Act 3 Summaries

Act 3 Summary
Act 3, Scene 1
Banquo is suspicious of Macbeth that he has killed Duncan to fulfil the witches prophecy,
while thinking that the witches’ prophecy will also come true for him. Macbeth (now king)
announces that he will have a banquet at his castle and he will honour Banquo as his guest.
Macbeth tells Banquo that Duncan’s sons Malcolm and Donaldbain won’t confess to their
father’s “murder,” and with this Banquo tells Macbeth that he and Fleance must leave but
will be back later.
Macbeth is now worried that his greatest fear – that the prophecy for Banquo (that his
children will become kings) - will come true. He decides to hire two assassins who are really
just poor men willing to kill for money to kill both Banquo and Fleance. Macbeth then tells
the murderers the exact details of how to kill Banquo and that they also have to kill Fleance
at the same time.
Act 3, Scene 2
Lady Macbeth is unhappy and it seems there’s no end to her desire for power so she feels
insecure and anxious. Macbeth than appears looking upset and she tells him to stop feeling
guilty over the crimes they’ve commited. Even though Macbeth knows the job isn’t finished,
he has vivid nightmares about his deeds and is jealous of Duncan because he sleeps
peacefully (even if it’s in his grave.) Lady Macbeth tells him to pull himself together and to
act normal infront of the guests. Macbeth responds by telling her that "a deed of dreadful
note" will be done in the night, but doesn’t tell her what.
Act 3, Scene 3
The two murderers are joined by a third, who says that he has also been hired by Macbeth.
Horses are heard approaching and Banquo and Fleance enter. The murderers attack Banquo
but Fleance manages to escape. The murderers leave to report back to Macbeth.
Act 4, Scene 4
At the banquet, a murderer arrives and reports to Macbeth just as the dinner guests begin
to arrive. He informs Macbeth that Banquo is dead but Fleance has escaped. Shaken,
Macbeth thanks him for what he has done and arranges another meeting on the following
day. The murderer leaves and Macbeth returns to the feast.
Looking over the table, Macbeth declares that the banquet would be perfect if only Banquo
were present. At this point Banquo's ghost appears unobserved and takes Macbeth's seat.
The guests urge Macbeth to sit and eat with them but Macbeth says that the table is full.
When Lennox points to Macbeth's empty seat, Macbeth is shocked to see Banquo’s ghost
and begins to address the ghost. The guests, confused by his behavior, think that he is ill.
Lady Macbeth reassures them, however, by saying that he has had similar fits since youth
and that he will soon be well. She draws Macbeth aside and attempts to calm him by
asserting that the vision is merely a “painting of [his] fear”—just like the dagger he saw
earlier. Ignoring her, Macbeth charges the ghost to speak but it disappears. After Lady
Macbeth scolds him for being "unmanned in folly" , Macbeth returns to his guests and
claims that he has "a strange infirmity," which they should ignore.
Just as the party resumes and Macbeth is offering a toast to Banquo, the ghost reappears.
As Macbeth once again bursts out in a speech directed at the ghost, Lady Macbeth tries to
smooth things over with the guests. In response to Macbeth’s exclamation that he sees
sights that make his cheeks “blanched with fear,” Ross asks what sights Macbeth means .
Lady Macbeth asks the guests to leave, since Macbeth's "illness" seems to be deteriorating.
Alone with Lady Macbeth, Macbeth expresses his deep anxieties and vows to return to the
Weird Sisters.
Act 3, Scene 5
Back on the heath, the witches meet Hecate (the queen of witches) who gets angry at the
three witches for being involved in Macbeth’s affairs without first telling her or showing off
their magic. She tells them that Macbeth will visit them tomorrow and that they must put
on a more dramatic show for him.
Act 3, Scene 6
Lennox, while discussing politics with another Lord, sarcastically comments on the deaths of
Duncan and Banquo. He suggests that it doesn’t seem likely that Malcolm and Donalbain
would be that cold-blooded to pay to kill their father and says it’s convenient that Macbeth
killed the king’s bodyguards too. The Lord that Lennox is speaking with comments that
Macduff has joined Malcom in England who have asked to lead an army against Macbeth to
over throw him.
Act 3 Cloze Passage
With the help of your class summaries and the “Macbeth Summaries” handout, complete the cloze
passage with the words in the box. Some words may be used twice.
England witches sons murders throne guilt army prophecy note Banquo Fleance escapes normally assassins
Macbeth kill insane politics desire thinks Duncan tomorrow guests overthrow conscience deed chair magic
nightmares queen Donaldbain Hecate Macduff confess banquet Malcom poor lord Duncan
Banquo ______________ that Macbeth his killed ______________ so that the
______________ prophecy can come true while also thinking that the prophecy might also
be true for him. Macbeth plans to have a ______________ at the castle making
______________ the main guest. Macbeth tells Banquo that ______________ and
______________ won’t ______________ to killing Duncan. Banquo along with
______________ leave Macbeth but they will return later on for the banquet.
Macbeth now hires two ______________ who are really just ______________ men to kill
Banquo because he is afraid that the ______________ for Banquo will come true (this his
______________ will become kings.) As well as giving the instructions to kill Banquo,
Macbeth also tell them to ______________ Fleance too.
There seems to be no end for Lady Macbeth’s ______________ for power. Macbeth looks
rather upset, so Lady Macbeth tell his to get over his ______________ for the
______________. Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth he has terrible ______________ over his
actions, but she reminds him to act ______________ at the banquet. He then says that
“______________ of dreadful ______________” is happening in the night, but doesn’t say
what it is. The murderers then meet up with Banquo, killing him but Fleance
The murderers arrive to tell ______________ that Banquo is dead. The banquet then starts
and the guests tell Macbeth that they cannot start until he has sat down in his
______________. The ______________ of Banquo appears and Macbeth begins to
hallucinate that Banquo is really there. Lady Macbeth catches on and tell the
______________ that Macbeth is feeling ill and that they have to leave quickly. Macbeth is
slowly becoming ______________ over his actions and his ______________ is catching up
to him.
The ______________ of witches ______________ gets angry at the three witches for
messing about with ______________ without using their ______________ or telling her
first. She tells them that Macbeth will visit them ______________ and that they must put on
a more dramatic show for him.
Lennox is now talking ______________ with a ______________, commenting on the deaths
of both ______________ and ______________. He thinks it’s a big conincidence that
Macbeth killed Duncan’s guards and doesn’t believe that Duncan’s sons could be involved in
killing him. The Lord says ______________ is with Malcom in ______________, gathering an
______________ to rise up and ______________ Macbeth from the ______________