Coordinates and Change of Basis K. Behrend February 29, 2008 Abstract We discuss linear changes of coordinates. 1 Contents Introduction 1 Vectors 1.1 How to convert between [~a]S 1.2 In Rn . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 An Application . . . . . . . 1.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . 4 6 8 9 11 2 Linear Operators 2.1 How to find [T ]B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 How to convert between [T ]B and [T ]S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 15 17 19 and [~a]B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction These notes are in somewhat preliminary form. The content is not yet stable. Watch for updates. 3 1 Vectors In Figure 1, two coordinate systems in the plane are displayed. We can use either of the two coordinate systems to decribe vectors in the plane. y' y u x' v x w Figure 1: Three vectors The vector ~u = 45 has standard coordinates x = 4 and y = 5. If we use the blue coordinate system, whose coordinate axes are labelled x0 and y 0 , the blue coordinates of ~u are x0 = 3 and y 0 = 2. The notation is as follows: 3 4 [~u]S = [~u]B = (1) 2 5 Similarely, we have −4 [~v ]S = 1 2 [w] ~S= −5 −1 [~v ]B = 2 −1 [~v ]B = −4 Every coordinate system is defined by a basis. The standard coordinate system is defined by the standard basis 1 0 S = (~e1 , ~e2 ) = ( , ) 0 1 4 The new (blue) coordinate system is defined by the basis 2 −1 B = (~u1 , ~u2 ) = ( , ) 1 1 y' y x' e2 u2 u1 e1 x Figure 2: The blue coordinate system is defined by the basis B = (~u1 , ~u2 ), the standard coordinate system is defined by the basis S = (~e1 , ~e2 ) Referring back to Figure 1, we see that ~u = 3~u1 + 2~u2 and this is why the coordinates of ~u in the coordinate system defined by B = (~u1 , ~u2 ) are 3 an 2. Similarely, −1 ~v = −~u1 + 2~u2 therefore [~v ]B = 2 and w ~ = −~u1 − 4~u2 therefore [w] ~B= −1 −4 In general, To find the coordinate vecctor [~a]B of the vector ~a with respect to the coordinate system defined by the basis B, express ~a asa linear x0 0 0 combination ~a = x ~u1 + y ~u2 , and then read off: [~a]B = y0 5 Of course every vector is equal to its coordinate vector in the standard basis: 4 4 ~u = so ~u = 4~e1 + 5~e2 so [~u]S = = ~u 5 5 1.1 How to convert between [~a]S and [~a]B Recall the above equation ~a = x0 ~u1 + y 0 ~u2 . We can rewrite this as a matrix equation (recall that we can write linear combinations as matrix-vector products!) | | 0 x ~a = ~u1 ~u2 0 y | | Remembering that ~a = [~a]S and x0 y0 = [~a]B , we can rewrite this as | | [~a]S = ~u1 ~u2 [~a]B | | (2) The matrix which appears in this equation: | | P = ~u1 ~u2 | | is called the change of basis matrix or transition matrix from the standard basis S to the new basis B. This matrix P has the two basis vectors ~u1 and ~u2 as columns. With this notation, we can rewrite (2) as [~a]S = P [~a]B If we multiply by P −1 on the left, we obtain: P −1 [~a]S = P −1 P [~a]B = I2 [~a]B = [~a]B (Here I2 is the 2 × 2 identity matrix.) So we get the other conversion formula [~a]B = P −1 [~a]S (3) In our example, the matrix P is 2 −1 P = 1 1 and P −1 = 1 3 1 1 −1 2 6 So, for example, 4 [ ] = 5 B 1 3 1 1 4 [ ] = −1 2 5 S 1 3 1 1 −1 2 4 3 = 5 2 which is the same result (1), which we read off from the sketch. In general 0 x 1 1 1 1 x x+y 1 1 1 [~a]S = 3 =3 = [~a]B = 3 −1 2 −1 2 y −x + 2y y0 Or x0 = 13 x + 13 y y 0 = − 13 x + 23 y 7 1.2 In Rn If B = (~u1 , . . . , ~un ) is a basis of Rn , then for every vector ~v ∈ Rn , there exist unique numbers x1 , . . . , xn ∈ R, such that ~v = x1 ~u1 + . . . + xn ~un These numbers are called the of ~v with respect to the coordinates x1 basis B, the column vector ... is called the coordinate vector xn of ~v with respect to the basis B, notation x1 .. [~v ]B = . xn Given that B = (~u1 , . . . , ~un ) is a basis of Rn , then the matrix | | P = ~u1 · · · ~un | | with the basis vectors as columns is called the transition matrix or change of basis matrix from the standard basis S to B. Let us repeat our above calculation: [~v ]S = ~v standard coordinate vector is equal to vector = x1 ~u1 + . . . + xn ~un this is the defining equation in the box x1 | | = ~u1 · · · ~un ... linear combination is a matrix vector product | | xn x1 .. =P . definition of the change of basis matrix P xn = P [~v ]B definition of coordinate vector from above box We conclude [~v ]S = P [~v ]B [~v ]B = P −1 [~v ]S 8 1.3 An Application Consider Figure 3. y y' x' x Figure 3: An ellipse The (x0 , y 0 )-coordinate system is well-suited for studying the ellipse. In fact, the equation for the ellipse is x 0 2 + (y 0 )2 = 1 (4) 2 The transition matrix is 2 −1 P = 1 2 with inverse P And so −1 0 x = y0 = 1 5 2 1 −1 2 1 5 2 1 −1 2 x y or x0 = 52 x − 15 y y 0 = 15 x + 25 y Plugging this into the Equation (4), we get the standard equation for this ellipse ( 15 x − 2 1 10 y) + ( 15 x + 52 y)2 = 1 9 which is equivalent to 8x2 − 12xy + 17y 2 = 100 (5) Thus, choosing a good coordinate system and then changing basis, can simplify the study (in this case, finding the equation) of certain curves. A central problem solved by linear algebra is the following: suppose an equation such as (5) of a conic section in standard coordinates if given. How can we find the (x0 , y 0 )-coordinate system, whose axes are the major and minor axis of the ellipse? The method used is diagonalization of symmetric matrices. 10 1.4 Exercises Exercise 1.1 In Figure 4, two vectors ~v1 and ~v2 are sketched, which form a basis C = (~v1 , ~v2 ) of R2 . (i) Find [~a]C , [~b]C and [~c]C , geometrically, without doing any calculations. (ii) Skech (in Figure 4) the vectors ~u, ~v and w, ~ given that 2 2 3 [~u]C = [~v ]C = [w] ~C= 2 −3 −1 a b v2 v1 c Figure 4: The figure for Exercise 1.1 Exercise 1.2 In Figure 5, two vectors ~v1 and ~v2 are sketched, which form a basis C = (~v1 , ~v2 ) of R2 . (i) Find [~a]C , [~b]C and [~c]C , geometrically, without doing any calculations. (ii) Skech (in Figure 5) the vectors ~u, ~v and w, ~ given that −1 3 2 [~u]C = [~v ]C = [w] ~C= 1 1 −3 Exercise 1.3 Given that B = ( [ 34 ]B [ 1 2 −4 ]B 2 3 , −2 ), find [ 11 6 −1 ]B [ a b ]B a b v2 v1 c Figure 5: The figure for Exercise 1.2 Exercise 1.4 Given that B = ( [ 2 4 ]B 3 [ −2 3 , 1 −1 3 , 1 −2 −6 ]B 1 −2 3 2 −3 [~b]B = 3 −1 find 4 −1 ]B 3 [ Exercise 1.5 Consider the basis B = ( [~a]B = 1 2 ), 1 2 1 , [ a b ]B c ) of R2 . Suppose that [~c]B = 4 5 [~x]B = s t Find [~a]S , [~b]S , [~c]S and [~x]S . Exercise 1.6 Suppose the standard (x, y)-coordinate system of R2 is rotated coun0 0 terclockwise by an angle of 60◦ , to yield the −1 new (x , y )-coordinate system. Find 2 0 the new coordinates of the points 3 , 1 and 1 . Exercise 1.7 Suppose [ 1 2 ]B = 2 −1 and [ 12 2 6 ]B = −2 3 . Find B. 2 Linear Operators Consider the linear operator T : R2 → R2 wich is reflection across the line L : x − 2y = 0, see Figure 6. The (x0 , y 0 )-coordinate system is defined by the basis y y' v x' w x T(v) L T(w) Figure 6: The reflection across the line x − 2y = 0. The original vectors are red, their images under the reflection are light red. 2 is along the reflection mirror L, the B = ( 21 , −1 ). The first basis vector 1 2 is perpendicular to L. second basis vector −1 2 The (x0 , y 0 )-coordinate system is well-adapted to this particular transformation T . We can see that T preserves the x0 -coordinate, but changes the sign on the 1 and the y 0 -coordinate. For example, the vector ~v has coordinate vector [~ v ] = B 1 1 . Similarely, [w] reflected vector T (~v ) has coordinate vector [T (~v )]B = −1 ~ = B −3/2 x0 −3/2 and [T ( w)] ~ = . More generally, if a vector ~ a has [~ a ] = B B y 0 , then 1 −1 x0 T (~a) has [T (~a)]B = −y0 . 0 x0 0 . This The transformation xy0 7→ −y is accomplished by the matrix 10 −1 0 is the matrix of T with respect to the basis B. Notation [T ]B . 1 0 [T ]B = 0 −1 The matrix [T ]B has the property that [T ]B [~a]B = [T (~a)]B 13 (6) for every vector ~a ∈ R2 . For our two example vectors this equation reads 1 0 1 1 for ~v : = 0 −1 1 −1 for w: ~ 1 0 −3/2 −3/2 = 0 −1 1 −1 and in general 0 x for : y0 0 0 1 0 x x = 0 −1 y0 −y 0 In words, we can reformulate Equation (6) as follows: The matrix of T with respect to B transforms the B-coordinate vector of a vector into the B-coordinate vector of the image vector. or, put another way The matrix of T with respect to B describes the effect of T on B-coordinate vectors. 14 2.1 How to find [T ]B Say the basis is B = (~u1 , ~u2 ). Since ~u1 = 1~u1 +0~u2 , we have [~u1 ]B = 10 . Similarely, [~u2 ]B = 01 . We can plug the vectors ~u1 and ~u2 into Formula (6). We get [T ]B [~u1 ]B = [T (~u1 )]B On the other hand, [T ]B [~u1 ]B = [T ]B 1 0 which is the first column of [T ]B . Similarely, we have second column of [T ]B = [T ]B 0 1 = [T ]B [~u2 ]B = [T (~u2 )]B So the two coluns of [T ]B are given by [T (~u1 )]B and [T (~u2 )]B . | | [T ]B = [T (~u1 )]B [T (~u2 )]B | | In words: To find the matrix of T in the basis B = (~u1 , ~u2 ), Find the images of the basis vectors T (~u1 ) and T (~u2 ), and then express these in the basis B, to find the coordinate vectors [T (~u1 )]B and [T (~u2 )]B , finally, but the resulting coordiate vectors as colunns of the matrix [T ]B . In the example of Figure 6, the first basis vector ~u1 is on the reflection line, so T (~u1 ) = ~u1 . The second basis vector ~u2 is perpendicular to the reflection line, so T (~u2 ) = −~u2 . The corresponding coordinate vectors are [T (~u1 )]B = [~u1 ]B = 10 0 , which give the matrix [T ] = 1 0 . and [T (~u2 )]B = [−~u2 ]B = −1 B 0 −1 Of course, the same principle works in Rn : If B = (~u1 , . . . , ~un ) is a basis of Rn , and T : Rn → Rn a linear operator, then | | [T ]B = [T (~u1 )]B · · · [T (~un )]B | | For another example, suppose E is a plane through the origin in R3 . Suppose ~u1 is a normal vector to E, and that ~u2 and ~u3 are two vectors spanning E. Then B = (~u1 , ~u2 , ~u3 ) is a basis of R3 . Let T : R3 → R3 be the orthogonal projection onto E. Then we have 0 T (~u1 ) = ~0 so [T (~u1 )]B = 0 0 15 T (~u2 ) = ~u2 so [T (~u2 )]B = [~u2 ]B = 0 1 0 T (~u3 ) = ~u3 so [T (~u3 )]B = [~u3 ]B = 0 0 1 And therefore the matrix of T with respect 0 [T ]B = 0 0 16 to B is 0 0 1 0 0 1 (7) 2.2 How to convert between [T ]B and [T ]S Let us combine Equation (6) with Equation (3) to obtain: [T ]B P −1 [~a]S = P −1 [T (~a)]S Multiplying through by P on the left gives P [T ]B P −1 [~a]S = P P −1 [T (~a)]S = [T (~a)]S (8) On the other hand, the matrix which converts [~a]S into [T (~a)]S is [T ]S : [T ]S [~a]S = [T (~a)]S (9) Comparing Equations (8) and (9), we see that the two matrices P [T ]B P −1 and [T ]S have the same effect on all vectors [~a]S . Therefore, these two matrices have to be equal: [T ]S = P [T ]B P −1 Multiplying this equation by P −1 on the left and P on the right, we get the other conversion formula [T ]B = P −1 [T ]S P Example 1 Returning to Figure 6, recall that ~u1 = 21 and ~u2 = −1 2 , so that −1 = 1 2 1 . Thus, we the transition matrix is P = 21 −1 , whose inverse is P 2 5 −1 2 have 1 0 1 2 1 4 2 −1 1 3 = [T ]S = P [T ]B P −1 = 5 4 −3 0 −1 5 −1 2 1 2 This is the standard matrix of T . So we can deduce the formula for T in standard coordinates: 4 x x 1 3 1 3x + 4y T =5 =5 y y 4 −3 4x − 3y Example 2 Let us return to the Example leading to Equation 7. To be specific, 2 say that E has equation 2x + y − 3z = 0. Then we can take ~u1 = 1 as normal −3 −1 0 vector. Two vectors which span the plane are ~u2 = 3 and ~u3 = 2 . This gives 1 0 the transition matrix 2 0 −1 1 3 2 P = −3 1 0 with inverse P −1 2 1 −3 1 6 3 5 = 14 −10 2 −6 17 And hence [T ]S = P [T ]B P −1 2 0 −1 0 0 0 2 1 −3 1 6 3 5 = = 1 3 2 0 1 0 14 −3 1 0 0 0 1 −10 2 −6 18 10 −2 6 1 −2 13 3 14 6 3 5 2.3 Exercises Exercise 2.1 Find the standard matrix of the reflection across the line 2x+5y = 0. Exercise 2.2 Find the standard matrix of the orthogonal projection onto the line x − 3y = 0. Exercise 2.3 Find the standard matrix of the reflection acros the plane x+y+2z = 0. 19