Class Activity #8 Directions: Ask the following questions. What is a singular noun? What is a plural noun? Write the definitions of a singular noun rmd a plural noun on the bonrd. On the board, make the chart beloro. Using common plural nouns elicited by stuclents, put each word under the correct category. lf students nre unable to brninstorm a list of words, use the nouns giuen in the Word Bank below. COMMON PLURAL NOUNS PLURAL NOUNS RULE #1 . . A sinqular noun names ONE person, place, thing, or abstract concept. A plural noun names more than one person, place, thing, or abstract concept. Add -s to change the singular noun to a plural noun. Example: cat - cats WORD BANK keeper* judge instructor* pitcherx companion" farmer gangster" widow" crowd institutionx field inlet* newspaper feature* cupboard* innocence" sacrifice* decision hotel curtain explosive" gale" mountaintop* tomb* situation lake sign argument museum wrapper" dread* casex recoqnitionx garden anetarium" remark* *Words can be found in the Glossarv. 17 ffiffi_ffiffiffitu ffiffiffiffiffi ffiffituffi #ru Activity #8 . . A singular noun names ONE person, place, thing, or abstract concept. A plural noun names more than one person, place, thing, or abstract concept. Add -s to change the singular noun to a plural noun. Example: Singular dog Plural dogs Directions: I. Change each singulnr common notmbelout to aplural common noun. 1. pitcher: 2. tree: 7. plant: 3. book: 8. park: 4. chair: 9. remark: 5. sister: 10.lamp: Il. Draw a picture showing flowers: more than one for the follorning noLlns. 12. cans: 1 1. 1 3. desks: 14. lemons: 15. pencils: 16. moms: 17. cups: 18. papers: i 18 6. school: 9. shirts: 20. shovels: Class Activity #9 Directions: Ask students the following question. What is the difference between a singular noun and a plural noun? Then, write the following chart on the board. Ask the students to come up znith a list of singulnr and plural common noLLns. When giaen a singular noun, rurite it under the correct category and add the plural noun.IMen giaen a plural noun, write it under the correct category and add the singular noun. lf students are unable to brainstorm a list of raords, use the nouns giuen in the Word Bankbelozu. COMMON NOUNS PLURAL NOUNS RULE #1 . . A singular noun names ONE person, place, thing, or abstract concept. A plural noun names more than one person, place, thing, or abstract concept. Add -s to change the singular noun to a plural noun. Example: cat - cats WORD BANK characterx room tenant* soldier hutx restaurant light cot* toaster" editor" maiden" kitchen cancer* cartoon article* fortune* hour extension* mission* world column* idea seed proposal" deli" office bandage" movie thought kid senior* publisher* fianc6e" mantrax deadline" dream *Words can be found in the Glossarv. 19 Activity #9 . . A singular noun names ONE person, place, thing, or abstract concept. A plural noun names more than one person, place, thing, or abstract concept. Add -s to change the singular noun to a plural noun. Example: Singular Plural dog dogs Directions: I. Write the plural noun for each singular noun. Next to the plural form,label the notLn. Put a "P' if it is n person, "PL" if it is a place, "T" if it is a thing, or 'AC" if it is an abstract concept. 1. dream 3. 2. recognition television 4. governor 5. coyote 6. bracelet 7. president B. museum Il. Write the plural form for each word below to complete the sentences. On the line next to each put a "P" if it is a person, "PL" if it is a place, "7" if it is a thing, or 'AC'; if it is an sentence, abstract concept. player. 9. boot This summer, Kohen plans to travel to many 10. I traipsed through the mud 1 20 1. state museum game to visit the caoitals. i Shareese loves to play video 12. The Schindler family went to many 13. I went to the gym and watched the basketball with her aunt. while traveling through Europe. play basketball. _ _ , ,-'i;':'1]." ,, ) jUhh-:, I'& I I'1,: ti$ #*,ii jj l , :,dds fL*,sffi # rg:lt #Rr ft;i' ,i lt FJ'%. s 4 s*J .: .s.l{ tfuft .-v.;;n ffid ,j r::::".U*'?rj"'e. s.";; S* leli si"r"; =: ,{o:' *#Tffie;',* ..TffH;##* Class Activity #10 Directions: Write the rule on the board with examples such as brush/brushes, fox/ foxes. Mske the Common Nouns chart on the board. Aslc the students to think of as many common nouns that follozu the rule as they can. Write the words under the correct category, Ask the students for the correct spelling for the singularlplwral forms of the word. lf students are wnable to brainstorm a list of zoords, use the nouns girsen in the Word Bankbelozo. COMMON NOUNS brush/brushes PLURAL NOUNS RULE #2 . To form the plural, add -es to nouns that end with -s, -sh, -ch, or -x. WORD BANK witness* genius" porch ash* equinox* wilderness* sandwich lossx lash* abyss" match search hostess* cineplex" carwash ranch* canvas* crux* witch fortress* thermos* wish princess church leech" apex" chatterbox* duplex* mass* tax beach iris" ambush* mooch* monarch* "Words can be found in the Glossarv. 21 ffitu&#ffiffitu ruffiffiruffi wwtuffi #ffi Activity #10 . . Add -es to those nouns that end with -s, -sh, -ch, or -x. When adding -es, you are adding another syllable when you say the word! Example: porch/por-ches ' Directions: l. Write the plural noun for each singulnr noun. 1. porch: 5. bush: 2. coach: 6. box: 3. glass: 7. bench: 4. trench: 8. tax: Reztieus Il. Write "5" before each singular noun. Then, rnrite the plural form. Write "P" before plural noun. Then, write the singular form. 9. boat 16. dresses 1 0. brushes 17. class 1 1. shoes 1 1 2. foxes 19. plane 1 3. patch 20. bats 14. eraser 21. lunch 5. dogs 22. mixes 1 22 8. bus each