Village School – Guatemala Founded 1993 Tel. (502) 6643-6300, (502) 6634-4318 Fax (502) 6634-4376 Location: Boulevard Village, Km 25.5 Carretera a El Salvador, Guatemala, Guatemala Mailing and Shipping Address: Village School, 8424 NW 56 ST. Box No.04103 Miami, FL 33166 USA School Profile 2011-2020 MISSION: It is our mission to educate and form upstanding, capable and sensible leaders who are active participants in global development. With our methodology based on Developmental Neuropsychology and our innovative curriculum, within a technology-enhanced learning environment, we foster the development of each child's potential. VISION: Village School will remain at the forefront in education, standing out through its students’ humanity, knowledge, and leadership. Village students will make an impact in a variety of fields, meeting the challenges of a changing society. History BELIEFS: We believe in the freedom of man as the foundation for all social organizations. We believe in economic liberty and free enterprise as the basic means for individual and collective success. We believe in respect for the law and its authorities as the framework for individual and social conduct. We believe in respect for other's rights as the basis for all coexistence. Faculty and Administration VILLAGE SCHOOL / CTE, the preschool, was founded in 1982. The elementary through high school facilities were opened in 1993. The Village School is a bilingual private, coeducational day school located in the suburbs, about fifteen miles from Guatemala City. Village facilities include a fully equipped gym, soccer, volleyball and baseball fields, basketball courts, a roller hockey court, and a running track; in addition, it has a three story classroom building, an administration building, cafeteria, media center, language laboratory and new pre-school facilities. Faculty to student ratio is 1-8. Students Enrollment STUDENTS ENROLLMENT is 686 (384 boys & 302 girls) in grades 1st -12th, 211 are in grades nine through twelve. Students represent 20 countries* (80% are Guatemalans and 20% from other countries such as: USA, Mexico, Honduras, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, El Salvador, Argentina, Belize, Spain, Nicaragua, Korea, Israel, Arabia). The majority of the students live in neighborhoods that are contiguous to the school and represent people from medium to high socioeconomic, educational, and cultural background. * 2011-12 statistics Academic Calendar ACADEMIC CALENDAR goes from August through May and the school year consists of 180 school days. These are organized in four quarters for Preschool, elementary and middle school, and two nineteen-week academic semesters in high school. The school day in elementary is divided into four 55-minute class periods, and two 25-minute study hall periods; and in middle and high school seven 60-minute class periods. In high school, each student takes 7 to 10 courses per semester, except seniors who are required by the Guatemalan Ministry of Education to take “Seminario” (Graduation Research and Community Service Project) in addition to their regular class load. FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATION consists of 87 Teachers (34 male and 53 Female). Each and every one of them has a university degree in their field. The Village School has a unique mentoring program that encourages student and faculty interaction in academics and extracurricular activities. Faculty is culturally diverse; it includes United States (6), Haiti (1), Asia (1) national hosts (69), and 10 from other Latin American countries (México, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Colombia). Contacts Antonio Peyré General Director Cary de Peyré Executive Director Alexis Morales Administrative Director High School Principal Middle School Principal Elementary Principal Public Relations College Counselor Knowledge is power! (502) 66436300 Km. 25.5 Carretera a El Salvador Blv. Village Guatemala C.A. Pensum High school students’ curriculum follows a program that is coherent and congruent with the school’s goals, philosophy, vision and methodology. Furthermore, our program includes a wide variety of courses that prepare students for higher educational programs. The curriculum in high school is flexible: students, together with their academic advisor, may choose their courses according to their abilities and plans for higher education. To ensure that Village Students get basic skills and knowledge, our curriculum includes courses that are mandatory in all academic areas: science, math, language, idioma espanol, social studies, and P.E. Students can also choose to take elective courses and for example take advanced courses or basic ones In order for students to achieve their goals, our program encompasses methodology, pedagogy and motivation as key aspects to guarantee success in teaching and learning according to the students’ interests, learning styles, and multiple intelligences. Pedagogical aspects: Students who fail a course do not have to be held back; they only need to re-take that course in remedial or summer time. High students who fail a course do not have to take make-up exams to pass their course; this is done in order to ensure that the program’s goals are reached. Another pedagogical aspect taken into account in high school is the fact that our program does take into account the students’ plans for college. Motivation is crucial for each student because they are expected to be active participants when choosing their subjects. When they actively take part in this process, they are eager and willing to take responsibility as well as credit for their success. In order to graduate, high school students must have the minimum amount of credits; these credits are earned with each course students pass. The amount of credits may vary from course to course. The students’ GPA is an average of all the courses and their final averages from 9t to 12th. When students graduate at the end of our program, they get two diplomas: one from the Guatemalan Ministry of Education, and a High School Diploma that allows students to attend any university abroad. Academic Offerings Neurophysical Sports: Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, Roller Hockey, Field Tennis, Karate, Track & Field, Horsebackriding, Softball. Fine Arts: Painting, Drama, Dancing, Sculpture, Music, Singing. Neurocognitive Performing Arts: Guitar, Drums, Dance, Singing, Keyboard & Drama. Business: Accounting, Business Administration, Finance, Marketing, Enterpreneurship. Social Studies: Phylosophy, Guatemalan History, World History, US Govermment, US History, Civics, Contemporary History & Sociology. Science: Biology, Chemistry, Physical Science, Anatomy, Astronomy, Oceanography, Physics, Ecology. Social Emotional Fine Arts: Painting, Dancing, Sculpture, Music & Theater. Neurolinguistic Foreign Languages: English, French, German & Mandarin. Spanish: Oral Expression, Creative Writing, Redacción Av., Gramática, Hispanic Literature, Universal Literature. English: Advanced Writing, Creative Writing, British Literature, Journalisim, Public Speaking, American Literature, Literary Analysis, Reading and Study Strategies. Knowledge is power! Village Methodology Special Features Media Center Academic/Co-curricular: Retention Level Cultural Awareness Activities: Career Awareness Activities: Life Skills & Leadership Programs: *Students must complete 20 hrs of community service per academic year. National Academic Awards Landívar University (alumni) (alumni) recognitions at Francisco Marroquín, local private university. Intramural Athletic Awards Collective Individual Partners in excellence Guatemalan Ministry of Education Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)-Advanced CEEB-ACT CODE:854209 Von Humboldt Institute / Supports our German language curriculum Ministerio de Educación Guatemala National Fine Arts Awards Collective: (Talent Tour Aula 2.0) Individual: INSTITUTO DE IDIOMA ALEMÁN Other Awards Final Knowledge is power! College & University Placement Grading Scale 88% of Village School graduates attend Guatemalan universities and 12% attend universities elsewhere. All Village students are prepared for college entrance. This year, we will graduate our seventh class and we are proud to say that 100% of graduating students are pursuing higher education. Literal A B C D F College acceptances offered: Guatemala: -UVG -URL -UFM -UNIS USA: -James Madison -Miami IU -Linden Wood -Purdue -College of Benedict -Florida Atlantic -Luisiana USA -Oral Robert University Oklahoma Others: Honduras -Zamorano Mexico -Tec de Monterrey Chile -Universidad Católica de Chile Number Scale 3.5-4 2.5-3.4 1.5-2.4 0.7-1.4 0 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 0-59 Village School provides a college preparatory curriculum which meets requirements for both the US High School Diploma and the Guatemala “Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras” Diploma. For the past four years, the school has been offering an open curriculum which is both demanding and enriching. Diplomas High School Diploma / Bachillerato (Guatemala) Test Scores TEST PAA* GPA Verbal 543 2008-2009 Math 605 Verbal 596 2009-2010 Math 583 Verbal 543.06 2010-2011 Math 596.08 * Prueba de Aptitud Académica (by the College Board) this is a test that measures both Verbal and Math skills in Spanish – our students native language. CEEB/ACT Code 854209 TEST TOEFL iBT 2010-2011 80 AVG. SAT 2010-2011 1414 PAA 2010-2011 1084.45 In addition to these tests, students take standardized tests both in English and Spanish every year in order to improve our curriculum and prepare them well for college. Such tests include: Metropolitan Achievement Test, PIENSE, and APRENDA Graduation Requirements Total credits per area Humanistic Curriculum Idioma Español Social Studies Math Science Language Business 30 22 40 40 30 19 Physical Education Technology BellasArtes Leadership Third Language 60 pts minimum to pass each course. Professional Practice (8 hrs in field of interest.) Visiting 3 different Universities. TOEFL ( 80 pts.) Total credits per area Scientific Curriculum 8 12 8 20 30 Idioma Español Social Studies Math Science Language Business PAA (1,100 pts.) SAT (1,100 pts.) Must have all credits. 30 Physical 8 22 40 35 30 19 12 8 20 30 Education Technology BellasArtes Leadership Third Language Knowledge is power! Student Support Services School Bus Transportation Highly qualified drivers and monitors, providing safe transportation to students from the moment they board the bus until they reach their homes. We have 15 school bus routes running throughout Guatemala City and neighboring suburbs. Infirmary At Village, students have first aid and medical services available to them, as well as an emergency ambulance service. Our personnel in charge of the infirmary have available to them the advisement of national medical institutions who are well-renowned for tending to medical emergencies in schools. Carpool Cafeteria Our cafeteria service provides to the members of the Village family balanced menus that meet each of their nutritional needs. We have 3 meal plans that are adapted to the needs of your children: A B C Daily. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday. School Store This is a safe, personalized service for dropping off and pickup students from the door of the parent’s or authorized person’s vehicle to the school’s facilities and vice versa. We have two school stores where students can purchase snacks and beverages. Student Guidance Counseling Vocational Guidance Counseling Supports the student in promoting his/her psychological and socio-emotional capabilities in order to bring together his/her personal development with his/her social development within the student community. College counseling provides the information and knowledge our students need to understand their social and professional environment, the educational opportunities that are available to them both locally and abroad, as well as the requirements for different professions. This process is carried out through individual and group interviews with the High School students. Media Center Extracurricular programs Offers users the latest technology for accessing information, while at the same time preserving the traditional format of books and other reference materials. -Karate -Music -Guitar -Singing -Tennis -Sports Teams -Football -Chess -Drums -Mandarin -Religion VISIT OUR CAMPUS osque l del B Porta rillas Villa o Venett a Ba Elen GE D VILLA AR BOULEV A Sa nta al Muxb ado Cond pción Conce co xa Te ra nes Prade ción Fraija p lmeca osé Conce San J la O Pinu uerta Toyota Paiz Pa r e ip H Parad Puertaa Parad Knowledge is power!