Bible Summary Assignments
#1- 1 John 1-5
#2- 1 Thessalonians 1-5
#3- 1 Peter 1-5
Steps for each chapter:
Step 1: Read the chapter a minimum of two times.
Step 2: Identify the chapter and a personal theme for that chapter.
Step 3: Summarize the chapter by writing about any combination of the four points in the
acrostic S.P.E.C. Scripture is to be summarized in your own words, not quoted word for
word. After each summary statement put in parentheses where you found your answer.
S = sins to avoid (what we should not do)
P = promises by God (what God will do)
E = examples to follow (how someone is a model for us)
C = commands given (what we should do)
For example you may write about three sins to avoid and one promise of God or
two examples to follow, one sin to avoid, and one command given.
Step 4: In a full paragraph give a personal application from that chapter.
Guidelines for the paper: Turned in on time for 15 pts, if turned in by the following Friday you
can receive a maximum of 10pts. The paper is to be typed (uploaded to turnitin) and singlespaced. The font is to be Times New Roman size 12.
Date/ Period:
Chapter: 1 Theme: Praising God and Being Holy
C- We are to give praise to God for he has given us a new birth and a hope that is alive. (1 Peter
P- We are promised that through faith in Christ we are protected by God and our salvation will
be completed. (1 Peter 1:5)
S- We should try to avoid longing for things of the flesh because they can control our lives. (1
Peter 1:14)
C- We need to prepare our minds for action, control ourselves, and put our hope in Christ. (1
Peter 1:13)
This chapter really helped me to see how I should live my life as a Christian. I shouldn’t be
worrying about tomorrow, but rather having faith that God will protect and provide for me. I also
learned that I need to control my sinful desires and actions. We can praise God for his great
sacrifice and be thankful for our salvation.
Chapter: 2 Theme: The Way a Christian Should Live His Life
E- We should long for God’s Word as a newborn baby longs for its mother’s milk. (1 Peter 2: 2)
P- Because of Christ’s sacrifice we can be sure that through Him, God will hear our prayers and
our spiritual sacrifices. (1 Peter 2: 5)
C- We need to listen and follow the rules and laws given to us by our authorities because God
gave them the position of authority. (1 Peter 2: 13-14)
C- We are told to respect everyone, not only those in our christian community but also those
outside of it; and above all honor and respect our God. (1 Peter 2:17)
In order to live a life pleasing to God, one who calls himself a Christian should have certain
qualities and attitudes that portray his belief. I can show that I am a Christian by being respectful
to everyone around me, I should listen to my authorities, and seek to read the Word daily.
Chapter: 3 Theme: Suffering for Christ
E- Although the example is directed towards women, it can be applied to any gender; True
beauty comes from the inside, hope in God and following your leaders will display this beauty.
This is how the holy women of the past showed their beauty. (1 Peter 3: 5)
C- As Christians we should live together in peace, we should love one another, and understand
others when the sin against us. (1 Peter 3: 8)
S- When someone sins against us the last thing we should seek is revenge. As a Christian we can
show others our love for them by not seeking revenge and giving back love instead. (1 Peter 3: 9)
P- We can be confident that Jesus died for us, we can also be confident that His sacrifice was
enough to save us. (1 Peter 3: 21)
From this chapter I see that as Christians we should be worried about what people think of our
spiritual appearances and not our physical appearance. We need to be confident that Jesus’
sacrifice was enough, and with that confidence show love and understanding towards others
when they sin against us.
Chapter: 4 Theme: How to Live for God
E- We should follow the example of a soldier ready for war, but instead be ready to suffer for
our beliefs. (1 Peter 4:1)
P- Each of us has received a special and unique spiritual gift and we are told to use it. (1 Peter 4:
C- We should be joyful when we are persecuted or suffering for Christ’s cause. (1 Peter 4: 13)
C- We are told to keep our minds clear, pray, and to control ourselves because the end is near. (1
Peter 4: 7)
Although we are almost guaranteed that at some point we will be persecuted for our faith to
some point, we need to be ready for it. We should expect to suffer for Christ, and when we do be
joyful even in the worst situations. We can be encouraged by the fact that each of us has been
given a unique spiritual gift.
Chapter: 5 Theme: How to be a Proper Leader
C- We are told to be shepherds of God’s flock, and to lead others not because we feel obliged but
because we want to. (1 Peter 5: 2)
S- We shouldn’t act like rulers to those under us, instead we should be an example to them. (1
Peter 5: 3)
C- We should put away all our pride and instead humble ourselves to the people around us. (1
Peter 5: 5)
P- God always has enough grace for us, He will build us up when we need repair and continue to
grow us stronger in Him. (1 Peter 5: 10)
I have learned from this chapter that if I am ever put into a leadership position over other
believers I should make them feel no less than me. I need to show them love and keep pride out
of me. And at the end of the day remember that I am as big of a sinner as they are and God still
has enough grace for me.