CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT – CORROSION RESISTANT ALTERNATIVES Florida Atlantic University Department of Ocean Engineering Overview of Factors Affecting Durability of Concrete Bridge Structures Environmental Factors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Material Factors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Temperature Chlorides Carbonation Relative Humidity Wet-Dry Cement/Grout Admixtures Aggregates Type of Reinforcement Material Variability Duct Design/Construction Factors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Applicable Standards Mix Design Cover Joints/Connections Quality Control The Case for Corrosion Resistant Reinforcement Cumulative Corrosion Damage Time to Surface Cracking Propagation Period (ECR) Uncertainty ~5y ~5y Black Steel Corrosion Initiation Time (Black Bar and ECR) Uncertainty Initiation Time (CCR) Time Corrosion Rate The Case for Corrosion Resistant Alloys As Reinforcement SS 6 Crit. Current Density CS: Passive in concrete/cement pore water but with low Cltolerance CS 8 pH 10 12 STAINLESS STEELS • • 14 - Potential + CS SS 6 8 10 pH 12 SS CS 14 Log Current Density Alloys w/ >12w/0 Cr. More tenacious passive film than carbon steel (lower critical current density). Project Objective and Concerns Susceptibility to Localized Corrosion Objective: Characterize the performance of different corrosion resistant reinforcements in exposures relevant to northern and coastal bridge applications. 1. Pitting. 2. Crevice Corrosion. Cumulative Cost Life Cycle Cost Concerns in Addition to ClDesign Life SS CS Time 1. Carbonation. 2. Storage/Atm. Corrosion. 3. Galvanic Corrosion. 4. End Connections (Clad). 5. Torch Cuts/Welds. 6. Penetrations. 7. Product Variability. Candidate Alloys Type 304 SS Type 316 SS Type 2205 SS Type 2201 SS+ Type 3Cr12 SS Clad Type 316 SS MMFX-II*+ Black Bar 1. Stelax* 2. SMI* Note: Default testing condition is with bars as-received. * Testing in the surface abraded and surface damaged conditions. + Testing in the pickled condition. Project Tasks Short-Term Experiments: AST-1 Wet-Dry Exposure AST-2 A Potentiostatic Tests AST-2 B Potentiodynamic Polarization Scans Atmospheric Exposures Long-Term Experiments: Reinforced Concrete Slab Exposures AST-1 Wet-Dry Experiments (Modeled after Previous FHWA/WJE Program) Weight % NaCl Multiple 152 mm long #5 rebar specimens in asExposure Tank received condition (selected materials bent, abraded, surface damaged, and pickled). Repetitive 1.75 hrs wet – 4.25 hrs Holding Tank dry cycle (four cycles per day) in simulated pore water (pH~13.2). Incrementally increasing NaCl concentration with time. Total exposure duration 84 days. 15% 15% 10% 9% 5% 3% 0% 0 15 30 45 Time, days 60 75 90 Specimens in Exposure Tank AST-1 Data Correlation Corrosion Rate (WL), mpy 100 10 1 Black Bar 316 ss 2205 ss 2201 ss 2201 P ss MMFX Stelax 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.1 1 Corrosion Rate (RP), mpy 10 100 Corrosion Rate versus Time for Straight Bars: AST-1 1 16 Corrosion Rate, mmpy 0.1 12 10 0.01 8 Stelax (2) 316 MMFX (2) 2201 (2) 2205 (2) Black (2) 2201 P(2) NaCl 0.001 0.0001 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time, days 60 70 80 90 6 4 2 0 100 NaCl Concentration, percent 14 AST-2 Specimen and Test Cell Electrical Connection 0.40 Exposed Circumferential Surface 1.20 2.0 Dimensions in inches SCE Epoxy 0.625 Specimen Counter Electrode Mesh AST-2 Potentiodynamic Polarization Experiments Anodic scans performed on individual candidate specimens in saturated Ca(OH)2 with various chloride concentrations. 1.2 1 Potential (V vs. Eref) 0.8 0.6 CP-MMFX-C0f CP-MMFX-C3a CP-MMFX-C5a CP-MMFX-C10a 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2-10.0 -8.0 -6.0 -4.0 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 Log Current density ( A/cm2) -2.0 0.0 AST-2B Potentiodynamic Polarization Scan Results 0.80 Critical Pitting Potential, V (SCE) 0.60 304 0.40 0.20 2201 P 0.00 2201 AR -0.20 MMFX 3Cr12 -0.40 -0.60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 NaCl Concentration, weight percent 7 8 9 10 Distributed Nature of the Critical Pitting Potential 1.0 Cumulative Fraction 0.8 0.6 2201 SS 2201P SS MMFX 3Cr12 304 SS 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Pitting Potential, V SCE 0.5 0.6 0.7 Corrosion Resistance Reinforcement As an Alternative to Conventional Structural Steel for Corrosive Applications – AST-2 (Electrochemical Testing) A. Triplicate specimens in SPW+[Cl-]low at RT and constant potential. Monitor applied current. Incrementally increase [Cl-]. Retrieve bars once critical chloride concentration is reached. DAS B. Repeat (A) at pH = 9. C. Repeat (A) and (B) at 40oC. Potentiostat D. Correlate w/ results from 1) WJE test program, 2) AST-1, and 3) LLT. _________ RE CE AST-2 Rationale Potential, mVSCE Increasing Cl- +100 0 -100 Critical ClConcentration -200 Current Density 0.00020 9.00 8.00 3Cr12 MMFX B 7.00 MMFX B D MMFX B A 6.00 MMFX A MMFX 5.00 MMFX D 2201 0.00012 4.00 0.00008 0.00004 0.00000 0 200 400 600 800 Exposure Time (hours) 1000 1200 Cl- (w%) Current Density (A/cm2) 0.00016 BB 2201 P Stelax D 3.00 SMI A SMI D 2.00 SMI Stelax B 1.00 Stelax A Stelax 0.00 316 304 1400 2205 Cl- (w%) Test Yard Exposure of Deck Slabs Potential Data, Black Bar Set 1 0 -50 Potential, V (SCE) -100 -150 1-STD2-BB-1 -200 1-STD2-BB-2 -250 1-STD2-BB-3 -300 1-STD1-BB-1 -350 1-STD1-BB-2 -400 1-STD1-BB-3 -450 -500 -550 -600 -650 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Exposure Time, days 225 250 275 300 325 350 Potential Data, Set 1 Straight Bars 0 1-STD1-316-1 -50 1-STD1-316-2 -100 1-STD1-316-3 1-STD1-2201-1 Potential (mV ref SCE) -150 1-STD1-2201-2 -200 1-STD1-2201-3 -250 1-STD1-MMFX-1 -300 1-STD1-MMFX-2 1-STD1-MMFX-3 -350 1-STD1-Stelax-1 -400 1-STD1-Stelax-2 -450 1-STD1-Stelax-3 -500 1-STD1-BB-1 1-STD1-BB-2 -550 1-STD1-BB-3 -600 1-STD1-3Cr12-1 1-STD1-3Cr12-2 -650 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Exposure Time, days 225 250 275 300 325 350 1-STD1-3Cr12-3 Current Density Data, Set 1 Straight Bars 2.00E+00 1-STD1-316-1 µ A/cm^2 1-STD1-316-2 1-STD1-316-3 1.50E+00 1-STD1-2201-1 1-STD1-2201-2 1-STD1-2201-3 1-STD1-MMFX-1 Current Density, 1-STD1-MMFX-2 1-STD1-MMFX-3 1.00E+00 1-STD1-Stelax-1 1-STD1-Stelax-2 1-STD1-Stelax-3 1-STD1-BB-1 1-STD1-BB-2 5.00E-01 1-STD1-BB-3 1-STD1-3Cr12-1 1-STD1-3Cr12-2 1-STD1-3Cr12-3 0.00E+00 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 Exposure Time, days 200 225 250 275 300 Potential Data, Set 2 Cracked Concrete 0 -50 Potential, mV (SCE) -100 -150 2-CCNB-316-1 -200 2-CCNB-316-2 2-CCNB-316-3 -250 2-CCNB-2201-1 -300 2-CCNB-2201-2 2-CCNB-2201-3 -350 2-CCNB-MMFX-1 -400 2-CCNB-MMFX-2 -450 2-CCNB-MMFX-3 -500 -550 -600 -650 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Exposure Time, days 225 250 275 300 325 350 Potential-Current Density Format 0 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 1-STD2-BB-1 1-STD2-BB-2 1-STD2-BB-3 1-STD1-BB-1 1-STD1-BB-2 1-STD1-BB-3 3-CCON-BB-1 3-CCON-BB-2 3-CCON-BB-3 0 -700 1.00E-04 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.00E-01 Current Density, mA/cm^2 1.00E+00 1-STD2-MMFX-1 1-STD2-MMFX-2 1.00E+01 1-STD2-MMFX-3 -100 1-STD1-MMFX-1 1-STD1-MMFX-2 1-STD1-MMFX-3 -200 3-CCON-MMFX-1 3-CCON-MMFX-2 3-CCON-MMFX-3 -300 3-CCRV-MMFX-1 3-CCRV-MMFX-2 3-CCRV-MMFX-3 -400 3-CREV-MMFX-1 3-CREV-MMFX-2 3-CREV-MMFX-3 -500 2-PICK-MMFX-1 2-PICK-MMFX-2 2-PICK-MMFX-3 -600 2-BCAT-MMFX-1 2-BCAT-MMFX-2 2-BCAT-MMFX-3 -700 2-CCNB-MMFX-1 1.00E-042-CCNB-MMFX-2 1.00E-03 2-CCNB-MMFX-3 Potential, V(SCE) Potential, V (SCE) -100 1.00E-02 1.00E-01 1.00E+00 1.00E+01 Current Density, µA/cm2 Potential – Current Density Trend 0 -100 2201P - Set 2 Potential, V (SCE) -200 2201AR - Set 1 2201BCAT - Set 2 -300 2201CCON - Set 3 -400 MMFX - Set 2 -500 Black bar - Set 1 -600 -700 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 Current Density,µA/cm^2 1 10 Present Project Status Approximately 3 years into a six year effort. Atmospheric exposures to be initiated. AST-1 and -2A exposures to be completed. AST-2B exposures completed. Slab monitoring to continue. Correlations between accelerated, short-term exposures and long-term concrete slab exposures to be developed. Life cycle modeling as a function of HPMR type and exposure severity to be developed.