Typical and atypical profiles of temporal perception in Autism Spectrum Disorder Anna Lambrechts , Kielan Yarrow, Sebastian Gaigg City University London Introduction • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterised by difficulties in social interaction and communication, restricted interests and repetitive behaviour • Recent studies suggest that abnormalities in timing and time perception may contribute to these difficulties (1) • Relevant evidence, however, is inconclusive, possibly due to the variety of methodologies employed (2, 3, 5, 6) • Atypical profile of perceptual processing in ASD could affect temporal perception differently across sensory modalities (7) This study aims to further characterise time perception in ASD by: targeting durations relevant for social interaction (ms to sec range) examining time perception in the auditory, visual and audiovisual modalities Analysis Materials & Methods TD (n=22) Mean Min Max ASD (n=24) Age VIQ PIQ FIQ 45.2 19 60 110 82 128 106 75 136 109 77 135 AQ Age 14.7 4 25 39.5 24 61 VIQ PIQ 109 73 143 • Stimuli: Pure tone (auditory), light grey square (visual) or both simultaneously (audio-visual) Short range: Standard = 800ms Long range: Standard = 1200ms Probe durations: ±5, 10, 25, 50% the standard duration FIQ 106 73 128 108 70 135 PSE - TDC AQ ADOS com ADOS total 38.5 26 59 9 5 17 2.3 0 5 • Analysis: Data were fitted to a cumulative Gaussian function f using the Psignifit toolbox in Matlab. 400-800 ms Std Point of Subjective Equality (PSE): measure accuracy First or second? 200-600 ms Weber Ratio (WR): measure of precision Probe Slope normalised by the PSE Auditory modality 1. WR PSE - ASD WR - TDC WR - ASD 1.4 1.4 0.35 0.35 1.3 1.3 0.3 0.3 1.2 1.2 0.25 0.25 1.1 1.1 0.2 0.2 1 Short range Long range 0.9 1 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 Aud Vis AV Aud of Value supporting 50% of responses “probe longer than standard” • Task: Duration comparison task, i.e. decide which of two durations lasted longer for each pair Results 1. PSE • Inclusion criteria: two-parameter (psychometric curve) significantly better than one-parameter (horizontal line) fit in all conditions 4 / 22 TD and 12 / 24 ASD participants were excluded (significantly different ratio between groups) Vis Short range Short range 0.15 Long range Long range Short range 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 0 0 AV Main effect of range (F(30,1)=27.800, p<.001, η²=0.498): PSErange1 < PSErange2 Marginal interaction modality x range (F(30,2)=3.228, p=.064 , η²=0.103) Post-hoc paired t-tests: - magnitude of range effect larger in visual than AV modality - small effect of modality dependent on the range Aud Vis AV Long range Aud Vis AV Main effect of modality (F(30,2)=28.079, p<.001, η²=0.501): WRAud < WRVis, WRAV < WRVis Main effect of range (F(30,1)=13.481, p≤.001, η²=0.325): WRrange1 > WRrange2 Marginal interaction modality x group (F(30,2)=2.921, p=.062, η²=0.094) Marginal interaction range x group (F(30,1)=3.324, p=.079, η²=0.106) Marginal interaction modality x range (F(30,2)=2.975, p=.072, η²=0.096) Discussion (1) No difference between groups in accuracy (2) Marginally lower precision in ASD group (short range, visual modality) (3) Central tendency of duration representation across the task in both groups (4) (4) Expected lesser precision in the visual modality (8) and for the shorter range in both groups (5) Large subgroup of individuals with ASD (12/24) who have great difficulty to perform the task, in particular in the visual modality and for the shorter range of durations, and show shorter reaction times A large subgroup of individuals with ASD are able to perform temporal judgement on sociallyrelevant durations typically, but with less precision than TD participants. Another large subgroup however demonstrate great difficulties in timing, especially in the visual modality. These individuals could be lower-functioning and/or impulsive participants. Such subgroups could account for some heterogeneity in the literature, and should be taken in consideration in future research. References (1) Allman, M. J. (2011). Deficits in temporal processing associated with autistic disorder. Front Integr Neurosci., 5(March), 2. (2) Allman, M. J., DeLeon, I. G., & Wearden, J. H. (2011). Psychophysical assessment of timing in individuals with autism. Am. J. Intellect. Dev. Disabil., 116(2), 165–78. (3) Falter, C. M., Noreika, V., Wearden, J. H., & Bailey, A. J. (2012). More consistent, yet less sensitive: Interval timing in autism spectrum disorders. Q J Exp Psychol-A (2006), (July), 37–41. (4) Jazayeri, M., & Shadlen, M. N. (2010). Temporal context calibrates interval timing. Nature neuroscience, 13(8), 1020–6. (5) Jones, C. R. G., Happé, F., Baird, G., Simonoff, E., Anita, J. S., Tregay, J., Phillips, R. J., et al. (2009). Auditory Discrimination and Auditory Sensory Behaviours in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Neuropsychologia, 47(13), 2850–2858. (6) Martin, J. S., Poirier, M., & Bowler, D. M. (2010). Brief report: Impaired temporal reproduction performance in adults with autism spectrum disorder. JADD, 40(5), 640–6. (7) O’Connor, K. (2011). Auditory processing in autism spectrum disorder: A review. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 36(2), 836–854. (8) Wearden, J. H., Edwards, H., Fakhri, M., & Percival, A. (1998). Why “Sounds Are Judged Longer Than Lights”: Application of a Model of the Internal Clock in Hum an s Q J Exp Psychol-A, 51B(2), 97–120.