Department of Teacher Education University of Dayton The Online

LNG 568 ­ Introduction To Linguistics
Department of Teacher Education
University of Dayton
The Online Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
LNG 568 ‐ Introduction To Linguistics
Course Syllabus
Course Description
Instructor Contact Information
Dr. Mary Caitlin Wight
Skype name: mary.caitlin.wight
Course Description
Survey of the various aspects of a scientific description of human language: phonetics,
phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Interdisciplinary exploration of the
reciprocal impact of linguistics on psychology, sociology, and language acquisition theory
Student Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to:
Evaluate your own beliefs and attitudes and those of others regarding language varieties.
Define foundational terms and explain foundational concepts in many of the subfields of
linguistics: phonetics, phonology, morphology, semantics, syntax, pragmatics, and
Apply basic tools and techniques for linguistic analysis of phonetics, phonology,
morphology, semantics, syntax, historical linguistics, and sociolinguistics. Required Textbooks and Materials
Mihalicek, V. & Wilson, C. (Eds.). (2011). Language Files: materials for an Introduction to
Language and Linguistics (11th ed.). Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University Press. ISBN­b3fa­4b63­abf6­9720f6250fa5/printFriendly
= 978‐0‐8142‐5179‐9.
Available in the UD bookstore.
Access to Isidore Learning Management System:
If you cannot log into the site, or if you have any problems viewing or accessing
the course tab once you've logged in, it is your responsibility to contact the
Personal Support Center at 1‐877‐308‐4984 or For question about specific course assignments or deadlines, please contact the
instructor. Audio‐Recording Device
Most computers come with an audio‐recording software. If not,
allows for the recording and downloading of audio recordings. Supplemental Materials
The instructor will provide PowerPoints weekly under the week tab. As the semester progresses, different sites or videos will be referenced during
different weeks. They will be provided under the week tab. Assignments
This course is an online asynchronous format supplemented with weekly synchronous online
meetings with classmates.
This course is divided into 8 weekly sessions. All of the information needed to complete a lesson
is contained in weekly course content link in the left menu bar. Each week contains a description
of its purpose, learning outcomes, links to reading and media assignments, additional resources,
discussion questions and graded assignments. The Course Schedule under the "Getting Started"
Tab includes an outline of all assignments and due dates for the semester.
All work is expected to be formatted according to APA 6th ed. Reading & Media Assignments:
Reading and Media Assignments are listed for each week on the course schedule as well as
under each week's tab under Readings and Media. Along with sections in the text, you will have
various PowerPoints, handouts, adn online media that you will need to view in order to support
your learning objectives for the week. These various reading and media assignmetns should be completed during Sundays and
Mondays in order to prepare for your Discussion 1 posting each Monday as well as your practice
problems. Discussion Forums:
This course is designed to be a collaborative learning experience incorporating Discussion
Forums. You will have to complete two Discussion Forums weekly, with three postings in each. By Mondays (Midnight, eastern standard time)‐ Complete your initial post for Discussion
By Tuesdays (Midnight, eastern standard time)‐ Complete your initial post for Discussion
By Thursdays (Midnight, eastern standard time)‐ Complete two responses to classmates
in Discussion 1
(Weeks 6 & 7 require only one response each)­b3fa­4b63­abf6­9720f6250fa5/printFriendly
By Fridays (Midnight, eastern standard time)‐ Complete two responses to classmates in
Discussion 2
(Weeks 3 & 4 require three responses each and Week 7 requires only
one response)
The intent of these discussions is not just to make the postings weekly, but to get to the heart of
the discussions and have meaningful conversations with your classmates. NOTE: Only discussion
threads posted by midnight eastern standard time on the day they are due will count for grading
purposes. Please see the Discussion Board Rubric under the Getting Started tab for information on how
you will be assessed weekly out of 10 points. Practice Problems
Each week you will have a set of practice problems to complete by Thursday. You will meet with
your group by Wednesday each week to work through any questions you might have. The
instructor will additionally post the answers to the practice problems weekly by Wednesday
afternoon. By Thursdays (Midnight, Eastern Standard Time), you will need to submit your final
answers to the practice problems.
Your final submission should include your answers from your first attempt at the problem along
with any edits you made after working with your group and working with the supplemental
answers. I suggest using the Track Changes feature in Microsoft Word or use the Highlight
feature to demonstrate the changes you made. You will also need to include 1 paragraph at the
top of your submission discussing what you learned through your work with your peers and
what changes you made. Beyond solely practicing linguistic skills, the purpose of this assignment
is to demonstrate reflection on your learning.
Specific instructions for each assignment are listed in the weekly content along with
instructions on how to respond and/or upload assignment documents. [All files uploaded
through Isidore are to be clearly identified with your name and assignment number (e.g.,
Course Weekly Quizzes
Quizzes are administered as both a self‐check tool and as an opportunity for the instructor to
check in on your progress toward course objectives. If you do the assignments, you should
have little trouble earning a good score on the quizzes. All quizzes must be completed in
Isidore according to the dates posted. Quizzes will open on Thursdays weekly and close on
Saturdays at 11:59pm EST. Exams
You will have a midterm exam during Week 4 and a Final exam during Week 8. They will be
posted under the weekly course tabs. Projects
There is a presentation on a linguistic topic of your choice due Wednesday of Week 8 of this
course. Further instructions available on this handout. Course Schedule­b3fa­4b63­abf6­9720f6250fa5/printFriendly
Please print the course schedule as a reminder of readings, discussions, assignments, and other
activities for each week. The schedule is located under the Getting Started tab. Time Zone
All dates and times are based on Eastern Standard Time (EST) as observed in Dayton, OH.
Grading and Assessment
Please see the course schedule for assignment due dates. Assignments will be returned to you
approximately 72 hours after the assignment has been submitted. Grading Criteria
Percent of Total Grade
Weekly Quizzes & Assessments
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Practice Problems
Discussion Forums
Project: Linguistic Presentation
Grading Scale
The following scale is used in assigning a letter grade to each student's course average:
93 ‐ 100
60 ‐ 69
59 or below
Course Communication
Questions and Clarifications
For personal questions please email the instructor.
If your question might be of interest to other students, please post it on the "Ask the Instructor"
or "Student Lounge" Forum, to ask either your instructor or classmates respectively, and so that
all might benefit from the answer. Instructor Response Time
You can generally expect instructor responses to questions within a 24‐hour period of time
during the week and a 48‐hour period of time during the weekend. You are always welcome to
contact other students for assistance through Student Lounge Forum. The instructor will endeavor to grade and return all assignments and exams within three days
(72 hours) of the published due date.
Other Instructor Announcements
Students are advised to check Isidore regularly for course Announcements, particularly as due
dates and exams draw near.
Email Policies
Students are expected to check their UD email frequently. All email messages to students
initiated by the instructor will be sent to the students' University of Dayton email accounts.
Email messages can be forwarded to other email accounts via the UD Porches web site at (click on "Account" then "Mail Forwarding" while logged into
Course Policies
Course Participation
You are encouraged to access this course 3 to 5 times per week. By doing so you will be able to
actively participate in the Discussion Forums, complete your assignments and access
announcements in a timely manner.
You will also need to participate in the "live" synchronous weekly class discussion sessions, as
these sessions provide an opportunity to interact and learn from other students.
Late Work
Any student work turned in after the assigned due date will be accepted for full credit only if (a)
arrangements are made with the instructor prior to the due date; or (b) a valid emergency
prevents submissions of the assignment by the assigned due date.
Late practice problems or discussion postings
Practice problems and discussion postings will be penalized 10 percentage points
per day that they are submitted late. It is also the responsibility of the student to­b3fa­4b63­abf6­9720f6250fa5/printFriendly
alert the instructor if they have completed work late that needs to be graded. Late quizzes, exams, or projects
Quizzes, exams, and projects cannot be submitted for credit after the due date if it
does not meet the criteria discussed above
Academic Policies Honesty & Integrity
Students are expected be aware of and to adhere to the University's standards posted within
the in the section entitled Academic Honor Code in the Graduate Catalog, which can be
accessed at or via the appropriate links within Porches. This honor
code outlines University policies related, but not limited, to behaviors such as cheating,
plagiarism, grade alteration, and deception. Students are especially advised to consult the
Roesch Library's Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism at
The preceding policies require that any academic assignments submitted must be solely your
work and that you must not allow other students to view or use your work for their
assignments. Therefore, in this course, all students must work individually on all quizzes,
individual/alternative assessments, and exams and may not allow others to observe or use their
work. Students are welcome to discuss all modeling assignments and projects with others but
are expected to turn in their own work; copying or sharing of work (including computer files) is
prohibited. Violations of these standards will be adjudicated according the University policies
cited above and can result in a course grade of F. Egregious or repeated violation can result in
dismissal from the University.
UD students are also expected to comply with the University's policies on Computing Ethics that
can be found via Porches or at
Learning Support
The LTC's Office of Student Learning Services (SLS) is a learning resource for all students at the
University of Dayton. SLS offers a wide variety of services to assist you in achieving academic
success at the University, including study skills classes and workshops, tutoring and
consultations, disability screenings, and a web site with many resources
( Please contact SLS at 937‐229‐2066 if you would like to
talk about how you could become a more effective learner.
Students with Disabilities
If you need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability, please contact the Office of
Learning Resources at 937‐229‐2066, or by email at Resources
to register a disability are located at:
UD's ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Policies
The PSC is available 24/7 at 855‐792‐1042 or email them at:­b3fa­4b63­abf6­9720f6250fa5/printFriendly