Quick Guide Spain / Credit Suisse Custody Settlement / November 2015
Quick Guide Spain
Key Information
BNP Paribas Securities Services, Sucursal en España
BNP Paribas Securities Services
Sucursal en España
c/ Ribera del Loira 28, 3rd Floor
ES-28042 Madrid / Spain
BIC Code
Delivery instructions
Local Market Account
Matching Tolerance
EUR 10.00
If a trade does not settle on value date as the re-registration is not yet completed, our depository
will change the SD of the instruction in the market to the date when the re-registration will be
Re-registration takes three full business days.
Status SETT/PENF/PENF/CAIS indicates the start of the re-registration process
BNP Paribas Securities Services do not allow clients to hold funds with them as they do not offer
this service to clients.
Settlement Cycle
We remind you that the equities activity will be moved to T+2 shortly after the implementation of
the market reform in October 2015 so no change at the moment. Please note that in Spain, this
change will only affect now to fixed income stock included on the CADE platform, and not fixed
income settled on the SCLV platform (fixed income with RRs).
(aka Re-registratrion Fees)
EUR 0 - EUR 600'000
0.03% (0.015% on each side) with min. EUR 20
EUR 600'001 –
EUR 6'000'000
0.015% (0.0075% on each side)
EUR >6'000'001
EUR 0.24 per each EUR 6'000 of the effective value of both, the
purchase and the sale side, plus a flat fee of EUR 1'200.
Registration Name
13500 (main account)
The provision of YBEN/NBEN indicators is mandatory, however they are only a matching criteria
when the registration name is different. Where there is no change in the registration name the
depositary custodian will disregard the entry and the normal STP process will apply.
:22F::BENE//YBEN (accepting the put-through charges compra/venta)
:22F::BENE//NBEN (not accepting the put-through charges compra/venta)
Elements required for the Settlement Instruction
* M: Field is mandatory/O: Field is optional/C: Field is conditional.
Delivering or Receiving Agent
Client of Delivering or Receiving Agent
Place of Settlement
*** PSET depending on the stock exchange of the security: IBRCESMMSCL / IBRCESMMMVL
Place of Safekeeping
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Quick Guide Spain / Credit Suisse Custody Settlement / November 2015
Receive from a participant of IBERCLEAR
Receive from a client BNP Paribas Securities Services
(Internal Transfer)
:22F::BENE//YBEN or :22F::BENE//NBEN
:22F::BENE//YBEN or :22F::BENE//NBEN
*** PSET depending on the stock exchange of the security: IBRCESMMSCL / IBRCESMMMVL
*** PSET depending on the stock exchange of the security: IBRCESMMSCL / IBRCESMMMVL
Receive from a Euroclear participant (outside Euroclear)
Receive from a Clearstream Banking Lux participant
(outside Clearstream)
:22F::BENE//YBEN or :22F::BENE//NBEN
:22F::BENE//YBEN or :22F::BENE//NBEN
*** PSET depending on the stock exchange of the security: IBRCESMMSCL / IBRCESMMMVL
*** PSET depending on the stock exchange of the security: IBRCESMMSCL / IBRCESMMMVL
The instructions contained in this Guide will assist you in making full use of, as well as benefiting from, our settlements services. Under certain circumstances it may be necessary to use other fields or field options, which correspond to the SWIFT guidelines, yet
do not allow for automated processing of your settlement instructions. Credit Suisse AG endeavors to accept and process such instructions on a best effort basis without the mutual benefits of STP handling but accepts no liability for loss arising from the use of
such instructions. The information presented in this Guide has been obtained or derived from sources believed by Credit Suisse AG to be reliable. Credit Suisse AG makes no representation as to the accuracy and/or completeness of the information and/or that
the information is up to date. All information in this Guide will be subject to change without notice. The information and opinions in this Guide are not intended and shall not be interpreted as legal advice nor do they constitute a solicitation offer, or
recommendation, to acquire or dispose any investment or to engage in any other transaction. Credit Suisse AG offers no warranty and accepts no liability for loss arising from the use of this Guide.
Copyright © 2015 Credit Suisse Group AG and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved
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