Tips & Tricks no. 44 Time registration and automatic logout

Tips & Tricks no. 44
Time registration and automatic logout
This Tips & Tricks is usable in TimePlan version
Adjustments in TimePlan 6 make it possible to display a receipt when employees check in or
out on time, as well as automatically logout when inactive.
Changes affect Time Registration in both the SignIn and EmployeePortal, as well as viewing the
content when logging in into the Info section in SignIn and the EmployeePortal.
The settings for automatic logout and duration for displaying the receipt for checking in and out
on time is now done individually for SignIn and the EmployeePortal.
Go to Administration Global settings SignIn to set up:
• Display of receipt when employee check in or out on time: Can be set in the range of 0
to 20 seconds
• Automatic logout after inactivity for: Can be set in the range of 0 to 900 seconds (15
TimePlan A/S
Indkildevej 6D, 1. sal, DK-9210 Aalborg SØ | CVR 25281462 | | +45 9840 2020
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Tips & Tricks no. 44
Time registration and automatic logout
In Administration Global settings Internet a new setting has been added, General settings,
with the following settings:
• Display of receipt when employee checks in or out on time: Can be set in the range of
0 to 1000 seconds (~16½ minutes)
• Automatic logout after inactivity for: Can be set in the range of 0 to 1000 seconds
(~16½ minutes)
TimePlan A/S
Indkildevej 6D, 1. sal, DK-9210 Aalborg SØ | CVR 25281462 | | +45 9840 2020
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