LD & ADHD General Resources*

LD & ADHD General Resources*
• LD Online
 www.ldonline.org/
The leading web site on learning disabilities.
• National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD)
 www.ld.org/
Your gateway to LD information and resources
across the nation. There is a link on the
homepage for the “College & Work” section.
• Learning Disabilities Association of America
 www.ldanatl.org/
LDA provides support to people with learning
disabilities. This includes cutting edge
information on learning disabilities, practical
solutions, and a comprehensive network of
resources. The “For Adults” section on the
homepage is most helpful.
• LD Resources
 www.ldresources.org
Nonprofit site with a collection of resources and
information, as well as comments from
community members. The “Categories” sidebar
toward the bottom right side of the homepage
allows you to find specific information more
• ADDitude
 www.additudemag.com/
A very complete site sponsored by ADDitude, a
national monthly magazine for the AD/HD
community. At the top of the homepage, there is
a section called “Schools & Learning
Disabilities” and within that category there is a
link for “ADHD in College” which includes a
wide variety of resources and “how-to”s.
• ADD Resources
 www.addresources.org/
Excellent resource site specifically for adults
with AD/HD.
Learning & Study Resources*
• Attention Deficit Disorder Association
 www.add.org/
ADDA provides information, resources and
networking opportunities to help adults with
AD/HD lead better lives. Refer to the
“Resources and Support” section at the top of
the homepage.
• Muskingum College – Center for Advancement
and Learning
 www.muskingum.edu/~cal/database/
Provides excellent college study strategies and is
organized by general purpose strategies (e.g.
writing notecards) and strategies specific to a
subject or course.
• Children and Adults with ADD (CHADD)
 www.chadd.org/
CHADD works to improve the lives of people
affected by AD/HD through: Collaborative
Leadership, Advocacy, Research, Education
and Support.
• Cornell University Learning Strategies Center
 www.lsc.sas.cornell.edu
Go to “Study Skills Resources” on the left side of
the homepage for great advice.
• National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
 www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/attentiondeficit-hyperactivity-disorderadhd/index.shtml
An in-depth look at AD/HD. Describes
symptoms, co-existing conditions, possible
causes, treatment, and education options.
• How Difficult Can This Be? F.A.T. City
Eye-opening video by Richard Lavoie providing
insight into the world of learning disabilities.
• ADD and the College Student
This reassuring book by Patricia Quinn, M.D.
openly explains the realities and logistics of the
impact that AD/HD can have on the college
• Exceeding Expectations: Successful Adults with
Learning Disabilities
Book by Paul J. Gerber, Henry B. Reiff, and
Rick Ginsberg that highlights successful
outcomes of adults with learning disabilities and
analyzes the processes leading to these
• Survival Guide for College Students with AD/HD
or LD
Kathleen G. Nadeau book packed with useful
suggestions on how to both self-advocate and access
support services in order to make your college
experience as rewarding as possible.
• Study Guides and Strategies
 www.studygs.net
This website provides strategies for time
management, studying, taking tests, writing,
and everything in between. The homepage has
links to a wide array of strategies and is
grouped into categories, including one devoted
to “Online learning/communicating”.
• Learning Outside the Lines
Book by Jonathan Mooney and David Cole, two
Ivy League students with LD and AD/HD.
Provides tools for academic success and
educational revolution for college students.
• Learning To Learn
Kenneth A. Kiewra authors this important and
necessary book that shines light upon
motivation, time management, learning
principles, test review, test taking, and realworld strategies.
All books and videos listed are available at K-State at
either Hale Library or in the Disability Support Services
Office (or both).
Adaptive Technology
Adaptive technology is any piece of equipment or
software that is used to improve the ability of
individuals with disabilities to work independently.
This includes devices from electronic dictionaries to
computers with screen readers.
Screen Reading Software
• Adobe Reader 9
 www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/
Free screen reading software
• Read Please 2003
 www.readplease.com/
Text-to-speech software for Windows. Free
version available, as well as one for a fee that
offers more options.
• Natural Reader
 www.naturalreaders.com
Allows user to control speed of reading and
speaker’s voice. Free and advanced versions.
• Mac OS X – Reader
-Go to “System Preferences”; click “Speech”.
-Click on tab for “Text-to-Speech” and set key
-Highlight any text, use the key command, and
your computer will read the text.
Audio Books
• Project Gutenberg Online Book Catalog
 www.gutenberg.org/catalog/
• eBooks
 www.ebooks.com/
Other Helpful Technology Tools
• Graphic Organizing Software
 www.inspiration.com/
• Voice Recognition Software
 www.nuance.com/dragon
Scholarships for Students with
Learning Disabilities and/or AD/HD
• College Funding Strategies for Students with
 www.washington.edu/doit/Brochures/
An up-to-date article with information about
financial aid for students with disabilities.
• Scholarships for People with LD and AD/HD
 www.add.about.com/od/adhdresources/a/sc
Contains links to sites that offer various
scholarships for people with AD/HD or LD.
• Scholarships for People with Learning Disabilities
 http://www.finaid.org/otheraid/
Explains financial aid and how students with
disabilities can use it most effectively.
• NCLD Anne Ford Scholarship
 Visit ld.org and search in the top right
corner for “Anne Ford Scholarship”.
An annual$10,000 awarded to 2 graduating high
school seniors with LD.
• Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic
 www.rfbd.org
(Requires membership.)
• Bookshare
 www.bookshare.org
Resource Guide
Compiled by:
Disability Support Services
Kansas State University
202 Holton Hall
This document may be reprinted.
College Students with
Learning Disabilities
Attention Deficit /
Hyperactivity Disorder