French I Speaking/Writing Exam 2014 Nom d’étudiant(e):___________________________________________ During class on June 6th ,9th or 10th you will be asked to have a conversation( in French) for an interview regarding 2nd semester big ideas! Type your preparation sheet. {Use the key attached to this sheet to help with appropriate accents} Your interview will be evaluated based on the rubric below. Practice makes (mostly) perfect! So practice…practice…practice! Say your stuff aloud to your: friends, parents, pet, mirror, each other, imaginary friend, strangers, other teachers, Mr. Pfannes, whomever!! You may earn up to 50 points. This is a portion of your exam grade! (your typed paper is due on MONDAY, June 2nd ! No excuses!) Include all of the following topics of conversation: You are to create a missing dog poster and then be interviewed by a newspaper (C’est Mme Acoff!) Bring your poster and be ready to present your info. to me! You must include the following information: ____ Begin with an appropriate salutation. ____ State your name. ____ Tell me about your situation. (I have lost my dog! Do you know where it is?) ____ Tell me your dog’s name. _____Describe your dog using the following adjectives….size, coloring, eye color, collar, etc. You must tell me 3 things that describes your pet and they MUST be in complete sentences! _____ Where did you last see him/her? What activity were you doing? _____ Who was your pet with? _____ How should I contact you? ____Close the conversation with an appropriate farewell. How to add accents when typing: Use Alt. key and the number pad… ALT 131 ALT 132 ALT 133 ALT 167 â ä à º ALT 128 ALT 135 ALT 130 ALT 174 Ç ç é « ALT 136 ALT 137 ALT 138 ALT 175 ê ë è » ALT 144 ALT 139 ALT 140 É ï î ALT 147 ALT 148 ALT 150 ô ö û ALT 151 ALT 129 ù ü Photo Dog Type Description Where? When? Description Contact Information Reward Nom: TOTAL Time:_______Hours _______Minutes Make sure that the total is at least 12 hours for full points! _____ used correct grammar. (5 points) _____ used complete sentence answers. (5 points) _____ used appropriate pronunciation. (5 points) _____ typed paper turned in. (5 points) _____ spoke naturally without hesitation. (5 points) _____ 0-2 errors on the paper. (25 points) Comments: ______# Time:_______ Final Exam Review !!! Leçons 6-12 How to use the following appropriately: À le aussi mais au avec ou c’est pour en souvent bon Mauvais mèchant faux gentil petit grand mal vrai The meaning and How to Conjugate the following appropriately: Avoir être Faire Jouer Aimer How to make sentences show Don’t: think ne…pas sandwich! Example: Je n’ai pas de vélo. ici sur le How to identify the opposites of: Bien et I don’t have a bike. Pay attention to the rule about je n’ai pas _____ de/des/d’ or un/une How to use Adjectives appropriately: Look in your text and take note! Word! Rules: What these adjectives mean: Amusant= Intelligent= Interessant = Mechant= Bête= Sympathique = Timide= Gentil= sportif= mignon= assez = très= How to ask & answer a question appropriately: à quelle Comment Qui est-ce que Parce que Quelle Inversion : as- tu…. ? avez-vous…. ? Pour quoi Qu’est-ce que Etc. How to Conjugate être appropriately: être means: Je: Tu: Elle/il/on: Nous: Vous: Ils: How to Conjugate avoir appropriately: avoir means: Je: Tu: Elle/il/on: Nous: Vous: Ils: How to Conjugate Faire appropriately: Faire means: Je: Tu: Elle/il/on: Nous: Vous: Ils: How to Conjugate –er verbs appropriately: Je: Tu: Elle/il/on: Nous: Vous: Ils: Know these verbs : organiser : manger : travailler : regarder : parler : Écouter : Étudier : How to Conjugate Vouloir appropriately: Vouloir means: Je: Tu: Elle/il/on: Nous: Vous: Ils: How to use Il y a and il n’y pas de How to use prepositions: Dans derrière devant sous sur Culture: Take a look at your notes on “Note Culturelle” Jot down 3 word summaries for each: p.93 p.105 p.119 p.121 p.123 p.136 p.151 p.163 p.173 p.189 p.191