CT Findings of Mesenteric Injury After Blunt Trauma: Implications for Surgical Intervention Mike F. Dowe1 K. Shanmuganathan1 Stuart E. Mirvis1 R. Clayton Steiner2 Carnell Cooper2 OBJECTIVE. mesenteric assess The purposes of this study were to determine injury. to compare the potential ofCT MATERIALS 4-month from a radiology bowel before and and two of (89%) had CT be falsely negative discrepancies of the surgical Patients mesenteric with observations. injury CT results. physical Medical findings in two findings patients surgical results. criteria the confirmed. and of the study Among injury other and meeting conservatively. of mesenteric records 27 falsely of lull-thickness perfbrmed reviewed all study both who in one were laparotomy. had surgery. showed other with patients underwent findings positive identified lavage patients Surgical were CT patient. 24 scans to No major were found between retrospective CT review done with and without knowledge findings. Two CT findings unique to patients whose injuries. in the judgment of the surgical and bowel registry. of 29 patients managed findings a trauma admission were to of surgical of patients with mesenteric injury require laparotorny. Blunt trauma patients admitted to our ltcility during diagnosis with of CT findings and surgical surgical Twenty-seven others or the spectrum injury with mesenteric injury or diagnostic peritoneal CT scans of all patients were retrospectively knowledge to ascertain which a CT database RESULTS. and with injury associated CT were excluded. reviewed of mesenteric METHODS. period without findings to predict AND 5-year CT team, required surgical wall thickening associated relate well with the type and clinical repair with were active mesenteric significance extravasation findings. ofthe of IV contrast Physical mesenteric findings material did not cor- injury. CONCLUSION. The CT finding of mesenteric bleeding or bowel wall thickening associated with mesenteric hematoma or infiltration in the blunt trauma patient indicates a high likelihood of a mesenteric or bowel injury requiring surgery. The finding of fical mesenteric or infiltration without adjacent bowel wall thickening is nonspecific in mesenteric or bowel lesions that require surgery and those that do not. hematoma both I njury to relatively significant mortality Early Received May 22, 1996; accepted after revision July 18, 1996. Maryland 21201. of Diagnostic Medical Address Radiology, to K. Shanmuganathan. Center, University Center, Baltimore, MD 21201. AJR 1997;168:425-428 Roentgen AJR:168, February of Maryland Medical detection Previous studies injury MD oral contrast In general. of 1997 been bowel requirement that other to detect or direct wall. an It has bowel bowel thickening wall indicate or the need for close observation but not necessarily immediate surgical exploration without other definitive 131- indications The of clinical the injury significance mesentery CT scan. included injury CT unequivocally ment with or most patients with require evidence surgical associated of isolated small by a of who managemesenteric injuries limited on injury injury. Other CT studies are found of mesenteric bowel without injury bowel appropriate when studies full-thickness would isolated associated is the as of this Previous have of without is uncertain. injury visualiza- indicate of hematoma, concurrent source. surgery. findings full- as pneumo- known as fixal management indicate such for CT f2-6I. that such wall I I 1. abdominal is useful injury, when outcome that another extrava.sation, disrupted suggested findings wall without oral contrast intervention, and mesentery CT bowel peritoneum unequivocal Ray Society material f I J. trauma to improve indicate to the bowel thickness abdominal and surgical are critical tion 0361-803X/97/1682-425 © American of Center, 22 S. Greene St., Baltimore, correspondence 2Shock-Trauma University the althoughand a uncommon, represents sourcemesentery. of morbidity blunt required. with 1 Department from injury. bowel and can occur sample rnesenteric size or 425 Dowe inclusion of CT scans peritoneal lavage, sensitivity for obtained the compromises detection injury [7, 8]. The goals determine the spectrum mesentenc injury, mesenteric injury ful mesenteric and require Center Medical 4 months. from with registry was also reviewed Cl’ or possible mesenteric verified study. All to identify mesenteric patients A trauma Redmond. patients with included injury who with sur- 24 hr of the initial CF scan except one. whose initial CT scan was interpreted as negative for mesenteric injury. This patient had a subsequent deteriorating clinical course and had an additional CT scan 5 days after admission and immediately before surgery. Patients who had CT findings of mesenteric injury during the study period were included whether they were managed medically or surgically. We excluded laparotomy patients in whom CT showed full-thickness bowel injury concurrent with mesenteric injury (n = diagnostic peritoneal lavage before CT (n = 2), and patients who did not have a CT scan before surgery (n = 5). Of the 29 patients who met the study criteria. 20 were men and 9 were women: they ranged from 16 to 83 years old (mean age, 39 years old). All patients had a history of blunt 3. patients abdominal who had trauma. records and sition of the surgical reviewed the patients’ reports to determine medithe pelvic the presence ration and mined also or absence were reviewed for sus. The scans were consensus with were by consen- interpretations the original reviewed were resolved again disclosed were later interpretations. after the to determine The surgical if subtle findfindings were present but not recognized on the initial review. CI’ findings suggestive of mesenteric injury included stranding or opacification of the mesenteric fat (inhomogeneous fluid density), intramesenteric fluid collections (uniform fluid density) or higher attenuation hematoma, free intraperitoneal fluid [9], or evidence of active bleeding within the mesentery and peritoneal cavity. The ranges of CT attenuation values used for the determination of active hemorrhage and clotted blood were 85-370 H and 40-70 H, respectively [10]. Bowel wall thickening of Intraperitoneal extravasation, if identified on initial interpretation, lead to patient exclusion. CT observations were correlated with surgical findings to determine the sensitivity of CF for detection of mesenteric injury and the usefulness of greater than 4 mm was also recorded. free air or oral contrast CF findings to teric avulsion ing mesentenc thickness toma, discriminate immediate surgical with ischemic vessels, actively full-thickness bleedtears of focal tear with be observed. viable The bowel) that could surgeon-author, who ischemia or penfo- was the need for bowel resection as deter- the surgical records to determine which injuries required surgery and which potentially did not. The two patients who did not undergo laparotomy were followed up clinically. at the time reviewed of surgery. for evidence Surgical records were present at one third of the surgeries. were found between cies reviews done with the retrospective and without reviewed Results one case: a scan, aflve, was found infiltration review. and At originally interpreted to show homogeneous of the mesentery patients 27 patients of laparotomy were who managed had the after 29 study CT. The by observation. surgery, 24(89%) patients other two Of the had of focally surgery, thickened this was requiring findings CT of review Both patients CT that verse or repeated outcome, of diagnostic mesenteric with to attributed review, of surgical mesenteric laceration hematoma, neither of repair.) The falsely diagnosis related was CT by initial (One patient had a tear at surgery, and in a patient hematoma two either had positive the second had a small and pericecal mesenteric which required surgical occurred The direct did have intraperitoa visualized source. peritoneal lavage results. distal jejunal mesenteric positive to have no injury knowledge of these loops. found had retrospective with deteriorated, dayS later resection. studies mesenteric interpretation, 5 small-bowel patient bowel as negfluid on retrospective This patient subsequently a follow-up CT obtained showed injury a peripancreatic pancreatic transection to an injury of the trans- cases was with 92% mesocolon. On the basis of the 26 surgical verified mesenteric injury, CT in detecting the mesenteric patients followed medically of mesenteric fluid density, sensitive (24/26) The two had CT findings injury. and one also had a small quantity of free intraperitoneal fluid. Both were managed medically hematocrit were subsequent delayed Among fled CT stable. Neither surgical the 26 patients mesentenic immediate including ischemic bleeding 1 1). The other mesenteric (n (n 1). = 4), = 4), (n mesentenic gery, they cal team, yenthat intervention, 10), actively vessels (n = mesentenic injury (n = = surgical patients had that did not require surgical partial-thickness stable mesentenc or serosal Although lesions five injuries including surgically had surgical avulsed or 21 bowel 14), and full-thickness required patient intervention. with injuries, required tears Twenty-seven CT knowledge the surgical findings. The retrospective review and the original CT interpretation disagreed in repair, underwent to be falsely because the clinical examination of the abdomen had benign results and the vital signs and less serious injuries (partialcontusion, stable hema- laceration, or serosal injuries (mesen- bowel, and from mesenteric intervention Sur- confirmed. CT scans negative in two other patients and falsely positive in one other patient. No major discrepan- devitalized adequate of bowel of active mesentenic bleeding or mesentenic tears requiring repair. CT scans were obtained on a conventional scanner (HiQ; Siemens. Iselin, Ni) or slip-ring helical scanner (Somatom Plus 4: Siemens). The CT scanner was adjacent to the admitting area of the trauma center. All patients had to be hemodynamically stable, as judged by the admitting clinical service. before transfer to the CF scanner. Scans were 426 for injury showed although one of the two neal free fluid without Disagreements potentially records to allow mesenteric pretation. CF. surgical images of findings gical opacification of the bladder. CF scans were reviewed by two experienced trauma radiologists without knowledge of surgical findings and without consulting the original inter- the mesentery) Specifically, PA) at a rate contrast symptoms and physical findings. specific findings at surgery, and findings of diagnostic pentoneal lavage if performed before surgery but after patients’ Pittsburgh. findings false-negative requiring We retrospectively cal IV: Medrad, of 2-3 mllsec. A 30- to 40-sec delay was used for conventional scanning, and a 60-sec delay was used for helical scanning. In addition, after helical scanning of the abdomen. a 3- to 5-mm delay was used between helical acquisition of the abdominal images (to the level of the iliac crests) and sequential acqui- ings in the within (Mark compared had abdomi- were included to surgery a definite All patients surgery went mesenteric Microsoft. injury. done before of to iden- injury. that Mary- and 1996. The reviewed force interpretation to the of obtained with sequential or helical 10-mm collimation at 10-mm intervals through the abdomen followed by sequential 10-mm collimation at 20-mm intervals through the pelvis. All patients received a single dose of oral contrast material (5 g of diatnizoate sodium [Hypaque; Nycomed, New York, NY] powder dissolved in 355 ml ofwater) and 150 ml of IV iohexol (Omnipaque 240; Winthrop-Breon Pharmaceuticals, Barcolenta, PR) before scanning. The IV contrast material was administered by a power injector of 5 years findings blunt (Access; presurgical CT was surgical from radiology database University a period 1990 to January October sustained were admitted the during data tify patients nal versus laparotomy of System Shock-Trauma gically observa- if CT findings can be usewhich patients with in this study Shock-Trauma WA) surgical of Methods All patients injury to of observation. Materials land mesenteric CT findings with direct injury clinical of CT of our study were of CT findings to compare and to assess in predicting tions, after diagnostic which et al. these tears with injuries mesentenic hematomas viable were bowel treated (n = at sun- could, in the judgment of the surgipotentially have been managed AJR:168, February 1997 Mesenteric (Figs. Injury After 2 and 3), seen patients with Blunt in five cases. mesenteric bleeding of the had the active of surgery, ischemic CT plays a major mesen- patients and five bowel requiring associated mesenteric with mesen- hematoma (Figs. 4) and infiltration density tially of the mesentery 5). Free intraperitoneal (Fig. source, another such was not unique with fluid as visceral to patients injury, whose inju- surgery but were seen commonly patients with both (n surgically nonsurgically (n managed in and poten- = 8) = 3) mesenteric the teric mesenteric five patients ing surgical visceral conservatively. cases injury at surgery The CT findings are summarized Two whose CT in Table findings injuries extravasation as possible were required all surgical I. injury. findings to repair: material and 2), seen in seven cases, and bowel wall thickening associated with mesenteric findings 1 but CT findings requiring with injuries not repair. bowel the assertion peripancreatic tenderness CT scans (n = repair. findings interpretation bowel injuries = 3), hypoactive = physical not have were variably present. The two patients managed without surgery had clinical assessments whose results were initially and persistently benign. from those requiring could observation and free of CT could poten- mesenteric surgical be these had the CT changed to discriminate at interven- management oral conserva- CT findings contrast con- material of loss of bowel intraperitoneal, and intervention managed injury. sistent with extravasated rity: surgical false-negative surgical been tively 12. 3]. In bowel direct required to the mesentery been positive. proposed that that associated injury nonethetransection with with injuries the may the requir- I ). and Therefore, patients that patients did have be used findings without but neither required tially 2) were recorded. Among the 16 patients whose injuries required (ii Both It has been physical tenderness (n hematoma exploration. injury Among for use in the identifi- injuries positive CT scan for mesenteric less had sustained a pancreatic physical necessarily positive rebound sounds benign of mesenteric surgical repair. well with of the mesen- with diffuse abdominal surgical active (Figs. patients including remaining patients Six had lesions bowel unique surgical of IV contrast in cause. did not correlate type and clinical significance fluid collection or hematoma is defined as uniform fluid density of low or high attenuation, respectively. aWithout active extravasation of contrast agent. bwith neither active extravasation of contrast agent nor fluid or hematoma. or support tool of mesenteric tion. Physical findings as inhomoge- is a sensitive cation surgery, injuries. cWithout mesenteric results and two a false-negative CT scan injury. The patient with the false- included ries required fat; intramesenteric Our false-positive for mesenteric bowel at surgery. identified the mesenteric suspected of abdominal bowel injuries. Of the 27 surgicases in our study. one had had a without within [1-4]. blunt full-thickness cally proven fluid neous fluid density and injury in the evaluation of ischemic 3 and is defined trauma role a history that CT The other CT findings infiltration with resection. Among the five patients with bowel wall thickening identified by CT. four had teric injury Note.-Mesenteric Discussion extravasation had at the time seven Among contrast seen on CT. six of the seven teric Trauma wall integ- intermesenteric, or intramural gas without a known source would indicate a need for urgent surgery. Thickened bowel abdominal loops alone in the setting examination could be observed with of a clinical benign 121. In mesenteric results injury, this Fig. 1.-41 -year-old man with extravasation of vascular contrast agent into mesentery. Enhanced CT scan shows high-density material (arrows) within lower den- sity mesenteric hematoma, indicating active bleeding. Active bleeding 10 cm from ileocecal valve was confirmed at surgery. Patient required resection of ischemic and devitalized terminal ileum. Fig. 2.-83-year-old man with active mesenteric bleed- ing. CT scan shows active mesenteric bleeding (arrow) and adjacent thick-walled loops of bowel (arrowhead) as well as active bleeding into gluteal muscle in proximity of right iliac wing fracture (open arrow). At surgery, patient required ligation of actively bleeding vessels, and thick-walled bowel was found not to be devitalized. Fig. 3-27-year-old man with blunt trauma. A, Enhanced admission CT scan shows characteristic triangular shape of high-attenuation mesenteric hematoma (arrow) caught between adjacent leaves of mesentery. This CT scan was initially interpreted as negative for mesenteric injury. B, Follow-up CT scan on same patient, who had subsequent deteriorating clinical admission CT scan shows associated with ischemic course, obtained 5 days after findings of mesenteric injury small bowel. Enhanced CT scan shows focal bowel wall thickening (solid arrow), thickened folds, and two small foci of intramesenteric fluid (open arrows). This section of ileum was found to be devitalized at surgery and was resected. AJR:168, February 1997 427 Dowe et al. Fig. 4-57-year-old woman with intramesenteric hematomas. Enhanced CT scan shows typical triangular hematomas (arrows) between mesenteric folds. At surgery, small mesenteric tears were found adjacent to focal hematomas. Fig. 5.-48-year-old man with infiltration of mesenteric fat Enhanced CT scan shows opacification oftransverse mesocolon (arrows). At surgery, this area of mesentery was found to have full-thickness to be bleeding. Adjacenttransverse tear and focally ischemic. study shows that contrast material injury indicates 1w’ compromise bowel ongoing as well dates compromise of infiltration likelihoxl bowel and significance of mesenteric of the less injury. such of man- teric hematoma and within the mesentery. study. Some did repair. son, we should = lesions requiring = 6) had For this rca- others these CT (ii as the findings sole alone criteria for determining with the need for laparotomy. Patients mesenteric hematoma or fluid without adjacent bowel surgical indications tion should follow-up wall 428 from be carefully CT within scopic evaluation exploration. Our also thickening indicated and physical observed, without examina- undergo 24 hr. undergo laparo- 111. 121. or have review of medical surgical records that initial physical findings or adjacent the blunt likelihood bowel and can occur lesions that of a delayed repeat wall thickening with both require those that do not. In those clinical observation and including in a high injury requiring surgery. The mesenteric hematoma or infil- without tery-bowel bleeding and with mesen- infiltration indicates is nonspecific (ii ischemia. teric hematoma trauma victim tration with these findings bowel believe that not be used signs mesendensity by this whereas life-threatening The CT finding of mesenteric bowel wall thickening associated mesentery-bowel finding of focal isolated fluid is not clarified mesenteric have not surgical patients striking as isolated injuries. Conclusion of local adjacent exploration. The 6) the with mesenteric the mandating the association combined with mesenteric hematonia or mesenteric in our study also indicates a high vascular as alone were a poor guide for deciding between surgical and nonsurgical management of patients for vascu- hemorrhage exploration. 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