CHICAGO STATE UNIVERSITY College of Education Information Studies Department Course Number: LIS 5120 Title: Administration Media Centers Semester Hours: 3.0 Term/Year: Spring 2015 Instructor: Brenda Pruitt-Annisette, Ed.D. Office (Bldg. Rm.): ED 208 Office Phone: 773.995.2003 Office Hours: Wednesdays and Thursdays, 1:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. CSU E-Mail Address: REQUIRED TEXTBOOK(S)/MATERIAL Empowering Learners: Guidelines for school library media programs (2009). Chicago: American Library Association. The Third teacher: 79 ways you can use design to transform teaching and learning (2010). A Collaborative project: OWP/P Architects + VS Furniture + Bruce Mau Design. New York: Abrams. (Optional purchase) Wools, Blanche, Weeks, Ann, & Coatney, Sharon. 2014. School library media manager. CA: ABC-CLIO, LLC. 5th edition, pbk. (277 pgs.). LIVE TEXT PROGRAM/POLICY: All students are required to purchase a copy of Live Text either from the CSU Bookstore or from This program is needed for downloading all the key written projects/assessments completed in this course into your course shell for grading purposes. MOODLE COURSE SHELL: All students are required to log into their Moodle Course Shell, for the purpose of downloading copies of documents/handouts related to this course. Exams assigned in relation to this course will also be uploaded and completed within your Moodle course shell. You will need your CSU email username and password to log into Moodle. COURSE PREREQUISITES Uncertified candidates must meet requirements for admission to the College of Education COURSE DESCRIPTION Investigation of the problems in the management of school media programs including formal methods of planning for resource based teaching and learning and includes methods of management and administration, with an emphasis on organizing staffing, financing, and use of evaluation standards. Designed to assist the student in developing an understanding of the application of management and administrative philosophies in school libraries working with diverse P-12 learning communities and faculty. Fifteen clock hours of field experience per term. 1 3.000 Credit hours 3.000 Lecture hours COURSE OBJECTIVES/LEARNING OUTCOMES Students successfully completing this course will be able to do the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Understand and demonstrate how professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed by the school library media specialist to ensure the effective administration of the school library media center program in support of teaching and learning for K-12 students and staff. (ALA/AASL 1.1, 1.3, 4.3) Promote and integrate the mission, goals, and objectives of the local school community into the administration of an effective school library media center program needed to support curricula, instruction, and student achievement. (ALA/AASL 4.1, 4.2, .4,3 4,4, 5.3, 5.4) Demonstrate how on-going assessments of administrative practices of the school library media program directly support the integration of 21st century instructional resources and activities needed to improve student achievement. (ALA/AASL 1.1,1.2, 1.3,1.4 3.2, 3.3,3.4,,/5.4) Understand school district policies and procedures that directly impact practices of management regarding school media center policies, staffing, and facility planning. (ALA/AASL 5.1,5.2,5.3, 5.4) Understand and demonstrate how a quality school library media program remains an essential component to K-12 teaching/learning in a 21st century learning environment. (ALA/AASL 1.2, 3.2,3.3, 3.4,4.1,4.3,5.1,5.4) Use appropriate technology tools to demonstrate learning and understanding of concepts. (ALA/AASL 3.1,3,2) Gain practical experience through field placement and observation hours. (ALA/AASL 4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4) GENERAL EDUCATION OUTCOMES FOR THE COURSE: Illinois Professional Teaching Standards and edTPA Alignment edTPA Rubrics Illinois Professional Teaching Standards Planning: Standard1 – Teaching Diverse Students Pl1 - Planning for content understandings Ii) stimulates prior knowledge and links to new ideas to already familiar ideas and experiences Instruction: In7 – Engaging students in learning Planning: Pl2- Planning to support varied student learning needs Pl3- Using knowledge of students to inform teaching and learning 1J) differentiates strategies, materials, pace, levels of complexity, and language to introduce concepts and principles so that they are meaningful 1L) uses information about students’ individual experiences, families, cultures, and communities to create meaningful learning opportunities and enrich instruction for all students 2 Standard 3 – Planning for Differentiated Instruction Instruction: In10 – Analyzing teaching effectiveness 3L) creates approaches to learning that are interdisciplinary and that integrate multiple content areas Standard 5 – Instructional Delivery 5N) uses technology to accomplish differentiated instructional objectives that enhance learning for each student In10 – Analyzing teaching effectiveness Standard 7 – Assessment As11 –Analysis of student learning As15- Using assessment to inform instruction 7J) uses assessment results to determine student performance levels, identify learning targets, select appropriate research-based instructional strategies, and implement instruction to enhance learning outcomes Assessment: Standard 9-Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy In10 – Analyzing teaching effectiveness 9i) models professional behavior that reflects honesty, integrity, personal responsibility, altruism and respect As15- Using assessment to inform instruction 9J) maintains accurate records, manages data effectively and protects the confidentiality of information pertaining to each student and family 9K) reflects on professional practice and resulting outcomes, engages in self assessment, and adjusts practices to improve student performance, school goals, and professional growth 1 OBJECTIVE NUMBER ASSESSMENT MEASURES Assignment/Experience in Course LIS Student Learning Outcomes Addressed for Key Assignments Observations/Research Observations/research activities are to be included in the weekly reflections/summaries post in Moodle. Candidates may earn 15 observation hours in this course. Course Objectives Addressed ALA Core Competencies Addressed 1, 7 ALA/AASL3.3, 3.4, 4.2, 4.3 Specialization Standards Addressed Key Assignment Evaluated in LiveText 9i, 9J, In10, As15 Student Performance Criteria Students need to be rated as acceptable on at least 80% of all criteria in order to receive credit for the assignment 1 Adapted from: Illinois Professional Teaching Standards and edTPA alignment Crosswalk. 2012. 3 Weekly Reflections/Summaries Essential questions, lecture questions, and other assignments may be submitted as a component of the weekly reflection/summary post. The weekly post is not a term paper. Quality (not quantity) is the goal of the writing activity. Please remember to cite sources accurately. 1,2,4,5 ALA/AAASL1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 3.4 School Data: MGOs and Student demographics Candidates will identify two school sites as their research and/or observational sites for this course. Mission, Goals, and Objectives (MGOs) for each site and student demographics will be compiled by candidates. 4, 5 ALA/AASL 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 Ii,IL,Pl1, 7J, In10 School Data/Learning Community: Identify student academic needs by grade level, content, and student achievement An accurate interpretation of the data (without bias) will become a key focus for this learning activity. 4, 5 ALA/AASL 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 Ii, IJ, IL, In 7, P11, Pl2, Pl3 Media Center Budget Development – Assessment of teaching and learning needs Using edTPA forms, a media program budget will be used to support collection development and to justify how the candidate, as school librarian, will use his/her budget to meet the instructional, research, and pleasure reading needs of P-12 learners and staff 2,3,5,6 ALA/AASL 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1,5.1, 5.4 Students need to be rated as acceptable on at least 80% of all criteria in order to receive credit for the assignment 3L, 5N, In10 Students need to be rated as acceptable on at least 80% of all criteria in order to receive credit for the assignment Students need to be rated as acceptable on at least 80% of all criteria in order to receive credit for the assignment X 7J,9i,9J,In20, As11, As15 Students need to be rated as acceptable on at least 80% of all criteria in order to receive credit for the assignment COLLEGE OF EDUCATION CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK: The College of Education's conceptual framework serves as the model for preparing all candidates to succeed in helping all urban children learn. This preparation is characterized and distinguished by five core themes: (1) Professionals who exhibit appropriate skills, dispositions and best practices; (2) Assessments of teaching and learning that are consistent and frequent: (3) 4 contextualized teaching experiences; (4) Technology —integrated curricula and instructional delivery: and (5) Standards-based teaching and learning. The course relates to the College of Education's Conceptual Framework because it adheres to professional standards of leadership and related aspects of administrative behavior for enrichment and promotion of contextualized experiences at P-12 and post-secondary levels. In addition, the course has the necessary assessment components and activities to ensure that each candidate acquires legal knowledge and technological skills (via Live-text and legal research), including the dispositions of leadership, which are associated with educational institutions and is essential for organizational partnerships. PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS: National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) <> Chicago State University Conceptual Framework PACTS Strands Five themes (Professionalism, Assessment, Content Knowledge, Technology and Standards) provide the basis for the College’s conceptual framework. Known as P-A-C-T-S, the College conceptual framework guides activities in this course. All individuals in this course will develop those skills necessary to demonstrate professionalism as exemplified by their preparedness for performances in the classroom, leadership in the educational community, continuous personal development, and practices of integrity and honesty. They will employ various assessment techniques to reflect upon personal knowledge and skills developed throughout the semester. By appropriately completing assignments and projects, they will evidence knowledge of philosophical principles pertaining to their respective content area(s). They will use technology throughout the course as a tool to facilitate the development of the knowledge and skills identified in the course objectives. Finally, to ensure that content is aligned with that generally expected in the field, the course is designed around the knowledge and performance indicators set forth in state and national standards. The PACTS Conceptual Framework supports the mission statement of the College of Education [] and the mission statement of the university []. CF 1 – Professionals CF 2 – Assessments CF 3 – Content knowledge CF 4 – Technology CF 5 – Standards LIS 5120, designed primarily for pre-service school library professionals, supports the College of Education’s conceptual framework by implementing a standards-driven, administrative and instructional delivery programmatic approach. Student’s knowledge base is periodically assessed to determine their level of competence. Requisite content knowledge is put to use in the instructional and administrative setting(s). Use of technology is manifold: personal use (home/school), text companion website, in class presentations, and electronic portfolio development. Professionalism is being developed in connection with the familiarization with materials identified and selected to support curricula, classroom instructional activities, and student achievement. 5 COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Attendance and Participation Policy: Attendance is mandatory. The structure of this hybrid course and its importance in your development as a future teacher necessitates that you attend all class sessions. The professor will take attendance at the beginning of each class session. In cases of emergency students are required to notify the professor in advance regarding the reason for the absence. Students with two or more unexcused absences may be dropped from the class. In cases of exceptional circumstances, the professor may allow a make-up of missed work upon submission of an official document regarding the absence (s) in question. However, make ups are at the discretion of the professor. University policies published in the 2010-2012 Undergraduate Catalog will be followed for attendance problems. Please note: It is the student's responsibility to drop this course, if necessary. Work Policy: Students are expected to correctly complete all reading/writing assignments and project assignments for submission to the professor and the class (when applicable) on the due date (see the syllabus calendar for assignment dates). Failure to meet all assigned requirements can result in a failing course grade. Adverse Weather Policy: When adverse weather conditions necessitate cancellation or closing, announcements will be made on local radio and television. No announcements will be made when the University is open. CSU does not ask students to assume undue risks when travelling to class. If an assignment is due when the University is closed, that assignment is due the next scheduled class session. That missed work is due in addition to any other work that may be scheduled at the subsequent class session. Academic Honesty Policy: As per the Student Handbook/Code of Student Conduct, all students must act with academic integrity. If you cheat, plagiarize, or commit other academic dishonest behaviors you will receive a failing grade for the assignment. Other academic negative consequences may also occur, as per the College of Education and the University’s Discipline Policy. UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE OF EDUCATION POLICIES Statement from Abilities Office: Students with a disability who require reasonable accommodations to fully participate in this course should notify the instructor within the first two weeks of the semester. Such students must be registered with the Abilities Office which is located in the Cordell Reed Student Union Building, Room 198. The telephone number is 773.995.4401. Accommodations may be requested at any time, but they are not retroactive. Emergency Procedure Request: In order to maximize preparedness in the case of an emergency, students who may need assistance should an evacuation be necessary are asked to inform their instructors at the beginning of each semester. This request is made to improve the safety of all members of the CSU Community. Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct : ‘Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to cheating, encouraging academic dishonesty, fabrication, plagiarism, bribes, favors, threats, grade tampering, nonoriginal work, and examination by proxy. Procedures regarding academic misconduct are delineated in “Student Policies and Procedures” article X, section 2. If an incident of academic misconduct occurs, the instructor has the option to notify the student and adjust grades downward, award a failing grade for the semester, or seek further sanctions against the student.’ Academic Warnings: Student progress is monitored throughout each semester, and progress indicators are posted to Moodle / CSU X-Press during the 5th, 9th, and 13th weeks of the semester, as listed in the 6 Academic Calendar. Instructors and academic advisors usually communicate with students if problems arise, but it is the responsibility of the student to check, and to take immediate action when necessary to improve the grade. If you receive “SP” (satisfactory progress), you are on track to successfully complete the course. Otherwise, if there are issues related to attendance, missing assignments and exams, and/or limited progress, please contact the instructor and your academic advisor as soon as possible. Electronic Harassment/Cyberbullying Policy: All members of the CSU community are required to follow the Electronic-Harassment/Cyberbullying Policy at COE Turnitin Policy: The College of Education considers plagiarism a violation of academic integrity and will address all violations of the policy. Plagiarism is a serious matter, subject to disciplinary action and/or dismissal from a program, the College of Education or the university. The instructor reserves the right to run any assignment through Turnitin. Children in the College: Unattended children are not permitted in the College of Education nor are children of any age allowed in the classrooms during periods of classroom instruction. Laptop Policy: All students enrolled in this course are required to have access to a laptop computer. We encourage you to bring your own laptop to all class sessions so that you can fully experience the integration of technology into your education. College Electronic Device Policy: All cell phones must be silenced or set to vibrate during class. If you make or accept a call or text message during class time, you must leave the classroom for the duration of the class. Unless specifically allowed for class or examination, the use of any electronic devices is prohibited. If an unapproved electronic device is visible during testing, or if you leave the classroom during testing for any reason, you will not be able to complete the test. Any violation of this policy on the use of electronic devices will affect your grade and standing in the program according to course, department, college, and university regulations and guidelines. Additional university and college policies can be found online at GRADING CRITERIA: Grade Point Distribution A B C D F Attendance and Participation Weekly Reflection/Summary Midterm Exam Assessment: Media Center Budget/Rationale (edTPA) Planning: Student and community demographics (edTPA) 92-100% 80-91% 70-79% 60-69% 0-59% 20 points 15 points 15 points 25 points 25 points 7 CALENDAR/CLASS SCHEDULE: (Calendar is subject to change with due notice.) WEEKLY SESSIONS ASSIGNMENTS January 12th – January 18th Read: Course Syllabus Collaborate Session in Moodle: Thursday (1/15/15) Please be prepared to discuss any questions or concerns regarding assignments and activities. DUE DATES Complete All About Me activity and post in Moodle Due Saturday 1/21/15 6:00 p.m. –8:00 p.m. January 19th – January 25th Collaborate Session in Moodle Thursdays 6:00 p.m. –8:00 p.m. Research/Discussion: -Benjamin Bloom -Howard Gardner’s Learning Theory -edTPA Weekly Reflection/Summary due Saturdays by 11:59 p.m. You will need to identify a school community for your observational visits and research activities for this course. (Due 2/11/ 15) January 26th – February 1st Collaborate Session in Moodle Thursdays 6:00 p.m. –8:00 p.m. Topic: Using Web 2.0 Tools – Diigo Sharing Research articles Weekly Reflection/Summary -edTPA and school librarianship -edTPA Forms Saturday by 11:59 p.m. Two (2) research articles with summaries due in Moodle Textbooks are needed! February 2nd – February 8th Collaborate Session in Moodle Thursdays 6:00 p.m. –8:00 p.m. Topic: Collaboration and Cooperation Using Web 2.0 Tools – Diigo Textbook (Woolls) – Chapters 1-2 Weekly Reflection/Summary due Saturday by 11:59 p.m. Chapter 1 -School Libraries in 8 today’s global environment Chapter 2 -School Libraries today Empowering Learners: Chapter 1- Section I-III February 9th – February 15th Topic: Mission, Goals, and Objectives Weekly reflections/summaries due School site and community information due Collaborate Session in Moodle Thursdays 6:00 p.m. –8:00 p.m. Textbook (Woolls) – Chpts. 3-4 Chapter 3 – Becoming a school librarian Saturday by 11:59 p.m. Chapter 4 – Choosing and beginning the job February 16th – February 22nd Topic: Administrative Decision Making: Data Collection using Data Tables Weekly Reflection/Summary due Saturday by 11:59 p.m. Collaborate Session in Moodle Thursdays 6:00 p.m. –8:00 p.m. Textbook (Woolls) – Chpts. 5-6 Chapter 5 – Managing the school library program Chapter 6- On the job; Managing :Understanding Curriculum; Analyzing Teaching Methods; School library as a classroom Empowering Learners: Chapter I- Section IV-VI February 23rd – March 1st Presentation/Group Discussion/ Collaborate Session in Moodle Thursdays Creating/sharing data tables (MGOs and student data) for the school site you have selected 6:00 p.m. –8:00 p.m. (Rubric will be provided) Topic: How do MGOs impact administrative functions in the 3 Essential Questions w/answers to be included in weekly reflection/summary Data tables (MGOs and student data) Due in Moodle 9 media center program? March 2nd – March 8th Collaborate Session in Moodle Thursdays 6:00 p.m. –8:00 p.m. Topic: Collection Development - Administering an effective instructional program (Improving instruction in the school library program for all learners) Textbook (Woolls) – Chapter 7 Saturday by 11:59 p.m. Weekly Reflection/Summary due Saturday by 11:59 p.m. School Library integrating reading and the curriculum: Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Empowering Learners: Chapter II (Teaching for Learning)Section I-II -Observation Visit -Mid Term Examination March 9th – March 15th Collaborate Session in Moodle Thursdays 6:00 p.m. –8:00 p.m. Research: Literacy and academic success for ALL learners in the school library media program Textbook (Woolls) – Chapter 8 Answer to t his week’s lecture question by due in Moodle by Nov. 3rd Weekly Reflection/Summary due Access to Information: Selecting Materials Selecting Information from the Internet Observation Visit March 16th – March 22nd Collaborate Session in Moodle Thursdays 6:00 p.m. –8:00 p.m. Research: Curriculum development and strategic planning for the school library media center Locate and analyze a current copy of the student profile for your campus. Identify academic deficiencies in your findings. Textbook (Woolls) – Chapter 910 Due in Moodle Nov. 10th Empowering Learners – Chapter Weekly Reflection/Summary due 10 II (Teaching for Learning)Section III-IV Observation Visit March 23rd – March 29th Textbook (Woolls) – Chapter 11 Answer to this week’s lecture question and Topic: Managing the budget: Weekly Reflection/Summary due Collaborate Session in Moodle Thursdays 6:00 p.m. –8:00 p.m. Preparing Goals and Objectives Planning for Evaluation Describing Local Resources Saturday by 11:59 p.m. Empowering Learners: Chapter III (Building the Learning Environment) – Section I-III (Rubric will be provided) March 30th – April 5th Collaborate Session in Moodle Thursdays 6:00 p.m. –8:00 p.m. April 6th –April 12th Collaborate Session in Moodle Thursdays 6:00 p.m. –8:00 p.m. Presentations and Group Discussions Textbook (Woolls) – Chapter 12 Topic: Using Standards to evaluate media programs (collections and instruction) Topic: Curriculum development and strategic planning – identifying resources, supporting curricula, improving instruction, and engaging K-12 learners – Observation Visit Submit (3) essential questions w/answers for group discussion forum Weekly Reflection/Summary due Saturday by 11:59 p.m. Submit (3) essential questions w/answers for group discussion forum Weekly Reflection/Summary due Saturday by 11:59 p.m. Textbook (Woolls) - Chapter 13 Electronic Publishing Empowering Learners: Chapter III (Building the Learning Environment) – Section IV-VI 11 April 13th – April 19th Thursdays 6:00 p.m. –8:00 p.m. Topic - Final Project: Using the data collected from your school (i.e., mission, goals, objectives, standards, student demographics, learning styles of learners, types of faculty engagement utilized, etc.), you will need to prepare a longrange strategic plan for the school library media center that meets the academic needs of your students. Final Project due in Moodle May 2nd by 11:59 p.m. Weekly Reflection/Summary due Saturday by 11:59 p.m. (A rubric will be provided) Textbook (Woolls) – Chapter 14 Leadership, Advocacy, and Professional Associations Empowering Learners: Chapter IV (Empowering Learning Through Leadership)- Section IIV April 20th – April 26th Research Week - Meet as needed to discuss any concerns or questions regarding assignment Weekly reflection and summary due Saturday by 11:59 p.m. April 27th - May 3rd Final Exam/Class Presentations Final Project Due in Live Text May 6th by 11:59 p.m. Collaborate Session in Moodle TBD Collaborate Session in Moodle Thursdays 6:00 p.m. –8:00 p.m. Thursdays 6:00 p.m. –8:00 p.m. 12 ASSIGNMENT(S) INSTRUCTIONS: (e.g., readings; exams; technology; and other projects due; etc.) o Students must read the assigned chapter prior to class time o Students must address aspects of the assigned text chapter or chapters in class and online discussions and explain their implications for the effective administration of the school media program. o Students may also lead class discussions (i.e., discussion forums; wikis/blogs; etc.) based on assigned chapter readings and current educational policy or events impacting public schools and P-12 learners. 1. Classroom Observation (Field Experience-15hrs) Directions: All students are required to complete 15 hours of media program observations (field experience) and submit a summary of the experience in the weekly reflection and summary. Observations should be based on topics addressed during chapter readings and class discussions. There is no makeup for this missed assignment. Students must secure Field Observation and Introduction Form from the instructor. The documents are to be filled out by the student and presented to the school site principal and/or school librarian. Important: The form will not be given to the student until the student brings the original copy of compliance relevant to the both the Criminal Background Check and TB clearance. 2. Weekly Reflection and Summary - Candidates are required to complete and post each week in Moodle their reflections on new knowledge/understanding of concepts introduced during class lectures, research activities, and/or observations of authentic learning activities in school libraries. Essential questions, lecture questions, and other assignments may be submitted as a component of the weekly reflection/summary post. The weekly post is not a term paper. Quality (not quantity) is the goal of the writing activity. Please remember to cite sources accurately. 3. Observations/Research – Candidates are required to spend two (2) additional hours, each week, on outside research, readings, and/or observations for this class. Observations/research activities are to be included in the weekly reflections/summaries post in Moodle. Candidates may earn 15 observation hours in this course. Please plan to make an observational visit during the weeks identified in the syllabus. Coordinating your visits to coincide with topic discussed during weekly lecture will guide/enrich the observational experience. Research activities will require students to share their findings with classmates and professor. Therefore, Web 2.0 tools will be used to support these activities. Candidates will be required to create a Diigo account and share documents during the semester. 4. School Data: MGOs and Student Demographics – Candidates will identify two school sites as their research and/or observational sites for this course. Mission, Goals, and Objectives (MGOs) for each site and student demographics will be compiled by candidates. Candidates will participate in group 13 discussions and presentations of their school/student data throughout the semester. Written documents will be posted in Moodle. Candidate participation in all activities is required. 5. School and Community Data Table – (Identify student academic needs, by grade level, content area, and performance indicators) – Candidates will complete a school data table, based on a rubric provided for this activity. An accurate interpretation of the data (without bias) will become a key focus for this learning activity. 6. Media Center Budget - w/ instructional activity and supporting data – As highly effective school librarians, candidates will need to use data to build a quality school library program used to support teaching and learning. Using edTPA forms, a media program budget will be used to support collection development and to justify how the candidate, as school librarian, will use his/her budget to meet the instructional, research, and pleasure reading needs of students and staff. Candidates will base rationale for all expenditures on student and school data (i.e., MGOs; student demographics; academic performance; etc.). A rubric will be provided for this activity. BIBLIOGRAPHY, OTHER REFERENCES AND RESOURCE MATERIAL 1. American Psychological Association (2009). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. 2. edTPA Resource Library (2014). Chicago State University College of Education, 3. Empowering Learners: Guidelines for school library media programs (2009). Chicago: American Library Association. 4. Illinois Professional Teaching Standards and edTPA alignment Crosswalk. 2012. 5. The Third teacher: 79 ways you can use design to transform teaching and learning (2010). A Collaborative project: OWP/P Architects + VS Furniture + Bruce Mau Design. New York: Abrams. 6. LiveText Courseware Account [] {LiveText® Assistance:} 14