TERM Duration Dynamics Timbre Pitch Tempo Texture Genre Rhythm Structure Melody Accompaniment Composer Era Manuscript Tonality Ensemble Chromatic Improvisation Time Signature Off beat MEANING Long/short = how long it is Loud/Quiet = volume All instruments sounds diff/have own sound High/Low Fast/Slow = speed How many instruments/sounds What type of music E.G. rock/classical Length of notes (group of notes as a pattern) Sections of a piece of music E.G chorus Tune Backing music Person who writes the music. Period of history Music paper (5 lines) Mood – happy/sad Group performance All notes in a row eg. C, C#, D, D# Make tune up as you go How many beats per bar Between the beats EXPANSION ON MEANING Quaver/ Crotchet/ Minim/ Semi-breve Piano = quiet/Forte = loud Legato = smooth/Staccato = spikey Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bass Allegro/Andante/Adagio Monophony/Polyphony Blues/ Jazz/ Folk/ Pop/ Musicals Swing/ Syncopation Verse/Chorus/Bar Composed/ Improvised Bass line/Chords Beethoven/Mozart/Chopin/Handel Baroque/Classical/Romantic/Modern Treble & bass clef Major/Minor Duet/ Orchestra Tone/Semi-tone Head/ solo/ comping 2/4, ¾, 4/4 Syncopation Rhythm Choir Orchestra Maracas Xylophone Guitar Cello Ukuleles Saxophone Keyboard Cymbal Percussion Glockenspiel Tambourine Listening Chorus Double Bass Piano Oboe Chord Instrument Acoustic Composition Performed Piccolo Microphone Manuscript Crotchet Quaver Practice Staccato Syncopation Mozart Beethoven Beat Rehearse Bassoon Opera Ensemble Accompaniment