'Date: Period: LAB: Latitude and Longitude Introduction: system is needed to In order to navigate and study different places on Earth, a universal surface- The system created allow people all over thi world to locate exact positions on Earth's ;i;;. and descriue positions on earth is latitude and longitude. This method is used by all nations. Objective: the coordinate system ln this lab you will learn how to determine positions on Earth using used in navigation and how of latitude and longitude. You will also learn how Polaris is longitude is used to calculate time zones' Vocabulary: 9 Latitude: Polaris: Parallel: Longitude: Meridian: Coordinate SYstem: ap 22 Cities Around the World r08 | 3.991 3 c09l 3 "SEl 3.021 3.901 3 "06 3 o9/ ! "09 3 .91 3 "0t 3 o9l xuotuen 3filud o0 MoSl M.00 M eSh M.09 M oSl, M o06 M o90l M oOZl M o9El M U "0sl Mo99 I zzz hSiot ic) Maps aod Photos ", I 006 F.rron Tcachcr Aids 131 Procedure B: World Latitude and Longitude 1. Complete the following charts using the world map provided (Map 2Z).Estimate the latitude and longitude of each location to the nearest degree. Chicago Londoii Bombay Canberra Rio de Janeiro Vancouver Tokyo Moscow Cape Town Anchorage {, 3 Procedure C: New York State Latitude and Longitude 1. Use the New York State map on page 3 of your Earth Science Reference Tables to complete the chart below. Be sure to use degrees and minutes. 42" 25',N 76" 30',w 780 50'w Mount MarcY 42" 45',N 42" 50', 73" 47',W Syracuse 75" 55', w Slide Mountain 43" 1o',N 44" 40',N EImira 79" 01',w 73" 2,5') W 42" 05' Procedure D: Measuring Distance rt:.:t:?.:t 1. Use the New York State map on page 3 of your Eatrth Science R'."f"rrn", Tables to YI estimate the distances between the following locations' ),,+# A. What is the straight-line distance from Watertown to Old Forge? Answer in Miles: B. What is the straight-line distance from Elmira to Ithaca? Answer in c. Answer in Kilometers: Miles: Answer in Kilometers: what is the straight-line distance from Niagara Falls to Buffalo? Answer in Miles: Answer in Kilometers: Procedure E: World Time Zones 1. ) Use the world map provided (Map 22) to answer the following questions. An example has been provided to show you how to do this' Example: If it is 12 PM (noon) Greenwich Mean Time, what is the time at location A? ) \/ Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Point A is at 90" E longitudes Location A is 90o away from the prime Meridian' Earth rotates atll"ftt. 90o + 15o/hr:6 hrs Stip 5: Location A is East of the Prime Meridian and time increases you head east. Step 6: 12 PM (noon) + 6 hrs: 6 PM as Therefore: It is 6PM at location A when it is noon in Greenwich. A. If it is 12 PM (noon) Greenwich Mean Time, what is the time at location B? SHOW YOI'R WORK. B. If it is 12 PM (noon) Greenwich sHow YouR woRK. Mean Time, what is the time at location C? --:\a b/I C. If it is 12 pM (noon) Greenwich Mean Time, what is the time at Iocation D? SHOW YOIJR WORK, D. If it is 10 AM Greenwich Mean Timg what is the time at Iocation E? SHOW YOIJR WORK. Discussion Questions: (Answer in complete sentences) l. What is the largest possible latitude? 2. What is the tatitude of the North Pole? 3. Explain why two circ,les of latitude nevsr touch' 4. you are in a boat crossing the prime Meridian. The altitude of Polaris is 50 degrees. Explain how you know longitude. 5. G boat's location is 50 degrees Norlh latitude and 0 degrces What is the maximum number of degrees of longitude possible? 6. at the North Pole is 0 miles' Explain whythe distance between two meridians 7. (Numbered 39 and 40) Answer the two multiple-choice questions below. L{ )Wffi and longitude of ftve the map belovr, which shows the latitude B.ru your answers to questions 39 and 40 on I -- observers; A, B' C, D, and E, on Earth' i 100 N Equator 104 lll/hat is the altitude "b;;; (1) 0" ) A" (2) I0" ol Polaris (the Nortlr Star) northern horizon fqr otserver A? (3) 80' (4).90' s 40 \\&ich two observers would be experieneing the same aPParent solar time? O)AandC (2) B and C (3) B and E (4) D. and E ),( .-g Conclusion: positions on Earth. 1. Describe how latitude and longitude coordinates are used to locate 6