Describe the events which led to Germany becoming the Weimar

Describe the events which led to Germany becoming the Weimar Republic (4)
Germany lost the war
Allies offered Germany peace if it became a democracy
9 Nov 1918 the Kaiser abdicated
10 Nov Ebert announced the new Republic
Explain why Germany suffered from hyper inflation in 1923 (6)
Identify reasons
 It was because of what the government did
 The government printed worthless money
 The reparations imposed on Germany affected the economy, they could not afford to pay
 There was no trade
 The occupation of the Ruhr by France made things worse
Explain one reason =4 marks
The occupation made things worse, the Government had to print money to pay the strikers which
increased inflation
Explain two reasons or explain one reason in lots of detail = 5/6/ marks
From 1921 to pay reparation Germany paid in Kind which meant sending goods to France and
Belgium. This meant there were less goods in Germany and so the process went up.. The reparations
were very high and Germany was never able to pay these. Because it had less goods to trade the
government just printed more money.
What were the features of the Weimar constitution (4)
It was a democracy
20 and over had the vote
Elections were decided by PR-proportional representation
The chancellor was head of government
A president, elected every 7 years, was head of state
The president had emergency powers to close the Reichstag and rule himself
There were lots of coalitions because of PR
The president was voted for by the people
Explain why the Weimar republic was under threat in the period up to the end of 1923 (6)
The threat from the left wing Spartacists
The signing of the treaty of Versailles angered the public
In 1923 France and Belgium invaded the Ruhr
Threat from the right with the Kapp Putsch1923 Germany suffered from Hyperinflation
In 1923 Hitler attempted the Munich Putsch
The Spartacists were communists and hated democracy, they were stopped by the Freikorps
When Ebert signed the treaty many people sais he had betrayed Germany and that Germany had
been stabbed in the back
Kapp tried to take power in Berlin. He was supported by the army. The workers went on strike and
Kapp called off his attempt.
Describe the development of the Nazi party from 1924 to 1928
At first Hitler was in prison
Little progress was made at first as the party was banned until 1925
Hitler decided to win by legal means, the Reichstag principle, but the success of Stresemann meant
that few supported extreme parties like the Nazis
In 1928 the Nazis won just 12 seats in the Reichstag.
Explain why the Nazis were increasingly successful in elections between 1930 and 1932
Identify reasons
They were anti communist and appealed to people who hated them. The industrialist feared the
communists. They also liked that the Nazis would tackle the trade unions.
They promised to rip up the treaty of Versailles
They promised jobs- they tackled the unemployment during the depression- millions were out of
work and this attracted the middle class and unskilled
They promised discipline
They blamed the Jews- this was highly effective. Hitler told people the Jews caused the problems
along with Weimar and the communists. The Jews were a convenient scapegoat.
Explain why the Munich Putsch was not a complete disaster for the Nazis? 6
It showed the Nazis would not gain power by violence it changed Hitler’s thinking
It highlighted that the Nazis needed to look at their ideas and beliefs
It gained Hitler lots of publicity
Hitler spent time in prison which gave him time to reflect on what the Nazis had achieved and he
realised that he could only gain power through elections- Reichstag Principle
To gain 4 or5 marks develop your ideas e.g. The Putsch turned Hitler into a politician who was
known throughout Germany. At his trial he earned lots of publicity; his ideas were reported in
newspapers. He was able to tell everyone about what the Nazis stood for.
How far was the threat of communism the main reason for Hitler becoming chancellor in 1933?
Explain your answer
Remember 3 sections- write about the factor in the question e.g. Communism, then write about
other reasons, then evaluate.
Writes about communism
Hitler was able to get support from the middle classes who feared the communists.
He was able to get support and money from industrialists who feared the communists and trade
The industrialists provided money for Hitler’s election campaigns.
However there were other reasons
Hitler promised to sort out the economy and provide jobs.
The German people wanted radical solutions which Hitler offered.
Other chancellors could not get a majority in the Reichstag- the Nazis were a popular party
The use of propaganda helped Hitler
The SA beat up opponents and gave a sense of order
Hindenberg offered Hitler the job of Chancellor
Describe the Munich Putsch 4
Hitler tried to seize power in 1923- he thought Germany was collapsing
It was his attempt to overthrow the Weimar Republic
They entered a Beer Hall and took over a meeting
He forced the leaders of the government in Munich to take part but they changed their minds.
9 Nov, 3000 Nazis marched on Munich and were shot at by the army (who supported the Weimar
Republic and not Hitler), 16 Nazis were killed
Hitler was arrested, put on trial and sent to prison.
Describe the Kapp Putsch
A group of Freikorps (ex soldiers) attempted to take power in Berlin.
The Weimar government left the capital Berlin.
A man called Kapp set himself as head of a new government-he wanted to get land back
The putsch (take over) was stopped by the people of Berlin- workers went on strike and the take
over failed.
The Weimar Republic was a failure after 1923. How far do you agree with this statement ? Explain
your answer. 10
On the one hand it was a success
 Ended hyperinflation
 Germany became accepted by the League of Nations in 1926
 There was more political stability-with Stressemann
 Life for farmers
 Germany’s industry improved- Germany received loans from USA (in the form of the Dawes
and Young plan)-this improved industry, ended hyperinflation and improved people’s living
On the one hand it was a failure
Some thought that people lost a sense of morality (too many nightclubs, drinking)
Germany suffered from the depression.
In my view the Weimar Republic cannot be considered a total failure. The republic stopped
hyperinflation and Germany was able to join the League and became more accepted. The main
problems came when the depression began but this affected all countries and not just Germany. It
failed because Germany could not get any more loans.
The following were equally important in increasing the support for the Nazis i. policies aimed at
women and the family ii. policies aimed at workers. How far do you agree with this statement?
Explain your answer referring only to i. and ii
Explain policies aimed at women- Nazis thought they should not do jobs that men did.
They should stay at home and bring up children. Many women lost their jobs.
Explain policies aimed at workers- they increased the number of jobs for men- this made
them popular- they introduced conscription (all men had to join the army), they built
motorways and introduced strength through joy, beauty of labour- this made the Nazis
popular because it improved Germany’s economy
I do not think they were equally important. I think the policies aimed at workers made the Nazis
more popular because it increased their support amongst workers.
Explain why young people were important in Hitler’s plans for Germany. 6
To ensure the next generation
They were the next army
To continue the Aryan race when they became old enough
To spy on people
Try to develop 2 ideas- the children were the ones who could be easily made to follow the Nazis
ideas. Children could be brought up to believe in the Nazis ideas. They would be loyal to Hitler.
What was the Hitler Youth? 4
A leisure activity organisation for young people
An organisation designed to control young people
An opportunity for boys and girls to go on camping trips, walking, sports
An organisation which indoctrinated young people
A training ground for the army
A training ground for young women to become mothers and home makers.
The following were equally important in enabling Hitler and the Nazis to exercise control over the
German people
i.Terror ii propaganda. . How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer referring
only to i. and ii
people feared the Gestapo and concentration camps. The Gestapo could arrest people and send
them to concentration camps. People were encourage to inform on people
Controlled by Goebbels- he controlled information and decided what the German people would see
and hear. He organised rallies, meetings so Hitler could make brilliant speeches. This gave the Nazis
control over people because in showed the Nazis were in control and brought order and showed
them that everyone supported the Nazis even if they did not.
I think that ……….was more important because….
Explain why the Night of the Long Knives happened 6
Rohm was a challenge to Hitler
Hitler was worried about the threat from the SA
To arrest Rohm and other SA leaders
To please the army and make sure they supported Hitler
Rohm’s ideas were too left wing and too different to Hitler
The SA had become a major threat to Hitler. Hitler knew that Rohm’s ideas would turn the
industrialists away from the Nazis. Hitler did not want this to happen.
Describe how some church leaders opposed the Nazis 4
Some church leaders criticised the Nazis
Pastor Niemoller criticised the regime and formed his own church which opposed the Nazi (Reich)
Another man Bonhoeffer also criticised the Nazis
Explain why the work of Goebbels was important to the Nazis 6
He promoted Hitler to the people because he was in charge of propaganda.
He got the Nazis message across at rallies
He controlled the press
He organised posters
He made cheap radios
The Reichstag Fire was more important than the Enabling Ac in allowing Hitler to consolidate
power in 1933. How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer
After the fire the Nazis could arrest the communists
He was able to gain special powers after the fire which helped Hitler in the March elections. It gave
Hitler more power. It took away people’s rights to free speech and said the Nazis could search
After the election the Nazis won lots of votes- they were able to ban the communists which gave the
Nazis more seats.
The Nazis were able to move the parliament away from the Reichstag- this allowed the Nazis to bully
people in the parliament. The Nazis were able to get a majority in the Reichstag.
The Enabling Act was important because he was able to introduce his dictatorship. He got control
over all the states in Germany. He got rid of all the local parliaments.
He was able to arrest trade union and create the German Labour Front.
He was able to ban other parties and make the Nazis the only party.
I think that without the Reichstag Fire Hitler would not have been able to get control of the
Reichstag and there fore would not have been able to introduce the Enabling Act. It was this act that
allowed Hitler to introduce his dictatorship and consolidate his power.
Explain why the Nazi-Soviet Pact made war more likely. 6
Hitler could do what eh wanted
Hitler knew he could invade Poland
Britain was able to give in to Hitler because of this
Remember to develop ideas……Hitler now believed that Britain would not stand up to him. Hitler
ignored Britain’s threat when Hitler invaded Poland. Britain had to go to war.
What were Germany’s main territorial losses under the Treaty of Versailles? 4
Alsace –Lorraine to France
Eupen, Malmedy to Belgium
West Prussia and Posen to Poland
Danzig became a free city under the League
Memel to Lithuania
Saar to league for 15 years
Upper Silesia to Poland
German colonies given away e.g. Cameroon to Britain, Samoa to New Zealand
Explain why it was difficult for the big three to reach agreement at the peace conference? 6
They were from different countries
They could not decide on the aims of the conference
They had different aims
Wilson wanted his 14 points
Clemenceau (France) wanted revenge
George (Britain) wanted a fair settlement but people in Britain wanted to punish Germany
They had to reach compromises
The Treaty of Versailles was unfair on Germany. How far do you agree with this statement? Explain
your answer.
It was unfair because it was a diktat (dictated peace)
Others were to blame but not treated as badly
Germany was unable to defend itself
It was unfair because of reparations and war guilt
Germany treated Russia worse in March 1918
Germany had agreed to sign the armistice
Develop for higher marks..On the one hand
Germany thought the war guilt clause was unfair as they were not the only ones to blame. They ahd
to pay for all the damage. They thought this would cripple Germany.
Some Germans did not feel they had lost the war. They believed they had signed the armistice and
should therefore be invited to the conference to negotiate. They were not represented and had to
accept a harsh settlement
On the other hand
Germany had treated Russia badly in 1918 when Russia gave up. It was harsh on Russia so Germany
was wrong to complain.
Germany’s problems had been brought on by themselves . The government had not planned for how
it was going to pay for the war.
The treaty did not weaken Germany all together. Steel production in 1925 was higher than in Britain.
They had agreed to reducing their army, reparations an d losing territory at the armistice. Why did
they complain?
Described how the League of Nations tried to improve living and working conditions around the
world in the 1920s 4
It helped refuges and prisoners of war get back home
Dealt with diseases in refugee camps
International labour organisation banned lead from paint and reduced hours children worked. It
brought in a 48 hour week for adults
Introduced an international highway code
Tried to stop drugs
Health committee worked hard to defeat diseases like malaria.
Explain why the membership of the League was a problem. 6
Not all countries joined
It was dominated by Britain and France
The USA was a strong and powerful country it did not join
Germany was not allowed to join
Countries like Japan left when they had disputes with the League
Britain and France were the leaders but Britain and France had been weakened by the First World
War, Britain was looking after its own self-interests such as improving trade. France was still worried
about Germany. The USA never joined which meant the most powerful nation was not a member.
Germany did not join which made the League look as though it only existed for the victorious
How successful was the League in dealing with disputes in the 1920s and 1930s? Explain your
It was successful
Better with smaller disputes e.g. Aaland Islands.
Smaller countries willing to accept decisions made by League
War was stopped over Aaland Islands when Sweden accepted the decision of the League.
In the 1920s Poland and Germany wanted Upper Silesia. A vote was organised which was divided.
The League split the area up.
Not successful
Corfu- when bombed by Italy- the League showed it would not stand up to bigger countries.
With bigger disputes such as Abyssinia and Manchuria-this showed that countries were not work
together-collective security in the face of big countries being aggressive. This weakened the League.
It took 12 months to look into the Manchuria crisis. Japan ignored the League
In Abyssinia the League did not impose sanctions effectively. Britain and France did not want to
upset Mussolini. They thought he would be useful against Hitler.
In conclusion I think the league was/was not successful…..
What did Wilson want to achieve at the Paris Peace conference? 4
A better and more peaceful world
To punish Germany but not harshly
To make Germany a strong democracy
To make countries co-operate to get peace
His 14 points
A League of Nations
Self- determination- people speaking the same language to live together.
Explain why Germany objected to the Treaty of Versailles 6
They felt they had been unjustly treated
Forced to accept war guilt
Forced to accept the terms- a dictated peace
Hated reparations- they would cripple Germany
Lost territory
Hated having to disarm
Not allowed to join the League
Then develop…..
Germany hated having to disarm. The army was symbol of great pride. An army of 100,00 was very
small and made Germany weak and vulnerable to attack. They could not defend themselves. No
other country had to disarm like Britain or France.
How satisfied were the big three with the Treaty of Versailles? Explain your answer.
Not satisfied
Leader s wanted to please the public at home. George did not get the harsh treat the people in
Britain wanted. French people would have wanted a harsher treaty and so Clemenceau would not
have been pleased
France had seen lot of the fighting in France and was badly damaged by the war. Clemenceau got his
revenge because Germany had to accept all the blame and had to pay reparations. He accepted the
demilitarisation of the Rhineland and the reduction in army. This helped France have security.
Wilson was not satisfied. He thought the Germans should not have signed the treaty. He feared that
Germany would want revenge. Lloyd George wanted to protect Britain’s interests such as the empire
and trade. He was forced to get a harsh treaty because that is wanted the British people wanted.
Clemenceau wanted revenge and got his . He was satisfied.
France had seen lot of the fighting in France and was badly damaged by the war. Clemenceau got his
revenge because Germany had to accept all the blame and had to pay reparations. He accepted the
demilitarisation of the Rhineland and the reduction in army. This helped France have security.
Describe Hitler’s Foreign Policy aims 4
To make Germany a world power
To build a big empire in Eastern Europe for Lebansraum- living space
To achieve a union with Austria
To joining /unite all German speaking people in a Greater Germany
To destroy the USSR and communism
To regain lost land such as the Saar and Rhineland
To build up his army.
Explain why Austria became part of Germany in 1938. 6
To fulfil Hitler’s Foreign Policy aims
It was Hitler’s birthplace
To unite German speaking people
To access Austria’s raw materials and army
Then develop…
Hitler wanted to break the Treaty which banned union with Austria. Hitler wanted to unite German
speaking people Hitler believed the two countries belonged together.
The outbreak of war in 1939 was mainly due to appeasement. How far far do you agree with this
statement? Explain your answer. 10
Appeasement gave Hitler confidence
Hitler was aggressive to other countries
The Treaty of Versailles left people in Germany with a longing fro revenge.
The Nazi Soviet pact gave Hitler confidence that Britain would not stop him
Yes it was
Appeasement showed Hitler that Britain and France wanted peace and to avoid war. It meant that
Britain and France believed Hitler’s promises. It encouraged Hitler to take more risks and demand
No it was not
The Nazi Soviet Pact gave Hitler confidence that he would not have to fight Britain and Russia at the
same time. However Britain and France had promised to help Poland and so they had to declare war
when Hitler invaded Poland.
I think that……..
What did Lloyd George want to achieve at the Peace conference? 4
To reduce German power
To ensure France did not become too powerful
To protect British interests e.g. empire, trade and navy
Did not want a harsh punishment because he wanted to be able to trade with Germany
He wanted Germany’s help against Communism.
Explain why the League was unsuccessful in dealing with the Manchuria crisis. 6
It failed to show it was strong
The league had no army
The League was slow to act
The USA could not back the league because it was not a member
Then develop
Japan was determined to not listen to the League
Britain and France did not want to impose sanctions- looking after own self interests
The League was not interested in disputes away from Europe
Lytton took too long to produce his report
They agreed with what Japan had done.
The following were equally important reasons why Germany was dissatisfied with the Treaty of
Versailles . i. war guilt ii military restrictions iii loss of land. How far do you agree with this
statement. Explain referring only to I ii and iii
War guilt
Germany had to accept blame and non one else did. This was seen as harsh- it was seen as a dictated
peace. Germany had no choice but to accept. This was humiliating as other countries were to blame.
They had a feeling of bitterness and wanted revenge
Germany lost airplanes, 100,000 men, no tanks- no other country had to disarm. Well below what
they had before the war. Army was a symbol of great pride. Lost the security of having a strong
army. Were vulnerable to attack.
Germany lost colonies which they could have used for trade. Many Germans not living in Germany.
The idea of self determination had been ignored. Lost important industrial areas e.g. the Saar. Tis
would have helped Germany recover.
What actions had been taken by Hitler by 1935 to destroy the Treaty of Versailles? 4
Began re arming in secret
March 1935 announced that Germany had an airforce
He introduced conscription- men had to join the army
Began building up the navy. Agreed with Britain.
Explain why the events in the Saar and Rhineland were important to Hitler. 6
He remilitarised the Rhineland
The League had promised a plebiscite (vote) in the Saar The vote wasa success for Hitler.90% voted
to return to Germany. Boost for Hitler
Made Hitler feel stronger an d confident
When he marched into the Rhineland- Britain did not stop him. He thought he could get away with
demanding more.
The following were equally important reasons in causing war in 1939. i. Anschluss ii The Czech
crisis iii Nazi Soviet pact. How far do you agree with this statement. Explain referring only to I ii
and iii
i.Showed Hitler could break the treaty and not be stopped. This was the start of his plan for a
Greater Germany and Lebensraum. He gained soldiers, weapons and raw materials.
ii gave Hitler economic strength and confidence. He could now demand more and more.
Gave Hitler more time to build up his army,. Britain lost a country that could have fought against
Hitler. It gave him resources.
Iiii meant he did not have to fight against Britain and Russia at the same time- on two fronts. Hitler
wanted to make a pact with Stalin so he would not be stopped by Stalin when he invaded Poland.
Hitler had always planned to invade Poland because of Lebansraum. Hitler invaded Poland and knew
that he would not be stopped by Stalin. Britain and France had to declare war because they had
promised to help Poland.
What were the successes of the league of Nations in the 1920s 4
Dispute over Aland Islands was solved
Refugees were returned home
Improvements in stopping drug trafficking
Explain why the League was successful in the 1920s. 6
Its decisions were accepted
Disputes were between smaller countries
Countries were more prepared to try to stop war again
Countries in the 1920s wanted the League to be a success.
Germany and Japan were not as powerful in the 1920s and so were not missed as much .
Then develop….
More of the disputes at this time involved smaller countries who accepted the decisions made by
the League, for example in Sweden over the Aaland Islands. The League sorted the dispute out and it
was accepted.
How far was the organisation and structure of the League responsible for its failure in the 1930s.
Explain your answer. 10
Organisation and structure of the League
The assembly only met once a year
The council members had a veto
It did a have an army
Decisions had to be unanimous- so the decision making process was slow.
Other reasons
Major countries did not join it meant that economic sanctions did not work. Sanctions were not
taken out against Japan when they invaded Manchuria because they could carry on trading with the
The depression brought increased unemployment and many people turned to extreme parties for
solutions. These extremist groups like the Nazis and the Fascists in Italy did not believe in democracy
and ignored the League. They were prepared to use armed force and aggression to get what they
wanted, e.g. Japan invaded Manchuria to get raw materials.
Describe what happened in the Saar in 1935 as a result of the Treaty of Versailles. 4
The League held a vote to decide if it went to Germany, France or the League.
90% indicated a return to the Germany
Was a great success for Hitler – could be sued as propaganda.
Explain why Italy and Japan were an increasing threat to World peace in the 1930s. 6
Japan was an important and powerful country.
There were disagreements in Japan between politicians and the army
Mussolini was aggressive towards other countries- Corfu and Abyssinia
Both countries wanted to be stronger after WW1
Japan and Germany were both against Communism and signed a pact.
Italy was badly hit by the depression. When unemployment rose Mussolini turned to foreign wars to
try to turn attention away from the problems at home. Italy invaded Abyssinia and Britain and
France did not stop him because they wanted his help against Germany.
Japan showed that the League was weak. They ignored what the League told them to do. This
showed Hitler that the League was weak and that if he tried to take over countries he would not be
The outbreak of war was all Hitler’s fault. How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your
Yes it was
He signed the Nazi –Soviet pact which gave him confidence to invade Poland
Hitler was rearming Germany which went against the Treaty
Hitler went against the treaty by taking the Rhineland and uniting with Austria.
No it wasn’t
Appeasement did not work
The League of Nations was weak and failed to stop wars
The USA did not want to get involved in what was happening with the League and in Europe
The Treaty caused a lot of anger in Germany
Develop your ideas…
The policy of appeasement encouraged Hitler to believe that he could keep getting away with
invading countries. Britain and France hoped that Hitler would be satisfied with the Sudetenland in
1938 in the Munich agreement but Hitler just thought that he could get away with more and they
would not stop him. There froe he invaded Poland.
Hitler signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact which gave him security. It gave him confidence to invade Poland
knowing that he would not have to fight Britain and Russia. He believed that Britain were bluffing
when they said they would support Poland- they had not supported Czechoslovakia.
Why did Britain follow a policy of appeasement in the 1930s
To keep the peace
People felt sorry for Germany and how hard they had been treated
Britain feared communism nd wanted Germany’s help
It bought Britain time so they could rearm and get ready for war.
People did want a repeat of WW1
Chamberlain the British PM believed Hitler
Britain was too weak to stop Hitler, In 1938 the Britain was not ready to fight a war. Appeasement
would give Britain time to build up its army.
What terms of the treaty weakened the German economy ? 4
Had to pay reparations-----this will get 1 mark
Lost industrial areas such as the Saar
Lost money from its colonies
Germany had to pay reparations of 6.600 million—this will get you 2 marks
Germany had good reasons to complain about the Treaty of Versailles. How far do you agree with
this statement? Explain your answer 10
Was not fair
Germany had to accept all the blame
Had to pay for all the damage
Left Germany open to attack
Lost all its colonies
It was a dictated peace
High reparations affected the German people
Germany thought it had been humiliated
Develop..Germany was forced to accept the war guilt clause and reparations. This was humiliating as
they believed other countries were equally responsible for starting he war.
Was fair
Germany had agreed to an armistice
It was not as harsh as Germany had treated Russia in March 1918
It did not weaken Germany as much as people thought.
Develop….Many thought the peacemakers did a reasonable job considering the demand for revenge
from people in Britain and France. The treaty could have been as harsh as the treaty Germany made
with Russia.
Germany did not have a good reason to complain. They had helped to start the war by supporting
Austria in 1914. So they could not complain about being blamed for starting the war. However, the
harsh reparations did affect ordinary people in Germany and so I think this was a fair complaint.
What methods were available to the League to encourage International co-operation? 4
Countries could talk
Through the international court of justice
By encouraging countries tpo cooperate through trade
By encouraging countries to disarm
By making countries feel guilty
Economic sanctions
Collective security- all countries turning against the aggressive country
A last thing could be taking military action
Explain why some major powers did not join the League 6
In USA the senate voted not to join- they did not want to get involved in European disputes- they
wanted to stay isolated
Germany was not allowed to join because it had been defeated. It had to prove it was a responsible
democratic country. It joined in 1926
USSR not invited to join because it was communist- many of the victorious powers like Britain were
suspicious of Communism
The Manchurian crisis was the main reason that the League failed. How far do you agree with this
statement? Explain your answer 10
Yes it was
In Manchuria the League was weakened because it was slow to act
The League showed it was not interested in a far off country
It showed the League to have little power
The League did not consider a crisis in Asia to be of interest to European countries. This allowed
Japan to take advantage of this attitude and show how weak the League was.
No it was not
The League did not have an army
The USA did not join
Britain acted in its own interests and wanted to still trade with Japan- they were only willing to
impose limited sanctions.
The failure to stop Mussolini in Abyssinia was a reason why the League failed. Britain and France
acted in their own interests. They did not want to accept Mussolini as this might turn him towards
Hitler and so they did not impose sanctions on oil, coal and iron. This showed the League to be weak.
The Manchuria crisis was only partly to blame. It showed the League to be weak and unwilling to
deal with a major power like Japan. The real reason for the failure of the League was Abyssinia
where the League was shown to be weak. Britain and France were not strong against Mussolini
because they did not want to upset Mussolini and turn him to Hitler. This effectively ended the