the Trojan War

By: Bishop Lamoureux
What started off as a simple marriage between Peleus and Thetis the sea goddess
escalated into one of the greatest conflicts in Greece' history. With Eris not being invited he
stormed into the marriage and threw the "Apple of Discord" onto the table and proclaimed that it
belonged to the fairest. Hera, Athena and Aphrodite all reached for the apple but Zeus in his
wisdom declared that Paris, prince of Troy, the most beautiful man alive would judge who the
fairest woman is. Athena promised that if Paris chose her, he would obtain wealth. Hera
promised Paris power and Aphrodite promised the most beautiful woman in the world for Paris.
Paris chose Aphrodite and she told him that the most beautiful woman was Helen, Queen of
Sparta. After Paris abducted her he also took a lot of Menelaus, King of Sparta's wealth. Once
the love birds returned to Troy they were married. Naturally, Menelaus was angry and called his
kingdom to war. War was inventible with Troy and Sparta and this is where the crisis began.
The Olympians had assembled in the Crisis room to discuss a course of action for dealing
with the Trojan crisis. Present in the room was Aphrodite, goddess of Love, Apollo, god of light,
Ares, god of war, Artemis, goddess of hunting, Demeter, goddess of agriculture, Dionysus, god
of wine, Hades, god of death, Hephaestus, god of fire, Hermes, god of messengers, Pan, god of
nature, Poseidon, god of sea, Prometheus the titan and Zeus, the god of skies. Due to the
spontaneous crisis not every deity could attend this meeting such as Thetis, the goddess of water
and Gaia, the primordial deity. The crisis opened up slowly with the Achaean fleets stationed at
Sparta ready to sail to Troy. It was only a matter of the god's commands for the next step. Much
to Poseidon's protests the gods chose to send half of the Achaean fleet to try containing about
60,000 troops to sail to Anatolia. As the Achaeans were sailing to Anatolia, however they were
stopped by powerful winds and weather caused by Poseidon.
Eventually the gods convinced Poseidon the only course of action was for the Achaeans
to fight the Trojans so he let the winds go. By this time however the Achaeans were now running
low on supplies and the Trojans had gotten word of the incoming attack. It was also noticed that
the gods had only sent a bit of the ache an army with another 60,000 troops still stationed at
Sparta. With the Achaeans finally moving again and arriving in the shores of Anatolia, the gods
continued arguing about the next plan of attack. However, as soon as the Achaeans arrived the
war began. The gods argued between sending earthquakes, lightning bolts and other forms of
nature's weaponry, Ares wanting to directly intervene in the war and Poseidon wanting the
Achaeans to destroy Dardanus for supplies. Thing were not looking good for the Achaeans.
After a short break for lunch the Olympians were shocked to see what had happened.
Although right before lunch the gods chose to send in an eclipse it only stopped the fighting for
one day even darker events had occurred. The Titans, most of who were locked away earlier had
somehow escaped and disguised themselves as Achaeans and hid in their army. As if that wasn't
enough it was then revealed that Chronos, father of the Gods had escaped Tartarus and had
begun wreaking havoc on the battlefield. The gods were stunned on how to deal with two more
wars with the Titans and Chronos respectfully.
To make matters worse Ares, the god of war and one of the best fighters there was
kidnapped and trapped in Mount Ida, southeast of Troy. The mountain was, heavily guarded by
Chronos and allies. Chronos sent an ultimatum to the council stating that if they didn't agree in
30 minutes they would kill Ares. Now, the gods were truly put to the test. Through the bickering
between the gods debating on how to solve the problem Aphrodite decided that the Olympians
should go to Mount Ida and do a frontal assault on the mountain against Chronos. With 4
minutes left in the ultimatum the vote was unanimous with the exceptions of Poseidon and
Prometheus who chose not to fight. The battle of Mount Ida resulted in no casualties but the
Olympians won in the end. Ares had been rescued but Zeus and Hermes were injured in the
process. With Chronos fleeing, things were starting to look up for the Olympians and Achaeans.
Unfortunately the hope was cut short when Chronos from an unknown location
summoned the legendary beast Chimera. Chimera has one head of a lion, one of a goat and a
snake as a tail. The Chimera was teleported directly to the battlefield where it proceeded to begin
killing Trojans and Achaeans left and right. With the Achaeans getting slaughtered the
Olympians were again, put to the test. However, Poseidon chose to summon the kraken,
legendary beast of the water. Hermes figured out that the council should attack prosthetic legs to
the Kraken to allow it to walk on land. However, the day was a bit rainy and the Krakens legs got
stuck in the mud and since it had no way to breath it suffocated and died. The Chimera
proceeded to eat the Krakens corpse and while it was distracted Poseidon, riding on Pegasus
stabbed the Chimera in the throats and killed it. News came later that the titans had stopped
disguising and fled the Achaean army. Now that everything was almost back to normal one
problem exploded that everyone had been overlooking.
The army was stationed in southern Anatolia and incredibly low on food. With that, the
crisis directors enacted a priceless plot twist. Now the gods would represent the leaders of the
Achaean armies.
Day two opened up with a grim situation. The Achaeans were starving, poor and cold. The gods
had not been responding to their pleas and they were losing troops in Lydia. Agamemnon, one of
the commanders decided that the Achaeans must attack a nearby city for resources. They chose
the Trojan outpost of Larisa to besiege. Leaving half of the armies in Lydia, Agamemnon’s,
Odysseus’, Menestheus’s Nestor’s and Menelaus’ armies made the journey and attacked Larisa.
They lost men in the process but determined as ever they won the battle, took enough food for a
fortnight and traveled. After Larisa they proceeded towards Pergamum which was another
fortified Trojan city.
A nearby settlement, Sardis, began going towards Larisa to avenge their fallen comrades.
Fortunately, the Sardinians were destroyed in the night raid against Larisa. Out of the picture, the
powers that be had their next plans activated. Chronos, allied with the Titans and another
Chimera began charging towards Pergamum declaring that they will kill any Achaeans they see.
A heroic effort by Achilles managed to fight off the Titans and the Chimera.
When the Achaeans finally reached their target of Pergamum, they were greeted by a
whole lot of nothing as the entire city had abandoned their stations and fled north to Troy. They
did not know what would await them in Troy. It was now the final battle of the war and both
sides were eager.
After another break, the updates were handed out and surprises revealed. The Larisans,
recovered from the earlier battle had caught up and were behind the Achaeans. Troy along with
the army of Pergamum to the north was ready to attack. Cyzcius to the east and Assus to the west
were also in position effectively putting the Achaeans into a trap. As the Trojans waited
anxiously for the Achaeans to do something, the council was greeted by several more people
willing to help in the war. Patroclus, a comrade of Achilles, David, future king of Israel,
Machaon, a Thessalian physician, Homer, the Achaean poet and Eros/Cupid, god of love showed
themselves to the council to help. Although the latter was later summoned for other businesses
and had to take his leave the council had approximately one hour before the Trojans would move
into strike. The time was now and it would either be complete destruction or complete victory for
either sides.
The council eventually decided that getting into Troy was the prime goal and begun
charging the Trojan walls. In the insuring chaos, Hector, the son of king Priam attacked and
slayed Patroclus on the battlefield. Achilles was furious and demanded that Hector duel him to
the death despite Phoenix calling for Achilles to duel Paris instead. While the duel was
happening, Machaon made a plan with Eros/Cupid to make Achilles fall in love with Hector but
soon after Eros made his leave. Machaon instead secretly healed Patroclus and sent him into
Troy to help open the gates for the desperate Achaeans. In another crisis, Odysseus sent Ajax the
lesser to a golden well a bit away from Troy where he promptly had him assassinated for nondescript reasons. Machaon, also noticing this did what he could to revive Ajax and also send him
into the walls.
With Menelaus sacrificing 10 of his best soldiers and his own toes the Gods saw that the
Achaeans were more faithful to them and helped them. Achilles killed Hector and Patroclus and
Ajax opened the gates for the Achaeans. As they stormed into the citadel the Trojan armies Paris
was slain and Ajax got his revenge on Odysseus. At some point Machaon felt the need to heal
Hector & Odysseus, who then promptly ran away from Troy. Phoenix, not trusting the Achaeans
to do good with Helen, donned the Invisibility helmet and kidnapped her. Phoenix, with David of
Israel fled north to Percote where they began a marriage ceremony. As the Achaeans desperately
tried to contact Hermes for Phoenix’s whereabouts they had managed to take and secure Troy
and were determining what to do with the city.
Eventually, when the marriage concluded David, stabbed and killed Phoenix, took Helen
for himself and traveled back to Israel. Before his departure he had one last message for the
Achaeans. “Your gods don’t exist. The only true god is mine.” Despite losing Helen, the
Achaeans decided to settle in Troy and turn it into an Achaean settlement. With the war over,
peace came and the Achaeans made their blessings and prayers and looked toward the sunset. It
was now a new era for Achaeans and Trojans alike.