PN VOL 1, ED 7 | JANUARY 7 - 13, 2015 | FREE PUBLIC NEWS HOUSTON’S DIGITAL ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT NEWSWEEKLY To The Republic: What The Future Didn’t Predict page 7 Cover Story Plus: The Road To Rama’s Picks page 6 SPRING/WOODLANDS FOODIE GURU NICK RAMA PRESENTS: PUBLIC NEWS* BEST OF 2014 IN DINING * actually it’s Nick’s personal list of the best! NEWS THEATRE FILM MUSIC DINING ART HUMOR POP CULTURE CONTENTS JANUARY 7 - 13, 2015 Another print newspaper bites the dust. This time it is the 30-year old USA (USA Today) Weekend newspaper that is generally distributed with a local paper as a supplement. Newspaper readers are gravitating toward digital in ever increasing numbers. Print, as a medium, is almost dead. Aware advertisers ride the wave of the digital revolution. That’s why we’re already there. Specializing in full service body waxing for men & women - Brazilian - Bikini/Mankini - Back - Upper Lip and more plus.... Pink Papaya Facials Microderm Abrasions Houston’s Premiere Full Service Body Waxing Salon 25901 I-45, Suite C, Spring, TX 77380 southbound I-45 feeder between Woodlands Pkwy and Rayford/Sawdust 281-363-5055 HOURS: Mon (by appointment) Tues-Fri 9am-6pm Sat: 9am-3pm email: Voted Best Of Citysearch three years in a row! 2 JANUARY 7 - 13, 2015 PUBLIC NEWS LETTER RIP MY NEW YEAR’S RESOLVE LETTER RIP 2 MAILBAG 3 NO EXIT 3 OP-ED/NEWS BRIEFS 4 YEAH, THERE’S JUST ONE FOR ME THEATER 5 You have been planning on this day for months. You put off doing something good, and significant so you could say COVER STORY 6 worthwhile that you started New Years Day on your journey to reach whatever goal you chose to pursue. But start the moment that TO THE REPUBLIC 7 why? Why wait? Whyyounotoriginally knew that a change in yourself was needed? PUBLIC NEWS 8 Why the procrastination? This is my New Year’s Resolution; to be the GIG GUIDE 8 change I want to see in the world. That’s it, nothing else. No more resolve to BEST OF 2014 9 lose more weight, make more money, quit smokfeed the homeless guy DINING GUIDE 9 Ken Petty ing, at FM 1960 and I-45. No, it’s time to start a cultural revolution and it starts with me. All these other FILM 10 things are great in and of themselves, but what matters is in the heart. It’s not enough to coerce others to change by FAKE ASTROLOGY 12 either using the force of government, the threat of violence or any other means. It should be to be that kind of change that happens CLASSIFIEDS 13 enough in a person’s heart. If others see it, then great. If they don’t, then it’s their loss. Besides, isn’t powerful enough to be a leader in initiating ADVICE BY LEZLEE 13 itchange when you are the first to be that change? “What is finished... is the idea that this great country is dedicated to the freedom and flourishing of every individual in it. It’s the individual that’s finished. It’s the single, solitary human being that’s finished. It’s every single one of you out there that’s finished, because this is no longer a nation of independent individuals. It’s a nation of some 200-odd million transistorized, deodorized, whiter-that-white, steel-belted bodies, totally unnecessary as human beings, and as replaceable as piston rods.” - HOWARD BEALE (Peter Finch) in Network (1974) Leading by example is the best practice, even if your example goes unnoticed, or blatantly ignored, by those who do not want to do what is right or be challenged from their status quo. To be the change you want to see in the world is a worthy endeavor. John Lennon, in the words of his 34-year old song Imagine, spoke about a world so utopian that everything is near perfect. He wrote this anthem so immaculate that no one could possibly fathom the change he suggested. In doing so, Lennon claimed that he might be a dreamer, but that he’s not the only one. He inspired dreamers to be that kind of change, not just dream about it. So, if you really believe that something, anything, should happen or be done, be the one to make it happen. MAILBAG means to extract money from folks who roll through a light, especially when they are in the right to do so. I’ve also heard that these programs are really nothing more than a means to generate revenue in almost the same way asset forfeiture laws benefit police stations financially. Ed. - You are right. The mainstream media does a poor job in exposing municipal crimes like this. We should do an expose on this. ***** I take issue regarding your small minded editorial piece about the mayor and her attempt to squash dissenting voices in Houston. As mayor she should be able to do anything she wants to do, after all, she won the election and the other guy didn’t. Besides, if she can’t sue to keep pastors quiet, then who would be able? Sharon P. Ed. - This is a no-brainer. Nobody should be able to sue to keep someone quiet. ***** Anna Pinion was missing from the last issue. Is she okay? She didn’t quit the paper, did she. I’m hoping for her quick return to the Public News. Chico M. Ed. - Chico, please chill out. Anna is fine and took some time to be with family. ***** There is a story that you should cover soon and that is regarding these supposed traffic light cameras that do little to stop traffic accidents but are actually used by towns as a Interesting cover story on Rage Fit. Other than the ads I’ve seen in the Public News, I knew nothing about them. It’s an interesting concept that got me and a few buddies talking over a few beers during the weekend to go check them out. David H. Ed. - Glad to hear. B’s CUSTOM Dream ComeSHOPTrue EMBROIDERY Custom Embroidery, Custom Leather Crafting & Repair Custom Digitizing, Company logos on Hats, shirts, jackets etc. Personalized gifts for Weddings, Baby Showers, Birthdays, Great Gift Ideas for Valentines Day and Graduates! 702-B Spring Cypress Road Ste B Old Town Spring, Texas 77373 832-831-3469 HOURS: TUES-SAT 10am-5pm, SUN noon-5pm* CLOSED MONDAYS LIKE US ON THANK YOU & HAPPY NEW YEAR! ***** I remember when the Public News surfaced in Houston back in 2007. There were a lot of interesting columns, like Cheap Date and About Town, that have not come out since the revamp in 2014. Those were great reads. Are there plans to bring those back? Jim E. Ed. - As soon as we get writers committed to taking ownership of those ideas they will be back. ***** What is with Dosey Doe and their pricing? An oldies act with a dinner at over a hundred fifty bucks a pop? You have got to be kidding me. How many people pony up that kind of cash for that? Chuck J. Ed. - You’d be surprised ***** Got something to say? Send it to us at We will edit for content. (ph) 281.355.1300 250 Cypresswood 77388 Editorial Chairman: Ken Petty Contributing Editors: Tom Darin Liskey, Barbara Tryon Contributing Writers: Jan Barron, Lezlee Bushfield, Mark Crampton, Roxanne Davis, Susan Love Fitts, Rosanne Friedman, Heather Jackson, Tom Daren Liskey, Carl Palmgren, Bart Pearston, Ken Petty, Anna ‘Pinion’ Pena, Nick Rama, Jody Reed, Eric Tryon Photography: Ken Petty Graphics/Layout: Ken Petty Advertising Executive: Ken Petty Distribution: Ken Petty, Vertical Response Partner Fake Celebrity Intern: Jim Carrey PUBLIC NEWS PUBLIC NEWS is a free arts and entertainment newsweekly serving metro Houston, published Wednesday and distributed via email to subscribers Contact Us: Website: Email: Events: Music: 832-298-5246 Public News is an arts & entertainment newsweekly published on Wednesday and distributed to metro Houston subscribers via email and to anyone else via our website. We welcome community news, press releases, and article ideas; sent by mail or email. Deadline for calendar items and advertising is the Monday prior to our Wednesday publication date. Subscriptions to the Public News are free and can be obtained by going to the subscribe link on our website: [you should be able to click on that line] Contents of Public News are the sole property of Public News Co. and are protected under copyright. No portion may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher.... or your hands may be slapped by Homer Simpson, and yes we know he is just a cartoon character. You may forward a digital copy of the Public News to as many friends as you’d like! HAPPY NEW YEAR LET’S MAKE IT A GOOD ONE WITHOUT ANY FEAR © 2015 Public News, all rights reserved PUBLIC NEWS JANUARY 7 - 13, 2015 3 R & L BOOKS OPINION-EDITORIAL Send us your press releases and news tips for our News Briefs COLLECTIBLE BOOKS VINYL RECORDS APPRAISALS 209-A Midway Old Town Spring, TX 77373 behind the Funnel Cake Place 281-690-7816 READER EDITORIAL Moore oore Tim Ti e CITY OF WILLIS & THEIR RED LIGHT $CAMERA/CASH COW $3 WATCH BATTERY WITH AD 202 MAIN ST OLD TOWN SPRING 281-528-5400 Mon-Sat 10-6 WHERE LEADERS ARE MADE SUCCESSFULLY SPEAKING TOASTMASTERS DENNY’S RESTAURANT 20015 Interstate 45 Spring, TX WEDNESDAY NIGHTS 7:15pm - 8:45pm GREAT SPEAKERS Hundreds of Willis citizens signed a petition recently that demanded a public vote on the dangerous and unconstitutional Red Light Cameras. Those petitions were submitted to the city’s secretary several weeks ago. The city council knew the public’s displeasure was building, so they rushed to save their lucrative traffic camera program by calling a meeting to extend the Red Light Camera contract for five more years. Recent city council meetings regarding the cameras have had standing room only attendance, and not one resident has spoken in favor of the program. The stacks of petitions demanding a vote by Willis citizens on the issue scared them – they know the people don’t want the cameras. They also know how dangerous the intersections with cameras are. In fact, Police Chief Nowak admitted that accidents were up dramatically at the previous council meeting. Accidents went up 140% after the cameras were put in, but the city still claims to use them for “our own safety”. Willis Red Light Cameras brought in over $3 million in tickets this past year. That’s the real reason they want the cameras to stay in place. Red Light Cameras have never survived a public vote in Texas. Two of the four Willis council members present, John Lovelady and Tamara HectorYoung, voted to ignore the safety and rights of the people. Councilman Thomas Belinoski was too scared to vote yes or no - he abstained, which led to the contract passing by default. Two councilmembers shouldn’t be enough to enter into or extend a multimilliondollar contract with an out-of-state corporation that profits at the expense of the safety of the driving public. They didn’t have the required number of votes, so the mayor broke the rules of his own city charter and declared they had won the vote. Then they rushed behind closed doors to avoid the angry voters at the meeting. City leaders don’t seem to care if they are endangering lives and property! They just want to keep the revenue streaming in. As if that isn’t bad enough, the Red Light Camera program is being run illegally. At one city council meeting, the police chief gave the council a presentation that showed how they were using Red Light Camera footage for surveillance not related to ticketing. Using Red Light Cameras for anything other than giving a red light ticket is against Texas law and has criminal penalties. This is so serious the Montgomery County District Attorney is investigating the crime. But the city’s disregard for Texas law doesn’t stop there. State law requires the city to conduct an engineering study before cameras are installed, to prove there aren’t other options for improving safety. This is required before the city can collect any Red Light Camera fines. When pressured on this THINK ABOUT THIS: Falling Gas Prices...Rising Pocketbooks by Jody Reed 4 Did you ever think we would see gas prices falling so drastically ever again? I cruise by my local gas station and am amazed to see yet another two cent decrease overnight! Okay, so I’m no economic analyst, but I do hear the chatter of the talking heads saying that if gas prices keep falling that it will be bad for the economy. Perhaps you want to block out the big picture for a moment and enjoy the extra bucks in your pocket. Here are some ideas to get you started. 1. Give more to your favorite charities (yes, your kids can count as charities when they give you that sad, puppydog look). 2. Put money into savings for a vacation (or for your gas tank when gas prices go back up). 3. Order a glass of wine with a nice steak din- JANUARY 7 - 13, 2015 PUBLIC NEWS ner (more often than special occasions). 4. Start buying more gourmet items at the grocery store (to replace Ramen noodles). 5. Take dog and cat food to the animal shelter (and maybe adopt one or two). 6. Shop for clothing at a boutique (although you may only come out with one piece of clothing). 7. Put more money toward your credit card bill (okay, this one isn’t as much fun). 8. Go to an amusement park (and spend a small fortune on the food there). 9. Purchase hamburgers for the homeless (and ask them, “Isn’t this better than money to buy cigarettes?”). 10.And finally, go get a makeover (your family and friends will be glad you did). point, the police chief admitted their program may be illegal and ordered a bulk dismissal of tickets for a few weeks in October. They must have missed the money coming in, since the cameras are back on and ticketing drivers once again. Ticket money is why the council rushed to lock in the contract before the district attorney even had a chance to investigate the crimes. It appears that Police Chief Nowak knows he can count on Mayor Reed, John Lovelady, and Tamara Hector-Young to continue the dangerous camera campaign; and that he can count on Thomas Belinoski to ignore the will of the people and sit by quietly while it happens. So contact Mayor Reed, John Lovelady, Tamara Hector-Young, and Thomas Belinoski at 936-856-4611 and tell them to end the dangerous, unconstitutional camera program immediately. Let them know how you feel about their selling out the citizens of Willis. You can also email the mayor at 1reed@ and the city council at bburns@ Montgomery County Campaign for Liberty and the citizens of Willis will continue to fight against the Red Light Cameras, and we need you to join the fight! We’ll be hitting the streets soon to let voters know who stood with the camera company and who stood with the people. Kelli Cook Montgomery County Coordinator Texas Campaign for Liberty MCPAS 6th ANNUAL MARDI GRAS COMING FEBRUARY 7th The Montgomery County Performing Arts Society (MCPAS) will be holding their 6th annual Mardi Gras Ball on Saturday, February 7th, at La Torretta Resort & Spa. An invitation to all young ladies between the ages of 16-21 has been extended to enter the competition, and be part of the 2015 Mardi Gras Court. The Queen will be chosen from the court. There is no entry fee for the applicants, but they are required to fill a table of 10 with their family &/or friends. They are not required to purchase a whole table, just pledge to fill a table and collect the money. The ticket prices for the dinner and ball are $125 per person, and a table of 10 is $1,250. The Montgomery County Performing Arts Society plans to award a scholarship to the Queen as well as 2nd and 3rd place winners. The amount of the scholarship depends on the event underwriters. The scholarship goal is $3,000 for the Queen, and $1,000 each for 2nd and 3rd place winner. The applicants will submit a resume of their accomplishments, volunteer projects, extracurricular activities in school, plus what they have been involved in with their community, church, school. The judges panel will look at the resumes and interview the applicants to choose the winners. THEATRE (L - R) Doctor/ Mad Scientist - Patty Tuel Bailey Patient Megan Jackson, Nurse/Igor Craig Griffin King Chemo by Brian Guehring A SURPRISING STAGE OF CANCER A. D. Players Theater presents “King Chemo” a journey of imagination and encouragement for a child or anyone going through treatment and those touched by the experience Houston, TX: As part of their initiative to showcase the life-changing force of theater, A. D. Players Theater is taking a full week on their mainstage to present the story of two children going through treatment for leukemia. “King Chemo” by Brian Guehring is surprisingly light but always honest. Kevin is a ten year old boy who uses his powerful and playful imagination to overcome vampires, scary aliens and even an evil ice queen. Melissa is also ten years old. Melissa is a questioner. She asks the healthcare workers about everything. Between Kevin’s flights of fancy and Melissa’s questions audiences are drawn into the challenging lives of these two sweet kids. “When I first heard that we were doing a show called King Chemo, I was surprised, because who wants to see a show about a kid with leukemia?” recalls Patty Tuel Bailey veteran A. D. Players actress and cancer survivor. “But now that we are in rehearsal and the characters are becoming real, I see how this play can help.” “We are hoping to fill our theater with children and adults for whom this production will be a life affirming encouragement,” said A. D. Players founder and artistic director Jeannette Clift George. “Our next step is to take this play to hospitals, campuses, and venues where we believe it can do the most good.” The cast of King Chemo includes A. D. Players’ resident actors Patty Tuel Bailey, William S. Burke, Craig Griffin, and Megan Jackson. The production team features scenic design by Robin Gillock, lighting design by Nikki Johnson, properties design by Trisha Wise, costume design by Donna Southern Schmidt, and sound design by Orlando Arriaga. Directed by K. Michelle Ritter. LOCATION & SHOWTIMES: King Chemo opens January 6, 2015 at the A.D. Players Theater 2710 West Alabama Houston, TX 77098. The show is schedule to close January 11, 2015. WHEN THE BEACH IS OUT OF REACH R OU RAGE FITS HE Y RE THEATER SOUTHWEST BRINGS BOEING BOEING TO HOUSTON It’s the 1960s, and swinging bachelor Bernard (Brian Heaton) couldn’t be happier: a flat in Paris and three gorgeous stewardesses all engaged to him without knowing about each other. But Bernard’s perfect life gets bumpy when his friend Robert (Scott McWhirter) comes to stay and a new and speedier Boeing jet throws off all of his careful planning. Soon all three stewardesses are in town simultaneously, timid Robert is forgetting which lies to tell to whom, and catastrophe looms. Boeing-Boeing is a classic farce written by the French playwright Marc Camoletti. The English language adaptation, translated by Beverley Cross, was first staged in London at the Apollo Theatre in 1962 and transferred to the Duchess Theatre in 1965, running for a total of seven years. In 1991, the play was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most performed French play throughout the world. Performances: December 31 (A special New Year’s Gala performance Food, Fun, and a play $55 - prepaid) January 2 Thru 17 Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm. Sunday Matinees Jan 4 and Jan 11 at 3pm Tickets are $17 - $15 seniors and students (with ID). Reservations: email tickets@theatresouthwest. org or call (713) 661 9505. Theatre Southwest is located at 8944A Clarkcrest, 77063. Cast Director – Steve Carpentier Bernard – Brian Heaton Robert – Scott McWhirter Berthe – Vicky McCormick Gloria – Alicia Madelyne Spade Gabriella – Cassandra Austen Gretchen – Rose Nurre INNOVATIVE STRESS RELIEF SUN SPA TANNING AIRBRUSH TANNING ONLY $19.99 702-B Spring Cypress Rd. Old Town Spring, TX 77373 250 CYPRESSWOOD DR. SPRING, TX 77388 281-350-9710 OPEN MON-THURS 9-9, FRI 9-8, SAT 10-8, SUN 11-7 20% OFF ALL PRODUCTS & SERVICES WITH THIS AD RAGE FIT 832-831-5147 Hours of Operation: Tues - Sat 10am-5pm (closed Sunday & Monday) Appointments Available PUBLIC NEWS JANUARY 7 - 13, 2015 5 SPRING/WOODLANDS FOODIE GURU NICK RAMA PRESENTS: PUBLIC NEWS* BEST OF 2014 IN DINING * actually it’s Nick’s personal list of the best! THE SPRING/WOODLANDS FOODIE GURU NICK RAMA’S PICKS FOR THE BEST OF 2014 PUBLIC NEWS: First off, what is a Foodie? Nick Rama: Anyone interested in food, restaurants, cooking or talking about food and food experiences. wanted to try to steer people away from fast food and chains during the holidays. PUBLIC NEWS: What do foodies do? Nick Rama: Most Foodies, in my opinion, PUBLIC NEWS: How did the foodie group “Live To Eat, Not Eat To Live”. They are start? trying to find that perfect dish that you must Nick Rama: I spun the Spring Woodlands go back for and eat it again, or that restaurant Foodie Tasting and Deals group off from the that is so good, you are planning what you are main Facebook page of the “Woodlands/Spring getting the next time while eating your dish the area,TX. Foodie Club” page. My page for first time. local Tastings and Deals was getting lost with so many posts per a day on the main page. I PUBLIC NEWS: How did you come about am still very active in that group. We recently ranking the restaurants on your list? started another page called the Tomball/VinNick Rama: I based my rankings on several tage Park area Foodie Tasting and Deals. Tom- factors, including the quality, freshness and ball really has some hidden gems like Patsy’s, taste of the food and the service and cleanliCc’s Cafe and Cisco Salsa Company. The local ness of the place. I always try to support local mom and pop restaurants really don’t have too mom and pop places first. The location had to much of an advertising budget and rely mainly have the best of whatever category, and be the on word of mouth to attract new customers. closest I could find to the Spring/Woodlands We also set up deals and promotions with local area. restaurants. In December Jamie Alvear (who is Yelp Elite for 2014, a Google City Expert and PUBLIC NEWS: What restaurant, of them our newest admin on the page) and I contacted all, awed you the most? 31 of our favorite area restaurants and came up Nick Rama: 5 Ate Cafe is my new awe. Chef with the “Fabulous Foodie Deals Of DecemCharlie Williams is putting out 4- star food out ber”. All of them were happy to give our page of a walk up counter inside a rock climbing members some extra savings, because we Gym. I stumbled on this place through a sug- 6 JANUARY 7 - 13, 2015 PUBLIC NEWS gestion from a fellow Foodie and now friend Matt Bessey. On my first visit I had the Sharwarma Burger and the complexity of flavors in this Burger was mind boggling (Banana Peppers, Feta Cheese, Tzatziki Sauce & a tangy Garlic Chili sauce. I was so impressed I brought the family for dinner the same night. Chef Charlie freshly grinds black angus beef for his Burger patties. Most of his Burgers are on Housemade English Muffin Buns which work beautifully with all of his Gourmet Burgers. I love 5 Ate because everything is so original, from the Stone Baked Italian Style Pizzas to the Vietnamese Pork Belly Banh Mi. My favorite part of visiting is the “off the menu” specials that he creates. My new favorite is the Chicken Fried Burger (Fresh ground black angus beef patty seared on the flat top then battered and deep fried. Smothered in cream gravy made from scratch and topped with crumbled bacon and crispy sautéed kale on a housemade sourdough english muffin bun). Pure genius! PUBLIC NEWS: Which restaurant (that is now closed) deserved to be closed -or- what restaurant did you wish you never visited? Nick Rama: I am huge supporter of local, so I really do not want to answer this question. I really don’t want to trash any local places, because of my opinion….most mom and pop restaurant owners put their heart and soul in to their establishment. I can tell you my most hated Chain restaurant is the Olive Garden, because it just doesn’t taste as fresh as other local Italian restaurants like Pallotta’s Italian Grill, Rc’s NYC Pizza and My Pizzeria Italiana Cucina or someplace like McDonald’s because I can easily go to a “hole in the wall” like Uncle Tony’s for great Chicken Tacos and Burger’s. PUBLIC NEWS: What kind of restaurant is most needed (or underserved) in the area? Nick Rama: I would love to see a Korean BBQ or Cuban restaurant. I love Korea Garden on Long Point and Flor de Cuba in Houston, but they are so far away from home. PUBLIC NEWS: Does the Foodie group get together often? Nick Rama: We try to have at least one to two Tastings a month. I go to local mom and pop restaurants and they give us a really great sampling of their menu items. Usually smaller portions: the menu usually consists of 2-3 Appetizer, sometimes a soup/Salad, 3-5 Entrees and 2-3 Desserts. These Tastings are a great way for local mom and pop places to showcase their best dishes, so people can find their new favorite dishes and come back from a whole portion. Hopefully, they then tell their friends, neighbors and family members of their experience. We usually have between 30 - 50 people show up to the prepaid events. We have had 23 successful events since February 2012 when we started doing these. We sold are upcoming Tasting event with Le Pam’s House of Creole in a record 50 people in 90 minutes. PUBLIC NEWS: How do you feel about national chain restaurants? Nick Rama: My favorite is Texas Roadhouse. The food and service is always top notch and it’s reasonable. The Woodlands is full of chains, some are great and some are just so so. If I have a choice between a chain and a locally owned restaurant, 90% of the time I will go with the locally owned restaurant. Especially at lunch time, I always ask people if they would rather spend $7 - $10 on fast food at a chain or, for less than that, you can eat great food, cooked and owned by locals. Pallotta’s Italian Grill (my all time favorite restaurant) has a Mon - Fri $5.99 lunch special that comes with an Entree of the day, Salad or Soup and Bread. The Wednesday Lasagna special is as good as my wife’s homemade (she says it’s better). We go to local places with some awesome lunch specials or great deals are Taco Crave, Incanto Italian Cafe, Hong Kong Chinese Restaurant, LA Chef Argentinian Empanadas and La Casita. PUBLIC NEWS: What is the best thing about being a Foodie? Nick Rama: My favorite part of being a Foodie is finding that new restaurant or dish, posting about it and having people go and then agree with you. Social media has definitely changed the way we eat out. Taking a picture and having a fellow Foodie look at it and say “OMG I have to have that now, because that looks so good” brings customers in to small restaurants. I have made quite a few new friends thanks to the Foodie groups. We even meet up for lunches once or twice a week with people who work close to where I work. We had a last minute Sunday meet up at RC’s NYC Pizza and Pasta, where we had 30 Foodie’s continued on page 7 TO THE REPUBLIC PUBLIC NEWS 2015 READERS CHOICE AWARDS CREATIVITY EXCELLENCE PROFESSIONALISM PASSION BACK TO THE FUTURE TOO? WHAT THE FILM DIDN’T ACCURATELY PREDICT FOR 2015 It’s New Year’s Day and beside watching teams blow bowl games late on missed field goals, I am watching my son’s favorite movie trilogy Back To the Future. The trending interest in the projections from 1985 of what 2015 would be like piqued my interest as well (I must confess I covet a DeLorean). Now, not all prognostications are humorous. Casey Research’s prediction of 10 things to expect from Obamacare in 2014 was spot on. While reading the Kaiser Family Foundation’s projections of the financial status of Baby Boomers in 2030 Bart Pearston have really caught my attention. Did you know that 9% of those currently receiving Medicare qualify as government “poverty” level (1965) in America in 2014? It is 15% using the 2011 supplemental measure (which subtracts health care costs which make up over 16% of seniors’ cost of living on average). The reason I bring this up is the CBO is “predicting” both population and healthcare costs to continue to increase around 10% in the next 15 years. In a federally funded program, that means there will be a need for increased Medicare “contributions” (don’t you love that term) and higher out of pocket costs to beneficiaries. When 25% of beneficiaries are living on under $16K already, expect the record high Foodie’s continued from page 6 foodies show up. Owner RC Gellagos gave us 20% off each of our checks for coming in and supporting local businesses. I have met some of the nicest chefs, owners and mangers of restaurants that really care about feedback. PUBLIC NEWS: Do Foodies also “do” bars or restaurant/bars? Nick Rama: Of course. We even have had a tasting at the Big Thicket Distilling Company in Conroe where the famous Red Onion Cookers paired courses with alcoholic beverages. I love going to the breweries in Conroe, B-52 Brewing Company and Southern Star, where they bring Food Trucks like my favorite Bebe’s Crav’n Cajun and Farmers Market number of those working over 65 and those on disability to increase as well. Kaiser projects that same percentage to be below $16K per year but half of all to be under $28.2K per year. Here in Texas, incoming legislators are already trimming back huge surplus projections from the drop in oil. Obamacare expansion alone will add an additional 20 million Medicaid recipients, and their cost will be split evenly by the state and the Feds, so project an additional 13% of our state budget hit. In other words, don’t count on any real property tax relief. With an additional $9 Trillion in federal debt in the last 6 years, and Obamacare projections of under $1 Trillion coming in at $2.6 Trillion now (even Jonathan Gruber now calls it “unaffordable”) in just the first 10 years, expect the calls for tax increases this year in spite of collecting record levels of revenue in 2014. Expect one of the groups that will be “targeted” will be Baby Boomers. As long as the Dow continues to set record highs (16 just in 2014) the 20% invested in equities will likely be marked for “needs based” entitlement program inclusion as well. Hey, it’s a lot more likely than Doc Brown’s flying car in 2015 isn’t it? Who would have thought with record low interest rates the US Dollar would make record gains against other currencies? Make it a great year and keep an eye on your so-called “Representatives” at both the federal and state levels this year. I know I will be for you if you can’t. out on certain Fridays and Saturdays. I love Yucatan Taco Stand; great Margaritas and great food. I especially enjoy their mountain of Nacho dishes. PUBLIC NEWS: What are the top 10 restaurants that every Houstonian (or northlander) should experience at least once before they die? Nick Rama: I am going to answer this by giving my favorite restaurants along with my favorite dish at that restaurant. Every meal out doesn’t have to be the fanciest or most expensive to make it great. Foodie’s continued on page 13 THE 197 CATEGORIES BEST ACT BEST ANTIQUE STORE BEST ART EVENT BEST ART GALLERY BEST ARTS, CULTURE OR MUSIC BLOG BEST ASIAN RESTAURANT BEST ATHLETE BEST AUTHOR BEST BAKERY BEST BAR BEST BAR FOOD BEST BAR FOR DANCING BEST BAR FOR HOOKING UP BEST BARBER SHOP BEST BARTENDER BEST BBQ RESTAURANT BEST BEACH BEST BEER LIST BEST BEER SHOP BEST BICYCLE SHOP BEST BLOG OR BLOGGER BEST BLOODY MARY BEST BLUES CLUB BEST BOOK STORE BEST BOUTIQUE BEST BOWLING ALLEY BEST BREAKFAST BEST BREWERY BEST BRUNCH RESTAURANT BEST BUFFET RESTAURANT BEST BURGER BEST CHEAP LUNCH BEST CHEF BEST CHILDREN’S CHARITY BEST CHOCOLATE OR CANDY SHOP BEST CLOTHING BRAND BEST COACH BEST COFFEE SHOP BEST COLLEGE TEAM BEST COMEBACK BEST COMEDY CLUB BEST COMIC BOOK OR COLLECTIBLES SHOP BEST COMPANY TO WORK FOR BEST COMPETITION BEST CONSIGNMENT SHOP BEST CUPCAKE OR CUPCAKE SHOP BEST DELI BEST DESSERT MENU BEST DINNER BARGAIN BEST DIVE BAR BEST DJ ON THE ONES AND TWOS BEST ECO-FRIENDLY BUSINESS BEST EDITORIAL WRITING BEST EVENT SPACE BEST EVENTS PAGE BEST FACEBOOK PAGE TO BE A FAN OF BEST FARMERS MARKET BEST FESTIVAL BEST FILMMAKER BEST FITNESS CLUB BEST FOOD BLOG BEST FOOD TRUCK BEST FRENCH RESTAURANT BEST FRIES BEST FURNITURE DESIGNER BEST GAY AND LESBIAN BAR BEST GENTLEMEN’S CLUB BEST GERMAN RESTAURANT BEST GOLF COURSE BEST GRAPHIC DESIGNER BEST GREEK RESTAURANT BEST HAIR SALON BEST HIGH SCHOOL TEAM BEST HIP HOP CLUB BEST HIP HOP DJ BEST HIPSTER BAR BEST HOT DOG RESTAURANT BEST HOUSE DJ BEST HOUSTON TRENDING HASHTAG BEST ICE CREAM PARLOR BEST ILLUSTRATOR BEST INDIAN RESTAURANT BEST INDUSTRY NIGHT BEST IRISH RESTAURANT BEST IRISH WHISKEY BEST ITALIAN RESTAURANT BEST JAZZ CLUB BEST KARAOKE BAR BEST LANDMARK BEST LATE NIGHT MENU BEST LATIN RESTAURANT BEST LINGERIE SHOP BEST LOCAL COMEDIAN BEST LOCAL ETSY STORE BEST LOCAL INSTAGRAM TO FOLLOW BEST LOCAL PUBLICATION BEST LOCAL WHISKEY BEST LOCALLY DEVELOPED APP BEST LOCALLY MADE BEER BEST LOCALLY MADE PRODUCT BEST LOCALLY OWNED STORE BEST LOUNGE BEST MARTINI BAR BEST MEXICAN BEST MIDDLE EASTERN RESTAURANT BEST MINOR LEAGUE TEAM BEST MOVIE THEATER BEST MUSEUM BEST MUSIC VENUE BEST MUSICIAN BEST NEIGHBORHOOD BEST NEIGHBORHOOD BAR BEST NEW ATTRACTION BEST NEW BAR BEST NEW BUSINESS BEST NEW RESTAURANT BEST NEW STORE BEST NEWS AND POLITICS BLOG BEST NIGHTCLUB BEST NONPROFIT OR CHARITY BEST OVER-EXPOSED LOCAL CELEBRITY BEST PAINTER BEST PARK BEST PARTY THROWERS BEST PATIO DINING BEST PATIO FOR DRINKING BEST PERFORMING ARTS THEATER BEST PHOTO CONTENT BEST PHOTOGRAPHER BEST PIZZA BEST PLACE FOR A FAMILY OUTING BEST PLACE FOR A FIRST DATE BEST PLACE FOR A RUN, HIKE OR BIKE RIDE BEST PLACE FOR FREE FUN BEST PLACE FOR PEOPLE WATCHING BEST PLACE FOR SKIING BEST PLACE TO BE SEEN ON A SATURDAY NIGHT BEST PLACE TO BUY MUSIC BEST PLACE TO FURNISH YOUR HOME BEST PLACE TO GET YOUR ZEN ON BEST PLACE TO PLAY DARTS BEST PLACE TO SHOOT POOL BEST PLACE TO SPEND THE DAY SHOPPING BEST PLAYGROUND BEST PODCAST BEST POLISH RESTAURANT BEST POLITICIAN BEST PROMOTER BEST RADIO PERSONALITY BEST RADIO SHOW BEST REASON TO BE A HOUSTON SPORTS FAN BEST REASON TO GO DOWNTOWN BEST REASON TO STAY IN HOUSTON BEST REASON TO VISIT INSIDE THE LOOP BEST REASON TO VISIT THE NORTHSIDE BEST RESIDENT BEST RESTAURANT BEST ROCK CLUB BEST SANDWICH BEST SCHOOL DISTRICT BEST SCULPTOR BEST SEAFOOD RESTAURANT BEST SHOP OR BRAND FOR SPORTS GEAR BEST SINGER BEST SITE FOR HOUSTON INFO BEST SKATE PARK BEST SMOKE SHOP BEST SPA OR SALON BEST SPANISH RESTAURANT BEST SPECIALTY COCKTAIL (AND WHERE TO FIND IT) BEST SPORTS BLOG BEST SPOT FOR TAILGATING BEST SPOT TO TAKE WEDDING PHOTOS BEST SUBURB BEST SUSHI BEST SUSTAINABILITY CHAMP BEST TACO TUESDAY BEST TACOS BEST TATTOO PARLOR BEST TEAM TO ROOT FOR BEST THRIFT STORE BEST TOY STORE BEST TUMBLR PAGE BEST TV NEWS TEAM BEST TV PERSONALITY BEST TWEET OF THE YEAR BEST TWITTER TO FOLLOW BEST UP AND COMING BAND OR MUSICIAN BEST UP AND COMING CHEF BEST USER-FRIENDLY WEBSITE BEST VEGAN RESTAURANT BEST VINTAGE STORE BEST WEBSITE DESIGN BEST WINE BAR BEST WINE SHOP BEST WINGS MOST ROMANTIC RESTAURANT Celebrating Excellence Voting Starts Later This Month PUBLIC NEWS JANUARY 7 - 13, 2015 7 PUBLIC NOISE GIG GUIDE TIN UMBRELLA CRESCENT MOON, TIN UMBRELLA, CHILDREN SAFE HARBOR COMBINE FOR SUCCESSFUL COMMUNITY OUTREACH & BENEFIT The Generousity and Giving Spirit of North Spring came fully alive as patrons of the Crescent Moon Wine Bar flooded the venue with gifts to pass along to the children being served by Children’s Safe Harbor. The evening was punctuated by a three-hour benefit performance of Tin Umbrella. Crescent Moon Wine Bar owners, Rodney Anderson and his partner Amy are heavily involved with the various charities serving in and around Montgomery County. It’s not surprising that Anderson would open the doors to his venue for the benefit of those children caught in situations that the Children Safe Harbor seek to serve. The Corner Pub 302 N. Main St., Conroe 936-788-2390 Tuesday Open Mic with Jeremy Bankhead Wednesday Hippie Night with The Lankfords Brothers Thurday FarLand jams with Adam McFarland Sat Jan 10 9pm Mason Reed Fri Jan 23 9pm Wild Cactus Rose Sat Jan 24 9pm Van Darien Fri Jan 30 9pm Joe Teichman Sat Feb 7 9pm Texas Johnny Boy Fri Feb 27 9pm Jeremy Bankhead Band Swanny’s Bar & Grill 6224 Theall Rd., Houston 281-440-1308 Fri Jan 9 9pm Motley Rockers Fri Jan 16 9pm Honey Boy Nelson Fri Jan 23 9pm Silver Shoes Dosey Doe Music Cafe 463 FM 1488, Conroe 936-321-2171 Thurs Jan 8 8:30pm Whiskey Shivers [$10] Fri Jan 9 8:30pm Blake and Fallon [$15] Sat Jan 10 8:30pm Milk Drive [$15] Thurs Jan 15 8:30pm Josh Grider Band [$15] Fri Jan 16 8:30pm Uncle Lucius [$24] Sat Jan 17 8:30pm Micky and the Motorcars [$18] Weds Jan 21 8:30pm Larkin and Poe w/ Emily Kopp [$10] Thurs Jan 22 8:30pm Mason Jennings [$25] Fri Jan 23 8:30pm Cyrus James Band [$12] Sat Jan 24 8:30pm Kyle Hutton Band [$15] Thurs Jan 29 8:30pm Chris Knight [$24] Fri Jan 30 8:30pm The Black Cadillacs [$10] Sat Jan 31 8:30pm Max Stalling [$20] Thurs Feb 5 8:30pm Amanda Shires [$20] Fri Feb 6 8:30pm Jody Booth [$12] Papa’s On The Lake 9400 Hwy 105 W., Lake Conroe 936-447-2500 Live Music resumes in the Spring & Restaurant Upscale Casual Dining Live Music & Dancing Extensive Wine List & more 440 Rayford Rd Ste 115, Spring TX (281) 364-9463 466 Rayford Rd # 107 (281) 419-3553 FAMILY FRIENDLY NEW EXPANDED MENU ITEMS SPORTS BAR SMOKE FREE Open 11am daily, 12 noon Sundays JANUARY 7 - 13, 2015 Sat Jan 31 Wattzit2ya Kat Daddy Bar 463 FM 1488, Conroe 936-273-9342 No Live Music in January Crescent Moon Wine Bar 8 CONROE PUBLIC NEWS Red Brick Tavern 119 Simonton, Conroe 936-539-2000 Every Sunday Gospel Sunday Brunch Sat Jan 8 9:30pm Jeremy Bankhead [cvr] Fri Jan 9 9:30pm Ken Gaines [cvr] Sat Jan 10 9:30pm Jeremy Bankhead [cvr] Fri Jan 16 9:30pm TBA Sat Jan 17 9:30pm TBA Fri Jan 23 9:30pm TBA Sat Jan 24 9:30pm The Carter Family [$15] Wolfies Lake Conroe 14954 SH 105 W., Montgomery 936-588-8200 CYPRESS CREEK Acadia 3939 FM 1960 W., Houston 281-893-2860 Thur Jan 15 8pm T.B.A. Fri Jan 16 8pm Theory Of Thieves, Edge Of Paradise, Pulse Rate Zero,Vessel Sat Jan 17 8pm Double Vision, Wattzit2ya Thur Jan 22 8pm T.B.A. Fri Jan 23 8pm Shotgun Rebellion, Twisted Karma, Color Chemisrty, Cymblem Sat Jan 24 8pm Born N Raised, The Black 13, Wiskey Fueles Death, The Hero Muist Die Sun Jan 25 8pm Jabs Show Thurs Jan 29 8pm Control, Vanilla Whale, Four Hour Letter Fri Jan 30 8pm Five Eyes Wide, Downfall 2012, Pulse Rate Zero, Dark Cloud Horizon Sat Jan 31 8pm Aftervibe,Color, A More Perfect Union, Polly Suede, Washed Up The Concert Pub North 2470 Cypress Creek Pkwy., Houston 281-583-8111 Fri Jan 9 Satisfied Drive Sat Jan 10 The Fab 5 (Beatles/60s Tribute Band) Fri Jan 16 Black Dog (Led Zeppelin Tribute Band) Fri Jan 30 Modoc (Southern Rock Tribute Band) NORTH SPRING 19th Hole Grill & Bar 202 Sawdust Rd #118, Spring 281-363-2574 [$10 cover on all shows] Thu Jan 08 8:00pm Tribe Hill Fri Jan 09 8:00pm Black Home Caravan/Carrion Sun/ Dead Earth Politics/Black Standard Sat Jan 10 8:00pm Treynwrek/Citta/Raised From Nothing [Free] Mon Jan 12 8:00pm Sick Duck...featuring Justin Pena Thu Jan 15 8:00pm Texas Soul Fri Jan 16 8:00pm The .07 Blues Band [$5] Sat Jan 17 8:00pm Erasethevirus/Hell Society/The Filthy Dead Mon Jan 19 8:00pm Channing & Cowling Acoustic Fri Jan 23 8:00pm Beggars Inc. Sat Jan 24 8:00pm Image 6/Dead Mans Ransom/Henly/ Souls on Monday Mon Jan 26 8:00pm Fal Skye Duo Thu Jan 29 8:00pm TreynWrek Fri Jan 30 8:00pm Cody Wayne and Westbound 21/ Morgan & Sara Country Duo Sat Jan 31 8:00pm Metal Down/Black Kennedy/Shane Jones Mon Feb 02 8:00pm Channing & Cowling Acoustic Thu Feb 05 8:00pm Tribe Hill Sat Feb 07 8:00pm Turn~N~Burn Thu Feb 12 8:00pm TreynWrek Mon Feb 16 8:00pm Channing & Cowling Acoustic Thu Feb 19 8:00pm Big E & The Lowdown Fri Feb 20 8:00pm Another Pearl Harbor/To Whom it May Sat Feb 21 8:00pm The Guillotines/poor dumb bastards Crabby Daddy 25186 I-45, The Woodlands 281-296-2722 Fri Jan 9 7pm Fysical Address Sat Jan 10 7pm Sonny Boy Terry Fri Jan 16 7pm Rhythm Daddyz Sat Jan 17 7pm Rhythm Daddyz Crescent Moon Wine Bar 440 Rayford Rd., #115, Spring 281-364-WINE (9463) Thurs Jan 8 8:30pm Latin Music with Grupo Kache Fri Jan 9 9pm Checkered Past Sat Jan 10 9pm Breakfast At Tiffany’s Weds Jan 14 7pm Texas Road Burners Thurs Jan 15 8:30pm Latin Music with Grupo Kache Fri Jan 16 9pm Johnnie and the Spinsations Sat Jan 17 9pm Fab 5 Tues Jan 20 7pm Darryl Richards Weds Jan 21 7pm Daniel Blanchard Thurs Jan 22 8:30pm Latin Music with Yelba Fri Jan 23 9pm Level One Band Sat Jan 24 9pm Yelba’s Band Dosey Doe Big Barn 25911 I-45 N., The Woodlands 281-367-3774 Fri Jan 9 8:30pm Ronnie Milsap [$218] Weds Jan 14 8pm Ezra Charles [$15] Thurs Jan 15 8:30pm Marc Broussard [$138] Fri Jan 16 8:30pm Eric Johnson & Mike Stern [$118] Sat Jan 17 8:30pm Larry Gatlin [$118] Sun Jan 18 7:30pm Crystal Gayle [$158] Fri Jan 23 8:30pm Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash [$12] sat Jan 24 8:30pm Neal McCoy [$158] Tues Jan 27 8pm Haley Cole CD Release Party [$15] Fri Jan 30 8:30pm Tracy Lawrence [$158] Sun Feb 1 5pm & 8:30pm Blood Sweat & Tears [$168] Fri Feb 6 8:30pm Tracy Byrd Trio [$128] Sat Feb 7 8:30pm BJ Thomas [$138] Sun Feb 8 7:30pm Riders In The Sky [$118] Tues Feb 10 8pm Statesboro Revue [$15] Fri Feb 13 8:30pm Asleep At The Wheel [$128] Sat Feb 14 8:30pm John Conlee [$148] Sun Feb 15 7:30pm The Association [$148] Thurs Feb 19 8:30pm Confederate Railroad [$118] Gig Guide continued on page 13 NICK “SPRING FOODIE’S” BEST OF 2014 PUBLIC NEWS DINING GUIDE Northside Edition 2014 Best Restaurant: 5 Ate Café Best Appetizer: Maytag Blue Cheese Chips at Jasper’s Best Bagels: Drew’s Pastry Place Best Baja California Mex: Cisco’s Salsa Company Best Bakery: Euro Bakery and Cafe Best Banh Mi: Taste Of Pho Best Banquet Hall: Pallotta’s Italian Grill Best Bar Food: Goose’s Acre Best Beer Menu: Hop Scholar Ale Best BBQ: Corkscrew BBQ Best Bread Basket: Italiano’s Best Breakfast: Sunnyside of The Street Best Breakfast Tacos: La Casita Best Brewery: B-52’s Brewing Company Best Brunch: Los Cucos Sunday Breakfast/Brunch Buffet Best Burger (Gourmet): 5 Ate Café Best Burger Joint: Just Burgers Best Cake: (Tie) Chocolate Decadence Cake from Euro Bakery and Café or Doboshe Cake from Rao’s Bakery and Coffee Cafe Best Cajun: Razoo’s Cajun Café Best Candy Store: Candy House Best Catering: Pallotta’s Italian Grill Best Ceviche: (Tie) Barracrudas Seafood and Cisco’s Salsa Company Best Cheese Steaks: Vito’s Way at Vito’s Famous Best Charro Beans: Don Bigotes Tacos Al Carbon Best Chain: Texas Roadhouse Best Chef: Charlie Williams of 5 Ate Cafe Best Chicken Fried Chicken: Cc’s Cafe Best Chicken Fried Steak: Republic Grille Best Chicken N’ Dumplings: Mel’s Country Cafe Best Chicken Salad: (Tie) Euro Bakery and Café and Patsy’s Best Chinese: Hong Kong Chinese Restaurant Best Chips and Salsa: Mama Juanita’s Best Cobbler: Corkscrew BBQ Best Coconut Cream Pie: Patsy’s Best Coffee: Patsy’s Best Comfort Food: Cc’s Café Best Cookie: Oatmeal Chocolate Chip from Potbelly Sandwiches Best Country Breakfast: Dosey Doe Music Cafe Best Country Cooking: Mel’s Country Café Best Crawfish: Bebe’s Crav’n Cajun Best Creole: Le Pam’s House of Creole Best Cupcakes: (Tie) Cake Swirl or Treat! Best Dessert: Domnic’s Mud from Pallotta’s Italian Grill Best Desserts (overall): Rao’s Bakery and Coffee Cafe Best Dish: Chicken Ala Pallotta from Pallotta’s Italian Grill Best Donuts: Donut-licous Best Empanadas: La Chef Best Fajitas: (Tie) Lupe Tortillas or Mi Rancho Best Family Fun Dining: The Shack Best Food Truck: Bebe’s Crav’n Cajun Best Fried Rice: Pork Fried Rice at Hong Kong Chinese Restaurant Best Fried Chicken: BBQ Inn Best Fried Pickles: Boudreaux’s Cajun Kitchen Best Garlic Bread: Pallotta’s Italian Grill Best Gas Station Food: La Casita Best Gelato: Blackwalnut Cafe Best Gnocchi: Capri Pasta (Closed) Best Greek: Olive Oil Best Guacamole: Cisco’s Salsa Company Best Gyro: Gyro King Best Hole in The Wall: Uncle Tony’s Best Hot Dog: Beck’s Prime Best Ice Cream: Bruster’s Real Ice Cream Best Indian: Bombay Sizzler Best Italian: Pallotta’s Italian Grill Best Japanese Steakhouse/Hibachi: H.B. Japanese Steakhouse Best Jewish Deli: Victor’s Delicatessen Best Kolaches: Donut-licous Best Local Owner: Phil Nicosia of Pallotta’s Italian Grill Best Latin Bakery: Viva Iticate (now closed) runner up House of Bread Best Lunch Specials: (Tie) Pallotta’s Italian Grill and Barracrudas Seafood Best Mac & Cheese: Bacon/Pork Belly Mac and Cheese from BBQ Godfather Best Margaritas: (Tie) Yucatan Taco Stand and Cisco’s Salsa Company Best Meatballs: My Pizzeria Italiana Cucina Best Meat Market: Lawson’s Meat Market Best Mediterranean: Kababi Zaytoon Best Mexico Street Tacos: Taco Crave Best Milkshakes: Chill - The Milkshake Bar Best Muffins: Rao’s Bakery and Coffee Café Best Nachos: Yucatan Taco Stand Best Neighborhood Spot: Incanto Italian Cafe Best New Restaurant: Taco Crave Best New Mexican: Chuy’s Best Onion Rings: Backyard Grill Best Pasta Dishes: Capri Pasta (closed) Best Patio: The Goose’s Acre Best Pies: Whistle Stop Tea Room Best Pho: Pho An 2 Best Pizza (Delivery): Pizza Zone Best Pizza (Gourmet): 5 Ate Café Best Pizza (Wood Fired): Patsy’s Best Pizzeria (Dine In): Rc’s NYC Pizza & Pasta Best Red Beans and Rice: Razoo’s Cajun Cafe Best Remodel: Bluewater Seafood Best Ribs (Beef): Corkscrew BBQ “Dino Ribs” Best Ribs (Pork): BBQ Godfather Best Risotto: Capri Pasta (closed) Best Romantic: America’s Best Sandwiches: Forest Bakery & Cafe Best Seafood: Barracrudas Seafood Best Service: Barracrudas Seafood Best Shaved Ice: Buzzles Best Small Local Chain: Mama Juanita’s Best Soup: Cream of Pablano Soup at Guadalajara Hacienda Best Speciality Market: Heberts Specialty Meats Best Steak: Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar Best Taco Al Carbon: Mi Rancho Best Tamales: Balderas Tamale Factory Best Tavern Food: Red Brick Tavern Best Tex-Mex: Casa Medina Best Thai: (Tie) Zato Thai and Mango Tree Thai Bistro Best Torta: La Casita Cubano Torta Best Tortillas: Hello Taco Best Value: Stripes Gas Stations with Laredo Taco Company Best Venezuelan: Sazón Latino Best Vietnamese: Taste of Pho Best Wine Bar: Genuwine Tasting Room Best Wing’s: Rc’s NYC Pizza and Pasta NICK RAMA Not all restaurants are in The Woodlands/Spring area Nick “Spring Foodie’s” Rama Top 35 Spring/Woodlands Restaurants 2014 1. Pallotta’s Italian Grill 2. Corkscrew BBQ 3. Capri Pasta (now closed) 4. 5 Ate Cafe 5. Jasper’s The Woodlands 6. Rc’s NYC Pizza and Pasta 7. Casa Medina 8. Just Burgers 9. The Black Walnut Cafe 10. Taco Crave 11. Hong Kong Chinese Restaurant 12. Yucatan Taco Stand 13. Euro Bakery & Cafe 14. Sunnyside Of the Street 15. Mi Rancho 16. Sazón Latino Authentic Venezuelan Cusine 17. Don Bigotes Tacos Al Carbon 18. Bombay Sizzler, Inc 19. La Chef Argentinian Empanadas & Much, Much More 20. Hubble and Hudson Kitchen 21. Donut-licous 22. Rao’s Bakery & Coffee Cafe 23. BeBe’s Cravn Cajun 24. Mama Juanita’s (Louetta) 25. La Casita 26. Olive Oil 27. El Bosque Mexican Resturant 28. Chuy’s 29. Taste of Pho 30. Guadalajara Hacienda 31. Goose’s Acre 32. Dosey Doe 33. Olivit 34. Lama Cafe 35. Arturo’s Taqueria Public News is going through this directory to make sure our readers have the most accurate and up-to-date information on locally owned and operated restaurants. The strength of our local economy depends on supporting local merchants such as these. CONROE 105 Cafe 3010 W Davis St (936) 539-3447 Alfonso’s Mexican Restaurant 1208 S Frazier St (936) 441-9110 Asian Bbq & Grill 604 N Loop 336 W (936) 539-3995 Asian Fusion Noodle Bowl 3301 W Davis St (936) 828-3469 Baytown Seafood Restauranta 1400 N Frazier St (936) 494-2246 Burger Boy 217 E Davis St (936) 756-3440 Burger Fresh 804 Gladstell Rd # 110 (936) 756-4414 Carmelita’s Restaurant 109 W Davis St (936) 539-3323 Chelsea’s Tea Room 202 N Main St (936) 539-2993 Chiller Bee Frozen Yogurt 2820 Interstate 45 N (936) 756-2337 China Buffet 226 S Loop 336 W (936) 788-2888 China Delight 1108 N Loop 336 W (936) 756-8686 Clint’s Kuntry Katfish Catering 5855 W Davis St (936) 760-2737 Corner Pub Delia 302 N Main St (936) 788-2390 Culver’s 1426 N Loop 336 W (936) 788-5959 East Buffet 2104 N Frazier St (936) 760-1007 El Bosque 1420 N Loop 336 W (936) 539-3823 El Kiosko Taqueira 116 S Frazier St (936) 539-6794 El Oro 225 S Main St (936) 756-4315 El Rincon 705 Everett St (936) 756-5522 El Tucan Refresqueria 516 Mill Ave (936) 539-6492 Frutilandia 525 S Frazier St (936) 441-3045 Gallery Off The Square 202 N Main St (936) 539-2993 Garden Cafe 1406 N Loop 336 W (936) 539-9663 George’s Bar & Grill 2031 Plantation Dr (936) 788-8222 Hibacha Grill & Super Buffet 2020 Interstate 45 N (936) 788-9999 Honey Bee Ham & Deli 1418 N Loop 336 W # I (936) 760-3354 Hunan Village Restaurant 1402 N Loop 336 W (936) 539-6811 I Love Sweets 1 Devonshire Dr (936) 539-4742 Jalisco Mexican Restaurant 201 N Frazier St (936) 756-2344 Joe’s Pizza & Pasta 1604 N Frazier St (936) 760-9002 LA Mariposa 1111 W Dallas St (936) 756-1222 LA Mexicana Restaurant 221 Mill Ave (936) 539-6791 LA Palapa 402 E Davis St (936) 756-8408 LA Palma Taco 309 W Avenue G (936) 539-6792 Los Altos De Jalisco 1108 N Loop 336 W (936) 756-2233 Los Carnales Taqueria 1121 N 1st St (936) 718-0874 Main Street Cafe a 330 N Main St (936) 756-8885 Mama Juanita’s Mexican 1118 League Line Rd (936) 856-9012 Margarita & Peppers 2259 N Loop 336 W (936) 788-1408 Margarita’s Mexican 1027 N Loop 336 W (936) 647-3880 Maverick Saloon 2017 N Frazier St # E2 (936) 539-9300 Mckenzie’s Bbq & Burgers 1501 N Frazier St (936) 756-3131 Meztizos Restaurant & Bar 721 W Davis St (936) 760-3220 Mollys Pub Conroe 901 N Loop 336 W (936) 441-6167 New Conroe Japanese House 2107 W Davis St (936) 756-6866 Ostioneria Caminos 400 S Frazier St (936) 760-3803 Pie In The Sky Pie Co 3600 N Loop 336 W (936) 760-3301 Pincho Rico Grill 2017 N Frazier St (936) 756-3077 Pit Stop 4203 Old Highway 105 (936) 539-9274 Red Brick Tavern 119 Simonton St (936) 539-2000 River Plantation Grille 550 Country Club Dr (936) 271-1083 Shogun Japanese Grill & Sushi 2107 W Davis St # A (936) 756-6886 Smokey Mo’s 2960 Interstate 45 N (936) 441-2323 Star Cinema Grill 2000 Interstate 45 N (936) 539-6088 Taqueria & Panaderia San Luis 402 E Davis St (936) 788-1199 Taqueria Guerrero 129 S Frazier St (936) 242-8176 Taqueria Jalisco 1108 N Loop 336 W # L (936) 756-2233 Taqueria Mexicana 2017 N Frazier St (936) 756-3150 Taqueria Sol De Mexico 820 N Loop 336 W (936) 756-9316 Tejas Mexican Restaurant 105 N 6th St (936) 756-6559 Thirsty’s 192 Fm 3083 Rd (936) 441-1050 Toasted Yolk Cafe 2129 W Davis St (936) 828-3944 Tortilleria LA Buena Bida 1103 W Dallas St (936) 756-2133 Tortilleria LA Unica 808 N 1st St (936) 441-4477 Tri Mexican Restaurant 129 S Frazier St (936) 756-0626 Van Thong Chinese/Vietnamese 2114 W Davis St (936) 756-8762 Vernon’s Kuntry Bar-B-Que 5000 W Davis St (936) 539-3000 Vernon’s Kuntry Katfish 5901 Highway 105 W (936) 760-3386 Vero Italian Kitchen 1301 W Davis St (936) 441-0411 Villa Italia 603 N Thompson St (936) 539-5599 Weng’s Wok 1140 N Fm 3083 Rd W (936) 756-8888 Whistle Stop Cafe 11133 Interstate 45 S (936) 828-4652 Wild Ginger 3061 Interstate 45 N (936) 788-9988 HUMBLE Baytown Seafood & Bar 7855 N Sam Houston (281) 441-5187 Beijing Wok Restaurant 21131 Aldine Westfield (281) 821-0367 Cactus Moon 1702 Wilson Rd (281) 446-2202 Cafe East Humble 260 1st St W (281) 548-0082 Catfish Cafe 7042 Fm 1960 Rd (281) 812-8055 Chez Nous French Restaurant 217 S Avenue G (281) 446-6717 Culver’s 5420 Atascocita Rd (281) 812-8600 El Jalapeno Mexican Cafe 5324 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 548-2230 El Ranchero Mexican Restaurant 24551 Loop 494 # 111 (281) 358-5660 Fiesta Azteca Restaurant 20669 W Lake Houston (281) 812-3002 Fish Place 5324 Atascocita Rd (281) 318-7096 Ginger Cafe 7548 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 812-8853 Goings Barbeque 20669 W Lake Houston (832) 644-9721 Got Wings 10920 Will Clayton Pwy (281) 441-9464 Grand Garden 5324 Atascocita (281) 812-5858 Granny’s Tamales Three 802 1st St E # 802 (281) 446-0363 Grimes Bakery 14618 Lee Rd (281) 441-9213 Happy Buddha Japanese Steak 9556 W Fm 1960 Rd (281) 446-3373 Hector’s Mexican Restaurants 3333 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 446-1803 Hin’s Garden 4582 Kingwood (281) 360-3388 Honey Bee Ham & Deli 9638 Fm 1960 Bypass (281) 446-1222 Humble City Cafe 200 E Main St (281) 319-0200 Humble Ice 6902 Bender Rd (281) 441-3318 Italiano’s Restaurant 217 Fm 1960 Bypass (281) 446-6111 Javaman Coffee 19131 Sprinters (281) 812-5726 Jitters Coffee 18445 W Lake Houston (281) 360-9589 Johnny’s Pizza House 20669 W Lake Houston (281) 570-4652 Kay’s Sandwich Shop 204 Charles St (281) 446-2662 LA Cabana Mexican Restaurant 3390 Fm 1960 Rd W (281) 209-1585 Las Ramadas Mexican Grill 18455 W Lk Houst Pkwy (281) 812-4900 Lavilla Mexican Restaurant 7920 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 441-7222 Lexey’s 7015 Manor Way (281) 548-7774 Lia’s Drive Inn 14010 Homestead (281) 441-2051 Lloyd’s Bar 111 N Avenue A (281) 446-5565 Los Vega Mexican Restaurant 3824 Atascocita Rd (281) 812-4567 Manuel’s Mexican Restaurant 5856 Fm 1960 (281) 852-6322 Mencius Gourmet Hunan 1379 Kingwood Dr (281) 359-8489 Mimi’s Tea Room LLC 8042 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 360-6464 Mo’s B-B-Q 8321 Fm 1960 Bypass (281) 548-3777 N Zone 1005 1st St E (281) 348-9063 Nara Thai Dining 18455 W Lk Houst Pkwy (281) 812-0291 Noyola’s Mexican Restaurant 242 1st St W # B (281) 319-4912 Pizziola’s 8790 Fm 1960 Bypass (281) 446-3260 Queso Bonito 1123 S Houston Ave (281) 446-0095 Rico’s Mexican Restaurant 1377 Kingwood Dr (281) 358-2637 Sarap Pinoy 19333 Highway 59 N (281) 446-5080 Sarpino’s Pizzeria 5326 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 548-7492 Savvas Greek Cuisine & Grill PUBLIC NEWS 6730 Atascocita Rd (281) 312-6358 Smoothies Ice Cream 20131 Highway 59 N (281) 446-2191 Taco Flores 4806 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 852-8338 Tai Li Chinese Restaurant 7948 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 852-9507 Tamales Atascocita 5105 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 812-0444 Texas Long Branch Saloon 314 Moonshine Hill Lp (281) 319-5400 Tin Roof BBQ 18918 Town Center (281) 852-5577 Titas Taco House 320 Wilson Rd (281) 446-4175 Top Hat Catering Co 1702 Wilson Rd (281) 446-8434 Trigg’s Catering 1414 1st St E (281) 540-2700 Trigg’s Humble Inn 1410 E Bus F M 1960 (281) 446-9484 Twin Oaks Tavern 211 E Main St # 4 (281) 359-8687 Wazabi Sushi Bar 8130 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 359-2555 Westco Breakfast House 5371 Atascocita Rd (281) 852-9065 Windy City Pizza 5377 Atascocita Rd (281) 812-2446 KINGWOOD Akashi Sushi Fusion Cuisine 2271 Northpark Dr (281) 358-8828 Amedeo’s Italian Restaurant 22704 Loop 494 # A (281) 359-4451 Cafe Du Bois 2845a W Town Center (281) 360-2530 Chachi’s Mexican Restaurant 4300 Town Center Pl (281) 360-1789 Chelsea Deli & Cafe 1538 Kingwood Dr (281) 359-2972 Chimichurri’s South Amer Grill 1660 W Lake Houston 281) 360-0015 El Charro Mexican Restaurant 4580 Kingwood Dr (281) 361-2000 Hunan Garden Restaurant 4331 Kingwood Dr (281) 360-2668 Nathaniel Center 804 Russell Palmer Rd (281) 348-7800 Oriental Gardens 1528 Kingwood Dr (281) 358-7119 Philly Cheesesteak Co 520 Northpark Dr (281) 359-7592 Raffa’s American Bistro 1660 W Lake Houston (281) 360-1436 Rib Itz Catering 3911 Hill Springs Dr (281) 360-8138 Sharkys 1660 W Lake Houston (281) 360-0660 Three B’s Grill 4590 Kingwood Dr # A (281) 360-7797 Veranda 2820 Chestnut Ridge (281) 358-2820 Zacharys Cajun Cafe 716 Kingwood Dr (281) 359-2256 Zammitti’s 1660 W Lake Houston (281) 361-7499 Zz Gator Cove 733 Hamblen Rd (281) 359-2200 NORTH SPRING 3 B’s-Bill’s Burgers & Beera 466 Rayford Rd # 107 (281) 419-3553 Alfonso’s Mexican Restaurant 3126 Sawdust Rd (281) 298-8032 Amerigo’s Grill 25250 Grogans Park Dr (281) 362-0808 Asia Buffet Inc 355 Sawdust Rd (832) 585-0688 Beijing Chinese Restaurant 409 Sawdust Rd (281) 363-2308 Cactus Jacks 343 Sawdust Rd (281) 419-3644 Casa Imperial Mexican a 387 Sawdust Rd # C (281) 298-8195 Crescent Moon Wine Bar a 440 Rayford Rd #115A (281) 364-9463 Cru Wine Bar 9595 Six Pines Dr (281) 465-9463 Greek Tony’s Pizza & Sub Shop a 432 Sawdust Rd (281) 292-4313 Hello Taco 25114 Grogans Mill (832) 819-4639 Hyderabad House 407 Sawdust Rd (281) 203-5020 KOBE Japanese Grill & Sushi 433 Sawdust Rd (281) 298-2000 Mario’s Mexican Restaurant 610 Rayford Rd # 650 (281) 367-9336 Mooyah Burgers Fries & Shakes 2115 Rayford Rd (832) 585-0300 Pallotta’s Mexican Grill 2211 Rayford Rd # 119 (281) 362-1114 Pit Master BBQ 842 Rayford Rd (281) 362-1111 Sitar Cuisine Of India a 25701 Interstate 45 # 12 (281) 364-0200 Spring Asian Cuisine 2907 Rayford Rd # 106 (281) 298-7798 Cabo Baja & Mexican Grill 544 Sawdust Rd (281) 298-7377 SHENANDOAH Aldo’s Cucina Italiana 18450 I 45 S (936) 447-9623 Alonti Cafe & Catering 27868 Interstate 45 N (832) 585-0694 Another Broken Egg Cafe 19075 Interstate 45 S (936) 273-2011 BJ’S Restaurant & Brewhouse 19075 Interstate 45 S (936) 273-7100 Boutte Deli 19267 Main St (281) 298-5498 Buca Di Beppo 19075 Interstate 45 S (936) 321-6262 Compadre’s Texas Cafe continued on page 10 JANUARY 7 - 13, 2015 9 “Many hands make light work.” John Heywood (English Playwright and Poet, 1497-1580) HOUSTON’S PUBLIC NEWS IS TURNING A CORNER AND NEEDS YOU! Since the Public News’ relaunch a year ago as a voice for the metro north in Houston, it has seen its writers come and go. A few have remained committed from the paper’s conception as a print medium and onward to its current digital incarnation. After six issues (four over the last month) the digital Public News caught fire with readers and is enjoying tremendous success and thousands of downloads! Unfortunately, it is still mainly the time, talent and vision of its founder that keeps the Public News coming out. It’s now time for him to take off some of the many hats that he wears in order to do the main thing he is best at; promoting and gathering support for the newspaper. In order for him to do that, those extra hats will need to have new heads to cover. That’s were the Public News needs you! The Public News needs fresh ‘new media’ talent to head the various departments in 2015; Music, Arts, Food/Dining, Film, Theater, Nightlife as well as News Briefs and Events Calendar. Please consider being a part, with us, in growing the Public News CALL 832-298-5246 for more information 10 JANUARY 7 - 13, 2015 PUBLIC NEWS FILM NEW THIS WEEK Taken 3 PG-13 109 min Action | Crime | Thriller Liam Neeson returns as ex-covert operative Bryan Mills, whose long awaited reconciliation with his ex-wife is tragically cut short when she is brutally murdered. Consumed with rage, and framed for the crime, he goes on the run to evade the relentless pursuit of the CIA, FBI and the police. For one last time, Mills must use his “particular set of skills,” to track down the real killers, exact his unique brand of justice, and protect the only thing that matters to him now his daughter. Director: Olivier Megaton Stars: Liam Neeson, Forest Whitaker, Maggie Grace, Famke Janssen IN THEATERS: Annie PG 118 min Comedy | Drama | Family | Musical Quvenzhané Wallis stars as Annie, a young, happy foster kid who’s also tough enough to make her way on the streets of New York in 2014. Originally left by her parents as a baby with the promise that they’d be back for her someday, it’s been a hard knock life ever since with her mean foster mom Miss Hannigan (Cameron Diaz). But everything’s about to change when the hard-nosed tycoon and New York mayoral candidate Will Stacks (Jamie Foxx) - advised by his brilliant VP, Grace (Rose Byrne) and his shrewd and scheming campaign advisor, Guy (Bobby Cannavale) - makes a thinly-veiled campaign move and takes her in. Stacks believes he’s her guardian angel, but Annie’s self-assured nature and bright, sun-willcome-out-tomorrow outlook on life just might mean it’s the other way around. Director: Will Gluck Stars: Quvenzhané Wallis, Cameron Diaz, Jamie Foxx Beyond the Lights PG-13 116 min Drama The pressures of fame have superstar singer Noni on the edge, until she meets Kaz, a young cop who works to help her find the courage to develop her own voice and break free to become the artist she was meant to be. Director: Gina PrinceBythewood Stars: Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Nate Parker, Minnie Driver, Danny Glover Big Hero 6 PG 102 min Animation | Action | Adventure | Comedy | Family | Sci-Fi The special bond that develops between plus-sized inflatable robot Baymax, and prodigy Hiro Hamada, who team up with a group of friends to form a band of high-tech heroes. Directors: Don Hall | Chris Williams Stars: Ryan Potter, Scott Adsit, Jamie Chung, T.J. Miller deadly plagues. Director: Ridley Scott Stars: Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, Ben Kingsley, Sigourney Weaver Fury R 134 min Action | Drama | War April, 1945. As the Allies make their final push in the European Theatre, a battle-hardened army sergeant named Wardaddy commands a Sherman tank and his five-man crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Out-numbered, out-gunned, and with a rookie soldier thrust into their platoon, Wardaddy and his men face overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the heart of Nazi Germany. Director: David Ayer Stars: Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Peña Gone Girl R 149 min Drama | Mystery | Thriller With his wife’s disappearance having become the focus of an intense media circus, a man sees the spotlight turned on him when it’s suspected that he may not be innocent. Director: David Fincher Stars: Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick Harris, Tyler Perry Goodbye to All That 87 min Comedy | Drama Paul Schneider (Parks and Recreation) stars as a newly single dad navigating the good, the bad, and the weird of the 30-something singles scene in this whip-smart comedy. When his wife unexpectedly informs him that she wants a divorce, well-meaning but oblivious husband Otto Wall (Schneider) finds himself thrust back into bachelorhood. Cue a hilarious sequence of romantic encounters-from with a former INTO THE WOODS reconnecting crush to online dating-as Otto searches for the real thing amidst a string of one night stands Director: Angus MacLachlan Stars: Paul Schneider, Melanie Lynskey, Anna Camp, Heather Graham Birdman R 119 min Comedy | Drama A washed-up actor who once played an iconic superhero must overcome his ego and family trouble as he mounts a Broadway play in a bid to reclaim his past glory. Director: Alejandro González Iñárritu Stars: Michael Keaton, Zach Galifianakis, Edward Norton, Andrea Riseborough Exodus: Gods and Kings PG-13 150 min Action | Adventure | Drama The defiant leader Moses rises up against the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses, setting 600,000 slaves on a monumental journey of escape from Egypt and its terrifying cycle of Horrible Bosses 2 R 108 min Comedy Dale, Kurt and Nick decide to start their own business but things don’t go as planned because of a slick investor, prompting the trio to pull off a harebrained and misguided kidnapping scheme. Director: Sean Anders Stars: Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis, Charlie Day, Jennifer Aniston Interstellar PG-13 169 min Adventure | Sci-Fi FILM A team of explorers travel through a wormhole in an attempt to find a potentially habitable planet that will sustain humanity. Director: Christopher Nolan Stars: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Mackenzie Foy Into the Woods PG 124 min Comedy | Family | Fantasy | Musical Into the Woods is a modern twist on the beloved Brothers Grimm fairy tales in a musical format that follows the classic tales of Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Rapunzel-all tied together by an original story involving a baker and his wife, their wish to begin a family and their interaction with the witch who has put a curse on them. Director: Rob Marshall Stars: Anna Kendrick, Meryl Streep, Chris Pine, Emily Blunt Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb PG 97 min Adventure | Comedy | Family | Fantasy When the exhibits at New York’s Natural History Museum start behaving strangely, Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) -- now the director of nighttime operations -must find out the cause. He learns that the Tablet, which magically brings Teddy Roosevelt (Robin Williams), Jedediah (Owen Wilson) and the other exhibits to life at night, has started to decay. Larry, along with his son and museum friends, must travel to London’s British Museum to learn how to prevent the Tablet’s magic from disappearing. Director: Shawn Levy Stars: Ben Stiller, Robin Williams, Owen Wilson, Dick Van Dyke Penguins of Madagascar PG 92 min Animation | Adventure | Comedy | Family Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private join forces with undercover organization The North Wind to stop the villainous Dr. Octavius Brine from destroying the world as we know it. Directors: Eric Darnell | Simon J. Smith Stars: Tom McGrath, Chris Miller, Christopher Knights, Conrad Vernon St. Vincent PG-13 102 min Comedy | Drama Vincent is an old Vietnam vet whose stubbornly hedonistic ways have left him without money or a future. Things change when his new next-door neighbor’s son, Oliver, needs a babysitter and Vince is willing enough for a fee. From that self-serving act, an unexpected friendship forms as Vincent and Oliver find so much of each other’s needs through each other. As Vincent mentors Oliver in street survival and other worldly ways, Oliver begins to see more in the old man than just his foibles. When life takes a turn for the worse for Vincent, both them find the best in each other than no one around them suspects. Director: Theodore Melfi Stars: Bill Murray, Melissa McCarthy, Naomi Watts, Jaeden Lieberher The Gambler R 111 min Crime | Drama | Thriller Jim Bennett is a risk taker. Both an English professor and a high-stakes gambler, Bennett bets it all when he borrows from a gangster and offers his own life as collateral. Always one step ahead, Bennett pits his creditor against the operator of a gambling ring and leaves his dysfunctional relationship with his wealthy mother in his wake. He plays both sides, immersing himself in an illicit, underground world while garnering the attention of Frank, a loan shark with a paternal interest in Bennett’s future. As his relationship with a student deepens, Bennett must take the ultimate risk for a second chance. Director: Rupert Wyatt Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Jessica Lange, John Goodman, Brie Larson The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies PG-13 144 min Adventure | Fantasy Having reclaimed Erebor and vast treasure from the PUBLIC NEWS DINING GUIDE dragon Smaug, Thorin Oakenshield (Richard Armitage) sacrifices friendship and honor in seeking the Arkenstone, despite Smaug’s fiery wrath and desperate attempts by the Hobbit Bilbo (Martin Freeman) to make him see reason. Meanwhile, Sauron sends legions of Orcs in a sneak attack upon the Lonely Mountain. As the fate of Middle Earth hangs in the balance, the races of Men, Elves and Dwarves must decide whether to unite and prevail -- or all die. Director: Peter Jackson Stars: Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Cate Blanchett The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 PG-13 123 min Adventure | Sci-Fi When Katniss destroys the games, she goes to District 13 after District 12 is destroyed. She meets President Coin who convinces her to be the symbol of rebellion, while trying to save Peeta from the Capitol. Director: Francis Lawrence Stars: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson THE GAMBLER The Pyramid R 89 min Horror A team of U.S. archaeologists unearths an ancient pyramid and gets hopelessly lost in its catacombs. Searching for a way out, they become desperate to seek daylight again. They come to realize they aren’t just trapped, they are being hunted. Director: Grégory Levasseur Stars: Ashley Hinshaw, James Buckley, Denis O’Hare, Christa Nicola The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death PG-13 98 min Drama | Horror | Thriller As bombs rain down on London during the Blitz of World War II, a group of schoolchildren are evacuated with Eve, their young schoolteacher, to the safety of the British countryside. Taken to an old and empty estate, cut off by a causeway from the mainland, they are left at Eel Marsh House. One by one, the children begin acting strangely and Eve, with the help of local military commander Harry, discovers that the group has awoken a dark force even more terrifying and evil than the city’s air raids. Eve must now confront her own demons to save the children and survive the woman in black Director:Tom Harper Stars: Helen McCrory, Jeremy Irvine, Phoebe Fox, Leanne Best Top Five R 101 min Comedy Though he began in stand-up comedy, Andre Allen (Chris Rock) hit the big-time as the star of a trilogy of actioncomedies about a talking bear. Andre is forced to spend the day with Chelsea (Rosario Dawson) a profile writer for the New York Times, whose film critic has just panned Andre’s passion project about the Haitian Revolution. Unexpectedly, Andre opens up to Chelsea, and as they wind their way across New York, Andre tries to get back in touch with his comedic roots. Director: Chris Rock Stars: Chris Rock, Rosario Dawson, Gabrielle Union, Kevin Hart Unbroken PG-13 137 min Biography | Drama | Sport | War After a near-fatal plane crash in WWII, Olympian Louis Zamperini spends a harrowUNBROKEN ing 47 days in a raft with two fellow crewmen before he’s caught by the Japanese navy and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp. Director: Angelina Jolie Stars: Jack O’Connell, Takamasa Ishihara, Domhnall Gleeson, Garrett Hedlund Wild R 115 min Biography | Drama Driven to the edge by the loss of her beloved mother (Laura Dern), the dissolution of her marriage and a headlong dive into self-destructive behavior, Cheryl Strayed (Reese Witherspoon) makes a decision to halt her downward spiral and put her life back together again. With no outdoors experience, a heavy backpack and little else to go on but her own will, Cheryl sets out alone to hike the Pacific Crest Trail -- one of the country’s longest and toughest through-trails. Director: Jean-Marc Vallée Stars: Reese Witherspoon, Laura Dern, Gaby Hoffmann 26797 Hanna Rd (281) 292-0333 Fieldings Wood Grill 1699 Research Forest (832) 616-3275 SPRING Alicia’s Mexican Grille 20920 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 350-8383 Alma Latina Taqueria 25222 Aldine Westfield (281) 288-1767 Antojitos Quiche 25190 Interstate 45 (281) 651-5391 Arturo’s Taqueria 1402 1/2 Spring Cypress (281) 350-6808 Barracudas 2616 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 288-5376 Bombshells 21005 I-45 N. (281) 288-2769 Brother’s Pizza Express 163 Cypresswood Dr (281) 288-1300 Budegon Del Sur 26506 Oak Ridge Dr (832) 813-8334 C J’s Hot Dogs 4660 Louetta Rd (832) 299-6079 Chef Chan’s Restaurant 17833 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 370-3884 Corkscrew Bbq 24930 Budde Rd (832) 592-1184 Country Time BBQ & Fixins 25330 Richards Rd (281) 298-7455 Datpho Vietnamese Noodle House 523 Louetta Rd (281) 528-8989 El Palenque Mexican 1485 Spring Cypress Rd (281) 353-4055 Fiesta Acapulco 25770 Interstate 45 (281) 419-8666 Fukuda Sushi & Robata 25701 Interstate 45 (281) 419-8980 Golden China 25024 Interstate 45 (281) 363-2412 Golden Jade Chinese 1419 Spring Cypress (281) 350-5363 Gozzetti’s Pizzeria 8000 Mcbeth Way (832) 592-7750 Gratzi Italian Restaurant 6334 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 376-4800 Guadalajara Mexican Grille 27885 Interstate 45 (281) 362-0774 Hoi Yin Chinese Restaurant 200 Cypresswood Dr (281) 355-6800 Hong Kong Chinese 4334 Fm 2920 Rd # 10 (281) 528-9288 Hunan Garden Z 3930 Louetta Rd # I (281) 288-6288 I-45 Diner 19790 Interstate 45 (713) 389-5627 Italian Cafe 19620 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 528-2919 Jack Pot Pizza 6450 Louetta Rd (281) 257-0762 Juanita’s Mexican Grill 18525 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 379-3199 Kim Leng Chinese Restaurant 18430 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 355-0434 LA Cabana Mexican 4702 Louetta Rd (281) 907-7007 Las Cascadas Mexican 250 Cypresswood Dr (281) 528-9921 Las Delicias Taqueria 5010 Louetta Rd (281) 374-0303 Los Generales Mexican 5407 Louetta Rd # F (281) 251-9390 Los Tres Ranchitos Restaurant 19620 Kuykendahl (281) 288-4304 Luly’s Mexican Kitchen 3307 Spring Stuebner (281) 907-0012 Main Moon Asian Bistro 2129 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 288-8868 Mama Juanita’s Mexican 3930 Louetta Rd (281) 288-3800 Mama Mia Italianas 30420 Fm 2978 (281) 419-7662 Mikey’s Pizza 6114 Root Rd (281) 251-5551 Ming Cafe 6052 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 257-4886 Nadia’s Mediterranean Grill 5921 Fm 2920 Rd # B (281) 907-7070 Nielsen’s Deli & Bakery 26830 Interstate 45 (281) 363-3354 Orient Express 4660 Louetta Rd # 180 (281) 288-5290 Pavarotti Italian Restaurant 4660 Louetta Rd # 130 (281) 350-9749 Pizza Tonight 27190 Glen Loch Dr (281) 465-4774 Pizza Zone 17711 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 257-3100 Pollos Asados El Regio 25602 Interstate 45 (281) 292-4377 Shogun 5941 Fm 2920 Rd # H (281) 288-0996 Sicily Pizza & Pasta 4890 Louetta Rd (281) 288-8004 Skinny Pig Pizza Shack 417 Gentry St (832) 598-6605 Sreenath Murph’s Deli 20400 Interstate 45 N (281) 296-5303 Tabasco’s Mexican Grill 4334 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 288-0125 Taipei China Bistro 25807 Interstate 45 (281) 363-9188 Taqueria Arandas 36 Inc 25598 Interstate 45 # A (281) 419-3582 Taqueria Los Petates 25602 Interstate 45 (281) 362-9333 Taqueria Rodeo De Jalisco 19411 Kuykendahl (281) 251-3186 Taquma Japanese Grill 5200 Louetta Rd (281) 251-6338 Thomas Bar B-Q 25312 Interstate 45 (281) 364-1177 Tommy Wok 18363 Kuykendahl (281) 251-9190 Wacky Mongolian Grill 21212 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 288-3232 Wunsche Brothers Cafe 103 Midway St (281) 350-1902 Zum Barrel 13101 Kuykendahl (832) 446-3390 TOMBALL B J’s Pizza 24419 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 516-1770 Casa Amas Mexican 30522 State Hiway 249 (281) 255-8684 CC’s Cafe 1231 Alma St (281) 357-8025 Chang Gourmet Chinese 28575 State Hiway 249 (281) 255-9818 Chick N Fish House Of Tenders 32350 State Hiway 249 (281) 789-4193 Chinese Wok 1017 Louetta Rd (832) 717-7400 Ciscos Salsa Co 209 Commerce St (281) 351-7572 Ciudad Latina Grill & Market 32360 State Hiway249 (832) 521-3898 Cobi Ice Cream 11246 Timber Tech Ave (281) 516-1311 Cornerstone TX 990 Village Square (832) 422-1370 Country Bumpkins 18929 Telge Rd (281) 290-6512 Country Gardens 36102 Fm 149 Rd (281) 252-4443 Da Vinci’s Gallery & Expresso 315 W Main St (281) 516-9595 Deshazer Ranch 19600 Stone Lake Dr (281) 290-9585 Dragon Inn Restaurant 30006 State Hiway 249 (281) 351-9178 Dumas’s Taco Co 25435 Fm 2978 Rd (281) 255-9444 Egg & I 14051 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 516-9100 El Charro Grill 24914 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 516-2134 El Taco Madres 16918 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 351-8226 Ella’s Garden 1415 Ulrich Rd (281) 290-0998 Fang’s Cafe 24914 Kuykendahl (281) 516-0850 Fina’s Taco Factory 22526 Hufsmith Kohrville (832) 698-2395 Frey’s Backyard Cafe 14441 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 255-8282 Gianna Italian Kitchen 28301 State Hiway 249 (281) 290-6676 Golden Pagoda Chinese Rstrnt 908 W Main St (281) 351-8130 Goodson’s Cafe 27931 State Hiway 249 (281) 351-1749 Gumbeaux’s 9111 Hufsmith Kuykendahl(281) 3238494 Harris County Smokehouse 14239 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 351-4060 Hugo’s Italian Grill & Pzzr 23110 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 257-9720 Hunan Inn Asian Bistro 11407 Spring Cypress (281) 251-8388 Israel Tinda Y Panaderla 17719 Kuykendahl (832) 559-3696 Jax B F S Tomball 32350 State Hiway 249 (281) 259-6569 Julio’s 19235 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 255-8818 LA Tranquila Ranch 9418 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 576-8882 LNT Family Dining Cafe 18535 Fm 1488 (281) 252-8357 Longhorn Builders 21931 Kobs Rd (281) 357-1465 Los Arcos Mexican Restaurant 28048 State Hiway 249 (281) 351-9677 Los Pinos Mexican Restaurant 1231 Alma St # A (281) 255-2636 Los Toros Mexican Grill 701 E Main St # 140 (281) 255-2526 Los Tres Ranchitos Mexican 16143 N Eldridge Pkwy (281) 826-0333 Luie’s Smokehouse 17323 Pikes Peek Ct (832) 868-3643 Macayo’s Mexican Restaurant 24814 Kuykendahl (281) 516-3015 Marco’s Pizza 16949 N Eldridge (281) 251-3334 Mel’s Country Cafe 24814 Stanolind Rd (281) 255-6357 Mexican Kitchen 16949 N Eldridge Pkwy (281) 251-5115 My Pizza 32360 State Hiway 249 (281) 259-2458 Nate’s Place 22526 Hufsmith Kohrville (832) 843-7977 Nona’s Italian Grill 1025 Alma St # E (281) 255-6088 Nonnie’s Soda Fountain 102 Market St (281) 516-1942 Nook Restaurant 1218 W Main St (281) 255-8406 Original Rib Tickler 28930 State Hiway 249 (281) 255-8119 Submarina 11022 Spring Cypress (281) 257-4432 Susie’s Tearoom 309 Market St # A (281) 516-4521 Tail Gate Grill 22008 Main Blvd (281) 255-9353 Taqeria Acapulco 32015 State Hiway 249 (281) 356-5885 Taste Of Asia 27910 State Hiway 249 (281) 516-0838 Tomball Bar-B-Q Co 30042 State Hiway 249 (281) 351-0929 Tomball Taqueria Restaurant 27941 State Hiway 249 (281) 516-7366 Whistle Stop 107 Commerce St (281) 255-2455 Whistle Stop Tea Room 104 N Elm St (832) 843-7437 WATERWAY Burger Fi 1501 Lake Robbins Dr (713) 389-5823 Goose’s Acrea 21 Waterway Ave (281) 466-1502 Grimaldi’s Pizzeriaa 20 Waterway Ct (281) 465-3500 Hubbell & Hudson 24 Waterway Ave # 125 (281) 203-5641 LA Lupita Mexican Cuisine 29 Waterway Ave (832) 510-2111 PUBLIC NEWS Luca & Leonardoa 20 Waterway Ave (832) 510-2110 Refuge Bar & Bistro 24 Waterway Ave (713) 389-5674 Towncenter Burger 20 Waterway Ave (281) 292-6385 Yucatan Taco Stand & Tequila 24 Water Way (281) 419-6300/1144 WILLIS El Buen Taco 606 S Danville St (936) 856-3597 El Tapatio 509 Highway 75 N (936) 856-6202 Leroy’s Bar-B-Q & Burgers 707 W Montgomery (936) 856-5232 Los Molcajetes Tex Mex 106 N Danville St (936) 856-9977 Olde Towne Willis Cafe 509 Highway 75 N (936) 890-0609 Original Super Burger 201 N Danville St (936) 856-8098 Pizza Shack 115 W Montgomery (936) 856-9780 Rico’s Mexican Grill 12501 Canyon Falls Blvd (936) 856-6200 Smokey Mo’s 507 S Danville St (936) 856-5581 Sweatpeas Cooking 506 Highway 75 N (936) 333-3439 Taqueria Las Moras 106 W Montgomery (936) 890-4148 Yummy Yummy Mongolian Grill 12709 Interstate 45 N (936) 890-8855 Zach’s Bbq 200 E Powell St (936) 890-6969 THE WOODLANDS Alameda Juice 9595 Six Pines Dr (281) 681-1167 Benihana 1720 Lake Woodlands (281) 292-0061 Berryhill Baja Grill 9595 Six Pines Dr # 250 (281) 298-8226 Black Walnut Cafe 2520 Research Forest (281) 362-1678 BRIO Tuscan Grille 1201 Lake Woodlands (281) 465-8993 Brothers Pizza 2260 Buckthorne Pl (281) 298-9299 Brothers Pizza Express 6700 Woodlands Pkwy (281) 419-8550 Cajun Grilla 1201 Lake Woodlands (832) 585-0883 Charley’s Grilled Subs 1201 Lake Woodlands (281) 465-4333 Chef Chan’s Restaurant 7 Switchbud Pl (281) 363-0037 China Bridge 7901 Research Forest (281) 419-9888 China Springs 6777 Woodlands Pkwy (281) 419-9961 Crust Pizza Co 4775 W Panther Creek (281) 298-8844 Crust Pizza Co 8000 Research Forest (832) 585-0999 Dimassi’s Mediterranean Buffet 1640 Lake Woodlands (281) 363-0200 Double Dave’s Pizza 6777 Woodlands Pkwy (281) 419-3282 Frullati Cafe 1201 Lake Woodlands (281) 296-6657 Great Wraps 1201 Lake Woodlands (281) 298-0223 Green’s International 8000 Research Forest (281) 419-7787 Grotto Ristorante 9595 Six Pines Dr # 100 (281) 419-4252 Honey-B-Ham & Deli 4747 Research Forest (281) 364-9200 Jasper’s Woodlands 9595 Six Pines (281) 298-6600 LA Trattoria Tuscano 4223 Research Forest (281) 419-2252 Los Cucos Mexican Cafe 4775 W Panther Creek (281) 296-2303 Mama J’s BBQ & Grill 26710 Oak Ridge Dr I-45 (936) 273-9444 Mariachi’s Mexican Bar & Grill 6777 Woodlands Pkwy (281) 292-2222 Masa’s Sushi & Robata Bar 4775 W Panther Creek (281) 298-5688 Mi Cocina 1201 Lake Woodlands (281) 298-6426 Pit Master BBQ 343 Sawdust Rd (281) 419-3644 Pizza By Marco 9595 Six Pines Dr (281) 298-8794 Potbelly Sandwich Works 9595 Six Pines Dr (281) 292-6652 Ristorante Tuscany 1601 Lake Robbins (281) 367-9797 Rico’s Grill 4747 Research Forest (281) 367-7382 Rico’s Mexican Restaurant 8000 Research Forest (281) 465-4820 Romano’s Macaroni Grill 1155 Lake Woodlands (281) 367-3773 Sakekawa Japanese Restaurant 6777 Woodlands Pkwy (281) 419-5988 Sakekawa Japanese Sushi-Steak 4221 Research Forest (281) 298-9188 Santaplus 1201 Lake Woodlands (281) 292-0868 Shanghai Bistro 38 Highland Cir (281) 298-9998 Skeeter’s Mesquite Grill 4747 Research Forest (281) 364-1094 Taco USA 7 Switchbud Pl (281) 292-8226 Tsukiji Sushi 24 Waterway Ave # 100 (281) 298-1888 UNI Sushi 9595 Six Pines Dr # 860 (281) 2987177 Via Emilia Italian Restaurant 10700 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 465-9555 Villa Fresh Italian Kitchen 1201 Lake Woodlands (281) 419-5060 JANUARY 7 - 13, 2015 11 FAKE ASTROLOGY STRESS IS OVER RATED & UNDER APPRECIATED by Chrisine Alvarez Crescent Moon Wine Bar 3 B’s Burgers & Beer Once Read Twice Sold Books Vapor Depot Carl Palmgren Space Cadets Collection Collection The Waxing Bar Moore Time Heather Jackson Rage Fit Sun Spa Tanning Andy Singer Toastmasters International B’s Dream Come True R & L Books Dale Hall/Pillar To Post Bart Pearston Wells Fargo Bank Harris County Public Library Fresh Arts Lone Star Internet Radio Taco Maker Anna “Pinion” Pena The City Of Conroe Contemporary Entertainment Randy & Nancy Selby Realtors Theater Under The Stars Daniel’s Italian Restaurant Tandoory Tacos 12 JANUARY 7 - 13, 2015 PUBLIC NEWS Taurus-(Apr. 21- May 21)- Ok Taurus, you didn’t get caught stealing the petty cash, you did however get caught in bed with your brothers wife . Your jealousy and completive nature is why you now have a black eye and have been exiled from most of your family. Gemini-(May 22-June 21)- Your split personality is beginning to falter, Gemini. I suggest you book a spa getaway and collect yourself, unless you want to find yourself in a padded room arguing with your other half about the benefits of a straight jacket. Cancer-(June 22-July 22)- Put down the eyeliner and hang up your girl pants Cancer. Your parents think you are gay, and your girlfriend is starting to question your orientation as well. You can’t understand why everyone is out to get you, but in reality no one is. Leo-(July 23-Aug 22)- You think you are everyone’s boss . You are the kind of person I am glad is too stupid to plot world domination. It helps also, that you don’t have a charismatic bone in your body. You are the boss everyone talks badly about. In fact don’t be surprised if you find a dart board with your picture on it in the break room. Virgo-(Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)- Virgo, you can not organize the world. And if you try you are going to lose your trademark composure. You wouldn’t want to do that. Your pride and joy is the fact that even though you are screaming inside, the world thinks you have it all together. Congrats, you’ve S S M T O O K P IN G To our dedicated readers who have given the Public News courage to press on... ... and to our faithful writers and generous advertisers who have made it all possible. Aires-(Mar. 21- April 20)- Be careful this week Aires, you’re already extremely short fuse is even shorter this month . Between the heat and the traffic, you are a walking time bomb. Stress from work and family has you walking a thin line. My suggestion to you: Take the handgun out of your car during mid day drives. It may just keep you out of jail. fooled us all! Libra-(Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)- Libra, you are a lost cause. You have yet to figure out how to say no. You wonder how you found yourself in a g-string, hanging from a pole in some seedy strip club off the interstate. You can’t seem to wrap your head around how you ended up with a pimp instead of a boyfriend. I told you last time if you didn’t grow a backbone you would find yourself in a very bad place. Scorpio-(Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)- Oh Scorpio what a predicament you have found yourself in this week. Your quick tongue and pension for revenge have left you alone and naked on the side of the proverbial road. You have no allies, and you can’t figure out how everything fell apart so quickly. Sagittarius- (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)- So the lotto thing didn’t pan out for you, and you are staring at an eviction notice on your door. What did we tell you? The world isn’t all sunshine and puppy dogs, you may actually have to earn your way through it. Capricorn-(Dec 22.- Jan. 20)- So the mothership left with out you. News flash Capricorn. There was no mothership, there was no day of ascension to the great beyond. It was all just a ploy to strip idiots of their savings and 401k’s. And now you are the guy with the “Hungry. God bless” sign standing in the 105 degree sun, filthy and half crazy from dehydration. Aquarius-(Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)- Your cool detachment is your meal ticket Aquarius, your only obstacle is your need for perverse things. You are always pushing the envelope and this time it landed you in a sticky situation. Pisces-(Feb. 20-Mar. 20)- So that cult thing didn’t pan out for you Pisces. Much like your symbol, you are about as capable of independent thought as a school of fish. V ST A A P R IN T G Brazos Mall 2040 Louetta Spring, TX 77388 281-528-2020 12827 Westheimer Rd. Houston, TX 77077 281-679-6909 THE BACKPAGE CLASSIFIEDS PLACE YOUR BACKPAGE CLASSIFIED AD TODAY - CALL 832-298-5246 THE MARK & CINDY SHOW LONESTAR INTERNET RADIO’S AWARD WINNING MORNING PROGRAM MON-THURS 10am - 11am $40 OFF your client’s choice of any Pillar To Post Home Inspection Package! Your Complete Music Source In Conroe carrying all major brands, Fender, Epiphone, Martin, Guild, Seagull, Taylor, TAMA, Ludwig, Roland, Boss,Ibanez PEAVEY PA Equipment, and allaccessories. Call me to book an inspection now - (832) 412-8495 Pillar To Post offers a great home inspection experience for you and your clients, as well as our best-in-the-business report delivered on site upon completion of the inspection. 936-539-9000 DALE HALL TREC License #21144 26948 Carriage Manor Kingwood, TX 77339 (832) 412-8495 Now your clients can choose from our exclusive Home Inspection Packages, including our Prestige Package, featuring our Healthy Home analysis. Take advantage of my $40 SAVINGS offer and discover the Pillar To Post difference. CECI BONNICKSON REALTOR, REALTY ASSOCIATES WORKING WITH“HOME BUYERS, SELLERS AND RENTERS” PROVIDING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE WITH A CASUAL STYLE CELL: 832-289-2919 Panther Creek Inspiration Ranch “Horses Healing People” THANK YOU! ONCE READ TWICE SOLD BOOKS 250 Cypresswood Dr, Spring, TX 77388 (281) 355-1300 Randy & Nancy Selby Connect Realty Woodlands buying or selling a home? we’ve got over 27 years experience 832-256-7870 MOORE TIME clocks, watches, music boxes sales & service largest selection in greater Houston Area 281-528-5400 PUFFABELLY’S in OLD TOWN SPRING OPEN MIC NIGHT EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT 6pm-9pm Gig Guide continued from page 8 Fri Feb 20 8:30pm Dr. John & the Nite Trippers [$198] Sat Feb 21 8:30pm George Winston [$128] Papa’s Ice House 314 Pruitt Rd, Spring 713-364-8140 Live Music will resume in January 2015 OLD TOWN SPRING Cross Track Ice House 200 Magnolia St., Old Town Spring 281-907-0711 Sat Jan 10 8pm Rod Brothers Puffabellys 100 Main St, Spring 281-350-3376 Wednesdays 8pm Davin James’ Songwriter Showcase Thursdays 6pm Open Mic Wunsche Brothers Cafe 103 Midway, Spring 281-350-1902 SPRING CHARLES VENEZIA REALTOR©, GRI Bombshells 21005 I-45 North, Spring 281-288-2769 Fri Jan 9 9pm Not The Rachels Sat Jan 10 9pm The Fantastic Band Fri Jan 16 9pm Not The Rachels Sat Jan 17 9pm J. B. Barnett Public News is available every Thursday Make sure you get your copy by subscribing! Mak’s Place Sports Bar & Grill 5200 Louetta Rd., Houston 832-698-1611 Fri Jan 9 10pm Brian Lofton Band Sat Jan 10 10pm Chris Coursey Band Fri Jan 16 10pm Turn Mics Band Sat Jan 17 10pm TBA Fri Jan 23 10pm Dunville Band Sat Jan 24 10pm Space Monkey Fri Jan 30 10pm J. B. Barnett Keller Williams Realty The Woodlands Member HAR, TAR, NAR Cell) 281-389-4000 Fax) 281-364-9971 LIKE US ON PUBLIC NEWS READERS CHOICE AWARDS CREATIVITY EXCELLENCE PROFESSIONALISM PASSION Voting begins at the end of this month That One Bar 4660 Louetta #100, Spring 832-562-3942 Fri Jan 9 9:30pm Sundance Head Fri Jan 16 9:30pm Treynwrek Fri Jan 23 9:30pm TBA Fri Jan 30 9:30pm TBA Two Mules Tavern 100 Cypresswood Dr., Spring 281-528-0600 Sat Jan 10 9pm TBA TOMBALL Cheers 916 West Main St., Tomball 281-351-2599 Fri Jan 9 9pm TBA Sat Jan 10 9pm TBA Fri Jan 16 9pm TBA Sat Jan 17 9pm TBA Main Street Crossing 111 West Main St., Tomball 281-290-0431 Thurs Jan 8 8pm The Roosevelts Weds Jan 14 8pm Adam Hood Thurs Jan 15 8pm Songtelling with Warren Hood Fri Jan 16 8pm Billy Joe Shaver Weds Jan 21 8pm Dirty River Boys Thurs Jan 22 8pm Roger Creager Fri Jan 23 8pm Zane Williams Sat Jan 24 8pm James McMurtry Weds Jan 28 8pm Mark Jones Fri Jan 30 8pm Carolyn Wonderland Sat Jan 31 8pm Steve Krase with special guest Trudy Lynn Weds Feb 4 8pm Paul Thorn Thurs Feb 5 8pm Paul Thorn Fri Feb 6 8pm Shay Domann Sat Feb 7 8pm Darden Smith Weds Feb 11 8pm Cody Canada Thurs Feb 12 8pm Cody Canada Paper Rose Saloon 32015 SH 249, Decker Prairie 281-259-8671 Fajita Jack’s 15256 Highway 150 W., Montgomery 936-588-3340 The Fountainhead 17021 Ella Blvd,, Houston 281-444-1375 The Public News regrets that some venues have not reported their live music offerings in the area. We suggest to our readers to patronize those that have taken the effort to let you know who is playing where, when and for how much. The Public News supports the Arts, especially good music. Foodie’s continued from page 7 #1 Pallotta’s Italian Grill – Chicken Ala Pallotta #2 Corkscrew BBQ – Beef Rib and Brisket #3 5 Ate Café – The Sharwarma Burger or The Italian Pizza #4 Jasper’s – Maytag Blue Cheese Chips #5 Rc’s NYC Pizza and Pasta – Hot Wings #6 Casa Medina – Beef Fajitas and House Margarita #7 Just Burgers – Slap Yo Mama Burger #8 Hong Kong Chinese Restaurant – Pork Fried Rice or Cantonese Style Crispy Noodles #9 Taco Crave – Crave Meat Tacos #10 La Casita – Cubano Torta Runner Up: Uncle Tony’s - Spicy Chicken Tacos and Ultimate Rattlesnake Burger. For Houston El Real Tex- Mex - Bacon Enchiladas or Baranaby’s Café – Waffle Fries with Blue Cheese Fondue topped with Blue Cheese Crumbles, Bacon and Green Onions. ADVICE BY LEZLEE Being Stuck in “Stay At Home Mom” Mode Dear LezLee, My wife quit work a few years ago to stay home with our first child. Now that the baby is older, she spends most of her time watching soap operas all those home make-over shows on TV. Now she has the great idea to remodel and/or decorate our whole house. She’s constantly shopping and last week I came home to a bedroom full of ruffles and flowers. Hey - I’m a fireman - I don’t want such a girly room. How do I tell her that she’s gone a little off the deep end without hurting her feelings? Sincerely, Blake Dear Blake, Is it possible that your wife is bored? It sounds like PUBLIC NEWS she needs some sort of project now that the baby is more independent. What did she do for fun before the baby was born? Is there anything you have been wanting to do together that you have been putting off because of baby? Now’s the time to do it! It might not totally stop the decorating bug but it will definitely give her other things to think about. Remember to compliment any changes she has made that you do like - it will make your rejection of the flowers and ruffles more palatable. Bottom line.... show her your relationship is more important to you than your environment and she just may agree and remember ..... its better to “Trade Spaces” than Spouses! LezLee JANUARY 7 - 13, 2015 13 HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM THE PUBLIC NEWS 14 JANUARY 7 - 13, 2015 PUBLIC NEWS