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Chapter 9
The Progressive Era,
Amid great political and social change,
women gain a larger public role and
lead the call for reform. President
Theodore Roosevelt dubs his reform
policies a Square Deal.
The Origins of Progressivism
Political, economic, and social change in late 19th century America
leads to broad progressive reforms.
– Early 1900s, middle-class reformers address problems of
– Different reform efforts collectively
Progressive Movement =
reformers aim to restore
economic opportunity and
correct injustice in America
Four Goals of Progressivism
1. Protecting Social Welfare
Social Gospel, settlement houses inspire other reform groups
Florence Kelley, political activist, advocate for women, children
helps pass law
prohibiting child
labor, limiting women’s hours
Promoting Moral Improvement
Some feel poor should uplift selves by improving own
– Prohibition — banning of
alcoholic beverages
– Woman’s Christian Temperance Union
spearheads prohibition crusade
3. Creating Economic
1893 panic prompts doubts about capitalism;
many become socialists
Muckrakers — journalists
who expose corruption in
politics, business
4. Fostering Efficiency
Many use experts, science to make society, workplace more
Scientific management — time and motion
studies applied to workplace
Assembly lines speed up
production, make people work like machines
cause high worker turnover
Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal
As president, Theodore Roosevelt works to give citizens a Square Deal through
progressive reforms.
The Modern Presidency
President McKinley shot; Roosevelt becomes president at 42
His leadership, publicity campaigns help create modern presidency
Supports federal government role when states do not solve problems
– Square Deal —Roosevelt’s
progressive reforms to protect
the common people against
big business
– Trustbusting - breaks up
some trusts under Sherman
Antitrust Act
Conservation Measures
• Roosevelt sets aside forest reserves, sanctuaries,
national parks
Believes in conservation, not complete preservation; development of some wilderness for public good
Health and the Environment
Regulating Foods and Drugs
• Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle — unsanitary
conditions in meatpacking
Roosevelt commission investigates, backs up Sinclair’s account
Roosevelt pushes for
– dictates sanitary requirements
Meat Inspection Act:
– creates federal meat inspection
Pure Food and Drug Act
Food, drug advertisements make false claims; medicines often unsafe
• Pure Food and Drug Act halts sale of
contaminated food, medicine
– requires truth in labeling
Cleaning Up Local and State Government
Reform at the State Level
– Governors push states to pass laws to regulate large businesses
– Robert M. La Follette is 3-term governor, then senator of Wisconsin
• attacks big business
17th Amendment allows
for direct election of senators. permits popular
Seventeenth Amendment (1913) election of senators
Protecting Working Children - Groups press government to ban
child labor, cut hours
– National Child Labor Committee gathers evidence of harsh
– Labor unions argue children’s wages lower all wages
Efforts to Limit Working Hours
• Muller v. Oregon — Court upholds limiting
women to 10-hour workday
“Goals of Progressivism”
Ch. 9, sect 1 p307-308 [331-333]
Protecting Social Welfare
- Goal
- Examples:
Creating Economic Reform
- Goal
- Examples:
Promoting Moral Improvement
- Goal
- Examples:
Fostering Efficiency
- Goal
- Examples:
Take-A-Stand: Which of the four goals had the
greatest impact on the United States? Support.