Lecturer: Olalekan Sak ariyaw o PhD Course: PCP 301 Department: PP& CP Water Requirements in Plant Learni ng Ex pectati ons: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Function s of water in crop plant Physical and chem ical properties of wate r Thermodynamic de scription of wa ter Driving force s of water in S PA C Soil-Plant-Atmo sphe re Continuum (S PAC) Water deficit, wate r use strate gy and crop yield Func ti ons of w ater i n Crops : 1. Cell Enlargement: The gro wth pro ce ss in plant i s directly related to the upta ke and tran sport ation of wate r into the cell. Presence of water deficit would greatly com promise g ro wth p roce ss 2. Stru ctu ral suppo rt 3. Evaporative cooling 4. Sub strate fo r biochemical pro cess in crop s 5. Tran spo rt of solute s in the crop plant Physic al a nd c hemical properties of w ater 1. Bipolarity: The angular arrangement of o xyge n and h yd rogen in water m olecule leads to the emergence of bipolarity. The covalent bon d resulting from thi s bipolarity results in hydrogen bond when two wate r molecules are found togethe r in a m edium. All the propertie s the physi cal and chemical propertie s of wate r are as a re sult of thi s hydrogen bond bet ween wate r molecule s. 2. Liquid at physiological tem perature: B ecause of the st rength of thi s hydrogen bond, wate r remains a liquid at physiological temperatu re, de spite thi s comparative smaller molecular weight with respect t o othe r molecules. 3. Incompressibility: A s a liquid, water is incompressible, observing all the laws of hydraulics. 4. High Latent heat of Evaporation: The am ount of heat needed to transfo rm 1 gram of wate r into vapour is high, owing to the st rong hydrogen bond greate r than Van der Waals force. Thi s pa rticular propert y i s very im portant mo st especially during tran spiration of water vapour leading to e vapo rative cooling. 5. Cohe sion and adhesion: Attraction of similar molecules lead s to cohe sion. This property wa s p re sumed to e xplain the up ward m ovement of water in the xylem. Adhesion i s the attraction of di ssimilar m olecules bet ween wate r and other polymers. This wetne ss p ropert y ha s important property has im portant implications in water relation s. Thermodynamic descripti on of water To better de scribe water quantitatively, it wa s ob se rved that therm odyn am ic concept s could be u sed. In thi s ca se the property of wat er wa s de scribed with re spect to it s poten tial energy, which is it s capability to do work. Pu re wate r was con ventionally adopted a s the stand ard wate r potential, above which it is impossible to obtain higher m agnitude of value. The value for pure water i s zero. The unit for exp ressing wat er p otential is Mega Pascal. The com ponent s of water pot entials a re a s follows: 1. Solute potential 2. Turgor pressure potential 3. Matric potential 4. Gra vitational potential Solute wate r potential is dete rmined by the concent ration of the solute pre sent. It decrea ses with increa se in solute con cent ration, thu s it s negative value. Turgor pre ssu re p otential value could be po sitive o r n egative. In a flaccid cell, whe re there i s a net out ward movem ent of wate r m olecule, the value for turgor pre ssu re potential is negative, creating tension; conversely with net in ward movem ent of water into the cell, leading to turgid cell, the value become s po sitive or po sitive h yd rostatic pre ssure. The balance between negative value of solute potential and po sitive value of Turg or P re ssure potential creates a balance, leading to negative water pot ential, since it i s a rarity to ha ve pu re water in a cell. Matric Potential is as a re sult of the adhe sion prope rty of wate r, it is mo st prom inent during the m ovement of wa ter in the soil. Gravitational potential increa ses wh en wate r i s rai sed abo ve a height above a refe rence point. Wate r flows down g ravitational potential gradient, all things been equal. At the microscopic level of the plant va scular ti ssu e one m ay omit the role of gravitational and matric potential components of water p otential, though their relevance increase s with the increase in organiza tional level of the plant. 1 Atmosphere = 760mmHg @ Se a level, 450 latitude = 1.013 bar = 0.1013MPa = 1.013 x 105 Pa Water potential com ponent s: Φw = φs + φt +φm +φg Where: Φw – Wa ter potential Φs – Solute potential Φt – Tu rgor potential Φm – M atrix pot ential Φg – Gra vitational potential Tab.1 Driv ing forces of w ater i n SPAC Process Diffusi on Driving forces Concentration gra dient Fick’s Law Js = -Δ s Δ c/ Δ x Where; Js – Rate of solute diffu sion Δs – Diffusion coefficient, m easure s ea se of sub stance movem ent via a m edium Δc/Δx – Concent ration gradient Δc – Difference in concentration Δx – Difference in di stan ce Bulk Flow Pre ssu re g radient Volum e = πr4 Δ P/Δ x/8 Where: Volum e - Flow rate r – Radiu s π – Vi sco sity of liquid ΔP – Differen ce in pre ssure Δx – Difference in di stan ce ΔP/Δx – P ressure gradient Osmosis Compo site forces (Concent ration and p ressure gradient ) Tab.2 Transport of water in plant (Soil -Plant-Atmosphere Conti nuum) M edium/Interface Process Driving force Pathway Soil Water movem ent in the soil/Bulk Flow Pre ssu re gradient Soil Particle s Soil-Plant Interfa ce Water upta ke Compo site force φw =φs +φp Plant Long di stance tran sport (Cohe sion ten sion) Pre ssu re gradient Plant-Atm osphe re Transpirational pull of water Gradient of water vapour concen tration (Diffusion) o Apopla st o Sym plast o Tran smembrane Xylem o Stomata o Cuticle o Lenticle M odels of w ater uptake in pla nts Cohesion-tensi on Model This model propo ses that tran spiration of water from the plant leads to the em ergence of cohe sion among similar wate r m olecule s, leading to th e build up of negative h yd rostatic pressure or ten sion. The emergence of tension increase ten sile st reng th, which i s the ability of wate r molecule to resi st pulling force and b y ca pillary action, wat er i s being pulled up along the xylem . Where ga s bubble are trapped in the wate r colum n, with an indefinite expansion of thi s bubble, a collap se of ten sion in the liquid phase i s been observed, thus leading to cavitations. Thi s phenom enon brea ks the wate r column, re sulting in reduced wate r uptake b y plant. Che ck this URL for animated version of t hi s m odel: http://academic. kellogg.edu/he rbrand sonc/bio111/ animations/0031. swf Othe r re sou rce s: http://www.m m.helsinki.fi/mmeko/ kurssit/M E325/ kuljetusp ro sessitke rtau s. pdf http://www. uoguelph.ca/ plant/cou rses/pbio-3 110/ www.mm.helsink i.fi/mmeko/kurssit/.../k uljetusprosessitk ertaus. pdf Root Press ure Model An alternative model for the uptake and t ransport ation of wate r in the plant is the root pressure m odel. The m echanism i s a s follows; a bso rption of solute lead s to a reduction of solute potential in the plant cell, by concent ration gradient wate r i s being t ran spo rted along the xylem tissue creating increa se in po sitive hyd rostatic pre ssu re o r root pre ssure, thus facilitating water uptake. E xce ssi ve upta ke of wate r could lead to guttation, a phe nomenon whe reb y liquid droplet s are formed at the edges of the leaf m ost esp ecially in the m orning. Wate r defici t, w ater use s tra tegy and crop yi eld Disequilibrium experienced between water supply and demand creat e s water deficit in plants. Alternatively, the co ncept could b e envi saged a s a situation when water content in the cell/ tissue is less than highest water content exhibited at hydrated state. In fields, drought conditions leads to wate r deficit accompanied with high temperatu re. Thi s is a clim ati c condition. The re spon se of plant to wate r stress, which is when wat er is limiting, is varied and physiological re sponse s are ob served at different level s of o rgani sa tion of the crop. Strategically, plant could avoid or tolerate water deficit. In avoidance, the plant could syn chronise hi s phenology with the gro wing sea son in othe r t o optim ise th e available reso urce s for p roper growth and development. With tolerance the re mu st be spe cific mechanism to ensu re a vailability of water and wate r u se efficiency. Toleran ce o r re si stant strat egy involve s: 1. Desi ccation tolerance at high wat er po tential a. Water sa ver, u se wate r con servatively; e xam ple succulent b. Water spender, ag gressive con sumption of wate r; e xam ple Ephemeral s 2. Desi ccation tolerance a t low wate r po tential, possess the ability to function while dehyd rated; xeromorphic plant s/ non-succulent. There are two st rategy for de si ccation tolerance at redu ced water deficit: a. Acclimation, which is transi ent and ph enotypic in natu re b. Adaptation, which i s constitutive and genotypic in nature Dim ension of a cclim ation are a s follows: I. Osm oregulation – the pro ce ss of accum ulation of solute s in cell s independ ent of cellular volume change. The implication is redu ced wat er potential, osmotic potential and through wate r uptake increa sed cellular turgor. The solute s accumulated could be: a. Com patible – i. Nitroge n containing, e.g. Proline, glycine betaine ii. Non -Nitrogen containing, e.g. suga r alcohol (Sorbitol, m annitol) b. Non -com patible, e.g. Inorganic ion s II. Redu ced g ro wth III. Phenological variability or phenotypic plasticity (Det erm inate and indeterminate gro wth ) IV. Energy dissipation through a. Redu ced g ro wth of leaf b. Change s in leaf orientation (Pa ra and diaheliotropism ) c. Leaf modification i. Wilting ii. Rolling iii. Pube scence Dim ensions of adaptation: 1. Cra ssulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM ) 2. Metabolic changes via gene exp ression; synthesi s of ne w protein type s su ch as aquaporin, Ubiquitin, Late Embryonic Abundant protein. From the cellular level, emergence of water deficit re sult s in the decrea se in the cellular wate r content, leading to sh rin kage of cell and the relaxation of cell wall. Decrease in volume leads to increa se in solute concentration, fa vou ring reduced tu rgo r p ressure. Experimental result s indicated tha t there is a synth esi s of endogenou s g rowth inhibitors (AB A and C2 H2), change s in pH value and inorganic ion dist ribution. The conseque nce of the se change s i s the redu ction in the expan sion of leaf or leaf growth as exp ressed in the num ber of leafs or other g ro wth pa ram eters of the shoot. In the ca se of seve re wate r deficit, re duction in total leaf area, increa se senescence and leaf abscission accompany water deficit. If wate r deficit is m ild the plant experiences red uction in transpiration rat e via st om ata closure increa sed heat di ssipation and increa sing re sist ance to liquid phase water flo w. At the crop level, reduced crop g ro wth through stomatal regulation, as a result of wa ter stre ss i s reflected in reduced Leaf Area I ndex, thu s comprom ising the ra diant ene rgy abso rption capacity and it s utilization efficiency (Ra diant Energ y Utilisation Efficiency). What is e ventually expe rienced i s redu ced inte rnal concentration of Carbon Dio xide and reduced Tran spiration rate thro ugh the stomata. With reduce d internal concen tration of C02 , carbon a ssimilation is equally affected reflecting in reduced Harvest Index and ultimately yield.