2009-10 California County Offices of Education Homeless Liaisons County 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 County Office Alameda County Office of Education Alpine County Office of Education Amador County Office of Education Butte County Office of Education Calaveras County Office of Education Colusa County Office of Education Contra Costa County Office of Education 17 Del Norte County Office of Education El Dorado County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education Glenn County Office of Education Humboldt County Office of Education Imperial County Office of Education Inyo County Office of Education Kern County Office of Education Kings County Office of Education Lake County Office of Education 18 Lassen County Office of Education 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Liaison FN Liaison LN Title Address 313 W. Winton Avenue City Zip Phone Hayward 43 Hawkside Drive Markleeville 217 Rex Avenue Jackson 95642 209-257-5334 echapin-pinotti@amadorcoe.k12.ca.us 94544 510-670-4245 Extention E-mail Toni Adams Lisa Fontana Elizabeth Chapin-PInotti Manager Assistant Superintendent Assistant Superintendent Meagan Meloy Case Manager 1859 Bird Street Oroville 95965 530-532-5745 mmeloy@bcoe.org Scott Nanik P.O. Box 249 San Andreas 95249 209-754-1996 snanik@ccoe.k12.ca.us Sherry Gore Principal Youth Services Coordinator Colusa 95932 530-458-0350 Catherine Giacalone Pleasant Hill 94523 925-942-3308 cgiacalone@cccoe.k12.ca.us Martha Scott Crescent City 95531 707-464-0721 mscott@delnorte.k12.ca.us Kate Doyle Placerville 95667 530-295-2241 kdoyle@edcoe.org Pamela Hancock Robin Smith 146 7th Street 77 Santa Barbara Manager Road 301 West Director, Education Washington Options Boulevard 6767 Green Valley Senior Director Road 2011 Fresno Street, Program Coordinator Suite 301 311 South Villa FYS Coordinator Avenue Roger Golec Project Coordinator Monalisa Vitela Director Terence McAteer Cathie Barraza Superintendent Coordinator, Special Projects Susan Steward Lynn Andre Richard R. DuVarney 96120-9522 530-694-2230 vtoni@acoe.org 278 lfontana@alpinecoe.k12.ca.us 10324 sgore@ccoe.net Fresno 93721-2000 559-265-4003 Willows 95988 530-934-6575 901 Myrtle Avenue Eureka 95501 707-445-7187 rgolec@humboldt.k12.ca.us 253 East Ross 166 Grandview Avenue El Centro 92243 760-312-5525 mvitela@icoe.org Bishop 93514 760-873-3262 terence_mcateer@inyo.k12.ca.us Bakersfiled 93301 661-636-4593 cabarraza@kern.org 1300 17th Street 1144 West Lacey Coordinator Boulevard 1152 South Main Director, Healthy Start Street 472-013 Director, Alternative Johnstonville Road, Education North Hanford phancock@fcoe.org 3176 rmsmith@glenncoe.org 93229-3448 559-589-7076 ssteward@kings.k12.ca.us Lakeport 95453 707-262-3015 lynna@lake-coe.k12.ca.us Susanville 98130 530-251-2613 rduvarney@lassencoe.org 2009-10 California County Offices of Education Homeless Liaisons County 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 County Office Los Angeles County Office of Education Madera County Office of Education Marin County Office of Education Mariposa County Office of Education Mendocino County Office of Education Merced County Office of Education Modoc County Office of Education Mono County Office of Education Monterey County Office of Education Napa County Office of Education Nevada County Office of Education Orange County Department of Education Placer County Office of Education Plumas County Office of Education Riverside County Office of Education Sacramento County Office of Education San Benito County Office of Education San Bernardino County Office of Education San Diego County Office of Education Liaison FN Liaison LN Title Deirdre Skelton Coordinator Tracey McCully Program Manager Deborah Hemphill Karen Rust Program Manager Director, Student Services Abbey Kaufman Coordinator Michelle Symes Coordinator Marian Hall Jan Carr Director Assistant Superintendent Anne Wheelis Jeannie Address 9300 Imperial Highway City Zip Phone Extention E-mail Downey 90242 562-922-6247 skelton_deirdre@lacoe.edu 28123 Avenue 14 1111 Las Gallinas Avenue Madera 93638 559-662-3873 tmccully@maderacoe.k12.ca.us Marin 94903 415-491-0792 dhemp@marin.k12.ca.us P.O. Box 8 Mariposa 95338 209-742-0340 krust@mariposa.k12.ca.us 2240 Old River Road Ukiah 95482 707-467-5104 ab@mcoe.us 632 West 13th Street Merced 139 Henderson Street Alturas 95340 209-381-5904 msymes@mcoe.org 96101 530-233-7168 mhall@modoccoe.k12.ca.us P.O. Box 130 Mammoth Lakes 93546 760-934-0031 jcarr@monocoe.k12.ca.us Coordinator 901 Blanco Circle Salinas 93901 831-755-6466 awheelis@monterey.k12.ca.us Morris Coordinator 2121 Imola Avenue Napa 94559 707-253-6954 jmorris@ncoe.k12.ca.us MaryJane Connelly Coordinator 112 Nevada City Hwy Nevada City 95989 530-478-6400 maryjane@nevco.k12.ca.us Jeanne Awrey Program Specialist 200 Kalmus Drive Costa Mesa Patty Archer-Ward Director 360 Nevada Street Auburn 95603 530-745-1390 parcher-ward@placercoe.k12.ca.us Cathy Rahmeyer Homeless Liaison 50 Church Street Quincy 95971 530-283-5644 crahmeyer@pcoe.k12.ca.us Stephan McPease Director P.O. Box 868 Riverside 92502-0868 951-826-6248 smcpeace@rcoe.k12.ca.us Hilary Krogh P.O. Box 269003 Sacramento 95826-9003 916-228-2392 hkrogh@scoe.net Lorna Gilbert Coordinator Director of Special Services 460 Fifth Street Hollister 95023 831-637-5393 Brenda Dowdy Coordinator, CWA San Bernardino 92410 909-386-2634 Michelle Lustig Coordinator, MSW 601 North E Street 6401 Linda Vista Road San Diego 92628-9050 714-966-4093 92111-7399 858-503-2628 JAwrey@ocde.us 125 lgilbert@sbcoe.org brenda_dowdy@sbcss.k12.ca.us mlustig@sdcoe.net 2009-10 California County Offices of Education Homeless Liaisons County 37 37 38 39 40 41 41 42 43 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 County Office San Diego County Office of Education San Diego County Office of Education San Francisco County Office of Education San Joaquin County Office of Education San Luis Obispo County Office of Education San Mateo County Office of Education San Mateo County Office of Education Santa Barbara County Office of Education Santa Clara County Office of Education Santa Clara County Office of Education Santa Cruz County Office of Education Shasta County Office of Education Sierra County Office of Education Siskiyou County Office of Education Solano County Office of Education Sonoma County Office of Education Stanislaus County Office of Education Sutter County Office of Education Tehama County Office of Education Liaison FN Liaison LN Title Sophia Lor Loretta Middleton Director Address 6401 Linda Vista Road 6401 Linda Vista Road City Tatum Wilson Liaison 555 Portola Drive #2 San Francisco 94131 415-695-5501 wilsont1@sfusd.edu Mark Yost P.O. Box 213030 95213 209-468-5954 myost@sjcoe.net John Elfers 93405 805-782-7209 jelfers@slocoe.org Karen Philip Program Manager I Senior Program Coordinator Deputy Superintendent 94065 650-802-5589 kphilip@smcoe.k12.ca.us Sue Kessler 101 Twin Dolphin Drive Redwood City 94065 650-802-5315 skessler@smcoe.k12.ca.us Bonnie Beedles 93160-6307 805-964-4710 Goldsworth San Jose 95131-2398 408-453-6998 adrienne_goldsworth@sccoe.org Sonja House P.O. Box 6307 1290 Ridder Park Drive 1290 Ridder Park Drive Santa Barbara Adrienne Categorical Programs Coordinator Homeless Education Coordinator Foster & Homeless Coordinator Foster & Homeless Coordinator San Jose 95131-2398 408-453-6956 sonja_house@sccoe.org JoAnn Allen Project Director Capitola 95010 831-479-5246 joallen@santacruz.k12.ca.us Heidi Brahms Director 809-H Bay Avenue 1644 Magnolia Avenue Redding 96001 530-229-8076 hbrahms@shastacoe.org Penny Berry 96118 530-993-4482 pberry@spjusd.org Cross-Bradley Yreka 96097 530-842-8461 coco@sisnet.ssku.k12.ca.us Becky Cruz Fairfield 94534 707-646-7605 bcruz@solanocoe.net Tom Joynt P.O. Box 37 609 South Gold Street 4522 Abernathy Road 5350 Skylane Boulevard Loyalton Colette Business Manager Homeless Youth Coordinator Director, Youth Development School & Court Liaison Santa Rosa 95403 707-521-6518 tjoynt@sonomacourt.org Raul Z. Diaz Director II Modesto 95354 209-525-6660 rdiaz@stancoe.org Grace Espindola Yuba City 95993 530-822-2418 gracee@sutter.k12.ca.us Denise Rochlitz Red Bluff 96080-3198 530-528-7398 San Diego 92111-7399 San Diego 92111-7399 Stockton 3350 Education Drive San Luis Obispo 101 Twin Dolphin Drive Redwood City 1100 H Street 1895 Lassen Program Coordinator Boulevard Foster & Homeless Coordinator 1135 Lincoln Street Zip Phone 858-571-7240 Extention E-mail lmidd@sdcoe.net 4415 beedles@sbceo.org drochlit@tehamaed.org 2009-10 California County Offices of Education Homeless Liaisons County 53 54 55 56 57 58 County Office Trinity County Office of Education Tulare County Office of Education Tuolumne County Superintendent of Schools Ventura County Office of Education Yolo County Office of Education Yuba County Office of Education Liaison FN Liaison LN Title Address City Zip Phone 96093 530-623-2861 Extention E-mail Denise Squires Cooperative Director P.O. Box 1256 Weaverville 239 dsquires@tcoek12.org Kaye van Gilluwe P.O. Box 5091 Visalia 93278-5091 559-733-6714 Christine Lancaster Administrator Director, Student Programs 175 Fairview Lane Sonora 95370 209-536-2044 clancaster@tuolcoe.k12.ca.us Laura Welbourn Homeless Liaison Camarillo 93010 805-437-1525 lwelbourn@vcoe.org Jessica Larsen Program Specialist 570 Airport Way 1280 Santa Anita Court, Suite 100 Woodland 95776-6106 530-668-3791 Chris Reyna Administrator 935 14th Street Marysville 95901 530-741-4005 5597 kayev@tcoe.org jessica.larsen@ycoe.org Chris.Reyna@yubacoe.k12.ca.us