Teaching Assistant APPLICATION
We are seeking caring and pro-active individuals with strong math abilities to serve as role models and mentors
for a middle school math camp that runs July 6 – July 31, 2015.
Application Deadline:
Applications should be received by May 29 for full consideration, but applications will be accepted until all
positions are filled. Please email Amy Hlavacek at ahlavace@svsu.edu if you know you will be applying, so
that you can be added to the pool of candidates as soon as possible and so that we may begin to make
arrangements for the interview and for diagnostic testing.
Preferred Qualifications:
Ability to provide mentorship and act as a strong positive role model. Things that we will be looking at
include academic records, discipline records, extracurricular activities, the interview, and the essay.
Suitable experience working with kids/camps.
Strong math content knowledge and the ability to communicate math concepts clearly. Applicants
should have completed at least Algebra II. We will be looking at math coursework, math grades, and
diagnostic scores. Be prepared to explain a simple math problem during the interview process.
Consistent availability and the ability to be punctual and effective. TAs must have reliable
transportation to and from the camp.
Strong interpersonal communication skills and the ability to provide clear instruction and direction to
camp participants.
Applicants who have graduated from high school Spring 2015 or before, who have earned at least one semester
of college credit in a mathematics course, and who have taken at least one semester of calculus may also be
eligible to be a Team Leader (Please see separate application form. If you are available for both positions but
prefer the Team Leader position, complete only the Team Leader application, and answer “YES” when we ask
if you would like to be considered for a Teaching Assistant position in the event we cannot offer you a Team
Leader position.)
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Ways to Apply:
Scan and email to ahlavace@svsu.edu (preferred).
Applications may also be dropped off at:
Math and Physics Tutoring
Saginaw Valley State University
Zahnow 238
Applications may be mailed to:
Summer STEM Opportunities Camp
Attn: Amy Hlavacek
CAA Math and Physics Tutoring
Zahnow Hall, Room 238
Saginaw Valley State University
7400 Bay Rd.
University Center, MI 48710
Selected staff for the 2015 SVSU STEM Camp will be notified by email starting June 8. We need to fill 18 TA
positions and 2 support positions (snack fairy). The snack fairies will deliver snacks, set up and run the camp
store, and provide other support services needed. Snack fairies also need to be able to serve as TA substitutes
and/or provide additional mentoring as needed.
TAs will be paid $8.15/hour. There will be three mandatory training sessions, which include a paid working
dinner. While the camp is in session, TAs will work 32-38 hours per week which includes a daily unpaid 30minute lunch period. TAs are provided a free lunch each day the camp is in session as well a light supper on
each training day. TAs are encouraged but not required to eat with their teams.
All staff must complete HR paperwork by June 15, 2015 to be eligible to work for the camp. Work permits for
TAs who will not yet be 18 years old by the first day of training must also be submitted by June 15, 2015.
Pending successful background checks and prompt submission of required documents, TAs will receive final
payment no later than August 28.
Further Information:
Please also refer to the Staff Info document. For additional information, contact Amy Hlavacek by phone at
(989) 964-4648 or by email at ahlavace@svsu.edu. If you reach voice mail, please leave a message (include
your name, your phone number and the best time to reach you at that number) and I will return your call.
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Application #:
Date Received:
Every item must be completed. Please print clearly or type.
Incomplete Item Numbers:
1. Name:
2. Date of Birth:
4. Address:
3. Gender: 6. Gender:
 Female  Male
____ State: _________ Zip:
5. Phone (1):
Phone (2):
 Home  Work  Cell  Pager Other
 Home  Work  Cell  Pager Other
6. E-mail:
7. Ethnicity (optional):
 African American  Asian  Hispanic  Native American  White  Other: ____________________
8. Did you serve as a TA or CI during the 2012 Ruben Daniels Summer Mathematics Camp? ________
Did you serve as a TA or TL during the 2013 SVSU Summer Math Opportunities Camp? ________
Did you serve as a TA or TL during the 2014 SVSU Summer Math Opportunities Camp? ________
Did you ever attend one of the above camps as a middle school participant? ____________
If so, which years? __________________________________________________________
9. Grade you will be entering in Fall, 2015:
 10th
 11th
 12th Other: _____________
10. Name of school you currently attend:
11. Awards, honors or participation in special programs:
12. Tutoring experience:
13. Write an essay of at least 200 words on why you would like to work for and study in the SVSU STEM
Camp and why you think you should be chosen. Please also reflect on the skills and abilities that you
think are the most important for being a successful TA. Bring your prior experiences into your argument.
Use of specific examples is encouraged. (Attach a separate sheet of paper.)
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14. Attach a copy of your complete high school transcript.
Last math class taken: ________________________
Please supply the name of at least one math teacher who can vouch for your abilities.
Name of teacher: ________________________________ Math Class: _________________________
Email address: ________________________________ Phone number: __________________________
Name of teacher: ________________________________ Math Class: _________________________
Email address: ________________________________ Phone number: __________________________
15. Please confirm that you will be available during the following dates and times by signing below.
(Exact times that you need to report for work/training will be specified in the event you are hired.)
Wednesday, June 24, Thursday, June 25, and Monday, June 29: 4:00 pm – 7:40 pm
July 6 – July 31: Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm, Friday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm
If you are available for at least two weeks but not for the whole program, please indicate which weeks you
are available by checking the appropriate spaces below. You must be available for all of the time camp is in
session to be able to claim availability for a certain week. Strong preference will be given to applicants who
can commit to the training sessions and to all four weeks of the camp.
___I am available for all of the dates/times above, including the training sessions.
___I am available for the three training sessions as well as the weeks indicated below:
___ I am available Monday, July 6 – Thursday, July 9: 8 am – 4 pm and Friday, July 10: 8 am – 2 pm.
___ I am available Monday, July 13 – Thursday, July 16: 8 am – 4 pm and Friday, July 17: 8 am – 2 pm.
___ I am available Monday, July 20 – Thursday, July 23: 8 am – 4 pm and Friday, July 24: 8 am – 2 pm.
___ I am available Monday, July 27 – Thursday, July 30: 8 am – 4 pm and Friday, July 31: 8 am – 2 pm.
I understand that once I am assigned to work, I will be expected to be at camp during all of the times
assigned unless there is an unavoidable emergency. Thus, I will not schedule doctor’s appointments,
vacations, or other activities during a week I am scheduled to work.
I certify that I have reliable transportation to and from the camp on the dates that I have indicated I am
Signed, _________________________________________________
16. All TA applicants, including those who have worked for us in previous summers, must take the Math
Diagnostic Exam. Please call 989-964-4648 or email ahlavace@svsu.edu to schedule an exam. Tests will
be proctored at SVSU. We may also provide an after school testing session at high schools with many
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17. Parent/Guardian:
A) Name:
Phone (1):
Phone (2):
 Home  Work  Cell  Pager Other
 Home  Work  Cell  Pager Other
E-mail: _____________________________________________________________________________
B) Name:
Phone (1):
Phone (2):
 Home  Work  Cell  Pager Other
 Home  Work  Cell  Pager Other
E-Mail: _____________________________________________________________________________
18. List two people to contact if Parent/Guardian is unavailable:
A) Name:
Phone (1):
Phone (2):
 Home  Work  Cell  Pager Other
B) Name:
Phone (1):
 Home  Work  Cell  Pager Other
Phone (2):
 Home  Work  Cell  Pager Other
 Home  Work  Cell  Pager Other
19. Expectations
TAs are expected to be actively engaged in the camp and to serve as positive role models at all times. In
particular, TAs should project a positive attitude about learning and about mathematics. Furthermore,
TAs must be careful not to ever seem bored, and TAs must be respectful to fellow staff and
program students at all times. Cell phones should be turned off or set to silent and put
away when camp is in session. (This policy will be strictly enforced!) We reserve the right to dismiss a
TA immediately should these expectations not be met.
I have read and understood the above description of expectations, and I will meet these expectations.
Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: _________________
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20. Background Check
A Background Check will be performed for all applicants. Please check that your email address is
accurate, and look for an email (possibly from HireRight) with directions on how to authorize the
Background Check.
Yes, please run a background check.
Date of birth: __________________________________________________
Email address: ________________________________________________
21. Parent/Guardian’s Consent (if under 18):
As the Parent/Guardian of the above-mentioned student, I certify that my child has my permission to
participate in the SVSU Summer STEM Opportunities Camp.
Name of Parent/Guardian (please print)
Signature of Parent/Guardian
22. ______________________________________________________________________________________
Signature of Student
Saginaw Valley State University does not discriminate based on race, religion, color, gender,
sexual orientation, national origin, age, physical impairment, disability or veteran status in
the provision of education, employment and other services.
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