Lesson Overview Branch Breakdown! Overview: In this lesson, students will create outlines of the three branches of government using the U.S. Constitution. Students will then use these outlines to create diagrams/illustrations of the three branches of government. Objectives: Students will be able to… Recognize the structure of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches in the federal government Compare the roles and responsibilities of the three branches of the federal government Identify the general powers described in Articles I, II, and III of the U.S. Constitution Time Required: One - two 50 minute class period Materials Needed: Branch Breakdown Student Handout Copy of the United States Constitution Chart Paper Markers Procedures 1. Ask students to recall back to the outline of the United States Constitution as discussed in section 4 of the curriculum wheel. The U.S. Constitution consists of the Preamble, seven articles, and 27 amendments. 2. Ask students to recall the function of Articles I, II, and III in the U.S. Constitution. (Answer: these articles outline the legislative, executive, and judicial branches) 3. Using the Flocabulary site, show the three branches of government civics video. http://www.flocabulary.com/3-branches-of-government/ 4. Using the Three Branches of Government Game at the link provided below, have students classify the powers of each branch of government. http://www.texaslre.org/branches_game/branches_game.html 5. Distribute Branch Breakdown student handout and Constitution copies. Instruct students to use the Constitution to complete the handout, identifying the structure, responsibilities and duties, and powers of each branch (for the legislative branch, they will be asked to name what they think are the five most important). Students may work independently or in groups. 6. Depending on the length of time needed to complete the Branches Breakdown handout, debrief the handout upon completion or during the next class period (students can complete the handout for homework). 7. Once students have reviewed their responses, divide the class into six groups. Assign two groups the legislative branch, two groups the executive branch, and two groups the judicial branch. Each group will need to diagram/illustrate their assigned branch of government on chart paper. Allow students 25 minutes to create their diagrams. 8. Post diagrams around the classroom in pairs by branch. Have students rotate from poster to poster. Students should compare the diagrams and individually create their own diagram for each branch by copying one of the group diagrams, combining the two diagrams, or creating their own after reviewing the group created diagrams. 9. As a final assessment, students will do a comparison of the branches of government using their Branches Breakdown student handout and their poster diagrams. Students should cite both the Constitution and their diagram as DBQ practice. Next Generation Sunshine State Standards: Illustrate the structure and function (three branches of government established in Articles I, II, and III with corresponding powers) of government in the United States as established in the Constitution. (SS.7.C.3.3) Extension Activity Prepare a Glogster poster to illustrate the three branches of government and separation of powers. Sample: http://vitaushistory.edu.glogster.com/three-branches-of-government/ Assessment Branch Breakdown Worksheet – students will be assessed based on the completion and accuracy of responses on their Branch Breakdown student handout. Branch Breakdown Diagram – students will assessed for the completion of their diagram along with the accuracy of their information, effort put into the project, and creativity. Students will also be assessed for their ability to follow instructions. Observation - Assess student participation and cooperation during the Branch Breakdown activity. All students should be proactively contributing to the group effort. Students should be cooperative, respectful and participatory when assessing the other group diagrams. Suggested Scoring Rubric for Assignment Branch Breakdown Worksheet Branch Breakdown Diagram Students may be assessed as a group or individually depending on the class dynamics and participation level of group members Branch Breakdown Participation and Cooperation Scoring 1 point per blank space (27 blank spaces; 27 points possible) Students will receive credit for leaving spaces blank when appropriate. 1 point per category on the table addresses in diagram (8 categories, 8 points possible) 5 points for creativity and following directions Total 27 points 13 points 10 points for cooperation and participate while rotating 10 points around the classroom. Students will also receive points in this category for creating their personal branch diagrams. Total 50 points Student Handout Name: _______________________________ Date:_____________________ Branch Breakdown Instructions: In your group, complete the worksheet below using the U.S. Constitution. Not all boxes will have answers. Legislative Branch Executive Branch Judicial Branch Article of the U.S. Constitution Structure of the branch Number of Members Elected or Appointed? If appointed, how are they approved? Requirements to Serve Age Citizenship Requirements Length of Term Role of Branch of Government House of Senate Representatives President Vice President Cabinet Supreme Court Student Handout Name: _______________________________ Date:_____________________ Branch Breakdown Instructions: In the space below, write the name of the branch of government you are assigned to. Working as a group, you will be creating a visual of your assigned branch of government. This diagram should be clear and include components from all of the information in the table. Be creative! Once finished, you will be given the opportunity to view other student diagrams and create your own diagram that best helps you remember the branches. Assigned branch:________________________________________ Drawing space: Teacher Handout Branch Breakdown Instructions: In your group, complete the worksheet below using the U.S. Constitution. Legislative Branch Article of the U.S. Constitution Structure of the branch Number of Members Article I House of Senate Representatives 435 Elected or Appointed? Elected 100 Elected Executive Branch Article II Judicial Branch Article III President Vice President Cabinet 1 President 1 VP Supreme Court Elected Appointed If appointed, how are they approved? 9 Approved by the Senate Requirements to Serve Age Citizenship Requirements Length of Term 25 years old U.S. Citizen for 7 years 35 years old 35 years old U.S. Citizen Natural born for 9 years citizen 2 years 6 years Role of Branch of Government Make law 4 years 2 terms 10 year maximum Enforce law Lifetime appointment Interpret law