Teacher: Jennifer Granillo Unit: Nutrition and Physical Activity Topic: Nutrition Title: “Reading food labels” Grade: 10th Standards: 3.3 N Describe how to use nutrition information on food labels to compare products. 7.1 N Select healthy foods and beverages in a variety of settings. Objectives: Following instruction the student will: 1. Describe how to use nutrition food labels to compare products by answering questions on a handout. (Comprehension) 2. Select healthy foods and beverages in a variety of settings by answering questions comparing meals of fast-food restaurants. (Evaluation) Introductory Set: (10 minutes) Welcome students to class and begin by telling students that they will be learning how to read food labels. Understanding food label facts such as calories, serving size, sugar amount, and the ingredient list is an important step towards eating healthy. Distribute the breakfast foods handout and have students circle the items that they usually eat for breakfast. Have students share their responses with a partner or small group. Content Outline: According to Nutrition Concepts and controversies (Sizer & Whitney, 2012), I. “Checking out food Labels” A. Serving size- this amount of food constitutes a single serving and that portion containing the nutrient amount listed. For example, a serving of chips may be 10 chips, so if you eat 50 chips, you will have consumed five times the nutrient amounts listed on the label. B. Servings per container- number of servings per box, can, or package. C. Calories/calories from fat- total food energy per serving and energy from fat per serving. D. Nutrients amounts and percentages of daily values- this section provides the core information concerning these nutrients a. Total fat. Grams of fat per serving with a breakdown showing grams of saturated fat and Trans fat per serving. b. Cholesterol. Milligrams of cholesterol per serving. c. Sodium. Milligrams of sodium per serving. d. Total carbohydrate. Grams of carbohydrate per serving including starch, fiber, and sugars, with a breakdown showing grams of dietary fiber and sugars. e. Protein. Grams of protein per serving. E. Percentage daily values of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron F. Daily values and calories-per-gram reminder- lists the daily values for a person needing 2,000 or 2,500 calories per day G. Calorie per gram reminder- Fat 9 Carbohydrate 4 Protein 4 H. Ingredients- ingredients are listed in descending order of predominance by weight. II. “The Challenge in Choosing Foods” A. Types of Food a) Whole foods: foods that have existed for a long time, such as vegetables, meats, milk, and grains. Also called basic foods. Generally form basis of nutritious diet. b) Fast foods: foods prepared within minutes at restaurants. May not meet person’s nutrient needs, but depends on selection made and and needs of individual c) Processed foods: foods subjected to any processing, such as milling, alteration of texture, addition of additives. These foods may or may not be nutritious. d) Functional foods: marketing term used to identify foods containing substances, natural or added, believed to provide benefits such as reduced disease risks. e) Staple foods: foods that are used frequently or daily, such as rice or beans B. Recognizing Nutritious Diet a) 5 characteristics b) Adequacy: foods/meals provide all the essential nutrients, fiber, and energy in amounts to maintain health & body weight c) Balance: providing foods in proportion to each other d) Calorie control: control of energy intake e) Moderation: eating foods within set limits f) Variety: providing a wide selection of foods C. Excuses for Not Eating Well a) No time to cook b) Not a high priority c) Crave fast foods or sweets d) Too little money e) Take vitamins instead D. Solutions to Eating Well a) Buying and cooking frozen vegetables, prepared meats from deli or prepared salads can make a nutritious meal. b) Priorities change when ill. Eating nutritiously & nourishing body’s defenses earlier, rather than later, is best. c) Occasional fast food meals and sweets in moderation is acceptable. d) Eating right costs no more than eating poorly. e) Vitamins cannot make up for consistently poor food choices. Procedure: 1. Distribute to the students a “nutrition label sheet” to take notes during lecture 2. Activity #1- After the lecture, distribute “Q & A: nutrition fact sheet” Students will individually work on the handout and answer questions about the nutrition facts labels (10 minutes) 3. The handout will be picked up and graded for participation points and to assess comprehension 4. Move on to PowerPoint lecture #2-“The Challenge in Choosing Foods” (15 minutes) After lecture, refer back to the introduction lunch meals chosen by the students 5. Discuss with the students the nutritional values of each meals and ask the students what can be modified in order for the lunch meals to be more nutritious. (5 minutes) 6. Distribute homework assignment to the students Conclusion: (5 minutes) Review the main components of nutrition fact labels and what the 5 characteristics in choosing a nutritious diet are. Materials: Handout #1 “Q & A: Nutrition fact label” Handout #2 homework assignment “The Challenge in Choosing Foods” Breakfast meal images Evaluation: Objective #1 will be evaluated by grading the Q & A: nutrition fact sheet and assessing comprehension. Objective #2 will be evaluated by grading the homework assignment and assessing comprehension. Modifications: For an English language learner I will provide images of food nutrition labels on class handouts and PowerPoint lectures. For a student that has a low reading level I will translate key nutrition words like protein or carbohydrates to Spanish. References: Sizer, F., & Whitney, E. (2012). Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies. (12 ed., pp. 50-51). Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning. Q & A: Nutrition fact label 1. Which is the first item consumers should read in a label and why? 2. What are some reasons why knowing how to read a nutrition facts label is important? Use the following label below to answer questions 4 -7 4. What is the recommended serving size of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos? 5. How many calories are in one serving? 6. If the bag had two serving sizes in it, how many calories would a person consume if they ate the entire bag? 7. Do Flamin’ Hot Cheetos have any nutritional value? If so, list the nutrients. Homework: “The Challenge in Choosing Foods” 1. What are the characteristics that make up a nutritious meal? 2. What are some solutions people can take to eat more nutritious and healthy meals? 3. What are some of the different types of food? 4. Which type of food usually forms the basis of a nutritious diet? Which type of food may not meet a person’s nutrient needs? 5. List some reasons why a Subway Cold Cut sandwich (ham, salami, and bologna sandwich with lettuce, tomato, bell peppers, and onion) may be a more nutritious choice than a Jack in the Box Bacon Ultimate cheeseburger (two beef patties and three bacon slices on a sesame seed bun with mayo, mustard and ketchup and American and Swiss style cheeses). 6a. Using the nutrition information from In-N-Out listed below, select a drink and hamburger combination that you feel would be the most nutritious meal option. (Nutrition information only lists one option of fries, so there will be no changes made to the fries.) 6b. Now that you have chosen your meal, calculate the total amount of calories, total fat, and carbohydrates. 7. Using the nutrition information from El Pollo Loco nutrition guide, select a bowl or salad that you feel is the most nutritious meal option and why? 8. After analyzing a meal from In-N-Out and El Pollo Loco, which one is the better option and give reasons to support response.