The Great Gatsby - Quote Journal of Literary Devices

Name: ___________________
Ms. Werder & Mrs. Harger
English 11 Period ____
Date: ___________________
75 Points
The Great Gatsby - Quote Journal of Literary Devices
Fitzgerald writes with great precision and power. His use of figurative language is especially prominent and purposeful in this
novel. Your assignment is to extract and analyze instances of figurative language.
1. Look for lines (1-3 adjacent sentences) that move you or reveal something and ALSO utilize a literary device. The lines may be
dialogue, but they don’t necessarily have to be. Sometimes a description of a person or a place can be full of meaning.
REMEMBER: Literary devices include the following:
*Similes / Metaphors
*Hyperbole / Understatement
*Connotation / Denotation
*Paradox / Oxymoron
*Mood / Atmosphere
2. For each significant line, construct a response that:
Identifies the literary device(s) at work.
Restates the passage you’re addressing.
Identifies the context in a single sentence: who is speaking to whom about what & when?
Identifies the literary device and its effect, and explains why that line is significant. Each explanation should consist
of 3-7 sentences.
Model: Literary Device: Characterization
Passage: “The instant her voice broke off, ceasing to compel my attention, my belief, I felt the basic insincerity of what she had said. It
made me uneasy, as though the whole evening had been a trick of some sort to exact a contributory emotion from me” (17).
Context: Nick is at the Buchanans’ home, reflectively on Daisy’s proclamation that she hopes that her daughter will be a “beautiful fool.”
Significance: This passage exemplifies characterization by revealing details about both Daisy and Nick. First, this shows how easily and
convincingly Daisy can lie—her “insincerity” calls into question her reliability: can anyone trust anything she says? This moment also
offers information about Nick’s character: he possesses the ability to see through others’ masks. He realizes that her comments are meant to
produce approving gestures from others rather than honestly express any actual feelings.
● Pull quotes from the beginning, middle, and end of the chapter--NOT JUST THE FIRST PAGE
● Identify a variety of literary devices: at least 4 different kinds
● Due on day of test
● May be typed or in ink, but should be double spaced w/ MLA heading in the upper left of each sheet
● Include 8 entries:
*Ch. 1-3: 2 entries
*Ch. 4-6: 3 entries
*Ch. 7-9: 3 entries
● Two randomly selected entry assessed for quality of ideas & writing style (20 points)
● See rubric for more information
Name: ________________________________
Score: ____________/76
Quote Journal Rubric - 76 Points
Quality of One entry: 15 pts
Completion of 8 entries: 60 pts
Quality of 1 Entry
Unsatisfactory - 1
Basic - 2
Proficient - 3
Advanced - 4
1. Identification of
Literary Device
Not identified, OR
incorrectly identified, OR
lacks proof
Identification incorrect
or vaguely identified
Identification correct
and shows
understanding through
Identification correct and
shows great great
understanding & proof
2. Context
Context not identified, OR
incorrectly identified
Context incorrect or
vaguely identified
Identification correct
but awkward sentence
Identification correct and
3. Discussion of
Off topic, minimal, or
unclear; lacks detail &
lacks meaning
On topic but lacking in
detail & development
Detailed development
& meaningful
Detailed, meaningful, &
4. Writing Quality
Lacking in academic tone
and complete sentences
Some lapses in
academic tone and
many awkward
Few lapses in academic
tone and displays effort
in diction and syntax
No lapses in academic
tone; shows diligent
attention to diction and
syntax, which enhance
All 8 Entries:
Unsatisfactory - 4
Basic - 6
Proficient - 8
Advanced - 10
1. Quote Choices
Infrequently good choices
Some good choices
Mostly good choices
All good choices
Quotes and/or citations
frequently missing
Includes quotes with
citations, but many
Includes quotes with
citations, but some
Includes quotes with
citations, and free of errors
3. Professionalism
Follows few
directions AND/OR not
neat and readable
Neat, readable;
follows some but
not all directions of
the assignment
Neat, readable, mostly
professional, and
follows ALL directions
Neat, readable,
professional, and
follows ALL directions
4. Coverage
Focuses on the beginning
of the
reading assignment only
Minimal coverage of
Adequate coverage of
Covers entire range of