ELA Year 7 French Task #1 20/10/14

Year 7 French
Task #1
TASK : To complete a research task about France and then produce a poster based on the
facts you have discovered.
 Checklist – you must hand in the
 A completed quiz sheet, answered to the
best of your ability (given out in class, and
also attached)
 A poster about France which must:
Be colourful and well presented
Include at least 10 facts
Include relevant pictures
Include ‘My name is ….’ in French
 Extension activities – your teacher
will explain which of these to include:
 Include a wider variety of facts
 Include facts that did not come from the
 Include facts about a French speaking
country other than France
 Include extra information about yourself in
Some useful websites to help you are:
 www.google.co.uk
 www.wikipedia.org
 https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/fr.html
You could also speak to Mrs Peeler in the library and ask her for a book on France.
Support available
 Don’t forget to use your French book!
 Come to room 18 at lunchtime any day
this week – Language Leaders will be
there to help you
 www.wordreference.com is a great online
 The CIA World Factbook has lots of
interesting facts – click here for the France
page or search for other French-speaking
Year 7 French
Task #1
Success Criteria
Tarte aux fruits
You have completed the whole research task, and additionally you have researched other Frenchspeaking countries
Nearly all your answers are correct
Your poster covers all the items on the checklist to a high standard, and you have completed some
of the extension activities
Your poster contains a wide variety of interesting and more unusual facts
Your poster is clear, well presented and stands out from the crowd
You have completed the whole research task
Nearly all your answers are correct
Your poster covers all the items on the checklist, and you might have attempted the extension
Your poster contains a variety of interesting and well-chosen facts
Your poster is clear, well presented and creative
You have tried to complete the whole research task
Most of your answers are correct
Your poster covers most of the points on the checklist
Your poster contains interesting facts
Your poster is clear and well presented
Year 7 French
Why is this poster a good example?
Task #1
Clear title and
Accents where
If you are using a
computer, click on
the ‘insert’ tab,
then ‘symbol’, or
add them by hand
after printing.
Extra information
in French
Facts about other
Relevant photos
or images
correct facts
Bright, clear and
Year 7 French
1. Who is the current French president?
2. How many people live in France?
a. 90 million
b. 40 million
c. 60 million
3. What are the three biggest cities in France?
4. What is celebrated on the 14th of July each year?
5. What kind of celebration is held on June 21st in the whole country?
a. Music
b. Theatre
c. Cinema
6. What is a “Tartiflette”?
a. A type of food.
b. A slang word for the people living in Paris
c. An animal that can only be found in Corsica
7. How much holiday do French pupils have during the summer?
8. What is the “Stade de France” and where is it?
9. Which currency is used in France?
10. At what time does school begins and ends in France?
Task #1
Year 7 French
11. What is the longest river in France?
a. La Loire
b. La Seine
c. Le Rhone
12. In how many countries is French spoken as an official language?
a. 15
b. 33
13. True or false: French is the official language of the Olympic Games?
14. What is the name of the French national anthem?
15. Which famous festival is held in Cannes every year in May?
16. What are the colours of the French flag?
17. How many countries does France have a border with?
a. 5
b. 6
c. 8
18. When did France last win the football World Cup?
19. When did the French revolution take place?
a. 1515
b. 1789
c. 1914
Task #1
Year 7 French
Task #1
20. Who has never been President of France?
a. Jacques Chirac
b. François Bayrou
c. François Mitterand
21. The Eiffel Tower stands next to which river?
22. In which museum can the famous painting called Mona Lisa be seen?
23. What is the nickname of the French football team?
24. In what year was the very first race of ‘Le Tour de France’?
25. Complete the following information about the stages of Le Tour de France’ (the first one has been done for you).
a. 10 flat stages
b. __ mountain stages
c. __ medium mountain stage
d. __ individual time trial stages
e. __ team time trial stage
26. Who won ‘Le Tour de France’ this year?
27. What colour is a €50 note?
a. Blue
b. Orange
c. Green
Year 7 French
Task #1
28. Brittany juts into the
- Atlantic
- Pacific
- Mediterranean
- it does not border a sea
29. The city of Strasbourg is found
- in Germany
- in Alsace
- in Lorraine
- in Provence
30. France produces about
- 110 cheeses
- 350 cheeses
- 50 cheeses
- 400 cheeses
Visit: goo.gl/8umeDs - “Hymne et Ode à la Francophonie”. What does the song say in English? (Translate some sentences).