CHEM103 General Chemistry (Dao)

CHEM-103 (Summer 2015)
9:45am – 11:15am
Brown 101
Professor Huy “Mike” Dao, M.S.
Office Hours: After class
Textbooks and Equipment
Chemistry by Chang (11th Edition) ISBN: 9780073402680
Connectplus Access Card for Chemistry by Chang 11th Edition (Must be
new, can’t buy used) ISBN: 9780077386610
o Note: You can buy the book and access separately or together
as a package (Package ISBN: 9780077595913)
Experiments for General Chemistry C101, 102, 103, 104 by Kramer &
Wingrave (3rd edition) ISBN: 9780738048154 (Must buy new)
I-Clicker 2 (From a previous class is okay) ISBN: 9781464194559
Lab Safety Goggles (NOT safety glasses)
Guide to Surviving General Chemistry by Rosen (2007 edition)
ISBN: 9781305391383
Chang – Student Study Guide (11th Edition)
Chang – Student Solution Manual (11th Edition)
Class Description & Goals
This course focuses on matter, the changes that matter undergoes, and the laws
governing these changes. Special emphasis is placed on atomic and molecular
structure, stoichiometry, periodic properties of elements, bonding, molecular
geometry, and energy relationships.
After successfully completing this course, a student should be able to:
Define pertinent terms relating to the study of general chemistry
Identify the physical/chemical properties/changes of matter
Determine the number of significant figures in values and calculations
Understand the historical development of the atomic theory
Write formulas and names of chemical compounds and balance
6. Perform calculations in stoichiometric relationships
7. Calculate answers to fundamental gas law problems
8. Apply energy changes in thermochemistry to the solving of problems,
including Hess’s Law
9. Identify the characteristics of the modern quantum theory to the model of
the atom including electron configuration
10. Determine the relationship of the elements and their positions on the
periodic table, including all physical and chemical characteristics
11. Calculate the bonding character of compounds using electronegativity
12. Determine the three dimensional structure of compounds using the VSEPR
13. Define the characteristics of the kinetic theory of matter as related to
phase diagrams
Goals adopted from Dr. Michael Stemniski
Attendance is based on a 3-strike policy. You are allowed 3 unexcused
absences throughout the semester. For each additional unexcused absence
beyond the given 3, your final grade will be lowered by one grade level (A- 
Attendance is taken via clicker questions. The clicker questions may occur at
any point in the class period. If you are not present to answer the clicker
question, you are considered absent for that day.
Excused Absences
Excused absences are those covered by the University’s attendance
policy, including serious illness and death in the immediate family. For an
absence to be considered excused, a doctor’s note or other relevant
documentation must be provided.
There are 800 points in the class. Lecture is worth 600 points, and laboratory is
worth 200 points.
Exam 1 – 100 points
Exam 2 – 100 points
Exam 3 – 100 points
Final – 200 points
Homework – 75 points
Clickers – 25 points
Lab – 200 points
Your laboratory grade will be calculated by multiplying your percentage grade
by 2. A 95% in laboratory would produce a point score of 190 (out of 200).
744 - 800
720 - 743
696 - 719
664 - 695
640 - 663
616 - 639
584 - 615
560 - 583
536 - 559
504 - 535
480 - 503
Less than 480
There are 3 exams and 1 final. Exams must be taken on the scheduled day, at
the scheduled time. There are no make-ups.
Tentative schedule:
Exam 1 – Thursday June 18, 2015
Exam 2 – Thursday June 25, 2015
Exam 3 – Thursday July 2, 2015
Final Exam – Saturday July 11, 2015 (time TBA)
Homework Assignments
Homework will be done through McGraw-Hill Connect. You can receive a
maximum of 75 points from homework. The points will come from the
percentage of questions you answer correctly.
Homework is considered to be individual, and group work / sharing answers is
not permitted.
Clicker Questions
Clicker questions are both a form of evaluation and a method to take
attendance. You can receive a total of 25 clicker points. A correct clicker
answer is worth 1.25 points, and an incorrect answer is worth 1 point.
Using another student’s clicker to answer clicker questions is considered
cheating and is a violation of the University’s academic code.
Clickers must be registered on Sakai in order to properly connect responses to
specific students.
UD Course Capture
Lectures will be recorded via UD Course Capture. UD Course Capture will have
video of the slides and audio from the lecture. It will not record anything written
on the board. Therefore, attendance is still mandatory. The link to the videos will
be posted on Sakai as soon as it is available from Academic Technology
This course includes 12 laboratory exercises. There are 11 exercises that take
place during the lab period, and 1 that is take-home. All labs must be
completed and handed in during lab or on the date specified for the takehome lab. The lowest lab grade will be dropped. An absence will count as a
zero, and will be used as your dropped lab.
Labs will be MWF, 12:30-3:30. Section 020 will be in 064 Drake. Section 021 will be
in 070 Drake.
The tentative lab schedule is as follows:
June 10th: Experiment 1, Laboratory Techniques
June 12th: Experiment 2, Density
June 15th: Experiment 3, Physical and Chemical Properties
June 17th: Experiment 5, Properties of Hydrates
June 19th: Experiment 6, Limiting Reactants
June 22nd: Experiment 13, Types of Reactions
June 24th: Experiment 15, Thermodynamics, Calorimetry
June 26th: Experiment 32, Phosphates in Water
June 29th: Experiment 9, Trends in the Periodic Table
July 1st: Experiment 10, Spectroscopy
July 6th: Experiments 11&12 Lewis Structures and Using Lewis Structures
(Do 11 in lab, finish 12 at home, unless finished in lab)
Academic Dishonesty
Cheating is not tolerated. All UD students are required to be familiar with and
abide by the Student Code of Conduct as promulgated in The Official Student
Handbook This policy
will apply to every exam, quiz, homework, and any other assignment given in
this course. Violations of any kind can result in a failing grade for the course.
During exams, all mobile communications devices (cell phones, tablets, mp3
players, laptop computers, etc…) must be silenced or turned off. Any use of a
cell phone will result in a zero for the exam and possible sanctions by the Office
of Student Conduct. No other resources are allowed, include any notes, written
or typed.
I reserve the right to change the information and/or assignments contained
within this syllabus. Please ask if there are any questions about the syllabus or