be
okay. I am completing a semester on
exchange, commencing 29 September
2014 and my flights put me in the country
around 20 September 2014 (to give me
time to attend orientation week). I have
read a few conflicting time limits (i.e., a
week or a month) and just wanting to
check I will be able to enter under a Tier 4
visa at this time. Thanks, Jaz.
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Jazmin, if you are coming to do a short
course (less than 6 months) then you
must enter the UK no more than a week
before course start date. Please see the
I have emailed the bpsapply and also
called them as well.
Azadeh - International Adviser:
For your CAS, yes, you should email PBS
apply team, please wait and they shall
reply to you in due course
Carol Wanjohi:
The link is for postgraduates yet I am an
undergraduate, is there a link for
International Office:
Abel M'kulama:
Yes I have an unconditional offer and I
even did the pre-registration.
International Office:
how long ago was this please?
deeksha gautam:
Okay, so this will be accepted as a proof
of English for tier 4 visa, I hope. Thank you.
International Office:
No problem - we look forward to
welcoming you to Sheffield! What course
will you be studying?
Carol Wanjohi:
Thank you
Azadeh - International Adviser:
You are most welcome
deeksha gautam:
MA Politics
International Office:
Oh wow! What a great dept. to be joining
International Office:
which city are you from?
thank you
I just received my atas clearance after 2
months but the uni of Sheffield says that
the title of my degree on the certificate is
not correct. So I applied again with the
fast track option. I am bit concerned
about the time as I have to apply for a visa.
How long will it take for my atas clearance?
International Office:
Thanks for all the great questions so far!!
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Adil, could you send your ATAS
clearance to the following
Please do let me know what the correct
title (in your email) is and I will do my
best to liaise with ATAS (cannot promise
anything) to hopefully amend it otherwise
you must re-apply
Sae Sugai:
Thank you for your help.
International Office 2:
We have 20 minutes of chat left today.
International Office 2:
Please do ask your questions now. If you
have questions after the chat on visa
please email the visa team
deeksha gautam:
I am from India
International Office:
Great, I am sure you will like Sheffield!
International Office:
this gives you a useful time line
International Office:
sorry wrong question answered!
Abel M'kulama:
About a moth and some two weeks
Carol Wanjohi:
How long does it take to get a CAS
International Office:
useful time line can be found here:
Hi I am an applicant for MSc Env and
Energy Eng. I have been awaiting my
admission letter for this session and have
not gotten any feedback yet. Previously I
was told I had to reapply which I did but
then I saw in the university’s policy that I
am eligible for two deferrals of which I
have been granted only one. Please advice.
International Office 2:
This is an Admissions question and we
recommend you email Admissions at to see where
you stand with your application. Some
departments will defer offers twice, but
some will not .It is at the discretion of the
International Office:
Have you accepted the offer?
what is the financial ceiling to be shown
for visa in an Mphil education (selfsponsored programme
Azadeh - International Adviser:
You are required to show £7380 (for
maintenance) plus first year of tuition fees
in your bank account for 28 days before
applying. If you have dependant then you
must add £4140 for each of your
dependant and hold the required funds
for 28 days before applying for visa
deeksha gautam:
I am sure I will. I am really excited. :D
International Office:
I hope you have chatted to some of our
ambassadors already who have given you
some good advice!
Samraghni Bonnerjee:
Hello. I received my unconditional offer for
PhD in English and the official scholarship
letter (Vice Chancellor Scholarship) as
attachments to mails. I met an Entry
Officer at the British Council (Calcutta,
India) today, who told me, that it'd be
better to ask the university to send a
formal letter via post instead of my
sending a print out for the visa. She also
suggested that I could write a covering
letter where I mention that my documents
have reached me via mails. Since there
isn't enough time to post and receive the
said documents, do you think just
submitting the printouts would help?
Along with a cover letter may be, and a
print out of the mail I received, informing
me of the scholarship?
International Office:
many congrats on the scholarship! This
should be added to your CAS and then yes
please take all the docs, official letter
(even if printed), emails with you to
deeksha gautam:
No worries
Carol Wanjohi:
Thank you
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Most welcome
which of the English Language
requirements applies to applicants from
Nigeria for VISA Application
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Please check your CAS, if it does show an
English language certificate which you
submitted when you obtained CAS then
you must submit that certificate with your
visa application
deeksha gautam:
No actually. I have not but I would love to
do so.
International Office:
Oh I can ask someone to call you probably will be Friday now - would that
be okay? Pankaj will give you a call.......
please pm me your app number
Thank you very much
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Most welcome Farida
Abel M'kulama:
Thank you for the help and information.
Azadeh - International Adviser:
You are most welcome Abel
Samraghni Bonnerjee:
Thank you. I'm not writing to the
scholarship department to post the letters
then. Too much stress and too little time.
Azadeh - International Adviser:
I hope everything goes well and hope to
see you in Sheffield in September
ok I will send my atas clearance to the
following address. It’s just a small error.
Thank you
Okay, thank you, I will email the link shown.
About the visa application questions, there
is the question "Have you ever voluntarily
elected to depart the UK?", and I don't
really get what it's trying to ask...Do you
think I should answer yes as I have
previously lived in the UK and departed
when returning to my home country
legally, or is it trying to ask whether I have
left the UK after overstaying my visa
permits or something? Sorry for my
messy sentence
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Yuko, it is asking about being in the UK
when you had no visa and departed
voluntarily, if you left the UK before your
visa expiry date then this don’t apply to
Carol Wanjohi:
When filling the start and end dates of the
course on the Tier 4 (General) Student
Self-Assessment application, which end
date do I put?
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Do you have a CAS? If yes, that date would
be on your CAS
Samraghni Bonnerjee:
Many thanks! I only confirmed my details
for CAS this Monday. When can I expect to
get the number? I'm a bit apprehensive
because everyone seems to have applied
for their visas or have received it; but I
can't until I receive the CAS.
International Office 2:
You've still got time; don't worry.
Since my sponsorship will cover both
tuition fee and maintenance fee, do I need
to wait for the cash to stay in my account
28days before applying for VISA?
Please see the following link
Azadeh - International Adviser:
deeksha gautam:
Yeah. Friday would be great.
International Office:
thank you
International Office:
web chat will be closing in just under 10
although the current status shows I have
declined the offer which was never like
that before
International Office 2:
Email Admissions at to clarify with
them your offer status with Sheffield
International Office 2:
There is 10 minutes left for the chat.
International Office 2:
Please email: if
you still have questions after the chat
Oh okay, that helps a lot! Thank you for
Azadeh - International Adviser:
You are most welcome
I have sent emails there with no replies
International Office 2:
You will need to wait up to 7 working days
at very busy times for Admissions to get
back. If you cannot wait you can telephone
Admissions whose number is given here:
Carol Wanjohi:
I have not yet gotten my CAS. Thank you
for the assistance.
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Please wait until you receive your CAS as
you must enter the accurate dates
I have another question regarding VISA
subtype. I am an Erasmus Mundus student
with funding for the degree program. Am I
Tier 4 General Sponsored or Tier 4
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Hi Hayley, no you must apply for Tier 4
Carol Wanjohi:
Thank you so much for answering my
Azadeh - International Adviser:
You are most welcome Carol
Olutosin Bright:
how many deferrals is an MPH applicant
eligible to?
International Office:
Thank you to Azadeh for all her advice!
okay thank you very much. I will check
and call them
Ok, Tier 4 General Student
Azadeh - International Adviser:
Good luck
Azadeh - International Adviser:
If you have any questions regarding
immigration and visa, please send an email
Thanks a lot
Azadeh - International Adviser:
If you have any questions regarding
immigration and visa, please send an email
International Office 2:
Chat will now close. Thank you for coming
and we hope to see you all in Sheffield
yes thanks
I have a couple questions. I have an
unconditional offer for the MPH
international development (1year program)
and have my CAS # and am about to apply
for a visa for my wife and I. I am American,
she is Ethiopia, out passports are
reflective of our home country. Will she
and I having different country passports
on the same visa application be a problem?
yes I accepted the offer
International Office:
The web chat will be closing very soon thanks to all that participated!