Basic survival need [Maslow, 1954] Attraction • Comparison level (CL) • Comparison level for alternatives (CLalt) [Kelley & Thibaut, 1978] [Thibaut & Kelley, 1959] Need for affiliation Equity theory (ET) Normative social influence (NSI) [Deutsch & Gerard, 1955] Investment fairness Interdependence theory (IT) Theories of formation and maintenance [Clore & Byrne, 1971; Lott & Lott, 1974] Reward theory Exposure and familiarity Proximity Online relationships (cyber affairs)? Social exchange theory (SET) [Saegert et al., 1973] Personal space [Hall, 1959, 1966] Similarity Communal vs. exchange couples [Mills & Clark, 1980] THE FORMATION, MAINTENANCE AND BREAKDOWN OF ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS Physical attractiveness Reciprocal liking [Rubin, 1973] [Kitzinger & Coyle, 1995] Proxemic rules Library study [Felipe & Sommer, 1966] Filter model [Kerckhoff & Davis, 1962] • Similarity of sociological/ demographic variables ‘Field of availables’ [Kerckhoff, 1974] • Agreement on basic values Complementarity of resources? [Brehm, 1992; Buss, 1989] • Complementarity of emotional needs [Murstein, 1972] Walster et al., 1966 Berscheid et al., 1971 Berscheid & Walster, 1974 Stage theories Stimulus – Value – Role (SVR) theory [Murstein, 1976, 1987] Reward Cost Profit Matching hypothesis (MH) ‘Computer dance’ studies Attractiveness • Beliefs • Attitudes stereotype [e.g. Dion • Values et al., 1972] Homans, 1974 Blau, 1964 Berscheid & Walster, 1978 • Pre-existing doom • Mechanical failure • Sudden death [Duck, 2001] Why do relationships go wrong? ‘Understudied’ relationships Same-sex marriage? [Wilkinson & Kitzinger, 2005] Breakdown [Duck, 1982] Key differences between homosexual/heterosexual relationships: • Cohabitation • Sexual exclusivity • Traditional (i.e. heterosexual) sex roles [Peplau, 1982, 1991; Yip, 1999] Classic formats for a break-up story Theory of relationship dissolution (TORD) • Intrapsychic phase • Dyadic phase • Social phase • Grave-dressing phase