GWPcatalogMay2015 - Green Writers Press


Vermont author Julia Alvarez has written a brand-new story just for our anthology Contemporary Ver-

mont Fiction in order to bring to light the plight of illegal immigrant farm workers in Vermont. Julia Alvarez has written novels (How the

Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents, In

the Time of the Butterflies, ¡Yo!, In the

Name of Salomé, Saving the World), collections of poems (Homecoming,

The Other Side / El Otro Lado, The

Woman I Kept to Myself), nonfiction

(Something to Declare, Once Upon a

Quinceañera, A Wedding in Haiti), and numerous books for young readers

(including the Tía Lola Stories series, Before We Were Free, finding miracles, and

Return to Sender). A recipient of a 2013 National Medal of Arts, Alvarez is currently a writer in residence at Middlebury College.

34 Miller Road Brattleboro, vt 05301

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Giving Voice to Writers & Artists Who Will Make the World a Better Place


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g r e e n w r i t e r s p r e s s Giving Voice to Writers & Artists Who Will Make the World a Better Place

Publisher’s Note

In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we have been taught.

—Baba Dioum

I started my publishing company, Green Writers Press, just over a year ago—and what an exciting year we’ve had!

Green Writers Press invites readers to think of the new publishing company as a community, a community that includes them as readers and not as “consumers.” It is a publishing house where you can give support to local writers and artists who share your concerns; a place where you help spread the word about global climate change and its profound consequences. The more we work together—readers, writers, artists, thinkers, activists—the more effectively we will succeed in broadening everyone’s awareness of our shared challenges and the ways we can work to address them. With the Tar Sands pipeline proposal at a critical point of decision, now is the time to make our voices heard and to lend strength to those who are fighting to protect our planet and all the life that it nourishes. We are excited to share our entire list of titles with you, and introduce our new Spring List as well.

Our list features some great titles, most by Vermont writers! Please take a look at the descriptions and you can support our authors with a purchase at your local bookstore. Booksellers can email

— Dede Cummings, publisher

On the cover: “Branching Out,” by Evie Lovett, a photographer and artist who lives in

Westminster West, Vermont. Her photographic work has focused on documentary portraiture. She has photographed drag queens in Vermont; her own children; North American Indian Days on the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana; the hospital in Rwinkwavu, Rwanda; and

Muslim Women in Paris. Her most recent work uses digital media and encaustic to explore self, family, memory, and history. Her work can be seen at and www.

“… chronicling the profoundest Vermont anyone might possibly know.” —S y d n e y

L e a

, Vermont State Poet Laureate

Winter Ready


Leland Kinsey

$15.95 for print and $9.99 for e-book

Paperback | 96 pages | 5.5 x 8.25 isbn: 978-0-9899838-4-6

Winter Ready is a 96-page collection of new poems by a Vermont-based writer who draws from his impressive repertoire of observations and physical landscape of the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont to bring to the reader poems with universal meaning and at times a painful acuity.

Kinsey opens the collection perched up high on the chimney top, working and observing his surroundings, and throughout the book he never really gets down. He chronicles a people and a place and a time, keeping the hard work of writing poetry hidden in the seeming effortless verse that is often funny and poignant, yet always sharp and clear.

Leland Kinsey was born and raised on a farm in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, where his ancestors settled in the early 1800s. He has conducted writing workshops for the Vermont Arts Council and the Children’s Literacy Foundation at over 100 schools in New Hampshire and Vermont. Leland has worked as a farmhand, printer, and horse trainer. He has published seven collections of poetry, including

In the Rain Shadow and The Immigrant’s Contract.


Winter Ready is a chronicle, in poems, of the preparations for winter in the Northeast Kingdom, of a contemporary rural narrator inextricably connected to the Kingdom, his family past and present, and the natural world.” —Howard Frank Mosher, author of Stranger in the Kingdom | | 802-380-1121

GWP Books for Young


“This alphabet book is exquisite in every way....It will be pored over, time and time again, by both children and their parents.”

—a n n a

d e w d n e y

, author and illustrator of Llama Llama Red Pajama

The Bird Book

An early children’s alphabet book for ages 4–8

Brian D. Cohen & Holiday Eames

$19.95 for print and $9.99 for e-book

Hardcover | 56 pages | 8 x 10 isbn: 978-0-9893104-2-0

The Bird Book is a children’s alphabet book by artist and educator Brian D.

Cohen and writer Holiday Eames, created for their son, David.Each letter of the alphabet, in both uppercase and lowercase, corresponds to the bird illustrated on each page. The descriptions are a delight to read for inquisitive children and adults alike.

Originally hand-colored and letterpress-printed, only 26 copies were made. Now gathered as a trade book for the first time and printed in four colors on beautiful recycled paper, these stunning prints will also appeal to adults interested in art books, small-press books, printmaking, and birds.

Their children and grandchildren will thank the parents and gift givers as well, for the birds in the book and the accompanying couplets will open up a world of art and poetry that will become a family favorite.

New! Notecards

These 5" x 7" notecards of each bird from the book are available through our online store, as single cards, or in a full group of 26!

A a

B b

C c

D d

E e

A uk B luebird

C uckoo


D oves

E agle

“Smith tells her beguiling story with an uncommon wit, whimsicality, and devotion. It is heart-warming, magical, spell-binding...a triumph of a book.” —J a n i S S e

R ay

, author of Ecology of a Cracker Childhood

The Beavers of Popple’s Pond

Sketches from the life of an honorary rodent

Patti A. Smith

$15.95 for print and $7.99 for e-book

Paperback | 272 pages | 5 x 7.5 isbn: 978-0-9893104-4-4

Tucked away in a remote valley in Vermont, a colony of beavers is beginning the night’s work of dam repair, scent marking, and tree felling, when a soft call alerts them to the arrival of the strange honorary member of their clan—this book’s author, Patti Smith. The beavers scramble ashore and poke eagerly about her feet as she prepares to picnic and to record the events that transpire on the shores of Popple’s Pond. Through the seasons and through the years these records—here transformed into interwoven vignettes—invite the reader to enter the world of the beavers and the other inhabitants of the wetlands. Meet Terrible Jack, the lonely moose, Henri the civilized goose, and the myriad small creatures that populate the night forest. Follow the trail of a bear cub through the moonlight, enter the lowroofed world of the snowshoe hare, or stand in the midst of a melee of flying squirrels. Patti brings a naturalist’s perspective and compassionate voice to these unusually intimate stories.

Patti Smith is a naturalist at the Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center (BEEC) in Brattleboro,

Vermont, where she writes and teaches about natural history. She lives in the foothills of Vermont’s Green



Nonfiction | Nature | Environment | | 802-380-1121

“A book of eloquent testimony, in poetry and image, to the mystery and beauty immanent in nature, now so desperately imperiled. Like all art, it asks that we look up and see.” — Publishers Weekly

So Little Time

Words and Images for a World in Climate Crisis

Greg Delanty & John Elder, eds.


Paperback | 224 pages | 8.5 x 8.5 isbn: 978-0-9893104-6-8

So Little Time is a revolving door of political activism, spirituality, nature, and humanity. It is a call to action where urgency meets poetry in no uncertain terms, asking, “What hour are we in?” Featuring the poetry of Greg Delanty and a host of other poets, it takes its cue from the grassroots sensibility of Vermont, stripping down decades of unwavering ideals to arrive at an interpretive look at what it means to be “green” in an evolving world. A work of education and art as invigorating as the poets, teachers, and activists who inspired it, So Little Time addresses what it means to take up action for something as simple as good, healthy, and clean living. It stands on a fundamental set of questions: “What are we looking at?” “What are we seeing?” “What’s really there?”

With a Foreword by John Elder, stunning black and white photo- graphy and quotes from environmentalist Bill McKibben, So Little Time is an inspiring call to action and an urgent plea to stop the global climate crisis.

Poetry & Photography | Nature | Environment | Class Textbook


Environmentalists long ago won the scientific battle, but we needed to reach people’s hearts as well. This superb volume will do exactly that.”

—Bill McKibben, author and founder of


Lasting Words offers us a delicately crafted guide, providing strong, secure scaffolding for the journey of living while dying, dying while living.” — Reverend Julia Dunbar, M.Div, Director of Pastoral Care

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA

Lasting Words

A Guide to Finding Meaning Toward the Close of Life

Claire B. Willis & Marnie Crawford Samuelson

$24.95 with stunning color photographs throughout

Paperback | 140 pages | 7. x 9.25 isbn: 978-0-9899838-0-8

Written words never matter more than they do at the end of life. Expressions of joy and sorrow, the desire to connect with loved ones who may be emotionally far away, the seeking of comfort for oneself and strength for others: all are present when time is short. But perhaps most pressing is the search for meaning—meaning that can be found through writing. Based on research and the author’s experience working with profoundly ill people,

Lasting Words focuses on special end-of-life concerns. She guides the writer through a personal journey to Gratitude, Hope, Forgiveness, Wisdom,

Prayer and, ultimately, Endings. Filled with true stories, illustrated with evocative photographs, and interspersed with pertinent poems and quotations, Lasting Words creates a living legacy for every person who uses it.

Claire B. Willis is a clinical social worker, an ordained lay

Buddhist chaplain, and a yoga teacher. In her private practice, she has spent over two decades working with oncology patients facing end-of-life issues.

Marnie Crawford Samuelson is a documentary photographer and a radio and multimedia producer. Her photographs are featured in The Wild Braid, featuring poets Stanley Kunitz and Genine Lentine.

Spirituality | Self Help | Relationships | | 802-380-1121

GWP Books for Young


“ The Bike Brigade are real heroes, not only because they bike but because they organize.” —B i L L

M c

K i B B e n


Josie and the Fourth Grade Bike Brigade

Josie Goes Green Series, Book I | Children’s ‘cli-fi,’ climate fiction

By A. B. K Bruno; Illustrations by Janet Pedersen

$6.95 | Paperback | 94 pages | 5 x 8 isbn: 978-0-9960872-2-3

Josie and the Fourth Grade Bike Brigade follows a fourth grader from Brooklyn named Josie. After a summer with Grandma in Ecuador and an encounter with Frozey the polar bear at the zoo, Josie decides it’s time to take action on global warming. Her first idea for going green is to organize her classmates to drive less by forming the Fourth Grade Bike Brigade. Best friends

Matt and Lizzy, along with her brother Damien and other characters from the neighborhood, go along for the ride. But not everyone is in favor of the plan, and trouble begins for Josie and the Bike Brigade.

Josie and the Fourth Grade Bike Brigade is not just about climate change, it’s about kids organizing themselves and taking action. “The book was inspired by the spontaneous activism of the students at P.S. 321 in Brooklyn,” according to co-author Kenny Bruno. “About eight years ago, our local elementary school started the Go Green Walkathon and the Roots and Shoots after-school club. As the kids learned about environmental issues and causes, they sprang into action. They went to local stores and asked them to stop carrying disposable plastic bags. They raided their piggy banks for donations to environmental groups. And we heard from parents that they started pressing them to save energy and water,” said Bruno.

The co-authors are recent college graduate

Antonia Bruno and her parents, Kenny Bruno and Beth Handman, who reside in Brooklyn, NY.

Children’s Early Reader | Ages 7–11 |


Illustrator Janet

Pedersen lives in the same neighborhood!

Josie Goes Green Series, Book I

“Wonderfully accessible—funny and fierce, carefree and conscientious—the story is as inspiring as it is engaging.”

— Kathy Collins of Teachers

College Reading and Writing


The book has also received advance praise from the heads of the Sierra Club, Greenpeace,

Friends of the Earth, and more!

The interactive website (http:// will be Josie’s online home both to teach kids about global warming and encourage them to take action in their community.

“I love this book and I can’t wait to have my kids read it. Great for adults too—irrepressible Josie and her pals can teach grown-ups a thing or two about protecting the planet.”

—Mike Brune, Executive Director of the Sierra Club | | 802-380-1121

“Stretch marks and saggy tummies—but beautiful all the same! Stunning photos reveal what women really look like after giving birth.”

—S a R a h


R i d g e

, Daily Mail

The Bodies of Mothers

A Beautiful Body Project

Photography by Jade Beall


Hardcover | 160 pages | 12 x 12 isbn: 978-0-9899838-6-0

The Bodies of Mothers merges stunning black-and-white and color photography by Jade Beall with stories and quotes from the women photographed. Jade’s book series and media platform features unretouched photos of women alongside their own stories of their journeys, building self-esteem in a world that often leaves women feeling insecure. Jade’s dream is to inspire future generations of women to be free from unnecessary self-suffering and embrace their beauty “just as they are.”

Jade Beall is a world-renowned photographer specializing in truthful images of women to inspire feeling irreplaceably beautiful as a counter-balance to the airbrushed, Photoshopped imagery that dominates mainstream media. Her work has touched women’s lives and garnered global attention from media outlets including the BBC, The Huffington Post, Cosmopolitan, and beyond.


“These writings are as rich and dense and hard and lovely as the state itself.” —R i c K

B a S S

, author of All the Land to Hold Us

Contemporary Vermont Fiction

An Anthology

Edited by Robin MacArthur

Foreword by John Elder

$19.95 | Paperback | 322 pages | 6 x 9 isbn: 978-0-9899838-2-2

Contemporary Vermont Fiction: An Anthology is a 240-page collection of short fiction by established Vermont-based writers, each rendering their own unique and diverse perspectives on the cultural and physical landscape of the Green Mountain State.

Featuring stories by Howard Frank Mosher, Annie Proulx, Wallace

Stegner, Megan Mayhew Bergman, Castle Freeman Jr., Laurie Alberts,

Ellen Lesser, Joseph Bruchac, Suzanne Kingsbury, Julia Alvarez, Jeffrey

Lent, Bill Schubart, Miciah Bay Gault, and Peter Gould, this book is a chorus of voices portraying the varied landscape and culture of Vermont.

Vermont author Julia Alvarez has written a brand-new story just for this collection, in order to bring to light the plight of illegal immigrant farm workers in Vermont.

Robin MacArthur is a third-generation Vermonter from

Marlboro who has been studying Vermont-based fiction

(and writing her own) since she left for college at eighteen.

She has an MFA in Fiction from Vermont College of Fine

Arts; her essays and stories about Vermont have appeared in Orion, Shenan-

doah, Hunger Mountain, and Alaska Quarterly.


“No place is a place until things that have happened in it are remembered in history, ballads, yarns, legends, or monuments.

Fictions serve as well as facts.” —Wallace Stegner | | 802-380-1121

“It’s a pleasure to meet this fellow sufferer of Obsessive

Climate Disorder; he’s definitely funnier than most of us environmental types.” —B i L L

M c

K i B B e n


Foreword Reviews Book of the Year Finalist/humor

Love in the Time of Climate Change

A Rom-Com Cli-fi novel—the first of its genre!

Brian Adams

$16.95 for print and $7.99 for e-book

Paperback | 322 pages | 5.25 x 8 isbn: 978-0-9960872-0-9

Meet Casey, a community college professor with OCD (Obsessive Climate

Disorder). While navigating the zaniness of teaching he leads a rag-ag bunch of climate activists, lusts after one of his students, and smokes a little too much pot. Quirky, socially awkward, and adolescent-acting, our climate-change obsessed hero muddles his way through saving the world while desperately searching for true love. Teaching isn’t easy with an incredibly hot woman in class, students either texting or comatose, condoms strewn everywhere, attack geese on field trips and a dean who shows up at exactly the wrong moments.

What’s a guy to do? Kidnap the neighbor’s inflatable Halloween ghost?

Confront evangelicals and lesbian activists? Channel Santa Claus’s rage at the melting polar ice caps? Shoplift at Walmart? How about all of the above! Who would have thought climate change could be so funny! Actually, it really isn’t, but Love in the Time of Climate Change—a romantic comedy about global warming—is guaranteed to keep you laughing. Laughing and thinking.

Brian Adams is a professor of Environmental Science and co-chair of the Science Department at Greenfield

Community College in western Massachusetts, where he has taught for the last 20 years. Brian is active in the climate change movement both on and off campus.

Brian lives with his wife in Northampton, Massachusetts.


GWP Books for Young


“Polly Lightfoot is the most likable—and the most resourceful— teenage character in American fiction since Huck Finn.”

—h owa R d


R a n K

M o S h e R

, author of Stranger in the Kingdom

Foreword Reviews Book of the Year Finalist/YA fiction

Polly and the One and Only World

A YA/fantasy novel

Don Bredes

$14.95 for print and $7.99 for e-book

Paperback | 348 pages | 5.25 x 8 isbn: 978-0-9899838-9-1

Run away. That was all she could do. If Security grabbed her now, they’d ship her off to a ReBirthing facility in the desert. Or burn her alive. They burned witches in the Dominions. Great Mother, anything but that. But for 15-year-old Polly

Lightfoot, much more than her life is at stake. In a crumbling America governed by hateful zealots and crippled by environmental catastrophe, her people and their ancient craft face obliteration—unless, with her courage and magick, and with the help of Leon, her valiant teenage companion, and the guidance of her shrewd raven familiar, Balthazar, fearless Polly can forestall the coming doom.

This frightening, vividly realized depiction of a future America devastated by climate chaos and crushed under the heel of cruel fundamentalists will inspire young readers to appreciate their own freedoms and their own ability to work for positive social and political change today.

Don Bredes was born in New York City. He attended

Syracuse University, the University of California at Irvine, and Stanford University, where he was a Wallace Stegner

Fellow. His first novel, Hard Feelings, was an American

Library Association Best Book for Young Adults in 1977 and a 20th Century-Fox film release in 1982. He has written four other novels, Muldoon (1982), Cold Comfort (2001), The Fifth Season (2005), and The Er-

rand Boy (2009). He lives in the hills of northern Vermont.

“A thrilling journey, full of peril, exploit, friendship, and sorrow, this book is sure to find readers.” — School Library Journal | | 802-380-1121

O ur 2 0 15 s p r i ng b O Ok s

“I am entirely taken and altered by these spare, wise, hauntingly conceived, brilliantly crafted poems.” — Jane Hirshfield’s review of

Jarrette’s first book of poems, Beso the Donkey

April 8, 2015

A Hundred Million Years of Nectar Dances


Richard Jarrette

$14.95 for print and $9.99 for e-book

Paperback | 120 pages | 5 x 8 isbn: 978-0-9960872-9-2

A Hundred Million Years of Nectar Dances is a poetry cycle of singular beauty in nature and reveals an inherent Buddhist quality. Jarrette’s poems are clear and meditative, unfailingly beautiful. They are self-aware but not self-obsessed, singing with the ecstatic humility of a mystic or shaman as they join all the subjects of a life well lived within nature that is ever present. The poems dance and sing and play and rest with their subjects to present a truly beautiful vision of the world. The ending poem, “The

Pond,” is perfectly representative of all the others before it, and yet its impressive scope doesn’t rob any glory from what precedes it. The poems create their own world where they solve their own problems, build memories, and speak to each other. Richard Jarrette’s book is a manifestation of the inherent conversation between human nature and the wild around us that sustains indivisible mutual integrity and ceases at our peril.

Richard Jarrette is the author of Beso the Donkey (MSU Press,

2010), Gold Medal, Poetry, 2011, Midwest Independent Publishers Association; Finalist, Book of the Year, ForeWord Reviews; it has been translated into Chinese by Yun Wang. Jarrette lives semi-reclusively in the Central Coast region of California after formative years in Los Angeles and Western North Carolina.

“There is so much richness in his vision and a sense of the sacred along with an accomplished grace that is rare to find these days. It is wonderful to enter these

poems.” —Joe Stroud, author of Of This World: New and Selected Poems

“This is a profound way of thinking about where we are right now, and what we better do about it.” —B i L L

M c

K i B B e n


June 26, 2015

While Glaciers Slept

Being Human in a Time of Climate Change

M Jackson

$24.95 for print and $14.99 for e-book

Hardcover | 224 pages | 5.5 x 8.5 isbn: 978-0-9960872-6-1

While Glaciers Slept weaves together the parallel stories of what happens when the climates of family and planet change. Jackson, a National Geographic Expert, reveals how these events are deeply similar and intertwined.

She tells the story of her parents’ struggles with cancer while describing in detail the planetary changes she’s witnessed. Above all else, Jackson shows that even in the darkest of times there is clear reason for hope and light.

Readers are drawn into a world where complex climatic themes and glacial processes are broken down for a general audience. Jackson dances us over solar, wind, and geothermal mysteries, bringing us along on expeditions. Climate change, she convinces us, is not just about science—it is also about the audacity of human courage and imagination. While Glaciers Slept shows us that the story of one family can be the story of one planet, and that climate change has a human face.

M Jackson is an adventurer and environmental educator pursing a doctorate in geography and earth science at the University of Oregon, where she is researching glaciers and climate change in the Arctic. M, a National

Geographic Expert, has received over 20 national awards and honors for academic and creative work.

M Jackson brings climate change down from an abstract global scale to a very personal human scale. Particularly engaging for the non-scientist reader.” —Dr. Steve Running, Nobel Prize winner and America’s foremost expert on climate change | | 802-380-1121

GWP Books for Young


“Hollie McNish is breaking boundaries and showing that poetry has a place and a role in the twenty-first century.”

—J a M e S

M c

M a h o n

, CBS Tennessee

June 26, 2015

Why I Ride

Because the Bike Pedal Lasts Longer than a Gas Tank

Hollie McNish & Inja

$14.95 for print and $9.99 for e-book

Paperback | 120 pages | 5 x 8 isbn: 978-0-9893104-8-2

Celebrate the ride—its joy, its labor, its freedom. In our world of fossil-fuel dependence, insisting on the value and beauty of riding a bicycle is a subversive and necessary act. And, as any rider will tell you, it’s fun! Why I Ride is an ode to the experience of the rider that was collaboratively produced by the award-winning lead poets of the UK arts collective Page to Performance and the Cambridge kids who participated in their summer 2013 workshops.

Each stanza of the poem receives its own page spread and is accompanied by a bicycle-themed photo in either vibrant color or classic black and white. A video of Hollie McNish reading the poem over footage of Cambridge kids enjoying the ride is also available on YouTube. The book is a multimedia feast based around verse that any reader will find accessible and to which any rider will relate. Why I Ride is a book for your body as much as your mind—it eggs on the muscles, evokes the wind in your hair.

“Why do you ride? / And if you could but you don’t / Why not?

Hollie McNish is a published UK poet and spoken-word artist, based between

London and Cambridge. She runs poetry workshops and recitals for schools and charities through her poetry education organization, Page to Performance.

Inja is an artist, MC, and host whose work spans a huge variety of genres including dubstep, hiphop, grime, drum and bass, and freestyle poetry.


GWP Books for Young


“Katy Farber creates a world of fascinating characters whose respect for the natural world and loyalty to one another will inspire readers of all ages.”—Rita Murphy, author of Night Flying, Black Angels

May 15, 2015

The Order of the Trees

A Novel

Katy Farber

$9.95 for print and $3.99 for e-book

Paperback | 96 pages | 5 x 8 isbn: 978-0-9909733-1-7

Found as a baby on a bed of moss under an old-growth tree, Cedar’s beginning was a mystery. As she began her sixth-grade year, Cedar resembled her namesake with her wild mane of brown hair, her sinewy body, and deer-like eyes. She makes her first true friend, a new student, Phillip, with whom she shares her special woodland spot along with the gifts it brings.

When Cedar suddenly falls ill, Phillip discovers that her health is con- nected to the fate of the forest where she was found. Their special woods are threatened by an impending development, so to save it they create a plan that includes a hospital, a getaway car, and a protest.

Katy Farber is a teacher, author, and founder of the blog Non-Toxic Kids. She is also the author of two books about education, Why Great Teachers Quit and

How We Might Stop the Exodus and Change the World with

Service Learning. Katy has written for various news and patenting publications, including MomsRising, Moms Clean Air Force,

Educational Leadership, CNN’s School of Thought Blog, Problogger, Fox

News opinion, and many others. www.

Children’s Middle Grade Reader | Ages 9–16 | Grade Level 5–8 | | 802-380-1121

GWP Books for Young


The Last Goodbye was chosen as one of eight finalists in the

Silent Book Contest at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair.

The Last Goodbye tells, through illustrations without text, the poignant story of a son’s relationship with his father.

May 15, 2015

The Last Goodbye

An illustrated picture book for children & adults

Yuan Pan

$19.95 with color illustrations throughout

Hardcover | 34 pages | 8.5 x 8.5 isbn: 978-0-9909733-0-0

The Last Goodbye is a semi-autobiographical story about loss and nostalgic reminiscence of childhood. The son sets off for boarding school and later makes the long trip overseas to begin his career. Whether at the bus stop or at the airport, his father is always there to see him off on his journeys.

When the son realizes he should spend more time with his father, he finds his father very ill and misses the opportunity to bid his father a final goodbye. Images of the orchid serve as a visual metaphor for the transformation of the father, from how his son remembers him while growing up to the sad discovery that his father is no longer there.

Yuan Pan is an artist, graphic designer, and illustrator. He teaches graphic design in the Art Department of Keene

State College in New Hampshire. he received a BFA in

Chinese Painting from the Yunnan Art Institute in China and a MFA in Digital Art from the Memphis College of Art.

Yuan Pan’s creative work is strongly influenced by his Chinese painting and calligraphy background, as well as by modern Western art and design. He makes use of both traditional and digital media in his art and design works.

While focusing on the process of visual achievements and aesthetic value, he uses art as a tool to reflect his thoughts and attitudes about life and his understanding of Western and Eastern philosophies.


GWP Books for Young


“Jensen’s magical chapter book debut, opens up an enchanted world along the shores of Nantucket that children of all ages will love.”

—Suzanne Kingsbury, author of The Summer Fletcher Greel Loved Me

June 12, 2015

The Hidden Forest

A Novel

Daintry Jensen

$19.95 for print and $9.99 for e-book

Hardcover | 128 pages | 6 x 9 | color illustrations isbn: 978-0-9909733-4-8

Nantucket Island in the summertime—a dream come true, right? Not for twelve year old Adelaide, whose father died a year earlier and now has one ambition in life: to be a great explorer and adventuress like her idol, Amelia

Earhart. Adelaide loves fantasizing about the future exotic places she’ll travel to, to help her escape what’s really going on. To Adelaide, going to her grandparent’s house on Nantucket for the whole summer sure doesn’t fit the bill. She thinks . . . Adelaide couldn’t be more wrong. When, at her grandparent’s house, she decides to go out exploring when she comes across an extraordinary white rose in her grandmother’s island garden. She clips it and boom! A chain of events is set in motion that pull her into another world where she must battle the Merqueen to save her younger brother Louis, with the help of Max the Sankaty Lynx, McFadden the faerie fisherman and King Micah, a Native American islander. Through doing so,

Adelaide ultimately is able to bring herself back to life.

Daintry Jensen has a background in dramatic writing.

Before that she was spending her summers on Nantucket

Island where she had many an adventure that sparked the imagination and where she returns to whenever she gets the chance.

Children’s Middle Grade Reader | Ages 9–16 | Grade Level 5–8 | | 802-380-1121

“Dr. Lauren Alderfer is a pioneer in the field of mindfulness in education. Teaching from the Heart of Mindfulness shows us what a truly mindful teaching practice looks like.” —M e e n a


R i n i va S a n

, author of Teach, Breathe, Learn: Mindfulness In and Out of the Classroom

May 27, 2015

Teaching from the Heart of Mindfulness

Lauren Alderfer

Foreword by His Holiness The XIV Dalai Lama

$19.95 for print and $9.99 for e-book

Paperback | 224 pages | 6 x 9 isbn: 978-0-9960872-7-8

Teaching from the Heart of Mindfulness invites you to experience mindfulness as a way of being—from the heart, in presence, and through teaching. A great gift for any teacher, this book is both inspirational and is a professional resource for mindfulness in education, applicable at all levels and contexts. The chapters begin by grounding the teacher in a mindful practice followed by a real classroom vignette for implementing the mindful practice. A repertoire of mindful teacher tools, useful throughout the school day, make up the other sections of the book. Developing one’s inner practice of mindfulness, both in and outside the class, unfolds as a quieting of the mind, giving way to the expanding expression of the heart, cultivating mindfulness for teachers and in so doing benefiting their students.

Lauren Alderfer, PhD, is an author, adjunct professor, teacher, and mindful practitioner for over 30 years.

She leads mindfulness practices in teacher training programs and is a visiting author in schools around the world. She is the author of Mindful Monkey, Happy Panda.


“In this book, Teaching from the Heart of Mindfulness, Lauren Alderfer explains how it is possible to cultivate warm-heartedness through the practice of mindfulness.” —His Holiness The XIV Dalai Lama


O ur 2 0 15 fa l l b O Ok s

“Now I know how I can stay actively engaged in the daily practice of mindfulness, giving myself permission to lay down my burdens and be.”

—S u z a n n e

K i n g S Bu Ry

, author

September 7, 2015

Pet Logic

Do you choose to have a pet . . . or an experience?

Nicole Birkholzer

$14.95 for print and $9.99 for e-book

Paperback | 128 pages | 5 x 7 isbn: 978-0-9909733-7-9

Each person seeks connection, we are always looking to belong, to love and be loved. Pet Logic, Nicole Birkholzer’s stunning little debut, helps us find that connection. Birkholzer, an animal intuit, mindfulness expert, and former executive coach, spent fifteen years writing down the powerful lessons of her trade. In Pet Logic, she has gathered twelve of her most inspiring essays, and whimsical anecdotes, to show us how we can make our lives richer by viewing the world through the lens of the pet kingdom.

Nicole Birkholzer is an adventurer and environmental educator pursing a doctorate in geography and earth science at the University of Oregon, where she is researching glaciers and climate change in the Arctic.

“Sydney Lea is our preeminent poet of the soul’s making among local places and people.” —M a R K

J a R M a n

, author of Bone Fires

September 7, 2015

What’s the Story?

Reflections on a Life Grown Long

Sydney Lea

$19.95 for print and $9.99 for e-book

Paperback | 224 pages | 5.25 x 8 isbn: 978-0-9909733-8-6

What’s the Story? Reflections on a Life Grown Long is by turns elegiac, humorous, sad, joyful, angry. This book of extremely short prose reflections entertains an abiding question for Lea: to what extent does “my” version of what happens in this life and in the world at large coincide with some imagined “real” version? If the author had an opinionated, positive answer to such a question when young, life has imposed a degree of humility upon him in older age, whether he wants it or not.

Sydnet Lea is poet laureate of Vermont, and author of eleven collections of poetry, a novel, and three books of naturalist essays. In

2015, his twelfth poetry volume, No Doubt the Nameless will appear | | 802-380-1121

“Sheila Post has a poetic, storytelling voice, and the courage to write about big issues.” —h owa R d


R a n K

M o S h e R

, author of Walking to Gatlinburg

October 1, 2015

The Road to Walden North

Sheila Post

$24.95 for print and $9.99 for e-book

Hardover | 288 pages | 5.5 x 8.5 isbn: 978-0-9909733-9-3

In The Road to Walden North, Vermont author Sheila Post offers timely insights for a new age still grappling with issues raised by Thoreau over 150 years ago. An elegiac ‘Walden revisited’, this resplendent novel invites readers to accompany the transcendental journey of Harvard Professor Dr. Kate Brown—from ‘talking the talk’ of theory to ‘walking the walk’ of experience along the less traveled road of

Thoreauvian simplicity.

Sheila Post, PhD., a former college associate professor and specialist in Transcendentalism, taught American literature for over a decade in New England before deciding to write her own. With various publications in academic journals, she now writes novels, essays, and blogs about the simple, the natural, the local, and the transcendental.

“. . . pure authenticity. Every word rings true to this place and its people;

I know; I’ve lived here for 45 years.” —d av i d

B u d B i L L

October 1, 2015

Hidden View

a novel

Brett Ann Stanciu

$19.95 for print and $9.99 for e-book

Paperback | 200 pages | 5.25 x 8 isbn: 978-0-9961357-0-2

Hidden View is a novel set in the Vermont agrarian landscape, a story of Fern Hartshorn, unworldly, and unexpectedly pregnant at nineteen. Marrying an older man she barely knows, Fern begins her adult life on an isolated and hardscrabble farm named Hidden View. Shortly after the birth of her daughter, the future of the farm is jeopardized by a family dispute over ownership between her husband and his brother, Lucien.

Brett Ann Stanciu studied philosophy and writing at Marlboro College, and

Western Washington University. Her writing has appeared in publications such as

The Long Story, Taproot, and Vermont Literary Review. She is a sugarmaker in Vermont.


Recipient of the 2009 Green Earth Book Award for his

Young Adult Fiction, Write Naked

October 1, 2015

MARLY , a novella

Peter Gould

$14.95 for print and $9.99 for e-book

Paperback | 128 pages | 5.25 x 8 | isbn: 978-0-9961357-1-9

So, this dude comes up from the city to take an eco-writing workshop at a little college in way-northern Vermont, where I happen to teach watershed analysis, wildlife habitat, advanced chain saw, and self-defense for women. He’s not my type--actually, no man has been my type for a while now, but I bumped into him on campus, and he turned out to be teachable, and kind of attractive in a noir, 1950’s American clueless hetero male jackass John Wayne kind of way. Had creases on his pants I really wanted to mess up. Drove a Buick! Also, he made me laugh—a lot—and that can go a long way to breaking down barriers.

Peter Gould is a founder of youth Shakespeare camps around

Northern Vermont, and a professor of meditation-for-conflict-transformation at Brandeis University. Peter was a member of the original back-to-the-land movement in Vermont in the 1970’s, a way of life he has chronicled in fictional form in the novels Burnt Toast (Alfred A.

Knopf, 1971) and Write Naked (Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 2008).

“John Elder is perhaps one of the finest nature writers in our land.”

—d av i d

M a n c e

iii, editor, Northern Woodlands magazine

October 1, 2015

Picking Up the Flute

A memoir with music

John Elder

$19.95 for print and $9.99 for e-book; 24.95 audiobook

Paperback | 224 pages | 5.25 x 8 isbn: 978-0-9961357-2-6

Picking up the Flute is a memoir framed by the author’s experience of learning to play traditional Irish music on the wooden flute. It offers both a beginner’s account of exploration and discovery, and a retiree’s reflections on life’s wholeness.

John Elder has published widely, both as a scholar of environmental literature and as a writer of personal, reflective essays. His previous three books each combined discussions of literature and environmental history, descriptions of the Vermont landscape, and memoir. | | 802-380-1121

November 1, 2015

Planning for Escape

a novel

Sara Dillon

$19.95 for print and $9.99 for e-book

Paperback | 224 pages | 5.25 x 8 | isbn: 978-0-9961357-4-0

Planning for Escape is the haunting, and darkly comical, story of a young woman’s quest for personal and artistic fulfillment, a goal she is brilliant at sabotaging. The story moves from New England to Ireland, to Japan and back to New England again, finally coming to rest in Greensboro, Vermont, Catherine’s final “escape” with her two adopted children. Centered around an intense and witty interior monologue, the plot weaves back and forth along with Catherine’s own unique take on memory, family and the endlessly disappointing search for love.

Sara Dillon has deep family roots in northeastern Vermont. She has been a legal scholar, as well as a teacher and writer of fiction and poetry. Holding a PhD in Japanese literature from Stanford and a law degree from Columbia University in New York, this is her first novel.

(Photo: A younger Sara Dillon in Japan.)

“A unique combination of Barbara Kingsolver, With the warmth and humor of Maeve Binchy.” —J oyc e M a n d e v i L L e

, Orange Prize Nominee

November 1, 2015

Your Own Ones

a novel

Síle Post

$19.95 for print and $9.99 for e-book

Paperback | 224 pages | 5.25 x 8 isbn: 978-0-9961357-3-3

In Your Own Ones, Síle Post’s “poetic, storytelling voice, courage to write about big issues, great heart, and real personal vision” [Frank Howard Mosher], shape this lyrical, visionary novel of one woman’s transcendental journey back to the old country, now lost in the unsustainable ways of the new. For wild salmon conservationist, Áine O’Connor, the journey of the wild salmon charts the route of her own journey back—to the rivers of her birth on Celtic Dingle Peninsula—to continue a thousand year family tradition of protecting the land and sea.

Síle Post has followed the trail of the wild salmon, crossing the

Atlantic herself in search of simply extraordinary places. In her writing, she weaves her passion for Place with her calling to protect her own ones—the wild salmon of the Celts, the beaches of Prince

Edward Island, and the primeval forests of Walden North.


Additional Upcoming Fall Books, 2015! Stay tuned!

November 1, 2015

David Budbill, Broken Wing

Ron Krupp, A Woodchuck’s Guide to Gardening

Willem Lange, Tales from the Edge of the Woods

Cardy Raper, An American Harvest

Leslie Rivver, Blackberries and Cream

Neil Shepard, Sundog Poetry Book

David Sobel, Wild Play: Parenting Adventures in the Great Outdoors

William Symes, Mastering the Art of Psychotherapy

And our Community Supported First Book/CSA book by Vermont writer/activist, Tim Stevenson, Resilience and Resistance: Building

Sustainable Communities for a Post Oil Age | | 802-380-1121



Last words from Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom’s Howard Frank Mosher:

Green Writers Press is off to a fantastic start.

I feel so honored to be included in the beautiful new Contemporary Vermont Fiction Anthology.

Who says “the book” is endangered or dead? These place-based books, many set squarely in the natural world we all once belonged to, are a testimony to the immortality of literature. Dede Cummings’ Green Writers Press is helping to keep our literary culture alive, in Vermont and far beyond.
