View Fact Sheet

CAD Automation Profile
Pro/E Customization
JT Open / PLM Vis
Open Cascade
NX Customization
CATIA V5 Customization
Pro/E Customization – User Level
Setting config options
Defining Relations.
Defining parameters.
Map Keys
Config Options
Pro/E Customization – Enterprise Level
Defining Start Parts as per company standards.
Defining drawing templates / formats
Building material library, hole harts, etc.
BOM formats.
Config Files.
Purchase BOM, CAD BOM. to define config options
GUI settings.
 to customize GUI settings
Pro/E Customization –
Custom Application Development
Custom Application Development
Pro/Toolkit® Programming
Program to assemble the repetitive components
Program to automate batch process like adding / modifying
parameters, renaming components as per company standards, etc.
Report generation, e.g .mass properties, overall model sizes, etc.
Granite® Programming
Geometry level automation like fetching geometry details, e.g. topological
Development of in-house translator.
J-Link® Programming
Design and detailing automation programming like
To create GUI for the applications.
VB-API Programming
Pro/E – Application 1
Packaging Assistant using Pro/Toolkit
Objective : To calculate overall size (L x B x H) of all the components in
the assembly (required for packaging and containerization).
Pain Area : Hectic, time consuming and non-value added job to
retrieve each component in Pro/E, calculate its overall size and
prepare a report.
Solution : An application developed in Pro/Toolkit helps to automate
this job in batch mode and generates the report of component overall
size in excel format.
Business impact : 80-90% time & cost saving by automating this
process. Accuracy in data improves quality of output.
Pro/E – Application 2
Drawing Data Extractor using Pro/Toolkit
Objective : To extract the model number and its sheet number for
which it is detailed in drawing.
Pain Area : A Large model usually involves multi sheet detailing which
contains multiple models inserted in the drawings. Challenge always
lies in correctly updating the sheet number in the main BOM table.
Solution : An application developed in Pro/Toolkit traverses through all
the sheets and identifies which models lies in that sheet and updates
automatically in the BOM table.
Business impact : Improved quality and reduction in review time by
Pro/E & JT – Application 3
Kinematic motion in JT using Pro/Toolkit & JT Open
Objective : To visualize the kinematic motion in JT files.
Pain Area : During management review, motion of moving components
have to be visualized to identify interferences. But motions are defined
in Pro/Mechanism which becomes too heavy to handle when it comes
to vehicle level mock-up.
Solution : An application developed using Pro/Toolkit and JT-Open
helps to create the JT compatible motion file by extracting the
information from Pro/Mechanism constraining in Pro/E and can be
played on JT files easily.
Business impact : Effective DMU reviews with the help of bridging
application between CAD and Visualization software.
Pro/E – Application 4
Assembly Helper using Pro/Toolkit
Objective : To assemble similar components at multiple locations.
Pain Area : Hectic, time consuming and non-value added job to bring
same component in session and constrain each time to assemble at
multiple locations.
Solution : An application developed in Pro/Toolkit and using trail files
help to automate this job in batch mode and prepares the final
assembly as required.
Business impact : Reduction in modelling time for designers. Removal
of redundant activity for designers.
Pro/E & PLM Vis – Application 5
Product Level Drawing View Generation using
Pro/Toolkit & PLM Vis.
Objective : To generate the drawing views of the product vehicle level.
Pain Area : 3D Model of complete vehicle with several thousand
components take huge time to load, which could crash CAD s/w. In
such scenario generating the drawing views become a challenging job
which consumes too much resources and time.
Solution : An application developed in PLM-Vis utilizes light weight
format JT for this purpose and automatically generates front, top &
side views in CGM format & then executing a macro imports these
CGM files in pro/e and serve as a drawing.
Business impact : Quicker method of generating views which consume
80% less computing resources and time because of JT file format..
Open CASCADE – Application 6
Spur gear design.
Objective :To facilitate spur gear design & modeling using open source
software i.e Open CASCADE.
Technology : Open CASCADE, Visual C++ (MFC)
Pain Area : For small scale industries commercial software are not
only expensive but most of the features that it comes with remain
unused. In gear manufacturing industries, the design and modeling of
gear is a time consuming process.
Solution: The application developed through Open CASCADE and
Visual C++ provides an user interface which accepts required
parameters as input and creates a design and model of spur gear.
This model can be exported in different data exchange formats as
BRep, IGES, and STL.
NX Customization - Application 7
Gear model using NX Journaling.
Objective : Creation of automated gear tool which takes parameters
as input and generates solid model based on given information.
Technology : NX Journaling.
Solution: The operation of module is based on parameters like pitch
circle diameters, no of teeth, etc. Creation of journals based on
commands. Combine those journals according to our required module.
User Interface using VBA API’s.
Automation of routine tasks may extend to drawing or Geometric
modeling activities for standard components of variable dimensions or
even to automation of the design to the extent of including design
rules, algorithms and calculations in the CAD system
CATIA v5 Customization
Application - 8
Objective : To automate design procedure for 10 different types of couplings by
Technology : CATIA-V5 R19, Visual Basic Application
Pain Area: There are many types of couplings which are quite standardized
in their sizes so that KBE approach can be used to capture the knowledge
regarding material selection for couplings on the basis of application of
the couplings. Standard sizes can also be stored in to the system so that it
can be retrieved as and when required.
Solution: Complete assembly CAD Solution is given in CATProduct format
through VBA. Drafting can also be generated in the format of CATDrawing
using CATIA V5 R19 and Visual Basic Application.
 To obtain design solution for given torque carrying capacity and speed of the
 To automate drafting task.