Illinois Constitution Test - Homeschool

Illinois Constitution Test
Multiple Choice: Mark the Letter of the correct answer to the following
1. What country originally claimed illinois?
a. Spain
b. France
c. England
2. Under the Articles of Confederation illinois becomes part of the
a. Northwest Territory
b. Louisiana Purchase
c. Florida Territory
3. The first settlers in illinois settled mostly in what area of illinois?
a. The northern part near Chicago
b. The central part near Springfield
c. The southern part near the Ohio River
4. How many constitutions has illinois had?
c. 10
5. How often must lllinois call for a new constitution?
a. 5 years
b. 10 years
c. 20 years
6. How do judges in illinois get their jobs?
a. Appointed
b. Elected
c. Picked by the other judges
7. What is the age requirement to be a judge in illinois?
a. 25
b. 35
c. none
8. What is the lllinois Legislative, branch known as?
a. Congress
b. The General Assembly
c. The people's assembly
9. How long is the term of office for an lllinois Representative?
a. 2 years
b. 4 years
c. 6 years
10.Who is the President of the lliinois Senate?
a. Vice-President
b. President Pro-Tempore
c. One of the Senators
11. What is the Age Requirement to be an Dlinois Representative?
a. 21
b. 30
c. 35
12.Which House may start bills in lllinois?
a. Senate
b. House of Representatives
c. Both
13. What is the age requirement to be Governor in illinois?
a. 25
b. 30
c. 35
14. Who is the 2nd in command behind the Governor
a. Vice-President
b. President Pro.. Tempore
c. Lieutenant Governor
1 5; Which of the Following is NOT a job of the Governor?
a. Pardon
b. Make Treaties
c. Leader of the state militia
True/False: Answer the following questions by putting "A" for true and "B" for
16._____Illinois became a state in 1818.
17._____The current Illinois Constitution was written in 1955.
18._____The Illinois Constitution was based off of the U.S.
19._____The Illinois Constitution does not have a bill of rights in it.
20._____No state law in Illinois may go against a national law.
21._____Circuit Courts in Illinois have the power of “original
22._____You must have a law degree in Illinois to be a judge.
23._____There are two senators elected from each district in Illinois.
24._____The House of Representatives is the only group that can start
25._____You must be a resident of Illinois for 5 years before you can
become governor.
Illinois Constitution Answer Key
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. C
11. A
12. C
13. A
14. C
15. B
16. T
17. F
18. T
19. F
20. T
21. T
22. T
23. F
24. T
25. F