Xuclear Decay Worksheet Directions: Name the type of em issiorualpha/bera) emission type, r I, Uranium-23.:1. To Thorium-230 -, Thoriul11-230 to Radium-:?:?6 3, Radium-226 and write an equation using the correct f t t II I to Radon-222 r t, f'.. --- ~, Lead-Jt-t .5 Bisrnuth-Ll-l ~ Polonium-Ll-l Directions: to Bismuth-Ll-l to Polonium-2 i.4 lO Lead-Jl 0 ~ 0 I p r 214~; &3 .Q~j6' __"01;: Po r ~fy3 d;; (6 -7 Jf~1b +-:t J/~ \\'rile an equation (or the following elements through the given emission type, Alpha Decay: I, Poloniurn-Zl S i Polonium-Zl-l 1- 2.1~vl_ ~ 82. I 9 Radon-nO Beta Decay: 1. Lead-210 .., Lcad-21-13, Bismuth-210 1 -f ~ if I~! It? Jo«y f I IP1J.f 512- t7(; Half-life Practice Worksheet 1. Sodium-24 has a half-life of 15 hours. How much sodium-24 will remain in an 18.0 9 sample after 60 hours? IHI HI-( ~ lit .f1t1~-:x. - V1 ~ .4 Ie" .klvtd. :: ~J_ ~,h'lLt ---_ 1" ~ "oh x _ I Ig 1" (Yt.:.. I~'-~ 2. After 42 days a 2.0 9 sample of phosphorus-32 contains only 0.25 9 of the isoto[>e~ What is the half-life of phosphorus-32? It'll h,JL - 2,.01 tl~ - ,_ Y\ O.2SU- _ Tc- ": 4z.J ., 6cJ~ : j_ ;:: g s.o Ti:; jt {z- ::: 3 1 [Y~ty.~IL~, c). l'k-~ 3. Polonium-214 has a relatively short half-life of 164 seconds. How many seconds would it take for 8.0 9 of this isotope to decay to 0.25 g? '1.-\1 ha..(: ~(D T tVlVl~.f_-_ D· ts:1--n;~ o. 2S.t: o 0 llh- -_ !~y <;, ~ _L a- 32 l~ 1 _: . .,-V\t. - tYz,- to decay to 1.0 9? The 2- \1-d. tv~ z 5"/S-.IO ::: V' -;:. :0. 'T~ "- 51101"" -L/l-:'- 5.1 Ow..~ I 10 0 ( J_) :: lZ 6. In 5.49 seconds, 1.20 9 of argon-35 decay to leave only 0.15 g. What is the half-life of argon-35? "\f~Jl ~I~ 1,201-; O'\~1' D IS- ~20 4- 5. By approximately what factor would the mass of a sample of copper-66 decrease in 51 minutes? The half-life of copper-66 is 5.10 minutes. ,~, \1~ ot fl)_. t: 5X I (P (f TE"" Vl ~ _j_ ;;; 1- I, V1::- 2- 4. How many days does ft take for 16 9 of palladium-l03 . half-life of palladium-1 03 is 17 days. \~ • \-11-{ :. ('il -r ~ V1::: fi wJ" s- 1 ::: h =~J s,j HALF-LIFE PROBLEMS Name Block --------------------------------- ----- 1. An isotope of cesium (cesium-I37) has a half-life of 30 years. If 1.0 g of cesium-I37 disintegrates over a period of 90 years. how many g of cesium-137 would remain? ~~~~._; V1 qo il2..- \_1- I 3 • -n; ~O\ 3-~!J_)3;1 -J- ~ 1- \. 30-r 2. ctlnium-226 has a half-life of29 hours. If 100 mg ofaCtinium-226 period of 58 hours. how many mg of actinium-226 will remain? 'lI\,hal.. :: \ODM~ ~V\~ ». S% _~ \'\ '"IT' -:. i~ ~ 2- \DO~I\. G' :;C..L2..)\2 = _L Zs- ~::: over a .l JL ,- 2'1 ill,. 3. Sodium-25 was to be used in an experiment. but it took 3.0 from the reactor to the laboratory. If 5.0 mg of sodJurn-25 was how many mg of sodium-25 were placed in the reaction vessel life of sodium-25 is 60 seconds? 4 1"'"tW ftu..t,; 5'0"0" ~II\& : \14 VI disintegrates ~ 3 > -tt. .. 31'\1':' )<' .5 0 ";\ ~ minutes to get the sodium removed from the reactor. 3.0 minutes later if the halflo.b . {..i-)'.\_ 1 '2- - ~ .;- re.a.-\-ny- ~ \~ to 3~u'; {.I(). (., 0 ~ 4. The half-life of isotope X is 2.0 years. How many years would it take for a 4.0 mg sample of X to decay and have only 0.50 mg of it remain? r ~~r.a.i ::- 4-6_ ~,..\~ ., VI - D.'::> '(\ V\::3 ~ TI,;.. :. fIt ;:;.z» yr 5. Selenium-83 has a half-life of25.0 minutes. How many minutes would it take for a 10.0 mg sample to decay and have only 1.25 mg of it remain? IVI,h-I-l· \015. ~~" \l ~ (~~ '6- \,2S- __~ JlQ/ J_ '\ -~ 1 72-/) :- ~ ~ 3># ? i.. 1l~1ftl;n;:'"~ t Vl-::- 25(O~'~ 6M'he half-li{e~of Po-218 is three minutes. How much of a 2.0 gram sample remains after 15 minutes?~uppose you wanted to buy some of this isotope. and it required halfan hour for it reach you. How much should you order if you need to use 0.10 gram of this material? A~"h..Q ~~ ~Tf:: y - - -.::; 2 ;; \'1...'" tIlt; 3 "",: '8>. , - 32- I ( Transmutation Name: __ Transmutation is the process of converting one element into another (using bombardment with high energy particles). The target nucleus is the isotope which is bombarded, the projectile is the particle fired at the nucleus, the product is the new nucleus produced by the reaction. and the ejected particle is the light nucleus or particle emitted in the reaction. This bombardment takes place in a particle accelerator (cyclotron, synchrotron, linac, etc.). Many of the radioactive products of nuclear bombardment are useful in medicine and industry as tracers, etc .. Part 1: Fill in the blank in each transmutation reaction with the correct particle, and label each particle as the target. projectile. product. and ejected particle. 1. I4N + 4He 7 2. > n_n 2 1_H~ -------> + 27AI 246Cm 96 4. 59CO + lZC --------> 6. 102. 8. 9. 10. + In ---------> 21- (t1u_~ ~ 4~~'J + 41n ::70 6 C0 0 27 ql4-Z}vtO+1H -------------> 1 209Bi 83 97 Tc + In 0 43 + 4He In ----------> 2 I If 7. 0 tJ0 25"1 ,"0 5. In + 30P 15 13 3. Il D IH + 1 + 239U 92 98Mo + In 0 42 2H 1 + ~At ------ ---- > 238Np 0 -Ie 40K i ~~ ----------> 'iq '1l Lt:2 + + 19 IH 4He + 2 + 2 In 0 93 ----------> ~C{L ---------> In + 0 + 0 IH 1 V (z~~~) Part 2: Rewrite the following reactions in symbol form: 11) A neutron hits a uranium-235 atom and 3 neutrons. atom, splitting it into a barium-140 atom, a krypton-93 + 12) A zirconium-95 atom undergoes beta decay to become stable. 13) A cobalt-59 nucleus is bombarded by a neutron to roduce cobalt-60. !.tiJ I' J.l 14) An iron-58 is hit by a bismuth-209 15) A molybdenum-96 neutron. LJ) nucleus to form meitnurium-266 and a neutron. atom is hit by deutrium (hydrogen-2) to form technetium-97 and a Part 3: Determine the product nucleus of the following reactions: 16) A curium-246 nucleus is hit by a carbon-12 atom to produce what product nucleus and 4 neutrons? 17) A lead-218 atom decomposes by alpha decay to produce what new nucleus? 18) A neutron is fired at a uranium-235 atom, where the atom splits apart into what product atom along with zirconium-97 and 2 neutrons? ol V1 '2 3S{- I] I 1 q2--~~ -=J ~2r 1- 2 0 Vl II,1- Tp ~ ~ 1}