Brief Bio: John McClaughry President, Ethan Allen Institute, a Vermont free market public policy research policy and education organization founded in 1993. Born 1937, Detroit, Michigan; raised in Paris, Illinois. A.B. Miami University 1958 in physics and mathematics M.S. Columbia University 1960 in nuclear engineering M.A. University of California (Berkeley) 1963 in political science L.L.D. Miami University 1992 (honorary) Elected to the Vermont House 1968 and 1970. Senior Policy Advisor and speechwriter for Gov. Ronald Reagan in his campaign and transition, 1980-81; Senior Policy Advisor in the White House Office of Policy Development and Executive Secretary, Cabinet Council on Food and Agriculture, 1981-82. Elected to the Vermont Senate 1988; reelected with 82% of the vote in 1990. Vice Chair, Education Committee, 1991-92. Republican Candidate for Governor of Vermont, 1992. Appointed to four national commissions by Presidents Nixon, Carter and Reagan. Speaker at numerous national conferences. Major, US Marine Corps Reserve; retired in 1988 with 22 years service. Colonel, Vermont State Guard 2003Moderator, Town of Kirby, Vermont 1967Author of Expanded Ownership (Sabre Foundation, 1972); with Frank Bryan, The Vermont Papers: Recreating Democracy on a Human Scale (Chelsea Green, 1989); A Better Path From Welfare to Work (Ethan Allen Institute, 1993), and numerous articles and reviews in major national newspapers, journals, and law reviews. Visiting Fellow in Monetary Policy, Heritage Foundation, 1983 Ethan Allen Institute 4836 Kirby Mountain Rd., Concord VT 05824 802 695 1448 – -